Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 215 Bloody Carnival (8)

Don't be afraid, don't move..."

In the darkness, she saw those familiar eyes, deeply buried in a gray-black cloak, smiling apologetically and reassuringly at her.

Both hands were tightly held by him at this moment, and the grenade tightly clenched in his left hand had already pulled off the ring. As long as there was a slight shock in the insurance, it might explode. The ring was placed on the index finger of his right hand. At this time, all five fingers are held by Jiaming's hand. Over the years, she has never felt the firmness and reliability of this hand like this time...

Her eyes were already sore when she saw the other party's sight. She didn't want to die, and she was also afraid of death. Just now, she pulled the grenade away, and the fear suddenly surged up with the pain. , the terrifying object that blew her and everyone else into pieces was held in her hand at this moment, her eyes passed over the cloak, on the opposite side, the gun in the giant's hand was still aimed at this side, and she was about to shoot a second time. gun.


"Bang——" the bullet flew across the night sky, and the seriously injured girl bit the enemy's arm fiercely. The pistol fell and was kicked away by the girl with her knee. Although the posture was in a mess, she handled it quite accurately.

From Rusha's position, you can clearly see the scene where the other party raised his gun, and the scene where Kaoru was shot flying again covered in blood. Griphook moved towards the grenade, slowly and firmly, without the slightest tremor. After swiping Xun aside, the tank didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards this side. Gathering all the strength of his body, he punched Jiaming at the back of the head.

There was no room to dodge, the back of the head was hit hard, the figure swayed, and then another punch came back suddenly from the opposite direction, and crazy kicks and knee bumps followed like a shadow.

From a distance, the tank was more than two meters tall, facing an opponent who was nearly forty centimeters behind him, he shot with all his strength in a moment. It looked like beating a helpless sandbag. The sound of wind caused by the fists and feet with great destructive power, and the movement of hitting people was shocking. Rusha was crying, looking at the familiar body in front of him, being beaten and shaking from time to time, the blood finally overflowed from his mouth, but he still had a stable smile on his face, only the outstretched hands did not shake in the slightest or loose.

In just a few seconds, the sound of "crack, bang, bang" followed the shaking of the figure like a violent storm, but with a soft "click", the pull ring was inserted into the grenade again. This time, with blood on the corner of Jia Ming's mouth, he finally pulled out an obvious arc of laughter.

With a "bang", the next moment, the sturdy body over two meters flew backwards...



"What exactly are you fighting for? I suddenly discovered that you are really weak...a pure little tank with a small turret..." Jia Ming smiled faintly as he wiped away the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. It's just that the expression was covered under the cloak, and it was still somewhat obscure. Opposite him, Tank had already stood up, spitting out a broken tooth. Made a defensive posture to face the battle.

Jia Ming lowered his head indifferently. Examining the grenade that might have exploded just now: "If you really came here with awareness, you should have hit my hand as soon as you got it, and if you want to be good when you get cheap... it can only mean that you still have no place. Power. Still can't grab anything you want to grab... It's like so many years ago, that girl's number is... 1368?"

"You really are a traitor to Pei Luojia..."

"Maybe, but it's not like what you think." He smiled faintly, "When you were training in Japan many years ago, that girl was with you, and you planned to leave Pei Luojia together, but she was I lied to you, in the later trial, she wanted to kill you, but you killed her in the end, because your skills were not bad, and the group of people above were in a good mood at that time, so they just released you to Asia Department, this is a popular joke inside Pei Luojia, otherwise why would you call it a pure little tank?"

Step by step, he walked towards him. Only then did Tank see the face under the cloak clearly. While showing a stunned expression, Jia Ming took out a pistol and threw it on the ground aside: "Since you I really want to fight, and there is no gun, I will give you a fair chance to fight." He said, pointing to an outer wall not far away, "Let's go over there."

"Jia... Jiaming..." Shasha chased after two steps, and then saw Jiaming turned around and smiled: "Don't worry."



This decisive battle didn't last long. Following the roar of tanks from the wall, followed by the roar of machine guns, it only took about a minute before and after. Jia Ming wiped his hands and came out from the wall. , at this time, Shasha was carefully lifting Kaoru's bloody upper body, helpless to deal with the situation in front of her.

"I come."

Walking to the side of the two, Jiaming said softly, one hand took Xun's legs, and the other hand hugged her blood-stained upper body as comfortably as possible: "You did a good job." He said softly .

The weak body nestled in Jia Ming's arms softly and bonelessly. Hearing those words, Xun looked at him, as if wondering if he had heard something wrong. There was a trace of confusion in the weakness Even though the blood was stained on his face, his expression was blooming, and he looked very charming. After a while, he showed a faint smile, and there was obvious relief and relaxation in his weakness. She moved her body with difficulty, bringing her body closer to Jia Ming's chest, and her cheeks seemed to be attached to it unintentionally. Perhaps only at this time, could she approach the past a little more justifiably... …

However, these small actions obviously made the other party somewhat dissatisfied.

"Hey, don't move around when you're hurt, lie down."

"You... of course it's uncomfortable for you to hold her like this. She was shot three times and shed so much blood, and you still said that she..." Sasha was crying, and hurriedly circled Xun, "You hug her?" It's better."

"Uh...but...I've always hugged people like this, it's not like you don't know..."

"But she was seriously injured..." Sha Shadi was in a panic. Jia Ming tried his best to carefully adjust the position of Xun in his arms. In the distance, the gunshots began to become more intensive for a while, probably because the people who had awakened from Yanhuang finally started to exchange fire with the mercenaries to rescue the hostages. However, This kind of thing is not his specialty, the reason why he can come in and rampage like this is because he doesn't care about things like hostages. .

, there should be only one thing related to him...

"Hey. Jiaming..." After walking a long way, Shasha turned around in doubt, "Didn't you say to fight that person? Why so fast..."

"Well, he is too bad..."



The moment the bullet tore through the chest, the whole world became icy cold, as if the coldness of the whole world was boiled in one place.

He lay quietly on the ground, the last thing he saw was the darkness in the night sky, the blood escaped from the blood vessels, poured into the lungs, throat, and stomach... This was the last moment of his life . He has heard before that this moment is often very short but also very long, so long that a moment can condense a person's whole life. He suddenly remembered something from a long time ago.

The girl code-named 1368 once gave everything to him, and they once plotted to be free. That was indeed the dream of a young boy who was too naive, and that naive plan had no possibility of realization. When this fact was finally discovered, in order to cover up his behavior. He informed the instructor, and then...killed the girl...

He survived because of this, and after the girl died, the story about escape and betrayal became another version of the story, which became a joke among Pei Luojia. Anyway. A pure little tank is always more pleasing to the ears than a cowardly and rebellious little tank. Since then, he has not been in contact with any woman—nor has any man—when he was driven by the gods' thoughts and betrayed Pei Luojia's high-level decision, he seemed to have a sense of relief in his heart. It seems that he can get rid of everything in the past, but he is right, he still has no awareness, he should let the grenade explode immediately, no matter how many years have passed, he is still the cowardly man who can't make up his mind at the last moment...

"It doesn't matter if you are afraid, because I will run away with you..."


"How could it be known... Let's go quickly... Just the two of us..."


"I'm dead... will you live well..."


Everything turned into the last look of sarcasm in her eyes. The sarcasm may be the same as the small submachine gun that the other party calmly took out when he rushed forward when he wanted a fair duel. Maybe she did the same when facing her own submachine gun , first stunned, then suddenly...

The night wind blew past, and amidst the sobs, the sound of gunfire in the distance also became mesmerizing.

More than ten minutes later, a figure suddenly appeared here, wearing a colorful coat, and the gods Wu Nian looked slightly lonely. This action itself is an adventure, with a score of 50 or 50. The current situation can only be said to be bad luck, and it was also expected. As for the group of mercenaries who came here for money... they were led by Tank and others. The companions who came were not recognized by him. Now it seems that if only a few people came at the beginning, it might be easier to catch the hostages. Of course, it is meaningless to think about this kind of thing now.

He looked down at his companion's corpse, and was about to squat down, when suddenly, a strange feeling came up, his legs in a half-squat state took advantage of the momentum, and his whole body jumped out close to the ground.

With the sound of shotguns roaring, the bullets chased the speeding Gods Wu Nian, blasting the stone chips on the entire wall into four directions, while fighting back with guns, Gods Wu Nian looked back and saw that Dao's ghost-like figure in a gray-black cloak was quickly chasing after him along the edge of the grove.

finally appeared...

After referring to Tulip's previous actions, I understand that this guy basically has a character of revenge, so Wu Nian has long understood that if he came to him, even if he returned to Japan immediately, the other party would definitely follow him. Under such circumstances, he finally showed up, and was currently suppressed by his firepower. For a while, a nervous smile appeared on his face, and he rushed into a long row of small bungalows in front of him.

It was in the old house of the school a long time ago. There was a long corridor in the middle with single rooms on both sides. As soon as he entered, the other party immediately chased after him. He saw that the exit in front of the passage was two locked iron doors. Shen Wunian cursed secretly, and when he turned around, he saw that the other party directly carried a bazooka on his shoulder.

The door of the next single room slammed open with a bang, and with the huge roar, flames and air waves swept in, and the gods Wu Nian broke through the window and ran out.

Swooping past two windows, a gray-black figure appeared at the corner of the opposite house. Before he could shoot, Zhushen Wunian broke through the window again and rushed in.

Run back along the passage full of flames. According to calculations, when you rush to the door, you almost meet the tulip rushing from there. With that corner, you can reduce the current disadvantage in firepower. However, before rushing to the door, he vaguely heard the sound of glass shattering, turned around and kicked towards the door on one side, and at the same time, the other party also rushed over there.

With a loud bang, the old wooden door suffered heavy blows from two sides at the same time, and suddenly turned into sawdust all over the sky.

The black shadow rushed out like a cannonball, Zhushen Wunian's turn and sideways movement was astonishingly powerful, he kicked the wooden door, and fought hard with the man in gray rushing from behind, but he only felt that He kicked a swimming fish and slid over with all his strength. The next moment, both bodies flew up at the same time.

It's a pretty pure punch.

With a bang, the bodies of the two smashed through the door of the room on the other side of the aisle. At the same time as his body was flying in the air, Zhushen Wunian only felt that the other party had grabbed his collar with one hand, and when he took off his hands, the man involuntarily rolled over in the air, but before landing, he pressed both hands on the collar at the same time. on his shoulder.

Bang bang collapsed—the two bodies flew a full distance of five or six meters in the air, the wooden bed and the large wardrobe in the room were smashed into parts, and their bodies fell to the foot of the wall. The hand of the man on his shoulder was suddenly separated, but what followed was a head hammer from the man, and a hasty elbow thrust, followed by countless blows like a storm. Heavy punch. .

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