Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 248 Declaration of War

The howling wind and snow blurred the boundary between day and night. At some point, the lights came on and night fell.

Located at the back door of the Fifth Police Precinct in Manhattan, several cars stopped in the streetlights. More than a dozen people got out of the cars one after another. The leader was a white man in his 40s or 50s. He didn't have much expression on his face, but he looked It seems very friendly, followed by Smith, Jane and other members of the Gambino family. After Smith took out a mobile phone to make a call, a man in casual clothes opened the phone after a few minutes. Through the back door, facing these people in the wind and snow.

"Hi, Mr. D'Amico, how are you, Smith, Lauro, Louie, Jane..."

The man greeted the people in front of him almost one by one, and the leader John Damico shook hands with each other, with a faint smile on his face: "Hi, Inspector Jonas, in fact, I hope The martyrs of those families can be seen as soon as possible."

"Of course, it has been arranged, and you can see them anytime."

While talking, Jonas led the group into the back door. In this city with a total population of over ten million, every police station has an extremely important job to do. Therefore, even if it is a branch, this building has a rather grand scale. All the way in, Jonas and the people around him Saying hello, some people nodded and passed by, not surprised, and some people looked at this group of people curiously. After a while, the crowd came to the elevator, and then took the elevator down to the second basement floor in two batches.

Walking through the long passage, there are various rooms such as the forensic examination room, infirmary, and dissection room, and at the end is a corpse storage room.

"Actually, the coroner has come to see it this afternoon, and the cause of death is relatively clear. However, according to the procedure, a detailed forensic report will be issued the day after tomorrow. It will take about three days before it can be sent to the funeral home, and that day happens to be Christmas..."

"I hope it will be as soon as possible, Mr. Jonas."

"Of course, I will try to coordinate with the forensic doctor."

The detective nodded. Then he led everyone into the room where the corpses were stored, because the outside world was also in the cold winter. The low temperature in the storage room did not bring more chills to people. After a while, the inspector opened the low-temperature iron coffins around the number, and displayed twenty corpses in front of everyone.

"Mr. Damico, you can take a look. This is a preliminary inspection report. Twenty people died in different ways. Blades, heavy objects...maybe a wooden stick hit the head directly...two of them were The neck was wrung directly, one person's chest was hit hard, almost the entire chest cavity was sunken, and the other was shot dead. We can probably know that many people moved their hands during that moment, and the strangest thing is Yes, seven people were shot, all of them with their own pistols. There was no other blood at the scene. No extra bullets...”

"Impossible..." Smith frowned. "There are twenty of them, and they all carry guns. Even if they ambushed many people, there should be no way to grab everyone's guns as soon as they rush out, and then kill them." They, this kind of thing..."

"That's why we also feel strange." Inspector Jonas nodded, and lifted the canvas from a dead body. "Look, Tom, you know, well, even I know that his one-on-one ability has always been good. It turns out that he drew a pistol at that time. But his right hand was directly broken by someone's joint, and then The gun in his hand was aimed at his own temple in the most distorted way, and he was killed with a single shot, and his pistol was only fired once, and he kept it in his own hand."

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Jonas paused for a moment: "I think you all know what this means. The moment he drew his gun, someone rushed over as fast as he could, with one hand at the same time as him. Holding the gun, the other hand directly broke his arm joint. Then he shot...Because the snow fell too much, and the guns on their bodies had been specially silenced, the people on the street outside Didn't notice the noises."

"This is outrageous," said a man nearby. "Tom is as strong as a bull, and no one can break his hand with a blow, and he hasn't had time to fire a shot."

"No, someone can." After a moment of silence, Smith nodded, "Joseph can do it, and... You can see that Donald's chest is sunken, and the sternum is completely shattered. This is a horizontal injury, not with a stick. Yes, this is the most powerful kick sweep, a truly top-notch boxer, who can sweep off a stone pillar, or even a wall...Joseph can do it."

Jonas also nodded: "But the problem is that he can't kill twenty people in an instant. Even if there are twenty Josephs lying in ambush, there is no guarantee that these people will be subdued as soon as their pistols are pulled out, and then twisted." Turn pistols and kill them."

"There is nothing in the world without reason." At this time, John Damico, who had been reading materials and listening to other people's opinions, spoke, "The reason why we are puzzled can only prove that the other party has done a good job. Perfect."

"So what do we do?" Smith asked.

D'Amico was silent for a moment: "Do you know the details of that Chinese boy who is used as a bait?"

"The result of the investigation is just an ordinary person. There is no way to conduct a deeper investigation. After Tang Jing's incident, the Chinese government has been keeping a close eye on me.

Very powerful, so the news over there is very ill-informed. "Smith is late" However, it is said that he is a friend of Marilyn's mother and daughter in China, and it happened a few years ago. "

"A few years ago, I was still investigating that matter, remember?" D'Amico nodded. It became logical to become the new godfather, "That matter should be led by the Chinese government, especially in the past few years in Salieri, we have too much ambition for China, which has aroused the vigilance of the Chinese government. Tang Jingyao's It is estimated that the Chinese government found out the clues early in the matter, so it solved it with dark means at that time, and saved the mother and daughter Marilyn by the way..."

Walking past corpses in various shapes, Damico tapped his fingers on the steel frame holding the corpses: "At this time, the five major families will not allow an all-out war to break out."

Everyone didn't speak, they all fixed their eyes on him, and they all knew that it was time for him to make a decision.

"I just took over this position, and it is impossible to provoke everyone. It is an unchanging principle to try to express goodwill and win them over, but twenty people died. If we remain silent like this, we will not have any status in the United States in the future Well. Everyone will know that John D'Amico is a coward...'.

"So... I know that you are ready. The action starts now. Before everyone reacts, I will ask old Victor to pay enough. I will give you two days, the night after tomorrow. That is, until the twenty-three Until this time on the 24th, all actions must be stopped, and by then, I can hear the voices of other families calling for a stop, the 24th is Christmas, and I will apologize to old Victor."

***************************************************** *****

Nine p.m.

***In a brightly lit city, vehicles are constantly flowing. Through the heavy snow, the lights of New York City at night appear a little demure and elegant amidst the white spots flying all over the sky.

Soft music sounded in the room, and Yahan and the woman she called her little mother were arranging things on the bed. Most of them are cosmetics, clothes and the like bought after arriving in the United States, but it looks really amazing.

"I really hate that today's heavy snow didn't stop the plane. I was too funny, but I actually promised you. Hey, Yahan, I beg you. Even if you have to go, you have to give me a break." The reason why I can get by, at least, when I was scolded by your father, I was more psychologically balanced..."

While arranging the cosmetics, the little mother was mumbling and gnawing at the side in displeasure, perhaps because she was the stepmother after all, she was serious about Yahan's request. She has never been able to refuse. It is conceivable that she is the person in charge of sending Yahan to the United States this time. If she goes back like this, with Zhang Jingan's restraint, there will be no beating or cursing, but she can't give any reason. After all, there is still some displeasure in my heart, and it is inevitable that I will have to try my best to please it for a period of time. Especially when she is a stepmother, it is the biggest taboo to be said to be deliberately detrimental to Yahan's condition.

Knowing the difficulty in her heart, Yahan walked over from the side. Hug her intimately from behind: "Okay, I know, little mom, but the real reason really can't be said, human life is at stake, we also encountered murder in the morning, this is the best reason Yes, I will convince Dad."

"We have bodyguards, and there will be no problem in the hospital all the time. What's more, the matter has not been investigated clearly. If you stay for two more days, the hospital will be able to provide better treatment..."

"So I really can't say the reason..."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, alas..." After giving her a blank look, the little mother smiled helplessly, "I owe you in my previous life!"

"Okay, mom, tidy up your babies. I'll go out and check the road conditions."

Going out with a smile, I faintly heard the little mother say in my ears: "Why do the planes keep flying..." I couldn't help laughing in my heart. Standing in the corridor, the neon lights outside the huge glass windows are flickering, cars are coming and going, and the lights are erratic. I am about to leave this metropolis. Thinking that Jia Ming has been following me, my heart suddenly seems to be relieved. The heavy burden in my heart was completely gone.

But where are you hiding... Her eyes searched in the heavy snow, but she found nothing in the end. She thought lightly in her heart: After you go back, you will never find a reason not to see me....

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