Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 195 Comparison

"I want to go back." A cold voice sounded in the dojo, with a hint of strangeness, Tian Yuzheng in front of him lowered his head, and a smile of interest escaped from the corner of his mouth. How has Yuechi Zhengkong been disobeyed by his daughter like this before? , slapped heavily on the straw mat beside him: "This is where you should be!"

Probably aware of the inadequacy in his words, Xun hesitated for a while, and after a while he still said word by word: "I'm going to Jianghai."

Having said that, it seems that there is no need to proceed, if it is in normal times. Yuechi Zhengkong had the intention of going down with a knife and hacking his daughter, but You Tianyu was right here at this time, so of course he couldn't be reckless. Now there are more people. He also couldn't turn his head to see Tian Yu's regular attitude. So naturally he couldn't see the secretive smile on the other party's face. Take a breath. He waved his hand to the side: "Catch her. Lock her in the room and don't let her leave!"

At this time, although most of the martial arts training grounds are students. But naturally there are also a few guards on the side to deal with emergencies. Most of these people are not outstanding enough in their studies. Can't get too high status. It became a simple thug. With Yuechi Masora's wave. Two men with long knives at their waists walked into the dojo. Walk towards Kaoru who is kneeling on the ground.

Around the dojo at this time. Either regretful or contemptuous. Or gloating. Watching this scene quietly. However. When the two were only about three meters away from Kaoru, they saw Kaoru's hands resting on his knees. Stand up silently.

The two men paused. There was amazement all around. Then there was a whispering voice. It is natural to kneel when accepting the Patriarch's instruction, and it is natural to be respectful when accepting punishment. But she stood up directly at this time, which was tantamount to directly resisting the result of the treatment. If someone else did this kind of thing, it would already be tantamount to treason. Even if Kaoru was Yuechi Zhengkong's own daughter, the influence would definitely not be small. Sure enough, Yuechi Zhengkong shouted angrily: "What are you going to do!?" The man has approached from left and right. Reaching out to grab Huang's shoulder: "Miss Xun, please don't make things difficult for us."


It was still a cold and indifferent voice, while the two quickly reached out to grab it. She backed away slowly. Then he made a move without warning, an extremely simple action like shaking hands with someone. With a gentle flick, only two "clicks" were heard, and the two's arms were dislocated directly, and they backed away with pale faces covering their shoulders.

The frozen atmosphere only lasted for a moment, followed by Yuechi Masahiro's voice: "Grab her!"

next moment. The two men flew out to both sides in different postures, and Kaoru turned and walked towards the gate not far away. The surrounding students stood up one after another.

Although Xun's usual skills are not top-notch, they can be said to be above average. Even if the flying of these two people surpassed her previous results, not many people doubted it for a while. Buntaro winked at the people around him. The first person rushed out first, followed by the second. Either with wooden knives of different lengths, or with bare hands, they surrounded Kaoru.

Tian Yuzheng raised his head. Staring innocently at the ceiling.

The shadows intertwine.

The first person was pushed and rolled by Xun while still in the air, but the wooden knife had already fallen into Xun's hands, and he suddenly lowered his body, and the two wooden knives that surrounded him swept across the hair of the flying ponytail, The long knife in Xun's hand had already swung fiercely on the calf of the person in front, and amidst the screams, she dodged and rushed out. Meet the blockers ahead.

The scene became chaotic for a while. More than a dozen figures criss-crossed in front of her. Xun rushed left and right with her nimble movements, and even a dozen of them couldn't surround her. On the contrary, three or four people were hit in the vitals or joints by her counterattack. It is no longer difficult to fight when it rolls to the ground.

Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the people watching the battle widened, and Tian Yuzheng had an innocent expression of "this matter has nothing to do with me". Long Tangwei stared at him. The thin lips are slightly parted. Obviously, she never thought that a woman who was her husband's nominal fiancee could be so fierce. Mu Cun Hiroki was still rubbing the shoulder that had just been dislocated. With an expression of sudden understanding: "Wow. No wonder she can beat me... so powerful, is this a tornado flash? Could it be that Xun learned the flying sword style..."

"You idiot!" Long Tangwei at the side gave him a disdainful look. "The move just now was obviously the nine-headed dragon flash, okay?"

"But the nine-headed dragon flashes nine times."

"The last blow is the key point...Hey. Zheng Zheng, that move is very similar to the nine-headed dragon flash."

For these two guys who only read manga. Tian Yuzheng turned his head unbearably humiliated. No answer.

"Look...he acquiesced!"


The wooden knife was as nimble as a snake, and it hit the wrists of the two men fiercely in front of them, one turned sideways to avoid a violent kick from the left, and at the same time. The attack from the other side also struck like lightning. With my left hand, I put on the front end of the wooden knife and fought hard, but at the same time, it was not a slash. The three wooden knives struck down like thunder. Kaoru's entire body flew two meters away, and rolled on the ground in embarrassment. But he could barely maintain a half-kneeling posture. Keep your left hand on the ground. But the wooden knife in his right hand swung behind him like Fulin Xinzhi. The wooden knife made of thin and tough bamboo slices accurately hit the man's wrist holding the knife, with a "snap", a burst of bone-deep pain made the man unable to hold the weapon anymore. Clutching his wrist, he staggered back. The face is distorted. Kaoru in front didn't even look at him, and rushed in another direction before everyone surrounded him.

The summer night when the heat subsides slightly, the ancient dojo, the staggered figures, the slamming wooden knife, the sound of shouting or screaming, the beautiful girl running, fighting, and dodging in it, the cold face and the reason Flying and messy hair. From time to time, he caressed his lips or the side of his face, repelled enemies or was hit. They all seem to be a picture scroll full of intensity and beauty in quietness.

Hundreds of people dealt with a girl who was supposed to be on their side. It can't be a rush. From time to time someone gets knocked out and someone gets involved. If it was Jiaming who was here now, the wooden knives these ninjas were holding might not be more lethal than straw poles. However, Kaoru has not yet achieved that level of overwhelming power. These specially trained ninjas are different from the rookies in the martial arts club of Sacred Heart Academy. Even if more than ten or twenty people only use physical skills to form a defense line. However, due to the continuous replacement of more people around, it was difficult for Kaoru to break through and rush out of the door in one go. All she can do is keep breaking through. Wait for the opportunity to make a move. Don't let these people form an absolute siege to yourself, not long after, more than a dozen people have been knocked down. .

However, if Ye Lian, Yuan Lai Chaochuang and others were present, they might be surprised to find that the coldness that Xun brought to people in the battle at this time is somewhat similar to Jian Suyan when he fought.

The number of people who were carried off the field due to loss of combat power within 20 minutes gave everyone an indescribable shock. It didn't affect her actions in the slightest, and she still flexibly coped with the continuous stream of her attacks around her, running and breaking through. Some people looked at Buntaro standing on the sidelines. Subconsciously compare the two. but. The conclusion is obvious. Even in a complete physical confrontation, it is impossible for him to achieve such a result. Unless it was a few elders sitting on the scene, and Tian Yu was regular, perhaps only ten or twenty people could still deal with it easily when they went up together.

Taking a deep breath, Buntaro pulled out two short sticks about sixty centimeters long behind him, and silently stepped into the circle. With the cover of his companion's body, he walked forward. As a ninja known for his mystery, sneak attack is not an embarrassing thing, even in the immediate situation. However, only two steps out. Amidst the intertwined figures, Kaoru's indifferent gaze flicked across from here. At this moment, he suddenly understood that even after fighting for so long, she was still able to grasp the changes in the audience.

After a slight pause, the next moment, he rushed towards Xun with the fastest speed.


The body turned backwards to avoid the two attacks, and the upper body subconsciously bent down. A wooden knife barely cut from behind, and even she herself couldn't understand how to avoid this attack, but her body had already rolled to the ground subconsciously. He rushed forward, passing through the weakest link in the encirclement like lightning, and the wooden knife slashed a person's chest in the chaos.

After playing against Joseph on his birthday. It was the first time I had the feeling of "avoiding all attacks for no reason" or "hitting someone for no reason". Because after that time. Her only opponent is Jiaming. But in front of Jiaming, she still doesn't have much ability to resist.

That fight with Joseph. After telling her that it really has become stronger, but it is still difficult for her to judge the degree of strength. However, this time, he was fighting with these originally familiar companions. Only then did she roughly understand what she was like a year ago, and what she is like now.

Their speed has slowed down, and their moves have become naive. Whether they are attacking or defending, they are full of flaws. One or two people can easily dodge their shots, even if there are many unavoidable moments. I can flash through it all by intuition. It turned out that Dang himself had no ability to resist in front of Jiaming. When the arm joints were removed again and again, and the pain was unbearable when he was punched and kicked again and again, many reactions and feelings had been completely absorbed in his heart, even though it was meaningless when facing Jiaming, facing these people. But I don't know how many levels have been raised.

nature. There are also times when it is really unavoidable to be hit hard by a wooden knife. It is true that it hurts, but when compared with Jiaming, such an attack is nothing. Jia Ming's seemingly simple punches and kicks were blocked in the most formal way. The place where she was hit would still hurt her bone marrow, and every time she would worry that her bones would break like this. But under Jiaming's control. A similar situation did not arise. Jia Ming has always disliked breaking her into broken bones. To destroy her fighting power, he just needs to remove the joints of her shoulders.

Yu Jiaming's actual combat training was just like that. He was beaten occasionally. Of course I can resist. Although it generally doesn't make much sense. After beating himself until he had little strength to struggle, he stopped, and soon after, Jiaming came to beat him again. The beating didn't hurt his muscles or bones, but it hurt, it was even more painful than the beating he received when he first met Jiaming, but most of the time he would recover most of it the next day. Once, Jiaming joked that she was a Japanese girl. Has a flair for masochism. Many things have to be played and played to be remembered deeply, although it is beautiful enough now. But maybe it will be more beautiful if you play it a few more times... She naturally knew that Jia Ming was joking. But he said she was beautiful, and she was a little happy.

It now appears that he was right. In the process of being beaten. She did remember more than she could imagine. She even had a feeling at this moment. Maybe these things are really remembered because of being beaten, but...

Repelling the attackers in front, she slammed to block Buntaro's sneak attack behind her. When the force came, her body flew into the crowd behind her, and the images of countless fights with Jia Ming flashed in her mind. He's been shot now, no matter what, she wants to go back!

The dense attacks came together. She swiped the wooden knife in her hand. Most of them were forced back, but two wooden knives still fell directly on her body. next moment. It is not known who discovered it first. The wooden knife in Kaoru's hand was gone.

good chance…

Buntaro is worthy of being one of the most powerful of these people. At this moment, with his efforts, he finally successfully forced Kaoru into the encirclement. The next moment, everyone rushed forward one after another, sparks burst out in the air, and light and dark intersected in the dojo.

The wooden knife thrown from Kaoru's hand directly hit the two fluorescent lamps on the top of the dojo. With the sound of electric sparks, everyone's sight was interrupted for a moment. Surrounded by the crowd, Kaoru's body suddenly turned into a phantom.

From darkness to light.

The two wooden knives broke, and the first group of people who rushed up flew out first, and at the same time blocked the people coming from behind. Kaoru's body flew up in front of everyone. He rushed towards him. But there are some Buntaro who can't stop Feng. In a hurry. He crossed the sticks in front of him.

The next moment, the two sticks broke into four pieces and flew apart. With a huge momentum. Kaoru's punch directly broke through the defense and hit his face. Buntaro's body flew upside down. He fell to the ground, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and he couldn't stand up for a while.

Witnessing this momentary scene, Yuechi Masago stood up from the cushion with a shocked, surprised and complicated expression on his face. The people in the rear temporarily stopped attacking. Mucun Hiroki and Longtang Wei opened their mouths wide, and then looked at each other: "Dragon hammer flash?" Although Xun didn't use a knife, it was clear that the two had reached a consensus. Tian Yuzheng also stood up and applauded softly: "What a beautiful Chiyingqianhuan..."

Kaoru also suffered a lot of injuries. He chopped off two wooden knives just now, and the posture of his right leg was obviously a bit unnatural. Just now, the fist with his right hand was unparalleled in strength, like a god—oh, it should be a goddess descending to earth, and his hand was already injured at this time. Slightly trembling and bleeding, with a calm expression, she turned around inconveniently, ready to deal with the next attack.

Even if it was really because of being beaten that he remembered these things, only he could...compared with him. you……

...what is it


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