Hidden Assassin

Volume 2, Section 23, Rookie Attack

Of course, Jiaming kept the matter of Heidi's mother and daughter from Lingjing and Shasha. After that, every day at noon and night, he went there to buy something, and it felt like he had two mistresses secretly.

Fearing that Marilyn's cold would drag on for a long time and develop pneumonia or other diseases, Jia Ming checked some medical books and gave her some Fritillaria porridge, garlic porridge, Chuanbei pear stewed pork lungs, etc. all day long. Days later, the fever finally subsided gradually, and Jia Ming finally felt relieved, but every day he had needles in the buttocks of this plump and beautiful woman. When the tight underwear outlines the beautiful buttocks, Jiaming always feels a little strange, and on the surface he naturally acts as if nothing had happened.

Not much time passes every day, but the little girl Heidi is very annoying, she always stays with Jiaming and asks Jiaming to play with her. After a few days, Jia Ming found out that this little girl was very fascinated by Chinese Kung Fu. Seeing that Jia Ming was so good at such a young age, she thought Jia Ming was a legendary martial arts expert. Her mother probably also had such thoughts in her heart, but Jia Ming smiled helplessly. What they imagined was the omnipotent kung fu of flying to the sky and escaping from the ground, so how could they know it.

After four or five days like this, Marilyn's condition finally subsided. Jiaming was relieved. On Saturday and Sunday, I went to play with Lingjing and Shasha in the secret cohabitation place of the three of them for two days. When I arrived at noon on Monday, when I opened the door, a figure jumped on him, and then wept stand up.

The one who ran over to hug him was naturally the little girl Heidi. If he hadn't discovered the identity of the little girl before, anyone who wanted to rush over so recklessly would be subconsciously killed by him. However, because the little girl's behavior was too exaggerated, Jia Ming was also taken aback. Before he could "break" the octopus-like little girl off his body, he had already pulled out a dagger from his right hand.

Glancing vigilantly into the room, it happened that Marilyn was also coming out of the back room, and she must have just taken a shower. At this time, her half-wet and half-dry blond hair was hanging lazily, and a large piece of fair and attractive breasts was exposed between the open-collared shirt. The bright red protrusions on the high chest are clearly visible. She didn't wear a bra... This thought crossed Jia Ming's mind, and after making sure of his safety, he retracted the dagger and let out a breath.

On the other hand, Marilyn was overwhelmed by Jia Ming's murderous aura just now. She had just taken a shower and hadn't put on her clothes yet. When she heard someone start, she knew it was Jia Ming and walked out with a smile on her face. However, after seeing Jia Ming's expression at that moment, the smile was replaced Terrified, he froze in the air. She didn't do many bad things, never killed anyone, but she grew up in a mafia family, her father was the leader of the party, so she had seen many killers, mercenaries, and desperadoes, but she never Having seen such a cold and murderous aura, I originally thought that this young man was so magical because he had learned some Chinese kung fu, but now he understood that it is impossible for a person who has not struggled countless times between life and death to have that kind of power. momentum.

And a person with this kind of momentum can do anything.

However, when those shoulders collapsed helplessly, he returned to a harmless fourteen-year-old boy again.

"What's the matter, Heidi? Crying so sadly, who bullied you?"

Seeing the little girl's legs wrapped around his waist, her hands tightly wrapped around his neck, she couldn't breathe from crying, but Jia Ming was also strangled so hard to breathe, so he patted the little girl on the shoulder and closed the door smoothly. . Hearing his question, the little girl clenched her fist and hit him on the back a few times.

"It's you, it's you, you're the big bad guy..."


"You deserve it." At this time, the blond beauty had returned to her smile, "Who told you to disappear suddenly for two days, and didn't come to say hello in between, look how Heidi has been crying these two days."

After she finished speaking, she turned and returned to the bedroom, closed the door and changed her clothes. Jia Ming turned to the little girl's face, on that little face full of tears, the two eyes that were originally crystal clear and swollen were as red and swollen as walnuts, and then he was hit twice on the back: "You are a big villain. "

"Okay, it's my fault. I'm a big villain. Heidi is a sensible child. Can you forgive my brother? If you cry like this, our little beauty won't be pretty anymore."

Sitting down on the sofa with her arms around the little girl, the little girl still refused to let go of Jia Ming, her hands hugged his neck, her legs were tightly coiled around him. If the two of them were a little older, it would be like a standard sex position... Uh, this is of course not the main character's idea, it's just the author cj's association...

"You are a big villain, a big villain... Woo... I thought my brother didn't care about us anymore..." The little girl cried, and Jia Ming received a few punches on the back without pain. Yan said: "How is it possible? My brother still wants to teach Heidi Qigong. It's my brother's fault these two days. Forgive me, okay?"

As soon as the word "Qigong" was uttered, the little girl seemed to glow, and said with a sob: "Really, really?"

"Of course it's true, but qigong is hard to learn, so don't talk about it being bothersome." He took a tissue from the side and wiped it carefully on the little girl's face until the little face recovered. It was as delicate as cutting, and only then did he stop with satisfaction: "It's so beautiful, it looks like it's full of snot and tears." However, the redness and swelling on the eyes still can't be wiped off for a while.

"Heidi... Heidi is not afraid of hardship..." The little girl smiled through her tears, but she suddenly wanted to stop crying, but it was still difficult. While sobbing, she wiped her tears with her sleeve desperately, and showed her most beautiful face. Smiling face, that situation is particularly endearing.

Jia Ming was also moved by that look, smiled, and then asked the little girl to sit cross-legged on the sofa. Although Chinese Kungfu is not as magical as it was shown on TV, many qigongs still have a good effect of calming the mind. After practicing for a long time, He is also immune to some minor illnesses and pains. After teaching her the basic methods, Jia Ming couldn't help laughing when he saw the little girl sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed and not daring to move.

At this time Marilyn had already walked out of the room, Jia Ming treated her as an equal mature woman who could go to bed, but the other party obviously only regarded him as a child, looking at the two on the sofa, her face was full of mother's warmth Kindness. Such unequal eyes made Jia Ming feel that he had been insulted once. .

"You two are really like brothers and sisters. If I had a child like you..."

"If I'm right, the next sentence should be to tell me to take good care of Heidi after you hang up?"

These words made the body of the little girl who was meditating tremble, and Jia Ming stroked her shoulder to express her peace of mind. Marilyn's eyes were visibly flustered: "I...I..."

"I don't care what you plan to do, I mean, you two stay here until someone from your family comes to pick you up, so no one will be in trouble, if this doesn't convince you, just think about Heidi yourself What will happen to my situation. Besides, I’m just a child, don’t think I’m omnipotent!”

After saying these words coldly, the eyes of the two met each other in the air, and sparks of entanglement were sparked.

***************************************************** *****

Most women are unreasonable creatures, Jia Ming knew this sentence early on. Judging from the words and deeds in the past few days, it seems that Marilyn has always meant to ask Gu Gu. Jia Ming has tried his best to get the vaccination, but he did not expect that everything still happened.

It was Thursday evening, and the setting sun dyed the street buildings in Jianghai City a beautiful orange red. Not long after school, students in twos and threes were walking home, and Jiaming, Lingjing, and Shasha were naturally among them. When weeping and looking at the little girl diagonally across the road, Jia Ming understood in an instant that something was wrong.

Heidi didn't know the exact location of his school, but she probably knew the path he might take to get home. Waiting for her here at this time, Marilyn must have gone out and never came back, so she would venture out to find herself.

Almost at the same time when Jiaming saw Heidi, Shasha also spotted her, pulled her two companions and said, "Look, it's the little mixed-race girl we saw that day, and we gave her clothes? Why? Man, did you get separated from your mother?"

"Let's go over and ask her, so as not to be taken away by the bad guys." Jia Ming followed him with a snake stick, and the three of them walked over there. At this time, the little girl also saw Jia Ming, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. Just as she was about to wave, a yellow van suddenly stopped beside her, blocking her view from both sides.

not good……

Before Lingjing and Shasha could react, Jiaming had already rushed out like a sharp arrow. With one hand propped up, his body nimbly climbed over the one-meter-high human-shaped guardrail. There was a sudden sound, his body leaned back hastily, and a car almost brushed his body and sped past.

The van started moving.

This section of the road is a no-parking zone. The driver of the bridge truck that nearly killed Jia Ming just now didn't stop, but poked his head out and cursed something backwards. The two girls were shocked, and trotted over to him through the railing. beat.

"What are you doing, playing acrobatics..."

"Is it amazing..."

"Do you know that you were almost killed just now..."

Rusty and flushed, Ling Jing recalled the scene just now, and there were tears in her eyes. Jia Ming looked across the road, and there was no trace of the little girl: "That little girl was abducted by the van just now."

"Ah..." After a while, the two girls stopped their arguing, looked across the road, and said in unison, "Call the police."

***************************************************** ***************

Calling the police is naturally a way that cannot be counted on. When it got dark, Jiaming had arranged everything in the house. Here, he also found a note left by Marilyn, to the effect that she was going to find Tang Jingyao, and hoped that Jiaming would take good care of Heidi for her. Then get involved in this matter and so on.

"A woman with big breasts and no brains..."

What he muttered in his mouth was a slightly hoarse voice like that of a middle-aged man. At this time, Jiaming was wearing a suit and a bow tie, and a pair of soft-soled leather shoes under his feet. A middle-aged dwarf man in a juggling troupe, this is one of the identities he prepared for himself before he really became an adult, considering his height.

A somewhat comical dwarf killer.

He is a killer, and he firmly believes that offense is the best way to defend. Therefore, long before Marilyn's condition improved, he had already collected data and calculated the steps to be taken in case of an emergency.

"It's the first time to act, rookie." Pressing the heart with one hand, and pressing the other on the half-person-high makeup mirror, the hands of reality and illusion meet on the mirror.

"come on!".

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