Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era 251st Section Stabbing

The sound boiled in the dark floors, the sound of broken windows and various glassware kept shaking everyone's eardrums, Yahan held the handle of the gun tightly in her hand, and squeezed together with her mother behind the large inspection machine. It roared through the air, knocking out sparks and noises everywhere in the room, and occasionally ash powder and stone flakes fell on the wall behind it.

In the middle of the room, dragging the thermal energy monitor, Mantou was carrying the scary big gun and was constantly moving. The bullet was pressed into the gun body, and when the trigger was pulled, sparks flashed for a moment, and the bullet shot through the wall with a bang. The few rooms in the room made a blow to the enemy, and the power was really astonishing. Robert and the others, as well as the bodyguards on Yahan's side, also kept shooting in the dark, and moved in a small range among the experimental instruments. The side of the laboratory near the corridor originally had some huge windows, which were convenient for the experimenters to observe the situation inside. At this time, many shutters were completely destroyed by flying bullets. As far as the eye could see, the entire floor had become a The most dangerous dead zone.

Outside the building, along with the sound of battle bullets, there was a faint whistling of police sirens. It seemed that someone was shouting, but then it disappeared. Yahan muttered: "Half an hour, half an hour..." Picking up my mother's wrist, she looked at the expensive luminous watch with difficulty: "It's still fifteen minutes, only fifteen minutes It's already..." That was the time predicted by Mantou, but now it seems that every minute is so long...

He straightened his body a little, and glanced at the floor where the gunfire continued. At this moment, a series of machine gun bullets pulled dazzling sparks on the instruments beside him. Yahan was frightened by the piercing sound. Hastily fell to the back, and the little mother grabbed her from behind: "Be careful!"

"Hide well!" Mantou said in a low voice, dragging the thermal imaging device and quickly crawling past not far away, stood up suddenly and shot, and then fell down again. The human figure, the heat caused by the passing bullets, and the flames burning in many places all caused strong interference to the instrument. At this moment, the light and shadow on the display screen seemed blurred, and he could only keep shooting based on his feeling and experience. The accuracy may have been reduced, but the threat posed by this modified sniper rifle is still enormous. At least so far, these The killer hadn't been able to push through yet.

Just pressed an armor-piercing bullet into the barrel. An obvious bright spot suddenly appeared on the screen, almost subconsciously, Mantou jumped towards the back of the instrument beside him, a rocket roared across the outer corridor, and then, the flames of the explosion swept over with a bang, Impacting every part of the laboratory.

***************************************************** ***

Not only in the building of the research institute, but at this very moment. On the street outside, it can be called lively. In the snowflakes flying all over the sky, unmanned vehicles basically blocked the entire street. Several vehicles caused by explosions were burning fiercely in the wind and snow. The gunfire raged continuously.

I have to admit that the police in New York are actually quite efficient. Almost within five minutes of the turmoil, the first patrol car had arrived at the intersection. However, the first policeman hid behind the car in a panic He shouted out: "We are Los Angeles, no... New York police..." After the horn in his hand was directly blasted by bullets flying from nowhere, the police car was attacked by fierce fire. And within three minutes it exploded into a ball of fire. Presumably, this police officer, who should have just been transferred from Los Angeles, already had a new and profound understanding of the security situation in New York.

Since then, reinforcements of police cars have continued to arrive, blocking the nearby blocks. It is estimated that more than 100 police officers launched a firepower confrontation against the terrorists in the street outside the line of defense formed by the police cars. At this time, the number of killers still on the street is about twenty, but each of them has experienced many battles. Relying on the bunker made up of countless vehicles, they hide in it while coping with the occasional harassment from Yanhuang Awakened members, while resisting With fire on both sides of the street. But it also steadily blocked the police officers at both ends of the road.

Although the members of Yanhuang Awakening who were ambushing on the buildings on both sides of the road in advance could occasionally shoot some harassing shots at the street below, they are already in a rather embarrassing situation at the moment, and Pei Luojia's force is beyond everyone's advance The predictions, including on the street, including in the research institute building, including the people who came to chase them at this time, are estimated to be more than 80 one after another. Whether it is in the traditional or realistic sense, a killer should be synonymous with acting alone, hidden and unpredictable. Even if a president of a country is sniped, it is only one or two skilled killers acting alone. Sending out dozens of killers to catch a person is equivalent to a war.

In the dark buildings on both sides of the road, the lower floors were originally all kinds of shops and supermarkets, and the upper floors were mostly office buildings of various companies. When the power outage and gunshots suddenly came, some people left the building in chaos, but some people left the building. People were trapped in it, looking for a hiding place in fear, and as Pei Luojia's killers rushed in after the team members of Yanhuang Awakening, in this noisy and silent night sky where there were only gunshots, occasionally faint The sound of a woman screaming or calling for help is extraordinarily horrifying.

"***, I heard...the most powerful killer in the United States, Zhuang Amir, is a fan of "The Art of War"..." Qiao Guorui breathed heavily while hiding in a dark room, swinging the gun in his hand , while talking to Cui Guohua, "Using the strong to bully the weak, using the more to suppress the less, this kind of thing is the right way of war. This guy is usually a perverted killer, but now he came to satisfy his military ideals. Please, Even if Tulip's several actions in a day are equivalent to blocking the people of the world and slapping them a few times, making American Pei Luojia feel ashamed, but he is a killer..." In the resentment, there is also a sense of wonder, after all, It is not common to see multiple killers dispatched at the same time.

"But in any case, this action is very effective, isn't it..." Cui Guohua said looking down at the street from the dark window, "Push it all at once, catch everyone by surprise, and then directly solve this matter, although all The killers have lost the advantage of concealment, but the combined destructive power of these people is enough to give everyone a headache. If it is in a medium-sized city in the country, this force can almost wipe out any government agency directly. However... Jian Suyan said It hasn't appeared yet, so I don't know if she has any promises.

Then... Mantou and the others are dead..."

"Unless Jane Suyan can know everything in advance, but..." Qiao Guorui shook his head, "I just hope she doesn't appear in this situation, Zhuang Amir's plan must be to use this opportunity to force Jane Suyan to show up. Then solve everything at once, this is also the right way of the art of war... The Japanese Pei Luojia suffered too much in the matter of tulips, Yuan Lai Chaochuang was forced to retreat twice, Ouchi Changdu and Zhu Shen Wunian all died in her hands In fact, once Jian Suyan is killed, the alliance between the U.S. Department and the Japanese Department will definitely go a step further, and then the other branches of Pei Luojia will naturally unite, and things will become quite troublesome... and as long as Jian Suyan does not appear. Mantou told me that if the situation becomes irreversible, he will finally kill Zhang Yahan..."

silently. Cui Guohua nodded.


The flames danced, the airflow raged, and countless pieces of paper, plastic, and even iron objects flew randomly in the entire space, and then smashed down on everyone.

Since the hiding place was very good, Yahan and Xiaoma did not suffer too much damage, and the two or three people next to them were more or less injured. Throwing it aside, he put down the terrifyingly powerful sniper rifle. He took out his machine gun and swiped outside, and the rest of the people were also shooting out of the window based on their feelings. Due to the breakage of many test vessels and the explosion, all kinds of culture fluids were flowing wantonly on the ground at this time.

While shooting, the blood-stained Mantou whispered: "Everyone, come here, we can't stay here anymore, we have to rush out from the side, quickly..."

The sound of gunfire whizzed across the room. The flames of the explosion, the sparks caused by the bullets, Robert rolled over in the culture solution several times, and leaned over: "We don't need to go out, we..."

"We have to go out! Of course you can choose to stay!" Now that they have been bombarded by the rocket launchers, these killers can launch the next attack at any time. Mantou growled, and several bodyguards were already covering Yahan's mother and daughter. Walking over, Robert pointed to a large experimental equipment next to him, and yelled back: "That... it should be used for filtering... whatever the hell it is. I only know that this thing is connected to the upper and lower layers. We can go to the second floor with its pipes! The premise is that you blast its partitions with a gun!"

"I'm starting to like this lab..." Mantou was taken aback for a moment, "We'll take the shortcut downstairs... the second floor, I hope they didn't ambush too many people..."


"Second floor? I hope we have prepared enough people..."

This is a three-story parking lot not far from the Battle Building. A silver sports car is parked quietly in the darkness. Zhuang Amir is sitting in the driver's seat. From this position, it is clear that I saw the gunfire in the cave on the third floor of the building, and the police and killers fighting on both sides of the street.

Just like what Qiao Guorui heard, Zhuang Amir, as the No. The general is the ideal he harbored in his youth, and later he became a killer by accident. Of course, this ideal can only become a dream.

Assassin is a lonely and mysterious profession. It selects targets, plans strategies, kills the target with one blow, and then escapes quickly. In military terms, this kind of thing can be classified into the category of using tactics, striking surprises, and winning more with less , However, Life As a Killer has done too many things like this. A military action like winning more with less will certainly inspire people, but as Qiao Guorui said, the real art of war is to win the weak with the strong, and win the few with the more. Feel like a general.

Of course, he is not that kind of irrational person. The reason why this operation is arranged in this way is not to satisfy his small military desires, but after analysis, such a plan has the highest success rate. Of course, only one thing was unexpected. The action of mobilizing all the idle killers to force Tulip to be killed was supposed to be on the way Zhang Yahan and his party went to the airport. Therefore, the plan had to be advanced.

Once the research institute is attacked by the mafia, Zhang Yahan will definitely have nothing to do with Yanhuang Awakening's support, but at the same time the police will definitely be dispatched. If the New York Police Department or even the FBI and the National Security Bureau are allowed to intervene in advance, the variables will be linear Ascension, therefore, the location of the attack had to be changed to here, since this is where Zhang Yahan lived temporarily, maybe Tulip would leave some foreshadowing, but...

Even if they were prepared to some extent, they would definitely not be able to cope with such overwhelming crowd tactics. When Zhang Yahan's life was in danger, she could only show up.

"Haven't the tulips appeared yet?"

"Not yet, the target has reached the second floor and seems to want to flee to the parking lot on the ground floor. The people from Saber Tooth and Blade have already blocked them..."

"Seventeen minutes have passed, don't hold back anymore, give them real pressure, and force Tulip out of me!"

"Is it okay to kill the target?"

"If you want to act like you're going to kill her, there's no way to kill her accidentally. I think Tulip will realize the seriousness of the matter, no matter where she is!" Putting away the walkie-talkie, he looked at the gun Fire-strewn floors, "Unless she's not in..."

If she's not here...

Where will she be...

Thinking about this question quickly in his mind, he tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, and the sound of "Boom, boom..." reverberated in the car compartment. A few minutes later, the phone rang and answered the question in his heart.

"Hey...well, I'm here...what are you talking about!?"

Suddenly, his fingers froze in the air, and after a while, the person on the phone repeated the news to him in confusion:

"Mr. Castro is dead...".

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