Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era——Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 180 The Line of Cause and Effect

Sichuan, the side of Mount Emei Scenic Area. A small nunnery near the Dadu River.

Emei is beautiful in the world. As one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, there are dozens of temples in the entire scenic area. Due to the promotion of tourism, each temple also has a good incense income. However, the ancient Qingshui Temple located on the side of the scenic area has always been lonely and deserted, and there is not much scenery to see around it. In addition, there is a dilapidated small private factory next to it, and there are few tourists. Naturally, this nunnery cannot be discussed What kind of incense is on.

But the heart is far away from the self-biased. Now that many monks and nuns are just thinking about making money, there may be people who really devote themselves to the Buddha in this lonely small nunnery. The abbot of the nunnery is a sixty An old nun who was over ten years ago took a frail and sickly blind girl and raised her up. Perhaps because of her compassion, people from the surrounding villages occasionally came to ask her for some yellow talismans. Or herbs, leaving this sesame oil money, barely supporting this nunnery.

Although the little girl's eyesight was inconvenient, but when she was more than ten years old, she was exceptionally handsome and supple. No girl in the surrounding villages could match that demure temperament.

Although she doesn't travel far, every morning or dusk, she always takes a slow walk around the nunnery, or sits on the steps in front of the nunnery. At this time, some little boys nearby will pretend to run into each other Talk to her and ask her if she needs help. The little girl doesn't talk much, but no matter who she is talking to, she will smile and answer a few words in a soft voice, so many boys are so embarrassed He thinks he is her good friend, and fantasizes that one day he can marry this demure girl with hair practice. Rural people get married early, ignoring the girl's frail body and eye disease. This year, someone even came to the nunnery to propose marriage. Naturally, such an abrupt move was rejected by the abbot.

but. A few months ago—two days after the family proposed marriage, the girl who had just passed her sixteenth birthday, nicknamed Ruoruo, suddenly became seriously ill and was taken to a big city for treatment. It made the school-age boys in the surrounding villages worry unceasingly. Most of them believed that the family's presumptuous proposal of marriage caused the serious illness. The man who proposed the marriage was beaten twice secretly and stayed in the hospital until a few months later. Of course, Ruoruo recovered after a month, sitting in front of the nunnery every day as usual, breathing the sunrise and sunset.

A group of people who consider themselves "good friends go" have come to ask about her physical condition, and some of them have also noticed. Since Ruoruo came back, there seemed to be a lot of well-dressed people and expensive vehicles coming in and out of the small private factory next to him. According to the boss, Ruoruo’s return brought him good luck, and recently added several orders. , These people who came here are all the heads of some big companies.

Many people don't even know what exactly this small factory produces. Naturally, they are not very interested in this matter. However, if anyone who really understands the domestic financial situation sees the lineup of characters here, they will definitely be shocked. Fang Zhitian, Lei Xiaoyuan, Han Luo... are all Someone who is at the top of the country in one way or another—although most of them are hidden behind the scenes.

On that dusk in June, the bloody setting sun was slowly falling from the western sky. The girl was wearing a simple white dress, and she was sitting on the steps in front of the nunnery with her knees in her arms. . A painful expression suddenly appeared on the girl's smiling face, and then she rolled to the ground with her head in her arms. painfully. Hearing the movement, the old nun ran out quickly and picked up the girl on the ground. The boy seemed to be frightened. He stood there for a long time before going back at a loss. He was about to tell his companions about Ruoruo's illness again. Of course he didn't know that on the way back, there were at least five people holding all kinds of murder weapons. Follow behind him, as long as he does something strange, he is ready to shoot at any time.

A few days later, Miss Ruoruo, who had recovered, still occasionally showed her figure in front of the nunnery. However, during the one month period from June to July, the pain on her body had been repeated three times. On August 5th, while she was still meditating quietly in the nunnery, her head suddenly started to hurt again. The old nun hurriedly carried her into the back room. Back and forth, this is the fourth attack.

On the evening of August 6th, in the small factory next to the nunnery, a worker hurried out of the warehouse and reported a message to Fang Zhitian and others who were living in a row of simple bungalows. Afterwards, these people They entered the warehouse one after another, and then entered the tunnel.

Walking through the white and spacious passage, a large basement appeared in front of everyone. This is an underground building complex similar to a research institute. Led by a researcher in a white robe and a mask, a group of people walked into the side ward, letting other People stay temporarily, Fang Zhitian walked into the innermost ward. Dongfang Ruo, dressed in patient clothes, was sitting on the hospital bed, with the old nun beside her.

"Ruoruo, do you feel better?"

Sitting down by the bed, Fang Zhitian said softly.

"Well, uncle." Dongfang Ruo nodded lightly, "I'm fine."

"Heh..." Fang Zhitian took a long breath of relief, took the girl's warm left hand, and gently placed it on his forehead, "Don't think too much about some things, you are not in good health, the most important thing is to take a good rest of."

"But..." Soft fingers explored his face until they touched the slightly moist eyes, "But... don't those people outside hope that I can see the future... Uncle, it will be difficult for you to do this of……"

It is only in legends that one wants to investigate the cause and effect and see clearly the trajectory of the future. However, after the incident on May 10, Dongfang Ruo glimpsed a fragment of the future to some extent. The leaders of Time Yanhuang's awakening expressed great concern. Anyone who has spoken to Dongfang these days will definitely show that they hope to discover more of her potential. The little girl may be too sensitive. After reading many romance novels, she sees the interests of people too nakedly. Fang Zhitian smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, it's okay. They are all reasonable people. They will understand that some things cannot be forced. Always thinking about such things is too harmful to the body. Promise uncle, don't think about it anymore, okay?" He paused , "If I knew there were such consequences, I shouldn't have let you go to Jianghai..."

Dongfang Ruo was silent for a long time before he smiled and said: "No, uncle, didn't you say before that if it's the field you like, you can die for it, and so do I. When I went to Jianghai this time, I saw that others will always be the same. A world that is impossible to see, although I can't figure out why things have changed so much... ".

"Fate can be changed, can't it?"

"But..." Dongfang Ruo frowned, "I think about it these days, it has changed too much. I only saw it a moment before those killers came. Although the changes should happen within the scope of what I did. Part of the change, but at that time... that Tulip... Miss?"

"Well, tulips?"

"Well, because... I saw that Mr. James... was killed by a man named Yuan Lai Chaochuang, and it wasn't with a sniper rifle..." Dongfang Ruo frowned, analyzing with difficulty, Fang Zhitian I wanted to stop it, but considering that the girl's temperament is actually very stubborn, instead of letting her keep these thoughts in her heart, it is better to figure it out at once under the monitoring of the current equipment, and frown to help analyze it.

"In this way, even without your prediction, James will not be killed by the killer outside the door, and will wait until Yuan Lai Chaochuang comes over. At that time..."

"But at that time, that Tulip...Miss... must have arrived..."

"So, without your prophecy, Yuan Lai Chaochuang would have killed James when Tulip had already arrived... Well, would she have defeated?"

"No, it's not..." Dongfang Ruo shook his head with difficulty again, "It's...that Miss Tulip...she...I can't feel her at all. I have at least a little feeling for the person involved in this incident, but... I can't see where she is, that is to say...she shouldn't have appeared..."

Fang Zhitian was stunned for a while. The old nun beside her also frowned. After a while, she put her hands together and said, "Amitabha."

Dongfang Ruo said softly: "Grandma, is this possible?"

"It's almost impossible. However, there is also a saying in Buddhism that everything in this world is in reincarnation. If you use this to explain what you see, then..." She paused, "Then... …Unless she has jumped out of the three realms, is not in the five elements, and is not in reincarnation, you are in the line of karma. Naturally, you will not be able to see her..."

Jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements.

This kind of statement in Buddhism is indeed a bit too shocking, and the ability is not like the myth that it has the ability to fly into the sky, escape from the ground, and make troubles in the palace. It does not work, nor can it be confirmed. as an atheist. The first thing Fang Zhitian thought of was: "Natural evolution."

Afterwards, there was a long silence in the room, and not long after, Fang Zhitian said with a smile: "In this way, she must be a natural evolutionary person, so Ruoruo you can't see her anymore, but... oh, why every time When you talk about Miss Tulip, are you a bit reluctant?"

"Yeah." Dongfang Ruo blushed, "I... I thought she would be a man. Because... you all told me that she is so powerful..."

"Oh? You...you didn't see..."

Dongfang Ruo hesitated for a while: "I met her twice. But... I didn't dare to look at her. She was so scary at that time, and I didn't dare to look at her at all. Then...you all said she was a woman, didn't you? Uh... I just thought she should be a man when I heard this name for the first time..."

Dongfang Ruo's ability is super strong. If she uses the ability to prove that the other party is not a woman, then the matter is really worthy of deliberation. The genius smiled knowingly. Although Dongfang Ruo lived in a nunnery since he was a child, Fang Zhitian felt guilty for this little niece. Since he was a child, he sent various toys or books that the blind can use from all over the world. When he was a child, he was a fairy tale. It's a more mature storybook. Considering that she is a girl, more romance novels are sent. Even if she is blind, girls always have various romantic fantasies. This is not surprising. When she grows up and goes out for the first time, she will naturally have some reveries. Presuming in this way, Fang Zhitian teased: "And... is he still a handsome guy?"

"I...well..." Dongfang Ruo was stunned for a moment, the little girl with a small social circle was naturally thin-skinned, her face blushed quickly, and after a while, she pursed her lips and turned around to sleep under the quilt : "Hmph... I won't tell you anymore!"

"Hey, hey, don't be like this, just kidding, uncle, please apologize, Ruoruo... Hey... Well, sleep well..."

Fang Zhitian walked out of the room, greeted the people on the other side of the aisle, and talked about Dongfang Ruo's speculation. After a while, the old nun also came out, and a group of people saluted respectfully. Afterwards, Fang Zhitian hesitated Asked: "Teacher Huiqing... Ruo Ruo her body..."

"You have seen the results of the treatment these days. Her ability was indeed triggered and she was on the verge of collapse. Although it can still be suppressed according to the previous method, we can no longer control this chaotic force. When it Become more and more irritable, up to two years... to three years..."

"Is...was it triggered by that natural evolutionary person? Teacher Huiqing, do you think Tulip will have a way?"

"Not necessarily. Leaving the place where she has been living for the first time and going to a strange city is a great stimulus in itself, not to mention that you let her use supernatural powers to do things for you." Lived with Dongfang Ruo for more than ten years In 2010, Mrs. Huiqing and her relationship were as close as grandparents and grandchildren. When Fang Zhitian asked the girl to help out, she became even more angry. For a while, the people around were a little embarrassed. Qing Shitai can be said to be one of the founders of Yanhuang Awakening. In front of her, they dare not be presumptuous, "After these stimuli, it is expected that some uncontrollable things will be produced by the ability. As for the illusory nature Evolutionary..."

She paused: "If she is really a natural evolutionary person, she doesn't need to rely on Yanhuang Awakening at all in terms of strength, not to mention that she is familiar with Yuan Lai Chaochuang... Sigh, you can go directly and ask her for help." Help, but... don't get your hopes up...".

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