Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Chapter 235 Lucky Day

At night, the brightly lit Kennedy International Airport.

All kinds of vehicles are crowding through, carrying all kinds of luggage, people of all colors and nationalities come and go, and passenger planes take off or land from time to time, bringing countless lives with this bustling city. As one of the largest airports in the world, Kennedy International Airport has never been deserted. Any day, any moment, it comes with this amazing order and rules made by human beings. vitality.

The hall was full of noise, people entering, leaving, waiting, the flight schedule and time of each plane scrolled on the big screen, and the standard English prompts continued to flow from the broadcast into the noisy hall, Hou At the edge of the airport hall, a group of people were seeing off two orientals in black suits. Judging from their expressions and occasional formal bows, we could tell that the two should belong to Japanese nationality.

"Come here this time, thank you for taking care of me, please take me again to convey my thanks to Mr. Castro..."

"Mr. Watanabe, you're welcome. Mr. Castro also asked me to tell you that the two of you can't leave with Miss Zhang as planned this time. I'm really sorry. I hope you both understand. We attach great importance to this time. Mr. Zhuang Amir, who was carrying out another task, has been recalled immediately, and we will give the headquarters a perfect explanation for the matter of Jian Suyan, please trust our ability."

"I think everyone's previous achievements are enough to prove this point. I will convey Mr. Castro's words to Mr. Mimori."

The Japanese talk too politely, bow here, and one of the Americans also bows, chatting for a while. It was almost time to board the plane. After sending the two of them in through the boarding gate, the Americans who saw them off breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other.

"I really hate Japanese people who have no sense of humor..."

"Beginning to have a little affection for the French..."

"Why don't they all kneel and salute...Arigado, plain clothes..."

After sending the guests to the plane, the matter is considered to be over. They chatted and laughed a little, and prepared to leave separately. Inside the airport, the two Japanese passed through the passport control office, and before they had gone far, they were stopped by an airport guard.

"I'm sorry. Two gentlemen, please come here for a while, because there may be some problems with your passports, I would like to ask you to go over and confirm, please follow me."

"Is there a problem?" The two looked at each other, and their hearts suddenly became vigilant. Although they belonged to Pei Luojia's Japanese department, they were not considered killers in terms of organization. They are more similar to people who do internal administrative work. Relatively speaking, they are clean and have no unclean background. This time they come here. Even though Pei Luojia arranged fake passports for them. But it came through formal Japanese government departments. There shouldn't be any problems, this accident came too abruptly.

The guard saw that the two refused to leave. He didn't seem too angry. Nodded: "It's not a big problem, just come and confirm it. Please don't worry, it won't delay you two for too long."

The security in the airport was considered to be strict. The two looked around subconsciously. They vaguely felt that some suspicious people were following nearby, but it was difficult to be sure for a while. They followed the guard all the way. In the middle of a dilemma, a soft sound suddenly sounded from behind. When the two turned their heads, they saw a tall American in the crowd with a bloody hole in his head. "Ah——" there was a scream, and hysterical cries for help sounded like an explosion in the crowd, and the panicked crowd fled in all directions.

The next moment, with the slight gunshot mixed in the chaos, a blood hole suddenly appeared on the forehead of the airport guard behind the two. The blood and brains flew more than one meter away, and a piece of glass on the edge of the passage slammed Split into countless spider webs.

Things have developed to this point, and it is natural that Peroja's killer who can do this kind of thing in the airport finds out that something is wrong, and rushes to rescue them, and rushes towards the boarding gate among the panicked crowd. In a short while, the crowd fell down again The two people, different from the previous two people, these people had already pulled out their pistols in time, but they still couldn't escape the bad luck of being shot. The man shot accurately and concealed himself skillfully. No one can find out his specific location.

Running out of the boarding gate, I only heard a gunshot not far from the side of the hall. Suddenly, the entire waiting hall exploded. Among the chaotic crowd, many people who were ambushing around could still be distinguished. towards

The scene of the arrival was also at this time, a killer who had just seen them off ran over: "Come with me, someone will distract their attention, and we are being targeted by the FBI!"

The roaring gunshots attracted most of the plainclothes agents' attention, and all kinds of people ran in all directions amidst the screams, which made it impossible for them to accurately capture the target, and occasionally someone was injured by a stray bullet Falling down, this made the whole scene even more chaotic and terrified. The two Japanese took off their coats while running, messed up their hair, and threw away the suitcase in their hands-there was nothing important in it. Pei Luojia's internal plan, Of course, it is impossible to fly around in the sky in the form of documents—the three fled to the side door on the side of the airport. While leaving the airport in confusion, the two Japanese probably knew what happened.

"Your information has been leaked to the fbi. ++Where did it come from? Zhuang discovered this matter because he found a line at the airport. We have to leave now... Don't worry, those idiots in the fbi will get rid of~. Nothing, no problem..."

At this time, due to the gun battle in the airport, the entire airport area was in chaos. Cars drove away quickly, and many people ran across the street with their luggage. The place where the three of them came out was not crowded. However, several taxis had already left, and the killer who ran ahead rushed to the nearest car, raised a pistol with a silencer, and shouted: "Get down!"

Because the distance was still a bit far away, the fat man who was getting into the car closed the door tightly in horror as soon as he got into the car. The car started crazily and roared out in a blink of an eye. The killer didn't shoot after all. Seeing the crowd, he put the pistol back into his arms , his movements were always inconspicuous, but no one noticed him. He ran to the side of the road and cursed bitterly: "Damn it!" It drove in the reverse direction and directly collided with another large truck. .

Seeing that there were so many people here, a taxi that had just come turned around and stopped about two meters away from the three of them. The three of them ran over, and the killer opened the front door and slipped into the passenger seat. Two Japanese got into the back seat, and at this moment, a fat woman who had just escaped from the airport was waving her hands more than ten meters away: "Wait, wait, let me go with you, take me, thank you ..."

"What happened at the airport, what's the matter?"

Amidst the fat woman's shouts, the taxi looked towards the airport curiously, and the killer in the passenger seat observed whether the FBI people were chasing him, and waved his hand, ~ "I don't know what happened at the airport, but I know today is your lucky day... drive away!"

"Okay." He didn't take the driver seriously, the killer's eyes were still looking at the airport hall on the other side, but as the driver's voice came out, the next moment, he felt the arm holding the gun being pulled violently , the whole body rushed towards the driver's seat, pulled the trigger subconsciously, the bullet left the pistol with a silencer, and opened a hole in the window next to the driver's seat, turned around suddenly, and could see in a hurry Yes, it's just the half face of the man wearing the sun hat and the dazzling light reflected by the long machete that was suddenly pulled out from under the seat. The sharp blade cut down on his arm mercilessly.

"...Today is indeed my lucky day."


The screaming sound was trapped inside the car. By the side of the road, the fat woman sprinting over finally approached the taxi, and slapped the door with her hands: "Please let me in, please let me in, please..." Suddenly , her hands patting the window paused in the air, her eyes showed a look of extreme horror, she took two steps back, fell to the ground, and opened her mouth wide.

"Uh... ah—"

Amidst the woman's screams, people from far and near turned their gazes over. The taxi parked on the side of the road was shaking crazily and making a bang bang bang bang sound. Clearing up what happened in the car window, but the fat woman nearby could see clearly. In the closed car, the man with the machete was constantly hacking at the other three people. The painfully distorted face of the Japanese man was imprinted on the car window, and he kept slamming on the car door. Blood splattered everywhere in the car, on that distorted face, and on the transparent car window, looking in from the outside. , everything turned blood red like hell...

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