Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 203 Escape Time

In the middle of the school, Fu Yanjie opened his eyes. In the dark woods, the cold wind was blowing past his eyes.

His chest felt tight, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy. After a little hesitation, he realized the body that was being pressed under him. A moment later, his fat body jumped up from the ground with a bang, and his back hit the rusty wire walls. .

"What, how..."

Even though the sun was setting, there was still some light in the woods. As the fat man's jaws were chattering, he saw that the whole body of the man on the ground seemed to be distorted, and there was a large puddle of blood oozing from the ground around his mouth. Looking around, the difficult male and female student who was kissing here just now has disappeared. Standing there at a loss for a while, he reached out his hand to the man's nose on the ground, and then tried to press the carotid artery. Obviously, the man was dead.

"How to do how to do…"

In the darkness, the fat man almost cried for a while, and babbled in the barbed wire for a long time. He hurriedly organized his things. His laptop was of military type, and he fell from it just now. After coming down, it was not broken at this time, so he ran out of the iron gate secretly, modified the signal in a secluded place in the woods, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the phone number of the hospital.

"Hey Hey hey……"

After waiting for a long time, the phone couldn't be made, probably because the phone was broken when it fell from above.

The man seemed to be dead, and it was meaningless to call the hospital, the fat man thought in his heart. As for calling 110 to surrender, it is definitely impossible. In the past, he used the name of weight-loss superman to blackmail Internet companies, which was considered a crime in a sense. The awe of the police is not as deep as that of ordinary people. On the contrary, he even hates it very much. After killing someone for the first time, he walked towards the woods with a distraught and mournful face. It is impossible to lose interest in Baixue Boar.

He walked forward in a daze for a while, then stopped again in a daze, maybe he couldn't go out through the main entrance. What to do if you are seen and caught, but the Sacred Heart Academy, which is built on the mountain, does not have any back door, and the grassy slopes are often steep and dangerous outside the towering walls. Gritting his teeth, he finally decided to go through the gate. When he walked out of the woods, he faintly heard someone setting off firecrackers in the campus. Someone screamed and cheered. Hearing the contrasting sound, he was overwhelmed with sorrow.

After leaving the dense forest, the sun still had a sliver of light in the western sky. In order not to be seen by others, he dodged along the secluded place to the direction outside the school. Occasionally, a figure ran over, and he immediately hid. There was still a lot of blood on his chest, so naturally he couldn't be seen at this time. Before sneaking out of the campus, he heard the sound of sirens outside the campus from a distance. A thrill in my heart: No, those two students called the police!

Looking at this huge campus, a sense of despair rose in his heart. No one dared to pass through the gate, and it seemed that there were not many good places to escape. Staggered for a while among the relatively sparse woods. Suddenly, something grabbed his feet, did he move a bit, and when he looked down, his eyes bulged.

It was a man wearing a school police uniform, covered in blood, who seemed to have his last breath left. If Fu Yanjie was still a little sober at this time, he would definitely find that the man in front of him was covered in gunshot wounds. Immersed in the fear of killing a person, my mind is full of the distorted appearance of that person after death. The next moment, he screamed "Ah—" and then, the entire mountain of meat rushed out like a train.

Tree trunks and the sound of the wind flew by, and the fat man ran desperately. At a certain moment, a figure suddenly came from the side. Before he could react, a small white hand reached out and grabbed his collar. A certain lithe figure made a 360-degree rapid rotation with his body as the center, and a cold light flashed by!

boom! The fat man bumped his head against the tree trunk in front of him.

In a daze, his eyes turned to one side. There were two figures, one tall and one short. The shorter one was a beautiful young girl with a clear and elegant face and a light expressionless expression, she looked like a perfect doll that was breathtaking. It was obvious that she was the first to rush forward just now, and in the blink of an eye, she rotated through a 360-degree circle and pierced a dagger from the side into the neck of the tall man who was chasing him.

The woods were dark and his mind was unclear, so the picture also made him feel a little unreal. The next moment, the girl pulled out the dagger, and blood spurted out from the man's neck like a fountain, spray, spray, spray...

"Uh..." With blood flowing from his nose, he rolled his eyes, and the fat man fainted again.


Sacred Heart Academy is currently in great chaos.

Speaking of which, the school can be made so big that more than 80% of the school-age rich children near Jianghai have been recruited. The security system of Sacred Heart College definitely has a certain scale. Most of the security guards selected are veterans, and there are even some The retired special forces are only in China, and they have absolutely no problem dealing with one or two underworld gangs. However, the reason why they were defeated from the very beginning was that on the one hand, the firepower here was too powerful, and on the other hand, it was also because the attacks carried out by Zhushen Wunian and others were too shocking.

Even though they have participated in the army and special forces, a team that has not experienced too many wars and a team that has been struggling for survival in blood and fire for a long time are definitely two completely different concepts. Although there are some people in Sacred Heart Academy It is possible to obtain guns and other weapons reasonably and legally, but it is impossible to actually staff a school security guard. Furthermore, because nothing major has happened in the past few years, when the alarm at the gate sounded, the internal personnel did not pay attention to it at all. Come on, it's already too late.

Of course, it is impossible for a team of more than forty people to completely control the thousands of teachers and students in the entire school. When the gunshots sounded and the first batch of security guards began to exchange fire, the mercenaries mainly blocked the teaching buildings and activities. There are several entrances and exits of buildings and office buildings, and naturally some people go to other places to arrest the few people they planned to arrest in advance. This includes Chen Guxia who knew about Yanhuang's awakening, Yahan, Lingjing, and Xun, and the things that happened in them are naturally different. In short, during the first two hours of nightfall, the whole campus was in a rowdy chaos.

Searching, besieging, fighting, fleeing, hiding... In fact, when the gunshots sounded, until someone was shot and killed in front of their eyes, perhaps most people have not been able to figure out the situation, and some of the first campus police officers were like this The son lost his life. More than forty people naturally couldn't cover the huge area of ​​the whole school. After the main building entrances and exits were controlled, the teachers and students in other places began to scatter like birds and beasts, running away, calling for help, looking for places to hide, and some people were killed and dispersed. Some of the mercenaries grabbed a few weapons and fled by themselves, or led people to organize resistance and flee. .

After more than 20 minutes, many people finally understood that this unrealistic scene was not a blockbuster movie, but a fact that was actually happening. After dozens of people trying to escape through the gate were shot or blown up, the initial chaos finally began to calm down. The mercenaries took control of the largest buildings, and then separated their hands to search in all directions. Snipers stared at every fleeing person from the commanding heights. Some people rely on the complex buildings of the school to hide and start confrontation, and some people look for opportunities to escape on the edge of the school...


As dusk receded, sporadic gunshots and cries for help could be heard from afar. In the woods behind the mountain, several people were walking forward. The leader was Dongfang Lu with a bloodstain on his face. There were about a dozen students following him, and Dongfang Wan and Ling Jing were also among them, following him slowly.

"What the hell is going on..." one of the students said in fear.

Dongfang Lu waved his hand: "Shut up."

"We can't get out here..."

"Shut up……"

Amidst the low cursing, the outline of the wall appeared in the sight of several people. Dongfang Lu hesitated for a while: "Let's go out from here."

"Impossible, it's too high here..."

"It's a concrete floor below..."

"The slope is so steep, at least tens of meters..."

I have stayed in Sacred Heart College for a long time, and I am familiar with the terrain of this section. First of all, the wall in front of me is more than three meters high. Not only is there a dangerous slope outside, but there is also a concrete wall and a remote road below. Sliding down directly, unable to slow down effectively, and falling half to death, several people in the team hesitated at the moment. Before Dongfang Lu could speak, Lingjing took a deep breath first, rushed forward, leaped forward, kicked on the wall, and then clasped the upper edge of the wall with both hands, her agility was insane. Like the usual Ye Lingjing who is well-behaved and excellent in studies.

Seeing her body turned over, Dongfang Lu nodded: "This is the most likely place to go out now, whoever wants to go, I will pull you up, and I have nothing to do if you don't go." He said, turning over As Lingjing jumped up, her body was on the other side, most of her body bent over and stretched out a hand. Although Lingjing didn't speak, she also stretched out her hand to the people on this side, the wall is relatively high , the actions of the two of them, after all, it is difficult for ordinary people to do.

The one following Dongfang Lu was naturally Dongfang Wan, who called out: "Brother." First she jumped up and grabbed his outstretched hand. Better than being beaten to death, a girl who originally had a fear of heights rushed over and grabbed Ling Jing's hand. However, before he had time to pull hard, he heard a shout from not far away, followed by the sound of crackling bullets, pulling golden sparks on the wall.

With a scream of "Ah--", the girl who was holding Lingjing's wrist had already let go, and fell back to the ground. Suddenly, she lost her strength, and Lingjing's body hanging outside the wall also suddenly disappeared. She lost her balance and fell suddenly. Afterwards, her whole body slid down the steep mountain wall. She grabbed the short grass on the ground with both hands. The next moment, she felt a burning pain. She straightened her legs and slowed down desperately. , However, the scene in front of him let out, and the distance of tens of meters slipped down in a blink of an eye.

"Lingjing...Xiao Wan, come up quickly!" Bullet marks slashed across the wall, and a mercenary with a submachine gun chased him closer and closer. Unable to lift her sister's body up, Dongfang Wan screamed in fear, kicking her legs desperately on the wall. Suddenly, the traces of the spark line seemed to cross the two hands holding each other. The next moment, Dongfang Wan grew up. Shouted: "Brother! Let me go! Let me go!"

Seeing the mercenaries approaching, more than a dozen people were so frightened that no one dared to move. Dongfang Wan let go and fell to the ground. Dongfang Lu's body also suddenly fell outside the Sacred Heart Academy. Before his body slipped, he grabbed the turf and dirt on the steep slope with both hands. When he looked up, a strange face appeared on the fence, and he raised his gun at him.

"Brother, let's go—ah..." With Dongfang Wan's yell, the mercenaries who rushed up the wall were pulled back, and the bullets that missed the target were shot into the sky, followed by Dongfang Wan's screams.

"Xiaowan—" Dongfang Lu was shocked, and his whole body slid down uncontrollably. Huan desperately lifted up the turf and gravel on the ground, but it was of no avail for a while. In a blink of an eye, he was close to the top of the wall below, and then his whole body fell hard to the concrete road...

The figure of the mercenary appeared on the fence, held a gun and patrolled downwards for a while, and then disappeared into the fence again.

"It wasn't shot, it wasn't shot... the time was wrong, the time was wrong, she should have just been kicked. It's okay... Xiao Wan is okay..."

Under the wall, two figures were sitting side by side. Dongfang Lu shook his head and muttered the analysis in his mind. Lingjing took a breath and glanced at Dongfang Lu: "Thank you for saving me. Are you okay? "

"Uh, it's okay..." He shook his head, "I'm fine."

"Why did such a thing happen? So many people are holding guns and killing people... It's not a movie..." Tears welled up in her eyes, and Ling Jing's hands, which had been cut by grass stems, were trembling slightly. The road seemed calm, but in fact, he was too nervous and frightened to speak. Dongfang Lu shook his head again. Just now, everyone was participating in the group activities, and it was almost the end of school. Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and then someone rushed in and shot and killed him. Escape by himself—Although he understood the relationship between Lingjing and Jiaming, his love for Lingjing never diminished. When he saw Lingjing present, he was always close, so he accidentally saved her.

The two sat for a while longer, and Ling Jing stood up resisting the pain in her body: "Well... if you're okay, and Shasha hasn't come out yet, I'll find someone to find a way."

"I want to save Xiaowan too... The phone in the school doesn't work, it must have been destroyed by them, but it can always be connected outside." Dongfang Lu stood up with Shan, "So, if you call Gu Jiaming , let's go together, okay?"

"Uh..." Hearing his words, Ling Jing suddenly turned around and froze there...

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