Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 217 Scarlet Carnival (10)

The road was pitch black, and the lights of police cars were reflected in the glass windows in the distance. Old desks were placed in one middle, and there were big holes in the walls in some places. The renovation, the raised dust, and the dusty smell are particularly strong. It seems that not long ago, there were childish students sitting in these classrooms, reading, writing, chasing and playing. On the battlefield, with the sound of gunfire, some strange winds blew from time to time, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

With a bang, sparks lit up on the wall, and a big hole was opened between the two classrooms. An old desk flew over with a bang, and the figure on this side quickly dodged. The bullets of the submachine gun poured over like crazy.

"Haha... Missed, missed, Tulip!" The figure ran wildly amidst the sparks splashed by the bullets, Zhushen Wunian burst out of the room with a smile, occasionally raising his hand to fight back, "Come on, I really want to kill you!" I, Yuan Lai Chaochuang's fire suppression can be perfect in your hands, but I can know your every move, do you believe it? Come on..."

"Relying on supernatural powers, isn't it amazing?" Leaping aside, avoiding the incoming bullets, Jia Ming hid behind a beam and quickly changed the clips.

"It's not very remarkable. This is my ability. It's like a weapon. My weapon is more useful." While Jia Ming chased him out, he jumped into another classroom.

"Whether a weapon is powerful or not depends only on how the user uses it!" As he fired, he approached quickly.

"Then use your strength when you killed Ouchi Chief Governor. Prove it to me!" With both hands outstretched, dense bullets sealed the door.

There was no response. The next moment, he turned around abruptly, and there was a bang on the wall behind him. The limestone was suddenly shaken off the old ceiling. At this time, there was an impressive wall with a diameter of one meter on the old classroom wall. There was a circular crack in the meter, and he aimed the muzzle at the cracked wall. Waiting for the opponent to break it directly.

Then, everything fell silent.

The sound of the wind whistled softly through the aisle, and for a moment, the gods Wu Nian laughed: "The wind will tell me where you are. Come on, don't waste time."

After these words, there was still no movement on the other side, his heart froze slightly, the wind caught the outline of the room on the other side, but he was secretly surprised, even with all his strength. That figure still seemed vague and erratic. Obviously, the other party had a lot of experience in fighting supernatural beings.

"Since you don't want to come, let's talk about it..."

"You were injured. I saw your blood, but to be honest, I never thought that you were that child. You really have kept everyone from it..."

"Natural evolutionary? Or are you also a reformer..."

"I think I can understand your anger..."

"Stay well at home, and someone came to your door and took your girlfriend and important people as hostages. There was a lot of trouble. Are you angry?"

"I know what you want...a normal life. No matter what your background is, you want a normal life, don't you?"

"Never mind. For so many years in this industry, do you know what is the most ridiculous thing I find?"

"Every one of you feels that you are innocent, whether it is Yuan Lai Chaochuang, the Chief Inspector, the tank that you killed just now, or Bai Nana, including you...everyone of you feels innocent. You are innocent, you thought you might have faced other choices, even death..."

"But life is like this. If you have your own past, you must have such a future. With your own strength, you have to face the consequences that follow."

"You have made such and such choices before. At this point in the end, you will complain that you want to live a mediocre life, but we come to you, but half of the development of life always comes from your own choices... "

"From the incidents you created a few times ago, many people saw your strength, and I saw it too, but at the same time... I saw your fear..."

"I'm different from you. I have no fear, because I always know what I am and what I have to face. I never feel innocent..."

Before the words fell, with the loud sound of the shotgun, the wall exploded with a bang, and the stones flew out with a huge momentum. Zhushen Wunian jumped to the side. Across the hole, the bullets and flames were fierce Like fireworks bursting suddenly, while Zhushen Wunian was rolling on the ground, Jiaming took a shotgun and circled towards the front door of the classroom. When he fired again, Zhushen Wunian laughed and hid behind the desks. Behind, countless sawdust flew out.

Suddenly, countless winds rushed in from the door, and the supernatural wind almost rolled up the dust in several surrounding classrooms. In an instant, the entire field of vision was blocked, and even breathing was affected. The voices of the gods without thoughts It sounded again: "Go to hell!"



In the dust, avoiding the path of the bullets, Zhushen Wunian rushed to Jiaming's side suddenly, and slashed towards Jiaming with a violent sideways sweep. On one side of his body, he blocked it with the shotgun, and immediately both of them took two steps back. Then, the sound of wind came from all directions.

The dust obscured the sight, and the wind disturbed the hearing. In a short while, there were more than ten consecutive attacks, but the body had retreated to the middle position in front of the classroom. With a stretched hand, he picked up a desk and slammed it over. Zhushen Wunian's body shattered with a bang, and at the same time, he was also kicked out by a sweep.

"I can't see it, let's see how long you can block it!" With a leap, he followed directly.

"Don't stop."

Following the heavy punches of the gods Wu Nian, Jia Ming also shot at the same time, tilting his head, avoiding the attack by a slight margin, and clasped his wrist with one hand.

Surprised in my heart, the subsequent knee bump was also gently removed by the opponent. I don't know how he can still see the move in such a situation, and the right hand that has not been clasped hastily returned. Pull, but Jiaming's other hand has already followed, in a blink of an eye. The two sides changed dozens of ways of breaking free and catching in that place, and their figures danced like lightning. The gods Wu Nian just felt as if they were trapped in a sticky quagmire, unable to break free, unable to fight, as long as one side used strong force, the power on the other side would immediately weaken, and when the strength on this side was reduced As soon as he was exhausted, the opponent's strength was overwhelming.

One ebbs and another, the change is almost perfect, this is... Tai Chi! .

This thought just flashed through my mind. The front of the chest has been grabbed by the other party, and the next moment, the world is spinning in front of his eyes.

With a bang, the already broken wall at the back almost burst open at this time, and Jia Ming dragged the body of Zhushen Wunian and slammed into it fiercely.

"Actually you also

..." The leg whip was like lightning, following Jia Ming's body spinning and accelerating, it hit Wu Nian's lower abdomen fiercely.

"You are also feeling sorry for yourself..." His fists came down like thunder, "You are in pain, you are helpless, and you are self-destructive. No matter what you do, it is useless because..." He swung the body of Zhu Shen Wu Nian, and then Throw it out one at a time. Amidst the loud noise, I don't know how many tables and chairs were smashed.

"Because you are a monster created by Pei Luojia!"

"***..." As Jia Ming followed up again, the curses of the gods Wu Nian came from the dust over there. Charged out of the wind, Jia Ming punched out with both fists. The gods did not stop without thinking, stretched out their hands to clasp Jiaming's shoulders, and stared at him fiercely.

Among the swirling dust, they are so close that they can still be seen vaguely. The originally handsome faces of the gods Wu Nian showed an extremely ferocious look at this time. His face and eyes were bloodshot: "I'm not a monster! Go...die!"

Following this cry, Jia Ming faintly felt a force rushing into his body suddenly, and then. It was the pain rising in the brain—different from the previous manipulation of wind power, it was already a force directly acting on the body at this time, and then, the feeling of headache suddenly hit.


This time the headache was obviously much more severe than the previous few times, but before launching a subconscious counterattack, Zhushen Wunian's body burst out a gust of wind force to the surroundings like a bomb, roaring out, and with a puff, he slammed He spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his body was kicked out by Jia Ming.

"No, it's impossible... what are you..."

In the dust, there was the unbelievable voice of Gods Wu Nian. Obviously, he had discovered something unusual. Jia Ming shook his head, wiped the blood splashed on his face, and then coughed while covering his chest .

"Face the reality, you are a monster, that's right, as for me... Is it a monster hunter..."



Waiting under the old teaching building, the lights on the police car are changing, the people around here are watching the movement coming out of that floor, occasionally they can even hear some vague conversations, of course... more The sound of gunfire.

At a certain moment, everyone stared in amazement at the white dust coming out of the upstairs windows.

"what is that……"

"Is there a group of people cleaning up?"

"Two people, why is there such a big commotion..."

During the discussion, Ye Lian opened her mouth: "This should be..."

"Leader Ye, what exactly is it? Do you know?" Director Hao asked.

"Uh... not very sure, there is not enough information, and it is only in the speculation stage at the moment... let's see, if it is really that person, the one above who can make this situation should be... In any case, don't get close, don't do it for the time being Make any attack..."

He refused to say it clearly, but Director Hao didn't dare to ask. At this time, more than ten small cars of various types were parked around the building, and dozens of policemen were all armed and loaded, waiting, and the atmosphere was chilling. Not long after, someone suddenly shouted: "Look... there are people up there!"

When I looked up, I saw a figure jumping down on the roof of the sixth floor, followed by a second figure.

Jumping from such a high distance is generally considered to be an act of suicide. The two figures passed by in a flash, but at the height of two floors, the figure in front seemed to pause strangely. It was like a hallucination for a moment, because the people behind quickly pressed down, and with a bang, two figures fell on the small square in front of the teaching building.


Falling down from such a high distance made everyone feel a little bit astonished. The two powerful figures who had been making trouble inside for a long time actually jumped off the building and died like this? Such doubts crossed my mind, and slowly, Youdao's figure moved.

With a bang, the policemen raised their guns in unison. In their field of vision, in the shadow cast by the dim and dilapidated teaching building, a figure in a gray-black cloak slowly stood up on top of the corpse. , The feeling at that moment was like seeing the god of death in western legends.

"Manipulating the wind... stopped in mid-air, and then... that person is..."

Ye Lian looked at the sky subconsciously, and then looked at the two figures, one dead and one alive. Director Hao had already drawn out his pistol and asked his opinion with his eyes. The blood-soaked figure moved its neck, turned around and walked slowly towards the gap surrounded by one side.

"Leader Ye, we should..."

"Hey, I know who you are, can we talk?" Ye Lian asked loudly amid Director Hao's inquiries.

There was no response, the man just followed the shadows to think about the direction of the woods behind the mountain. Two policemen stood in front of them with guns at forty-five degrees left and right, but you looked at me and I looked at you. I don’t know what it means. Sample. After a while, Ye Lian waved her hand: "Let him go, put down the gun." Everyone just put down the pistol.

Under everyone's attention, the figure slowly walked into the woods, was gradually overwhelmed by the shadow, and finally disappeared. Ye Lian shouted: "Thank you, please say hello if you have any trouble."

"Who is that person..."

"He's wearing a cloak like that, so he can't see clearly, have you seen it?"

"I didn't see him..."

"What are you doing, the two of you are the closest..."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Ye Lian finally took her eyes back, and then took a breath, with a trademark friendly smile on her face: "Hao Ju, congratulations, the one who died on the ground should be Zhushen Wunian, International terrorists, if they are promoted now, they will be treated as guests."

"Uh...really..." Director Hao was stunned for a moment, before asking, "The man in black."

"It's best not to pursue this person. He's very angry. But I can tell you that she is the tulip you have been chasing for a long time."

In the night, the tense policemen went forward to inspect the corpse. The evacuation of the students had come to an end. More military police and agents were still cleaning up the entire campus. The movement of the gun battle gradually disappeared. Are there any mercenaries? It’s hard to tell, but even if you managed to escape from the school, of course you wouldn’t disclose such news to the outside world. The parents of the children cheered or cried, and then left quickly. Afterwards, Liu Zheng accompanied Shasha, Xun and others to the hospital , Those punks surrounding the school gradually began to disperse. Received the money for this dispatch, ate supper, and then dispersed in groups to different corners of the city...

The night is still the same, with the flow of neon, gradually leaving December 2, 1998, to a new day...

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