Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era, Section 257, Small Town

In the snow, the car drove forward, Yahan and Jiaming sat in the back, and the two blackheads in the front row talked and asked about the situation in China with a smile. They seemed to be quite curious about that eastern country half a world away from the United States.

Although they have experienced too much malice these days and almost got out of the hail of bullets, it has to be admitted that most ordinary Americans are still willing to help strangers. The two of Jia Ming got into the car and chatted enthusiastically. Of course, it is difficult to estimate how much of this is because of Ya Han's appearance. At least in Jia Ming's view, the current self is obviously just an incidental product of Ya Han That's all.

The two black people in the front row should be uncles and nephews. The middle-aged man driving the car is called Marcus, and the black young man next to him seems to be in his twenties, and his name is Mike. The situation is full of smiles. This person's English is astonishingly fluent. Yahan, who had only been educated in England, worked hard to understand the general meaning. Occasionally, he answered a few sentences with an elegant smile, but he could also make the two people in front of him burst into hearty laughs. After all, she is considered a wealthy young lady. Being a diplomat is probably enough in terms of dealing with people. She can make people feel friendly and give people a sense of distance. However, she always holds Jiaming's right hand in the seat. , occasionally looking at the young man looking at the scenery, if not for her deep charm, the man in front should be able to easily find out that from the beginning to the end, the target of her attention is the ordinary young man beside her.

Self-introduction in front of two black people, they are a pair of siblings, who came to New York for vacation, who knew that they were cheated by the guide last night and ran away. Throwing them in such a wild place, even if you want to find a place to make a call... This lie is a bit bizarre, if you want to dig into the details, you will naturally find something wrong, but Yahan's behavior is generous and decent, Jia Ming It looked like a young boy, the two people in front of him could not doubt too much, they just scolded that unscrupulous guide.

Probably talked for a while. Jiaming and Yahan also probably knew that this road with little traffic usually leads to a relatively remote town nearby. The reason why there is not much traffic is because another road running through the town has been built in recent years, so this road The roads gradually fell into disrepair. Talking and laughing, it won't be long before a small American town covered in silver. It gradually appeared at the other end of the road.

The road stretches in a straight line, the area is neatly squared, and there are villas covered with snow. In the courtyard lawn in front of the villas, people in some families can be seen clearing the snow. It has been snowing all night and it is not too wild in the early morning. In line with the atmosphere of the town, the warm lights in the windows of every house give people a sense of calm, and occasionally passersby walk by Well, say hello to each other. Some children were chasing and beating in the snow from a distance, just like the peaceful scene in the movie.

"It's colder here in winter, but it hasn't snowed this much in a long time. I think you'll like this place, the town is beautiful. We have the best beer in America here."

When Mike turned around and said this sentence, Jia Ming felt that he was like a legendary dwarf—only dwarves would recommend wine to others—after getting Yahan’s smile, he also turned his head, lowered the window, but He greeted the other side of the road and slowed down. On the other side of the road was a white policeman who was about the same age as Mike, and he also greeted him with a smile.

"Hi, Uncle Marcus, Mike, you look good, you...uh, these two are..."

"Oh, it's my friend..."

At first, I was a little worried that Mike would tell the police about the troubles the two encountered. After such words, there must be another mess. Unexpectedly, Mike only briefly introduced the names of the two. The policeman seemed to know Mike very well. Immediately greeted the two of them, but did not talk about other things, exchanged greetings with Mike, and waved goodbye. After closing the window, Mike turned around.

"Veron is my childhood friend. He's a nice guy. Now that you're a policeman, you have to do everything routinely. If you don't have passports with you, many things will become troublesome... Uh, I mean, If you need, we can also go to report the case now, but there are many cases like this in the United States, and it is usually a waste of time to report. I think you have not slept all night. Maybe a warm room is more suitable for you. During this period, you can make a phone call. Call a friend in New York, ah, the hotel is just ahead..."

Mike said, pointing to a three-story building with an old sign on the corner of the street. It seems that he is not a fool. Every year, a large number of illegal immigrants enter the United States from China. Once they are discovered by the police, they will naturally be deported. Although the lie that Jiaming made up is not impossible, he has obviously prepared another A possible preparation and help was made. After a while, the car stopped on the side of the road, and the pair of uncles and nephews led Jiaming and Yahan into the hotel named McAllen.

"Let me introduce, the only hotel in this town can also be regarded as a tavern, coffee shop, meeting place... Hehe, who cares about it, don't look at it as a star hotel, but I can guarantee that you will feel at home. Outside the town An abandoned factory, and an old castle, which was left before the Civil War, and a beautiful lake, because the environment here is good, often some New Yorkers come to travel and vacation, most of them are students and young people, in order to receive these guests occasionally , it is well furnished here, of course, they are mostly vacant now, and you are free to enjoy the best rooms."

Under Mike's vivid introduction, the four of them entered the hotel. The first floor was arranged in the model of a hotel and a cafe, with neatly arranged seats, a long table, a big TV playing basketball programs, and even a A small supermarket that sells basic daily necessities and snacks. A few people who seem to be residents of the town sit and chat in the store. Most of them are old men with white beards. Kuss greeted, and after beckoning to Mike, he turned his attention to the two outsiders. Mike casually introduced their identities, and went to the side of the stage to handle the two and a half rooms.

Probably because of Mike's relationship, there was no need to check the passport and the like, after the two of them signed their names casually. A friendly-looking fat woman led a few people up the side stairs, and bragged about her hotel to them. .

"The best hotel room in North America, guaranteed warm and close to nature, just like the feeling of home, better than Waldorf-Astoria, Mayflower, and now the most

Luckily for you, this room happens to be vacant. Hi Miss Zhang, is that you? Ha ha ha ha……"

Although he has been talking nonsensically and laughing from time to time, the fat hotel owner named Monica is not offensive. In all honesty, the interior layout of the hotel has indeed taken a lot of work , warm lighting. All kinds of goose yellow and pink embellishments, random trinkets and photo frames on the wall really give people the feeling of going home. On the contrary, Mike seemed a little embarrassed by her speculation. After a while, several people came to the door of the two rooms at the end of the corridor, and the fat woman opened the door. Then handed the two keys to Yahan.

"The two rooms on the corner are definitely the best. The balcony is very beautiful. Enjoy it."

The fat woman finished talking with a smile, turned around and left after a while, Mike said with a smile: "You can choose the room at will, and you can have it on the phone. I think you'd better take a shower and rest. I will ask Monica to prepare some food for you." Believe me, the coffee potatoes and fried steak she made are very good, take a good rest, I will come to see you in the afternoon."

He said, waving his hands and went down the stairs. Only Yahan and Jiaming were left in the corridor. They looked at each other and smiled, and each chose a room at will. Although it is not very big, the interior of the room can indeed make people feel a warm atmosphere. The balcony faces the street and the woods on the other side, which is quite beautiful. After closing the door, Yahan followed Jiaming into a room, then sat down on the soft bed, looked at Jiaming and said, "I want to know how my little mother is doing."

"Well, I'll contact you right away." After looking around the bathroom, he walked out. Jia Ming said, "There is a thick bathrobe inside, you can take a shower first, it won't be cold."

"I don't, I want to know if Mom and the others are safe."

Taking off her coat and kicking off her shoes, Yahan rolled on the bed a few times, lying there staring at Jiaming. I saw Jia Ming shrugged, picked up the phone beside the bed, then took out a small bag of tools from his body, and said with a smile: "It's not that I won't listen to you, but the first call was indeed not to some good person. It needs to be remodeled, it will probably take a few minutes."

"Oh, then I'll take a shower first, and if I contact my little mother, she wants me to come out and talk to her."


Seeing Jiaming dismantling the phone, Yahan got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. The sound of undressing came out. Two or three minutes later, the bathroom door opened again, and Yahan popped a head on the door. By the side, Hao's wrist was naked and white, and he knocked on the wooden door: "Hey, Jia Ming, can you bring me a pair of slippers?"

"Oh." From the shoe rack by the door, he took out the floor slippers prepared in the room and handed them in. When Yahan reached out to pick them up, she could just see the exposed snow-white shoulders and neck. Yahan leaned over the door and looked at him, thinking about it. After a long time, he asked earnestly, "Jiaming, how long will it take to do that thing in the United States that you said?"

"Not sure." Jia Ming shook his head, "If it's something like murder... I can go to New York directly tonight, but I'm afraid it will only make things more chaotic in the future. Of course there are solutions, but there are also The problem...heh, I'll explain it to you later."

"Oh." Yahan smiled and closed the bathroom door. After a while, she vaguely heard voices from outside. Jia Ming was talking to that side with a female voice that belonged to Jian Suyan: "Hello...Mr. James..." Looking at her naked and white body, she relaxed and closed her eyes, being able to feel the existence of that person from such a distance, it was a long time since she felt...

After taking a bath, when he wrapped his bathrobe tightly and went out of the bathroom, the voice he heard had already changed to that of a boy belonging to Jiaming, and the voice was already in Chinese—he had just made a second call.

"Hey, I'm looking for Cui Guohua... Well, Gu Jiaming... Sister Su Yan is still watching Pei Luojia's movements, and Sister Yahan and I are together... I can't say the exact location, Sister Su Yan explained..."

From the transparent glass window close to the balcony, one could see the heavy snow falling outside. In the warm room, Yahan, who was wearing a bathrobe, climbed onto the bed. Under the bathrobe, her white and slender legs were exposed.

"Blow... bull... no... type... rough... draft... oh..."

In front of Jiaming, she said silently on her lips, and then he pushed him aside casually, and fell on the bed staggeringly with that force, she smiled and listened to Jiaming talking on the phone.

"Pei Luojia of the United States has been defeated this time, mainly because of the miracle of creation... Why did the miracle of creation participate? Uh, I don't know. I thought Sister Suyan had discussed it with you. She talked about it with me. I don't know... With her character, I think she gave some hints at most... How could a miracle of creation miss such an opportunity... Well, I want to know about the situation of Miss Yahan, that Aunt Zhang... Okay, Sister Yahan wants to talk to her on the phone... Please answer it quickly, thank you..."

After saying this, Jiaming smiled and handed the microphone to Yahan, and stretched out his hand to catch it. Yahan knelt up from the bed again, pointed to Jiaming's nose and said silently: "You are a big liar!" There was also the voice of my little mother.

"Where did you go... I was scared to death, I thought you were taken away... Who are these Yanhuang Awakening people, they are similar to singers, at first I thought they were acting in a movie...Anyway, I don't know I like the United States, where are you now, when will you come back, we will go back soon..."

"Don't worry, little mom, it's okay." After being yelled at by my little mom for a long time, Yahan managed to grab the right to speak, "I was rescued by a very powerful person... Anyway, it's very powerful. Heixia is almost the same, don't worry... Well, it's the one I told you... Didn't say? Anyway, you know..."

Saying such words, Yahan blushed and glanced at Jiaming who was pretending to be busy at the side, and she was really not ashamed to say this in front of him... But no matter, everyone already knows everything, so there is no shame no shame...

"I can't tell you where it is... Well, I can't tell you... Xiaoma, don't be so boring, let those Yan Huang Awakened people arrange for you to go back first, I'm sure I'll be fine... He's so powerful, how could I be in trouble... ...or you go to Hollywood, a large group of super professional bodyguards follow you, go to Marlon Brando to ask for an autograph, and if he doesn't sign, you will kill his horse and send it to his bed...I don't care Well, anyway, I can’t go back now, maybe... how do I know, depending on the situation, I guess Christmas will be over... ".

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