Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 222 Heidi's troubles

It is a relatively ordinary high school in New York City.

The cold winter wind blows through the city streets in the afternoon, looking through the railings of the school, it is just after school time, the students come out of the classroom, carry their schoolbags and notes, and some go to pick up their bicycles and drive past the playground , ready to go home, there is a game going on on the grassy yellow football field, and groups of children stop to watch, chatting in twos and threes, or shouting cheers, wooden chairs in the corner of the field are simply set up In the auditorium, there is relatively the largest group of spectators. There are about a dozen men and women in total. They are all students of this school. They seem to be of different ages. There are blacks and whites. They are watching the game at the same time. While chatting.

"Las Vegas? Well, I was there two years ago, it's beautiful, do you really want to go? I know a casino, and I've won a fortune there...Honestly, that's really It's a great place."

As Christmas is approaching, most schools in the United States have already closed for winter vacation. This middle school closed relatively late, but it is also in these two days. If there are still many good babies in American junior high schools, the students entering high school are already In the rebellious period, they yearn for individuality, publicity, extraordinaryness, and independence. As soon as the holidays are over, they start discussing about traveling together after Christmas.

Traveling without parental participation is actually equivalent to some form of matching activities. In a strange city, people who are familiar with each other will quickly build a good impression. In the United States, it is not uncommon for students to develop sexual relationships with others in junior high school and high school. Of course, there may be some conservative people among them, just like there are freaks in any kind of crowd. undeniable.

After chattering and discussing for a while, in the end, everyone's intentions were towards Las Vegas. Several boys looked at the girl sitting in the crowd intentionally or unintentionally, and one of them, a tall black boy, said: " Then make sure to go to Las Vegas, Heidi, what do you think? I haven't heard you express your opinion." He said. Following the girl's gaze to the playground, he seemed to be looking for something, and for a moment, his gaze locked on a white boy who was running.

"Ah, Las Vegas? Hmm..." The girl gathered her eyes that were a little lost in thought, and then shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "Okay, after Christmas. Go there." In clear English, shrugged and In the movement of speaking, there is a sharpness and ease unique to American children. Hearing her affirmative words, several boys around laughed as if they were relieved, and everyone began to chat about the details of the trip lively, and the matter was considered finalized.

Among the crowd, the girl who attracted most people's attention was about fourteen or fifteen years old. If she is in China, she can only be regarded as a girl, but in Japan, she is a loli, just like the oranges born in the south and north. At this time, because of her independent feeling, she can barely be called a girl.

The girl in the crowd has black hair, not the pure black that is as dazzling as water waterfalls and satin. Her hair is quietly scattered behind her head, not too long, just past her shoulders, and occasionally when the hair is lightly fluttered, there is a feeling of gauze and mist. She is wearing a light purple top with four hidden pockets. pants, pink sneakers with white subtitles. Her chest has developed slightly, but it is not obvious, especially under the winter attire, which makes her figure look a little short, but it looks even more cute. Dressed in warm tones and the seemingly innocent smile that hangs on his lips from time to time can always give people a feeling of liking, and his temperament looks independent and assertive. There is also a touch of softness that conforms to the oriental aesthetics. This may also have something to do with her genetics of being a Chinese-American mixed race.

Named Heidi. Tang's girl not only has the identity of a mixed-race, single-parent family. At the same time, it is said that she also has a mafia family background, which made her attract the attention of many boys even in the first half of her first year of high school. And no self-confident girl dared to express dissatisfaction with her face to face. As for these boys who cared so much about her opinion, it was naturally not because they were afraid of her background, but because of her unique sweet and contradictory temperament, which was a mixture of great attraction.

Of course, if we are observant enough, we may be able to spot the person living in Jianghai City a few years ago, wearing a ragged dress, bare feet, dirty little face, and smudges. Xi’s small nose, waiting for the shadow of the little girl from Jiaming every night in front of the fried noodle cart, but in general, she has grown a lot, her eyes are still pure and clear, but she no longer has the confusion and helplessness of that time The somewhat deliberate stickiness and coquettishness when I went to Jianghai with my mother half a year ago did not show at this time. During the time when we, including Jiaming, hadn't paid attention to it, the little girl at the beginning was actually Has gradually grown up.

"Heidi." Knowing that she can communicate livelyly with people many times, but in some special moments—usually during the thinking time when she is trying to compose—she will also become quiet and silent, seeing the people around her again and again. After discussing, sitting next to her, Amy, who had a good relationship with her at the same table, came over: "What are you thinking? Who are you looking at? Bill? Wins?"

"Ah? I was thinking..." Heidi smiled, "I want to travel to China."

"China? Why do you want to go there? Oh...you usually like Chinese things. I saw you read books about China several times. I heard you can speak Chinese?"

"Still learning." She replied in Chinese with a smile, and shrugged her shoulders when Amy showed a confused expression, "

Just kidding, hehe, yes...Wins, I know, who is the football captain? "

"The recently elected vice-captain, the one who looks good and plays football well, I thought you were looking at him, look, that's right there, he's coming... ah, watch out!"

Before Amy finished speaking, Heidi turned her head and saw a football whizzing towards her. The black boy in front of her dodged subconsciously. The football hit Heidi's forehead and flew high.

"Ah, ah, ah..." The girl who was sitting on the back of the wooden chair waved her hands in the air a few times, and then fell to the grass behind with a bang. The boys around were silently stunned for a moment. The children covered their mouths and wanted to laugh, but Amy was the first to turn around: "Heidi, are you okay?".

Before the words fell, Heidi who fell on the ground stood up abruptly, slapping her messy hair, cheeks, and clothes. The boy over there shouted: "accident." I don't know if she listened to it or not. He just ran for a while, first caught up with the football, then ran to the edge of the field with the ball in his arms, and kicked it hard.

The football flew over half of the football field, although it had lost much strength, but because the goalkeeper was a little dazed at this moment, the football flew into the goal accurately.

"Don't let me see you play like this again! Or I'll kick your ass hard!"

He waved his fist and shouted loudly. Heidi crossed her hands, pursed her lips and gave a middle finger viciously. The man on the court spread his hands, a little at a loss, and everyone around laughed. After walking to the wooden stand, Heidi rubbed her forehead that was sore from the impact, and picked up the backpack with the guitar and hung it on her shoulder: "I'm going first. Goodbye."


"Remember the time, get ready."

"I know, I know!"

Waving her hand, Heidi walked straight out of the school gate, where a silver female Honda had already parked on the side of the road, which looked spacious and refreshing. Giving people a feeling of independence, a woman wearing a brown trench coat with her hair pulled back was already standing by the car door, nodded, and Heidi went straight to the passenger seat, and then threw the guitar at the back of the car.

After a while, a woman in a brown windbreaker sat in the driving seat, and the car slowly drove onto the road.

"on vacation?"


"I just saw you got hit by a football. Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Sorry, I'm late today, and I'm going to talk to someone from Rhett's company about something."

"It doesn't matter……"

"Jia Ming has come to America."

"Hmm... ah!" Suddenly looking away from the window, Heidi exclaimed and looked at her mother, but she turned her head and smiled, "I'm lying to you, you look absent-minded..."

"I want to go to China..." murmured. Marilyn on the side turned her head: "But we can't go over and trouble him."

"I know... so after Christmas I'm only going to Las Vegas..."

"Las Vegas? Do you want to travel?"

"Well. With my classmates."

"A bunch of kids? No. I object!"

"I promised them."

"No, you are going on a trip and I can accompany you. You can't be alone..."

"Not alone..."

"Just alone. I mean it's no different than going alone with you."

"I promised. You taught me that you can't go back on what you promised to others."

"That's what Tang Jingyao told you, not to mention he didn't even keep his promise. Jia Ming also told you that repenting is a woman's privilege. Who do you listen to?"

"You shouldn't be teaching me stuff like that, it's not right."

"Anyway, you are not allowed to go..."

The intense discussion in the car continued all the way, and it was gradually slanting to the west. The car just approached a huge manor by the sea. Suddenly, Marilyn, who was driving, was stunned for a moment, feeling the violent vibration of the car. Heidi looked at He glanced at his mother, then looked forward.

At this time, by the flower bed outside the gate of the manor, an ordinary-looking oriental boy was sitting, wearing a down jacket that was as ordinary as his appearance, carrying a bag, and sitting bored There, the weather seemed a bit cold, and he tightened his collar from time to time. Since he was an oriental man, his manner seemed a bit old fashioned. A strong man in a black suit at the gate of the manor looked at him unkindly.

The car stopped slowly.

The car door opened, and she was wearing a brown windbreaker and silver high heels. She stretched her legs out of the car door and seemed to fall to the ground with a slight trembling. , For a while, the door could not be opened at all, and then he jumped out from inside with a bang.

"Uh... I've been waiting for you for a long time." The boy stood up, "I don't have any other acquaintances, can I stay here for a few days?"

"This is all yours." Trying to suppress the excitement, Marilyn's voice was unusually soft, as if a big movement would tear the dream in front of her, but immediately, Heidi's figure rushed over cheering and hugged her with a bang. The boy stayed, and with a few splashes, the two of them rolled into the flower bed at the back at the same time...


Heidi's description takes a bit too much space, but I think it is necessary, and it seems to be unsatisfactory after reading it. I don't know if everyone likes this kind of loli image, um, an American girl around fourteen years old....

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