Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 231 Backtracking

At noon, the snowflakes finally stopped, the streets were not too cold and gloomy, the clouds over New York were brewing a more violent snowstorm, and there was a slight snowstorm warning in the news.

In the messy room that had been ravaged by bombs and flames, the police were busy working to clean up the scene and examine the corpses. Some police officers immediately called up all the surveillance cameras and began to analyze them.

Around one o'clock in the afternoon, a car stopped outside the closed casino, and the street was sealed off. Two white men in casual clothes came down. One was a tall and thin man with a height of almost two meters. The man in the room is only about 1.7 meters tall, with a gentle appearance and thin framed eyes. He looks like a white-collar employee who works in a big company and works from 9 to 5.

The fat police chief with a serious expression greeted him from inside: "You are..."

"FBI, I'm Deni. Lawon, this is Michelle. Agent Phillips, I think they've introduced us to you on the phone... We're actually planning a vacation trip to San Francisco, uh, I'm Said... this matter should be more interesting than traveling." Taking out the ID card from his arms, the tall man named Deni introduced himself, but the gentle-looking Michelle did not speak, and showed him the ID card, He casually adjusted his glasses and looked around.

"Oh, I'm Tim, Tim. Robbins, the person in charge of this district." After shaking hands with the two, the fat sheriff led them inside, "On the surface, this is an entertainment venue, but in fact... …Of course, there is a big black market boxing ring down there, it is held every Saturday, I think you know, because we once conducted an investigation on this place, and then it was stopped because your people were also involved .”

"Well, that's right, but that matter is over. Tom, who was conducting the investigation at the beginning... Ka..." His fingers lightly stroked his neck. The tall detective raised his eyebrows playfully, "Dead. Heh, of course after finishing the matter here."

"Uh..." The fat sheriff spread his hands. Dare not to talk about this matter anymore, and then several people walked into the corridor leading to the rear. Due to the spray water in the morning, the surrounding walls were wet at this time. From time to time, police officers passed by the three people, and the atmosphere was very Cold, a moment later. The sheriff somewhat deliberately diverted the topic.

"Go this way. Uh, let me briefly explain that the time of the incident was 10:45 in the morning. There was only one explosion in the whole accident, but the explosion was quite powerful. The entire passage, the distance of nearly 20 meters before and after A total of eight people were affected, and a total of eight people died. Five of them have been affected by the bomb. The other three bodies are intact. One of them is Gary. Deng Bo, he is a black market boxer. Although the ranking is not very good, But he wouldn't have any problem fighting eight to ten ordinary people with his bare hands. His Adam's apple was hit hard, and then his neck was wrung out... According to the judge, it was like twisting a chicken—he didn't have time to do anything. Resist..."

Speaking of this, he shook his head in disbelief, and the detective Michelle, who was wearing glasses, frowned, "Adam's apple? That means he was hit hard in the front, and there are no other injuries?"

"No, his body is complete, and the examination was quick. You know, we have the best forensic doctor in the entire United States... The preliminary examination results are that he was in good health before death, did not take any drugs, and did not sleep with any women. He was strong enough to kill a cow, and then... he was killed without a fight."

"Troublesome matter..." The two detectives looked at each other, and the sheriff added: "Yes, according to the forensic doctor, Gary Deng Bo's Adam's apple was shattered. But the scar test proved to be boxing, the force was perfectly concentrated in one point, at least over three hundred pounds, you know, even if he survived because of the rigorous training, this punch has already caused devastating damage to his neck hit, you won't live long."

"Is Bruce Lee reborn? Where is the scene?"

"You'll see it right away."

Turning the curve ahead, the wall that had been peeled off by the explosion appeared in front of it. A group of police officers carefully checked the surroundings, looking for something that might be useful. Since the police arrived quickly, the scene was basically complete.

"The center of the incident should be the middle room inside. You know, besides the underground boxing match, they also have a lot of messy business here. I have to say, their backstage is very good." The fat police chief put on a mask and covered Closing his mouth and nose, he led the two of them around the scorched black objects on the ground, and occasionally pulled away some things covered by white cloth, most of them were corpses, "The owner of a private company rented this room, the background is very blurry, but The general understanding is that he is a relatively legitimate businessman. This room is rented by him to store some things. Of course, on the surface it is filled with company documents. It is not unusual for him to come here to deal with some things. Every underground boxing hobby Anyone can have a room like this, if you can afford it."

"At the time of the incident, he entered the room, and his two bodyguards were standing outside the door, all of which were shown on the surveillance cameras. His two bodyguards were very professional, and seemed a bit too professional. They all had guns... The camera turned away shortly afterwards, and when they were found again it was

After 10 minutes, the surveillance officer drank alcohol yesterday and did not notice the pause between the surveillance cameras at this time, and then they fell to the ground in the camera. The first two people who came tried to inspect their bodies, but the murderer had obviously The bomb was pressed under the body of one of the people, and two people were killed on the spot. The body under the bomb...was almost broken into pieces, and most of what we saw just now was...and then this one inside..."

"Aaron Eckhart, businessman..." What appeared in front of me was the room whose door had been blasted open. Due to the flames, the surroundings had also become blackened. Several policemen were busy on one side of the room. , They removed the bookshelf that was there, and there was obviously a secret room behind, there was no way to open it normally, and they were trying to force the door. The corpse was not far from the door, and part of it had been charred. A forensic doctor was taking notes beside him.

wap. 3ghxw.

"What's that?" Adjusting his glasses, the detective named Michelle gestured towards the secret room, and the sheriff said: "Obviously, a room that cannot be opened, the person in charge here refuses to explain it , Later it was said that it was a secret business here. As long as you have enough money, you can own such a room, except for yourself. Even the property owner didn’t know how to open it, and the victim’s thumb was cut off. And there There is a fingerprint lock, it is obvious that the murderer has entered. The one who is busy is an expert, he is best at sliding doors and picking locks, hehe... ".

"So... what about this Mr. Eckhart? How is he doing?"

"It's dead and overcooked. It's like a three-rare steak. I like it." Hearing Michelle's words, the skinny and nervous forensic doctor who was taking notes on the ground raised his head. Pick up the stick and poke gently on the body of the dead body. "A total of twenty-three wounds, the man who did it was a genius... no, I mean he was a master, there is no doubt that the cut in the throat was the first cut, the murderer put his hands around his nose and mouth from behind, Very hard, very hard..."

The forensic doctor stood up from the ground, vigorously trying to reproduce the scene at that time. Catch back with one hand. The knife in the other hand was chopping like a dagger: "You must not be able to imagine. His bones have been dislocated, and he has a slight laceration. The opponent just used his hands to hold him, and the strength is almost crushed." His face, and then he first slit his throat, the wound was deep, the blood would flow more than one meter away, and then his thighs, shoulders, and the whole body, the other party looked like milk). Twenty consecutive piercings Many times, all this is to prevent him from making even the slightest sound. It is really a masterpiece of perfection. I haven't looked at the fragments outside, but I have seen the three complete corpses, clean and tidy , here is definitely a master, I really hope to see him, appreciating his works is a kind of enjoyment..."

Michelle covered her mouth with a mask, listened to him quietly, and then said, "Alan, can anyone be more perverted than you?"

The forensic doctor made an indescribable gesture, and then said: "The man here is really powerful, I bet you fbi bitches will never be able to catch him, how about it?"

"I like seven-year-olds."

"These two guys are college classmates. They have known each other for a long time, and they have expressed their admiration for each other's ass." The tall detective explained to the somewhat strange fat sheriff, and then said, "Then, let me see it first. The surveillance video, of course, must have been edited by someone."

"Okay, come with me." The fat police chief walked in front and led the tall man to the monitoring room, while Michelle stayed at the scene, "Uh, according to the preliminary inspection conducted by our experts, the video has not been trimmed, It seems to be operating normally at every moment, but... a small modification was made secretly by someone, and the other party took advantage of this time difference to enter the interior step by step, but we still don't know how he passed it. technology controls the entire monitoring system..."

All the way to the monitoring room, the pictures on dozens of screens alternated alternately. Several police officers were studying. Seeing the sergeant come in, after introducing the identity of the tall man, a police officer controlled the time of the screen and began to introduce him. Everything on screen.

"The monitoring system on the entire floor is quite complete. In theory, there are almost no dead spots in the monitoring, and the screen has not been modified by anyone. However, after we reversed the entry line of the other party, we found that several shots had imperceptible artifacts. Control traces, first here..."

"There seems to be some small problem with the camera next to the entrance. The monitor is very keen, and then judges that there is something wrong with the shelf of the monitor, so the bodyguard went to see it. In just a few seconds, the murderer entered this place. intersection..."

"Following these shots, there were some subtle adjustments. If we didn't know the results, we wouldn't have discovered that these shots were abnormal. When entering this room from the outside, there are many paths that can be chosen. In the first time In the paragraph, you can find that there are people walking here, this side, and this side, so the murderer should have chosen this road, the camera turned around, he walked out, and the rear camera just happened to capture this intersection...no one , he was only one step ahead of the camera, the two shots in this aisle, you see, very natural

Come in, there is no one here, but in between, there is about a meter and a half of this camera moving, and the other one is also moving, the murderer... is hidden in this gap of only one second, fixed speed, perfect in control of everything..."

"Because of this kind of analysis, we can easily find that in this room that seems to be surrounded by surveillance cameras, someone has created a blank spot that is always moving. You see, the place a little ahead of the camera looks poor. One point can coincide with the previous shot, but it will always be short of this point. He goes from here, to here, and then turns. Every aisle is exactly thirteen seconds. No more, no less...I hate this number... "

"We zoomed in here through a blank shot, and look, a shot in front of us starts to pan back, and here are two black men walking down that hallway, and then...the shots overlap, and we can't see anyone, and there's a door here... We found two bodies inside. Forty-two seconds later. The black man turned around. Look, watch, the blind spot outside the camera starts to appear again, and between the two shots, it's moving. Next The corridor is also thirteen seconds..."

"Here, the cleaner began to overlap with the blind spot, but when it got here, the blind spot expanded...so the cleaner didn't die. The murderer didn't know how to avoid the cleaner. He paused here. Then he went this way Come on, from this side shot. We can see him, his name is Gary. Temple, the other dead... He disappeared, but not in the next shot, which of course is currently filming the other side of the hallway, He didn't show up all at once, and it wouldn't arouse suspicion, and then he didn't show up again. We found him in this room, and the body seemed to be thrown in by the murderer. Well, in the end, the murderer entered This room, and then the businessman and his bodyguard came over, you can clearly see..."

The entire monitoring room was quiet, the FBI agent kept silent subconsciously, the fat police chief walked around with his hands behind his back, only the voice of the policeman's commentary reverberated strangely, but it set off the whole atmosphere even more silence. Although they have deduced these things together many times, listening to their colleagues say it systematically at this time, one can't help but feel a chill in the heart. On the surveillance screen, the interior of the entire casino is not silent. , Every corridor seems to be passed by people, which is why it seems that there are countless people coming and going, and there are countless eyes watching, but there are always people walking through the place silently, like a ghost, no one can find it. The strange feeling is more profound. .

Calm, precise, treacherous, and ruthless, if the other party likes it, maybe it is hiding behind their back right now... Several people couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts for a while. The tall detective manipulated the monitor to watch it again, then nodded and said, "That's right, he's right here..."

Before the words were finished, sudden gunshots came in from the corridor outside, and the next moment, another huge explosion shook the entire floor. When the police officers hurriedly drew their guns, the detective named Deni had already rushed out of the monitoring room door like a leopard, and rushed towards the direction where the sound came from.

The direction of movement is the corridor that has been baptized by bombs once.

There was a cloud of smoke and dust billowing in front of him, and there were police officers running over with guns all around, and some police officers also withdrew from the smoke and were about to rush in, when a voice came from the pocket intercom on his collar, and he rushed towards another road. rushed away.

The sound of gunfire echoed faintly, and after turning a few corridors, he entered the lobby of the casino again, and rushed out from the side window. It was a narrow alley behind the building, and at the intersection not far away, two familiar figures were confronting each other. Wandering in hatred, it was Michelle and his doctor classmate, one with a gun in his hand and the other with a scalpel, and the pedestrians on the side of the road ran away far away.

"What's wrong?"

"The door of the secret room was opened, and then..." Michelle raised his gun and shrugged, "One of the people threw a bomb inside and rushed out. Guess who that is?"


"That old friend we've been catching for a long time."

Deni was taken aback for a moment, and the perverted doctor Alan was also shaking the scalpel: "I'm also thinking, it's probably him."

"Zhuang. Amir...Pe Luojia..." After a while, Deni nodded, "That's Perojia's place, they are here to destroy the traces... Immediately notify the National Security Bureau and everyone in charge of the Tulip incident, Maybe we can combine the case..."

After saying hello to Allen, two fbi agents went to deal with \u003e\u003e| no one, Allen took out his phone and dialed a number. After a while, the conversation sounded.

"Hey...James...Zhuang. Amir's team has been recalled, and apparently Peroja has started to feel afraid of Tulip...It's nothing, just to tell you this, I fought him just now, and I didn't get hurt, it's really worth it One thing to celebrate...".

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