Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 174 Crossfire Point

With a "bang", Fang Zhitian smashed through the window, and jumped out of the second floor with Dongfangruo in his arms. The sound of the alarm bell rang, piercing the tranquility of the night sky.

"It's Pei Luojia's killer, everyone beware! Ruoruo, run!"

As the highest-level member of Yanhuang Awakening, Fang Zhitian has always been surrounded by a large number of security personnel. As soon as he landed, the two nearby immediately pulled out their guns and aimed at the window on the second floor, patrolling far and near. Dozens of people have also acted quickly. At this time, the entire villa lost power in an instant, followed by an explosion in the northwest corner of the villa, which was the independent electric room of the mansion. Cutting off the power supply and launching an assault in the dark has always been Yuan Lai Chaochuang's best technique, and perhaps only he dares to really do this crazy action of attacking the majority with a few.

In the darkness, intense gunshots and chaos came from the room on the second floor. James did not leave, and Ye Lian outside the room must have reacted immediately and joined the battle. Fang Zhitian put Dongfang Ruo down, and immediately took her to leave, but only took two steps, Dongfang Ruo suddenly stopped, stretched out his hand, pulled Fang Zhitian, and jumped into a blind corner of the villa: "Uncle Fang Be careful!" After a scalp-numbing feeling of death, the bullet shot into the ground where Fang Zhitian was just now, and the grass and dirt flew up with a bang.

"There are snipers!"

After this speech. The two people downstairs immediately dispersed, and some of them quickly turned their heads back to outflank the hill outside the villa. As one of the places that could be used as a sniper spot, Yanhuang Awakening had already arranged and staffed there, but now it seems that , was still dodged by the opponent.

The next moment, another figure jumped out of the window on the second floor. Rolling on the ground, the man stood up clutching the shoulder that had been shot, and it was James Cook. As soon as he stood still, he and Fang Zhitian shouted at the same time: "The one upstairs is the Chief Inspector!" !"

"Watch out for snipers!"

Hearing Fang Zhitian's shout, James didn't stop. He jumped again, broke through the window of the room on the first floor with a bang, and jumped in again, hiding in the corner of the wall with Dongfang Ruo, Fang Zhitian felt his scalp go numb. Ouchi Chief Governor and Yuan Lai Chaochuang are both one of the highest-level killers in Pei Luojia. The partners of these two people have always been invincible. After the defeat on the Xingmeng, this time the other party has threatened With the strongest lineup coming.

Yuan Lai Chaochuang is best at marksmanship, and he has the most terrifying firepower in the ranking of the dark world. With two pistols by your side, you can suppress the firepower of a group of people at the same time with the most accurate marksmanship and the sharpest grip. It's the same even if this group of people is armed with the sharpest submachine guns, as long as anyone comes within range of ammunition. The bullet will arrive in an instant. Such ghostly gun skills are his famous "suppressive firepower" in the dark world. Thinking that he had escaped Yuan Lai Chaochuang's sniper attack just now, Fang Zhitian felt lucky, if not for Dongfang Ruo who had a keen sense of premonition, he might have died today.

As for the chief governor on the second floor, he is different from Yuan Lai Chaochuang. He is best at disguise, deception, and extremely exquisite ninjutsu and martial arts. Fang Zhitian didn't even have a chance to escape if he got within two meters and suddenly started to attack. Some people may think that martial arts cultivation is of little significance in the world of bullets. But it turns out that in a small range against such a flexible martial arts master. Modern weapons will have no meaning unless you prepare a grenade to kill the enemy with you.

The opponent came here with a surprise attack by relying on elite forces. When there are many people on his own side, the most important thing to do is not to run away. Taking Dongfang Ruo back to the villa through the broken window, the people outside finally Started a firefight with Yuan Lai Chaochuang. As for the inside, there is chaos above the second floor. The structure of this big villa is a bit complicated. Now that the real elite of Yanhuang Awakening has not arrived, there is only a chief inspector, and no one can catch it. he.

"The enemy is in the seventh guest room on the second floor. They are targeting Mr. Dongfang. Ms. Dongfang Wan and Mr. Lei Qing are also inside. We can't shoot..."

"Ye Lian is injured..."

"The people below are alert to prevent the enemy from escaping through the window..."

"He jumped out of the window...we missed him, he...he went in through the window of room number six on the second floor, he looked like a bat..."

"Stop him..."

"Beware of grenades, spread out..."

The sound of machine gun fire, the destruction of doors, windows, furniture, and explosions could be heard for a while. The entire large villa covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters seemed to be rustling, about to be destroyed and collapsed. It does not mean that his marksmanship and combat skills will be much inferior to Yuan Lai Chaochuang. Listening to the constant report of the battle situation in the earphones, Fang Zhitian, who was protected by several people in the room on the first floor, smiled wryly: "What a clumsy scene, so many of us are restrained by the two of them, playing around .”

"Please don't underestimate yourself, Mr. Fang, that's because we are facing two of the strongest killers in the world." James said optimistically as the family doctor in the villa bandaged the gunshot wound on his shoulder, "Such an assault Pay attention to the fact that one hit must hit, Ouchi Changdu launched an assassination inside, Yuan Lai Chaochuang ambushed and sniped, now that they failed, they are also preparing to evacuate, anyway, there are only two of them..."

If you miss a hit, you should find a way to evacuate immediately. This is the regular style of an ordinary killer, but at this time Fang Zhitian shook his head: "No, I don't think it's that simple. The gunshots outside are getting closer and closer, which means that the source Lai Chaochuang is charging towards this side. With one bang, two blows, and three blows, an ordinary killer can only hit the first blow with vigor, but if you study Pei Luojia carefully, you will understand that these two lunatics... …During the ten minutes of the attack, they were able to maintain a high degree of initiative and excitement. Given that they are not elite forces of the same level, we can only do our best to suppress them now..."

During the conversation, following the report of "Mr. Dongfang is injured", several people quickly helped Dongfang Linghai down from upstairs, followed by Dongfang Wan and Lei Qing. Among Fang Zhitian and the other three, Dongfang Linghai's martial arts cultivation is considered the best, perhaps because of this he was able to sustain himself under the attack of the Ouchi Chief Governor, but now it seems that the blood spit out from his mouth, The skirt of her chest was already dyed red, and Dongfang Wan who was following beside her was trembling all over, and almost cried into tears for a while. .

"Cough...cough...the years are not good, and the muscles and bones have been inactive for a long time. I almost swallowed all his deadly punches. Fortunately, I avoided it quickly...cough, cough...it's okay, there's no big problem... "

Seeing Dongfang Linghai's appearance of vomiting blood continuously at this time, these words are not very convincing, Lei Qing asked anxiously: "Uncle Fang, where is my father? Where is he? Is he injured..." Want to come Just now, Dongfang Linghai fought with the Ouchi Chief Governor in order to protect the two, and the scene of causing serious injuries really irritated him a lot.

"Mr. Lei has been on the third floor. Because of the battle on the second floor, he couldn't come down for a while, but..." While speaking, a voice came from the earphone: "Be careful, the enemy has gone to the third floor. The target seems to be Mr. Lei's room, protect Mr. Lei to evacuate..."

Fang Zhitian was stunned for a moment, then spoke again: "We have already gone downstairs to protect Mr. Lei, the other party's position..."

"He was empty, everyone blocked him between the fourteenth and fifteenth rooms, no, he wanted to..."

Before the voice above fell, Fang Zhitian stood up suddenly, picked up the pistol and pointed it at the window, shouting: "Let's go, he wants to come down from above..."

Room No. 14 and 15 on the third floor of the villa is above the room they are in now, and Ouchi Chief Governor is good at ninjutsu. With the help of tools, he can go directly from the third floor to the first floor. I think it took him a lot of effort , still in order to take a risk, even Dongfang Linghai, who was thrown on the vomiting blood, struggled to stand up at this time, and rushed towards the door. Amidst the gunshots outside, a black shadow streaked across the night sky like a spiderman, With a bang, something smashed through the window and threw it into the room where everyone was, while the figure smashed through the window and entered the next room.


Amidst the shouts, several people rushed out and rushed to the center of the living room. Air waves and flames spewed out from the door. The entire door flew over the huge living room, and slammed into the platform at the other end. Dongfang Linghai pressed her daughter under him, and Fang Zhitian protected Dongfang Ruo. This change made everyone's defenses blank for a moment, and the embarrassing Ouchi Chief Inspector had already rushed out from another room. Although he was also bleeding from some minor injuries, it could not affect him. Ghostly swift action speed.

Fang Zhitian, who was the first to react, fired two shots in that direction, and James waved his hand. Under the supernatural manipulation, the three scalpels reflected the light of the flames, tearing the air. However, with such an attack, the opponent came close with just a quick roll. As his body rotated, a short samurai sword directly slashed James' calf and shin, and his body lost balance. Before he fell down, he turned around without stopping, and the sharpness of the samurai sword had already pierced his temple.

Due to the sensitivity of his own ability to metal, the moment when the sharp edge came was extremely long and clear. However, no matter what, he could no longer make any evasive movements. Seeing the knife light getting closer and closer, closer...


A complex sound sounded almost at the same time. The bullet passed James' ear, the sharp edge pulled the skin on his forehead, and then the samurai sword flew out directly. until it fell to the ground. He can confirm that he is still alive.

Just before the light of the knife stabbed, someone ordered Ouchi Changdu to move for a moment. That's why the light of the knife only crossed his forehead, instead of piercing straight into his temple...

The moment the samurai sword in his hand was knocked into the air. The Ouchi Chief Superintendent had already jumped out, landed in front of Dongfang Wan who was getting up from the ground, pulled out his pistol, and rushed into the middle of a group of enemies alone. The advantage is that others often dare not shoot randomly in order to avoid accidental injury. And you can shoot anyone you want.

However, this person seems to be a little different.

The pistol was just drawn. Another bullet accurately passed Dongfang Wan's ribs, and then hit the gun in his hand. The body of Ouchi Chief Governor threw himself to the side again, and that figure slid across the living room like a ghost, approaching the person who shot at the door, and the bullets kept hitting the carpets, tables, and chairs around him... Afterwards, The shadows intertwine.

The sharp edge of the dagger reflected the flames of the explosion, and slashed straight at the man, as if to prove a fact in the dark world: no one can defeat Ouchi Chief Governor at close range.

The sound of metal clashing suddenly resounded, and in the room lit only by explosion flames, the sparks drawn by the short knives and daggers formed a long light path in the dimness, which was incomparably bright and charming for a while.

In just a few seconds, metal sparks were continuously pulled out in the air, intensely and rapidly. Although the light was not enough to make it difficult to see the appearance, it was enough for Fang Zhitian and others to recognize it. The one fighting turned out to be a woman in black casual attire. The two figures kept intersecting and fighting, and the clear and crisp metallic sound could be heard, which made people feel dazzled for a while.

Attack, defense, attack, attack, attack... In just ten seconds, the Ouchi chief inspector had already discovered that the woman in front of him had almost the same speed and strength as him, and that he had already A lot of physical strength was consumed, but the other party was just waiting for work.

However, in such a battle that can determine life and death in an instant, years of combat experience is still a great advantage. It was almost a subconscious feint. The chief of the Ouchi Duge opened the dagger in the woman's hand in front of him, and punched The opponent's chest is directly bombarded, this is one of the most vulnerable places in the human body, once it is bombarded by a strong force, it may immediately lose the ability to fight.

The next moment, the dagger was blown away by the short knife, and there was no feeling of force on the blade, and the Ouchi Chief Governor suddenly realized that he had been fooled. The woman in front of him almost calculated his reaction. At this time, she turned sideways and threw herself into him. The chest with the door wide open. The victory and defeat have been divided.

The Ouchi Chief Governor was knocked out violently, and before his body landed, he saw that the woman in front of him had reached into the open blouse and pulled out a submachine gun.

bang bang bang bang bang bang—

Ouchi Changdu's body fell into the platform that was smashed by the door panel, and the next moment, bullets fell here like a torrential rain, and the raging liquor ignited flames among the sawdust. Fang Zhitian and the others stared blankly at the woman in front of them. From her appearance just now, she fought with the Ouchi Chief Governor, to directly knocking the Ouchi Chief Governor who is famous for close combat, and then directly picked up the submachine gun to shoot. In less than forty seconds, she did everything neatly, as if she had rehearsed a dance once, appearing, fighting, and reversing, just like a dream.

The machine gun spewed flames frantically, and after more than ten seconds, all the bullets were finally fired, and the whole stage was ablaze, and it was a mess, but there was no body of Ouchi Chief Governor, but the woman didn't seem very surprised, her eyes swept over the people on the ground , she loaded another row of magazines into the submachine gun as if nothing had happened, her indifferent but pretty face made her look like the queen of darkness.

In a sense, this is also the first meeting between Fang Zhitian and others and Tulip. Of course, it is the second time for Dongfang Wan who is dumbfounded at this time.

A few seconds later, she carried a submachine gun and chased towards an aisle on the side of the stage. Her figure was submerged in the darkness and disappeared. .

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