Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 200 Opening

"Hey, hello, have you heard? A few days ago in the South China Sea, there was news that a smuggling boat was equipped with a bazooka and sank all the boats of the marine police."

"I heard about it in the news. I heard that it was a smuggling boat from Vietnam or Thailand. Tsk tsk, it was so violent. Seven people died. I haven't found it yet..."

"Where can I find it, I guess they have already landed. My father has a branch in Hong Kong. I heard that the police over there have carried out a big sweep of stowaways in recent days. There have been several confrontations between the police and smugglers and drug dealers." The guns are fighting, but I still can't determine whether the group of people will go directly to Guangdong or somewhere..."

"China is not the United States, who would want to come to the mainland..."

"It's better than Vietnam and Thailand, and they don't necessarily have to be smugglers. In my opinion, most of them are drug dealers."


At noon, the sky was gloomy, the classroom was chattering, seven or eight boys gathered together to chat, lying on the window sill, Jia Ming looked at the crowd on the playground below, two simple volleyball balls were placed at the two ends of the football field On the field, with a ponytail, the energetic Sasha was running, occasionally waving towards this side after scoring.

"Hi, Gu Jiaming."


When she turned her head, Dongfang Wan walked over and sat on Xun's seat: "I have a question for you."


"Any plans for winter vacation?"

"Winter vacation? Please, how do you know...today is only December 2nd."

"It's only been over a month. It's like this..." Dongfang Wan hesitated for a while, "It's preliminary preparations now. During the winter vacation, our hobby club went to Hong Kong to travel. Almost all the students in the class went there for a week, and the travel expenses were not paid by ourselves. Out. Hmm... In our class, you and Xun are the only ones who are not in the travel agency. You see, you are one of the shareholders of the toy factory. Of course Xu Yiting will go to play with you, so why not just call Ye Lingjing Ah, Liu Huaisha and the others, going there together is equivalent to our two clubs joining together. By the way, Kaoru must be going back to Japan?"

"Wow." Jia Ming exclaimed. "It's a big deal, you don't have to pay for it yourself. Travel to Hong Kong for a week... You are really rich."

"Every semester!" Dongfang Wan raised her chin quite complacently, "As long as I can afford it. I will go to Hong Kong this time, go to Europe next summer vacation, and then the United States, Japan, etc. You can go to play... Actually I plan to go to Hong Kong this time because I want to open up the market there. I pestered my dad to give me some connections. And... I am not just planning to invite everyone to play. This is a long-term investment, you know, you see. There are more than 50 people in our class, and there are nearly 20 family businesses with a certain scale, and since we are in Sacred Heart College, who knows what kind of friends we will make, now I pay them every year to have fun Nao, wait until they graduate from college a few years later. As long as there are a few of them that can be used, I will get back a hundred times..."

"Oh, then why do you want me to go. I don't have much status in the Huang family. Huang Haobing is much more reliable than me."

"To curry favor with you, our toy factory is not only enough to make a little money, in order to be able to speak in the Dongfang family, I must let it develop rapidly. I have laid a solid foundation in the past year, Next year I will start preparing the second product, please be serious, okay, I won’t even go to the factory, thanks to the fact that I bought so many equipment for you..."

After hesitating for a while, Dongfang Wan shrugged helplessly: "And the most important thing is that Lei Qing will also follow him on this trip. He has been here for more than half a year, and I am almost bored to death. If you go over, the most important thing is to Help the current shield."

"Can't you find Haobing?"

"I want to find a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water."

A smile flashed across Dongfang Wan's eyes, and Jiaming rolled his eyes with a smile: "Depends on the situation, if Lingjing and Shasha want to go for fun, then I'll go too."

"It's too exaggerated. Are you their friend or their nanny?"

"I'm their little boy."

Dongfang Wan chuckled, and patted Jiaming's shoulder. I don't know why, this was the first time Dongfang Wan patted Jiaming's shoulder, and the feeling was quite smooth: "I decided to tell me." After finishing speaking, she got up and walked away. After half a year of busyness and exercise, Dongfang Wan has gradually become chic and mature like a strong woman, and Jia Ming couldn't help shaking her head. Regardless of whether this kind of maturity is helpless among peers who grew up in a big family, it is obvious that Dongfang Wan feels full and satisfied in it. She is walking on the road she wants to go, and feels happiness. .

After chatting, she lay on the window and continued to watch Shasha play volleyball with others. After a while, Lingjing, who was carrying a plastic bag, also appeared near the playground. Seeing that the game was still going on, she waved towards the teaching building. When Jiaming went down, she handed him a washed red apple, and she held one herself.

"I bought it outside just now. It's really beautiful. I also bought one for Shasha, and then... and mineral water for them to drink. I found that I really have the talent to be a team manager."

"Is it the girl in the cartoon who shouted cheers desperately, then handed towels and bought mineral water? I think everyone has this kind of talent."

"Cut, I won't tell you... Shasha, what a great shot!" Lingjing jumped up and shouted when she saw Shasha scoring a spike. He raised the apple in his hand, but immediately changed his expression: "Be careful."

Rusha turned her head, and the flying volleyball slammed into her face, and then she squatted down covering her nose.

Distracted during the game, such a result is nothing to complain about. For a while, Shasha came off the field with a nosebleed. The weather has been dry recently, and Shasha is picky eaters on weekdays, so she got a little angry. Lingjing unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and took a rinse, and asked her to sit on the side of the playground with her face up. Time showed no sign of stopping. Jia Ming hurried to the infirmary to get the cotton wool.

Since it was noon, the passage leading to the infirmary was quiet, and the door of the infirmary was opened a crack. When Jia Ming approached, he heard the school doctor Li Yunxiu talking inside.

"...It's better to go to the hospital. After all, you have had a case before. Although it is a small cold, you are most afraid of causing a serious illness. Well, I can get you some medicine..."

When knocking on the door. Jia Ming saw that the other person in the room was actually Ya Han, sitting at the table. She propped her forehead with one hand, her nose was red. In the other hand was a wad of tissues, apparently running from a cold.

"Please come in." Li Yunxiu said, Jiaming pushed the door completely open, seeing him coming in, Yahan in the room was obviously a little unnatural, Li Yunxiu smiled and said: "What's the matter?"

"Oh, Miss Li. I want some cotton wool. A friend has a nosebleed."

"Wait a minute, did he peek at the girl changing her clothes?" Li Yunxiu joked as she went inside to get some cotton wool. She is actually about the same age as Yahan, and her usual attire is not old-fashioned. It is also very easy to speak, and has a good reputation among students. Jia Ming smiled, and whispered to Ya Han next to him, "Cold?"

"It's nothing. It's not serious." Yahan replied softly.

"It may cause your kidney disease to recur, it's better to go to the hospital..."

"I know my own affairs!" Before Jiaming finished speaking, Yahan interrupted suddenly. Li Yunxiu who came out of the room seemed to have noticed the movement here, and paused slightly, Yahan's tone slowed down, " It's okay..."

Jia Ming sighed helplessly, then took the cotton wool that Li Yunxiu took out, turned around and left, and faintly heard the conversation between the two inside: "I heard that Mr. Zhang, you and him are considered senior sisters and brothers."

"I used to train in a martial arts gym, and I didn't know each other well..."




At 3:50 pm on December 2, 1998, Zhushen Wunian was in a state of extreme depression.

Along the way to Jianghai this time, apart from the four of them belonging to Pei Luojia, in fact, there is also an international mercenary team of more than forty people. This mercenary team participated in the Xingmeng incident last year, and its staff has been greatly reduced since then. This mercenary has always been active in some places close to the border of China. The reason for choosing them is mainly because most of the members of this mercenary have a certain degree of hostility towards China, but they understand China and can basically speak Chinese. , which is convenient for camouflage.

Entering the waters of China killed a customs ship. Although Zhushen Wunian was a lunatic in essence, he was not a reckless bastard. After that, the two ships advanced or retreated, being cautious all the way, and finally in the south of Jianghai City After landing on the beach more than a hundred miles away, the team of nearly fifty people was a bit eye-catching after all. They were divided into three groups. On the one hand, in order to reduce attention, on the other hand, the three groups each prepared a complete evacuation plan and carried out some Investigation, after all, even if things can be done smoothly in Jianghai, it is still very difficult to leave from the huge China.

However, the development of things was actually not as smooth as imagined. The first accident encountered was indeed full of Chinese characteristics. .

Among the three groups, the group with fewer people is mostly auxiliary personnel who are proficient in camouflage and electronic equipment. They have successfully arrived at the Sacred Heart College at noon today and conducted a preliminary on-site inspection. This is very smooth. However, the second group of people who came by train encountered some troubles. These people are basically fighters who have experienced many battles, with agility and keen senses. When two police officers were casually interrogating them at the railway station, one of the travel bags they had brought with them was taken away by someone.

Therefore, when the call came to the third group where Zhushen Wunian was, he hesitated for half a minute before yelling out in disbelief.

"F-what are you kidding! You are mercenaries, mercenaries! The bag was stolen by a thief! Oh my god, my god, wait... there is a gun in that bag?"

"Half a gun, half a medical kit..."

"...How did you deal with such things before?"

"Find the mafia boss in that area and make him spit it out."

"Very well, this is really not the first time you have encountered this kind of thing... I like this approach, but we don't have time right now, you'd better leave the train station first and go to Sacred Heart College to prepare."

The last time Tank and others stayed in Jianghai City for a few days, ready to take action, but they were pulled out by Tulip. They were taken as an exam for training students and were beaten and fled. Therefore, it is not clear how many tentacles Tulip has in the local area. Now, Zhushen Wunian doesn't plan to take his time. After all, he also has one or two informants in Jianghai City who can be trusted but not suspected. The means are to solve the matter once and for all. As long as Tulip can be dealt with first, even if the world is turned upside down in Jianghai City later, the power of Yanhuang's awakening will not be able to respond for a while.

What he likes is this kind of feeling. On the one hand, he doesn't know the situation on the other hand, and on the other hand, he is caught off guard, with a bang, a collision, and it ends.

"Yes, we will go to the target immediately, when can we meet up?"

"I don't know." When this question was asked, Zhushen Wunian hung up the phone with a bang, and slapped the steering wheel with his other hand, but at this moment, the air was filled with the sound of car horns one after another , not bad for him.

Looking forward with some dull eyes, in the hazy air, the cars were stuck in a long queue. At this time, they were stranded on the street four kilometers away from Sacred Heart College, enduring the torment of the traffic jam.

"It's a bit different from our original plan... By the time we arrive at the Sacred Heart, it's already the last class time for school or free activities. The positions of several main targets are not as easy to determine as other times..." Sitting In the passenger seat, Viper Naka said.

"Half of our backpack's weapons leaked out. If we don't get it right, Chinese police will search the city noisily in the middle of the night... Damn, how could such a thing happen? Have you lost it during your travels? Do you have your own weapon? Do you have it? Do you have it?" Only the four of them sat in the small car ahead, and when the other three shook their heads angrily, the gods cursed bitterly: " These guys are a disgrace to the mercenary world!"

Tank nodded, and said in a deep voice: "So we don't have time. The main target only needs to be able to control one or two. Tulip will always come out... If she doesn't come out, there is ample time for one night, enough for us to kill her." Just the whole school."

"Oh, oh." Zhu Shen Wu Nian shook his head happily, "It's exciting to think about it, isn't it?"

The next moment, the trumpet roared again under his hysterical beating.

At the same time, in front of the gate of Sacred Heart College, a fat man named Fu Yanjie took a deep breath and walked in, carrying a satchel with a laptop on his back.

"This time I must find you out... Baixue Boar..."



At 4:20 p.m. that day, Jia Ming, who walked out of the school gate, noticed the eyes of the stalker behind him. It gets dark earlier in winter, and the sun has faintly shown signs of decadence.

The craziest night in the history of Sacred Heart College has just begun. ***********

When the big scene unfolds, I always write very tremblingly. It seems that this aspect is indeed my weakness. Because I didn’t have much rest yesterday, I wanted to doze off since three o’clock, and I finally persisted until now... so tired ...I never had a second thought, I did try my best...


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