Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 154 Running

The third class on Monday afternoon, which is the last class, is self-study as usual, but no matter what the school's regulations are, when the bell for the second class ends, a vicious student named Gu Jiaming has already sent a class to the school. Putting the leave note on the podium, and then packing up her schoolbag and escaping from others, Dongfang Wan once hated such behavior, but when time passed, she could only helplessly admit that she was powerless about this matter.

The hazy clouds have not dispersed all day, spring is over, and the wet and rainy summer has arrived. When a boy named Jiaming leaves the teaching area on a bicycle, Dongfang Wan often watches from the balcony on the second floor. That summer she was wearing a pink long-sleeved shirt with wide lace and a blue knee-length skirt. The hair is simply rolled up, without earrings or any decorations. When the cool wind blows, she can clearly feel the world. She tries to get close to and understand a life that is completely different from hers, so as to make herself more mature and profound, but as a result, at least for the moment, it is difficult for us to draw conclusions—that are never conclusions that can be drawn in concrete terms.

In Sacred Heart Academy, there are actually many people who will leave during such self-study classes. They basically go to participate in club activities. Debates, discussions, preparations for competitions, or fellowship are not uncommon in this school. , but when looking around the classroom, the disappearance of a certain figure still aroused everyone's interest, which led to discussions.

"Eh? Where did Tsukichi Kaoru go?"

"I was called by the teacher, the matter at noon..."

"Where...she is under special care. There is still a meeting in the teacher's office, let's find out why..."

Although she is withdrawn and quiet and has little contact with others, as a rare beauty, Kaoru will still become the focus of attention of the whole class invisibly. Therefore, when the iceberg girl who usually sits quietly in her seat suddenly Disappeared, all kinds of speculation and loss appeared in the hearts of everyone. Especially some male students who have been fascinated by their beauty for a long time but dare not act. No matter how lonely they are, they can at least feast their eyes in their own class. Nothing is possible anymore.

The low-pitched discussion went on for a while. Suddenly, the students by the window noticed Kaoru's voice, and hurriedly shouted, "Look, she's on the playground."

"Really...it's really her, why is she going to the playground?"

"Run... run? How is it possible..."

"It took so many people to settle down at noon, and I went for a run in the afternoon. She...does she have too much energy..."

During the suspicious discussion, a group of people gathered by the window, so Dongfang Wan had to come out as the squad leader to maintain discipline, but looking at the scene outside the window, Dongfang Wan also felt a little hard to understand. Noon was the first time she saw the scene in the martial arts club. Perhaps because someone flipped the light switch, the large room that was supposed to be brightly lit was a little dark. When Dongfang Wan poked her head in, Yuechi Xun was kicking the last opponent away with a violent spin kick. The fluttering hairband and the mess all over the ground set off each other, and the white figure that suddenly became quiet from extreme movement seemed to be emitting a dazzling light. When Dongfang Wandi looked over with watery eyes, an indescribable shock suddenly appeared in Dongfang Wandi's heart.

And the scene at this time seems to be somewhat similar to that in that room, the hazy clouds, the crowds exercising independently during the rainy time, white sports and casual shirts, white sneakers, white faces, white When the hair band flutters in the wind. The girl seemed to be isolated from everyone in a world.

"Uh... self-study is self-study, don't move around..."

Clean up your mood a little. Dongfang Wan frowned and sat down, thinking it's no wonder that Yuechi Xun usually only interacts with Gu Jiaming alone, the combination of strange people and strange people... Just buried in her homework in such a mood, occasionally looking up, she can still see The figure of Yuechi Kaoru running on the playground, about 20 minutes later, the voice of whispering sounded again.

"Still running, how long does she want to run..."

"I've counted, and she's already run ten laps, and she doesn't seem to be slowing down at all..."

"My God, 4,000 meters... To be honest, I feel tired after running three laps like this..."

"No wonder she was able to beat more than 30 people by herself..."

"Does she want to exhaust herself to death?"

Looking out from the window, the girl was still running non-stop on the playground. Dongfang Wan frowned, but her eyes couldn't help being attracted by it. Eleven laps, twelve laps, thirteen laps... When the end of class was approaching, According to the statistics of everyone's amazement, Yuechi Kaoru has run as many as sixteen laps in a row. At this moment, Dongfang Wan heard a questioning voice from outside the window in the corridor.

"Excuse me, is there a Gu Jiaming in this class?"

Looking back, the person who spoke was a tall foreigner in his thirties. His aura made it clear that he was an elite person who had achieved some things. Hearing his inquiry, The student by the window quickly pointed to Gu Jiaming's seat and replied: "Well, Gu Jiaming is in our class, but he seems to have returned from school, and he is sitting in the back seat."

The foreign man frowned: "Do you know where he lives?"

"Uh... this is not clear..."

"Ok, thanks."

After saying this, the man walked in from the back door of the classroom, thinking about his expression when he said the words Gu Jiaming, Dongfang Wan hurriedly got up and followed, when he was about to open Jiaming's desk, rushed Go over and hold it down.

"Sorry, sir, I don't think anyone can rummage through his things unless Gu Jiaming agrees."


In an instant, the man's eyes became a little scary, but Dongfang Wan is also a person who has seen the world, how could she be so easily intimidated, and she greeted her with eyes not to be outdone: "I am the monitor of this class. I have something to ask for leave, I have already gone home today, I think you can come to him tomorrow, or you can leave a message, and I can convey it to you tomorrow."

The two looked at each other for a moment, the man's brows loosened, and then he snorted coldly: "Okay, my name is Joseph, please tell me tomorrow, I know...huh?"

After the beginning of the sentence, Joseph's eyes suddenly turned to the playground, and his eyes became extremely sharp. After a while, he shook his head suddenly: "Thank you, there is no need to tell me." Turning to go out and going downstairs, Dongfang Wan felt a lingering fear Looking at the playground, Tsukichi Kaoru was running around a nearby bend.

***************************************************** *****

"In the last class today, I saw Kaoru running on the playground, running more than ten laps...it's amazing...".

The aroma of stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers wafted out from the kitchen, Lingjing placed the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and while talking, Shasha was collecting clothes on the balcony.

"Oh, more than ten laps... It's really gratifying..." Jia Ming came out with the food, and said with a smile, while Ling Jing nodded vigorously: "Yeah, many boys can't run that much, I don't think Kaoru looks tired, she was still running after school... By the way, I'm worried about this fight. More than 30 people have been sent to the hospital. Although it's not a serious injury, the impact is too great. When she grows up, all the classmates in the class say that she may be expelled this time, Jia Ming, what can you do?"

"Don't worry, she will find her own way." She smiled reassuringly. Just as she was about to turn back to the kitchen, the sound of the phone came from the balcony, and Rusha yelled: "Jia Ming, your special phone is ringing."

"Go and answer the phone." Lingjing smiled and ran to the kitchen. Jiaming entered his small room from the balcony. The phone was ringing in the room of several weird gadgets. This was specially arranged by him. a secret telephone. Although I had greeted Lingjing Rusha beforehand, it was the first time it was heard. Turning on the computer, the caller's address displayed on it was Tokyo, Japan. After hesitating for three seconds, he picked up the microphone and listened to the voice coming from there.

"Hello. I'm Tianyu Zhengzheng."

"I know this is the phone number you left for Xun. It's a bit presumptuous to call suddenly, because it's a very important matter. I've been thinking about it all day, and I decided to call. It's also... oh, it's a surprise..."

"It's like this, actually... Today is Kaoru's birthday... Well, I originally planned to come here. But you also know that it's still a sensitive period for mutual temptation. Let's try to play down the existence of Kaoru as much as possible, so that she can also It is better to ensure safety... Well. I know that she likes Gu Jun, maybe it is more appropriate to say that it is more appropriate. You also know the environment of Yuechi’s family, Gu Jun. Life without childhood is too miserable, so Xun’s sixteen-year-old Birthday, please Gu Jun, you can care a lot and leave her a good memory... I don't mind even if it's in bed..."

"It's really troublesome for you. It's my little concern. Anyway, she is also my fiancee in name... Ah. The fiancée was heard by Yui. I'm sorry, I just... trouble you about Kaoru..."

After a burst of noise over there, a hurried female voice rang on the phone: "Hey, you are that Chinese? How do you know me? I warn you, if you still dare to spy on..."

With a "click", Jiaming hung up the phone expressionlessly, looked at the darkened sky, and cursed secretly: "Boring..."

Walking out of the room, Lingjing and Shasha were waiting for him at the dining table, their eyes widened like a curious baby's. After a while, Shasha first asked: "What's the matter? Last time, Jiaming, you said that the phone call was very important." , it’s the first time I’ve heard the noise, is there a big deal?”

Ling Jing said: "Is it dangerous? If it's dangerous..."

"Don't worry." Jia Ming shrugged, "It's nothing, it's just that a boring person found out, eating..."


Near eight o'clock in the evening, the sky began to drizzle, and the three of them were nestled on the sofa watching a boring TV series. Seeing that it was raining, Shasha quickly jumped off the sofa: "Ah, it's raining, we need to collect clothes. Then he ran back again, "I took it away before eating..."

"Forgetfulness is a sign of aging."

"Where, I heard that girls who are more confused are more popular." Ling Jing laughed.

"I don't like it at all..." Shasha rested her cheeks, feeling distressed by her teasing just now, then the phone next to the sofa rang, it was of course an ordinary phone, Lingjing picked up the receiver : "Hey, oh... wait a minute... Jiaming, your phone." Covering the phone, she whispered, "It's Dongfang Wan."

"Huh?" Jia Ming took the microphone suspiciously, knowing that Jia Ming and Dongfang Wan were enemies in the class, Ling Jing and Rusha put their ears on it gossipingly, listening to the voice inside.

"Uh... I've thought about it for a long time, and I think it's better to call you to find out. During the last class, a foreigner named Joseph came to you. He was tall and wearing a suit. He seemed a bit fierce. You Do you know him? Well, he didn’t find you, but he saw Kaoru Tsukichi running on the playground, so he seemed to go down to find Kaoru Tsukichi. I saw him standing by the playground after school... Hey, you know Kaoru Tsukichi Why does Kaoru want to run? I called the school just now, and it was already raining, and she was still running, almost a hundred laps, is she trying to run to death..."


In the brightly lit teaching building, there are six floors above and below. At this time, most of the students studying at night gathered at the window facing the playground, looking at the lonely girl in white on the playground in surprise and admiration. Compared with when she first started running, her speed was already much slower. The rain fell from the sky and wet every inch of her body. In the blurry rain, she was still running...

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