Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 260 First Kiss

So the dignity of a man is really a good thing..."

It was almost dusk, and walking on the road in the small town with flying snowflakes, Jia Ming expressed something similar to ridicule. Beside him was Ya Han who was kicking snowballs all the way. The light was soothing and leisurely, not many people passed by, and the windows of every house were lit up.

Just the two of them, no Mike, no Velen, no more acquaintances.

The challenge in the afternoon was accepted by Mike without any suspense. According to their conversation, the cause of this incident was very simple. It was just a small conflict over the jealousy of a woman, and then it became a one-on-one match between men. Something that only ends once. Afterwards, under Velen's explanation, they also knew more about the situation. In fact, there are many retired veterans living in this small town, and some are elites who have joined the special forces, and most of them are black. It is also because of this that in the eyes of these people, fists may be easier to solve problems than the law. Since then, the martial arts custom that is characteristic of the town has been established. Time to find a place to single out once.

Velen also grew up in the town. Although he became a policeman, he was already used to this custom. After all, being able to settle everything with a fair blow is actually much better than endless jealousy. As soon as Mike agreed, the matter was decided. The next afternoon, the two of them will have a duel in the abandoned factory outside the town. This way of solving the problem, Jiaming can agree, but...

It is unbearable to be called a coward. This is the root cause of his emotion, relying on such a psychological weakness. He has killed many people.

"Okay, I know you never cared about those boring things."

Walking beside, Yahan smiled lightly. According to Mike and Velen's ideas, she planned to accompany them to visit the town, but Yahan stayed in the hotel on the grounds that she was uncomfortable. Called Jiaming to come out together. It can be regarded as a small calculation in her heart, but at this time, there is nothing to see in the small town, and the few shops are basically closed on a snowy day when no outsiders come. What I can feel, maybe It's just the warm atmosphere of a small town.

"Do you know the secret of being undefeated when you scold others?" Jia Ming turned his head and asked.


"Just never take what the other party says seriously. If you care, you will definitely lose."

"Don't take street-swearing as an Olympic skill, okay?"

"But it's very useful for you girls."

"When did I scold the street!" Yahan laughed. protest.

"Always be prepared."

The town is not too big, and the few streets that come vertically and horizontally can only be turned around. The mountains, rivers and rivers in the distance have been covered with snow, and night falls at this time. Only the general outline could be seen. The two walked forward in the light of the street lamps. When they arrived at the entrance of the town, they found that there was still a store that was open with the gas station. At the counter, the middle-aged boss He was leaning sideways to watch the TV hanging on the wall. When the two opened the door and entered, the boss glanced back, and then probably felt that the two would be harmless, and said with a smile, "Please feel free." He turned his head and continued watching the movie.

Connected to a gas station. Supermarkets are mostly designed to take care of customers who travel far away. Most of the places display fast food, drinks, long-distance backpacks and many recreational things on the road. However, there is also a small area inside that displays With all kinds of books and video tapes, it seems that this small supermarket still has more opportunities to serve the residents in the town. this kind of weather. There is no good place to go on a date. The romance of two people watching the snow scene back to back may work well for boys and girls of the same age, but one is a female teacher who is six or seven years older, and the other is a student but has an incomparable background. The mysterious little killer, even though the positions of both parties are very vague, but doing such a thing will only make people laugh. Up to now, he can only wander around in the only supermarket that is open, Yahan flipped While reading the English books on the bookshelf, Jia Ming went outside to look at the adventure bags and simple tents. Take out an expedition saber once in a while to have a look.

The snowflakes outside the window were still falling, probably because looking at the store alone was considered boring, and the boss was sure that the two of them would not cause any harm. After turning around, Jiaming gave Yahan a bottle of soda, opened one himself, and then went to the counter to pay: "Is it okay to read here?"

"Please feel free to move over there to sit on the sofa." Hearing that Jia Ming was fluent in English, the boss seemed a little surprised, and then laughed, "Japanese?"


"Oh, China... I went to Vietnam more than 20 years ago..."

"The Vietnam War?"

"It's not a good memory...the war..." The boss picked up a glass of wine by the counter, showing a kind smile, "The Chinese army is very powerful, especially their spirit...but the Chinese army at that time Very backward, how is it now? Oh, you speak English so fluently, do you live in New York?"

"No, we've been in the country all the time, and this time we're traveling. China...it's pretty good now, and we can go there when we have time."


Smiling at each other, Jia Ming took the soda and walked towards Ya Han. The supermarket is not big, and although it was covered by the sound of the TV, Yahan could still hear the conversation between the two of them clearly just now, and now she frowned and said: "I really hate the feeling when people ask us if we are Japanese or Korean... "She spent three years studying in Cambridge, and she naturally understands China's current position in the world, but Jia Ming smiled indifferently: "There are only a few years left, and China will become a country by then. First option."

"You know again?"


Yahan stared at him for a while, and then smiled with satisfaction: "I can't see that you are quite patriotic, and you are worthy of imitating the Young Pioneers." In the past, when doing something, Jia Ming always said, "This is what the Young Pioneers should do." "God knows how long it has been since he voluntarily left the Young Pioneers, but for his mantra. Naturally, Yahan knew it all too well.

Drinking soda, moved the sofa and stools, the two stopped in the library area, Yahan took an English novel called "Perfume - A Story of a Killer" and read it, she was naturally because of the "killer" This word is only interested in books. Jia Ming rummaged around and looked at comics such as "Superman" and "Batman". The more he read, the more he felt that the style of American comics was not as good as Japanese comics. This bookshelf is mainly practical books, or some magazines, and there are few comics and literary classics. There are many pornographic magazines such as Playboy in the corner, and he is too lazy to look through them. It was fun to watch there. Yahan glanced at him at any time, seeing that he didn't read pornographic magazines or read cookbooks, she couldn't help rolling her eyes several times. .

In a small store, time passes by like this. Yahan was flipping through the novel, Jiaming walked around occasionally, and the boss was watching the TV with relish. The color TV hanging on the wall was showing Nicolas Cage's new movie "Heavenly Sky" released in April this year.

". When the movie was halfway through, and the movie's theme song "angle" played leisurely with a soothing female voice, Yahan couldn't help but put down the book, and Jia Ming, who was reading a magazine, also turned around.

"With all your time, waiting for another chance.

Waiting for the turning point to get back to the right.

There are always some reasons that make you feel inappropriate.

As the day draws to a close, I need a breather. Need a beautiful exit..."

The female voice was melodious and melodious, as perfect as the sound of nature. For a moment, it seemed that the entire quiet supermarket was enveloped in the magic of this singing voice. In such a quiet and warm snowy night, coupled with such a singing voice, it definitely has the power to infect everyone. In the TV, the heroine is looking for Seth alone in the villa, and Seth has been following behind her...

"... Wrapped in the wings of angels, soaring away from the world.

Stay away from dark rooms. and the dreaded infinity.

You are pulled out of the swamp of fantasy, out of silent indulgence.

Wrapped in the wings of angels, may you find comfort..."

A few minutes later, the song gradually slowed down, and the heroine on the TV fell asleep peacefully accompanied by Seth, Yahan opened her mouth: "Nicolas Cage's... what movie..."

"City of Angels..." Jia Mingshun pointed to the shelf where the video tape was placed, and Yahan followed his instructions to pull out the video tape: "There seems to be a video recorder in the hotel... let's buy it back and see if it's good. The song is nice."

"Uh..." Jia Ming smiled, then shrugged in agreement.

***************************************************** *

Now that he has decided to go back to watch a movie, French fries, melon seeds, soda and other things are naturally indispensable. Yahan happily bought a big bag of snacks in the supermarket, and the two went back to the hotel together. It was only around eight o'clock, and the lobby below was quite lively. The two returned to Yahan's room, closed the door, and took Snacks are served, seats are moved, and the video is played. Yahan turned off the light, and the two of them sat on the sofa for lunch, separated by a small table full of snacks, but in Jiaming's view, this looked like a scene from Zhongnanhai's tea party.

"Don't you think so?" When Jia Ming told Yahan what he thought, Yahan took a big bag of potato chips and threw it on his head, and said with a smile, "Eat your food."

As far as the plot is concerned, the plot of "City of Angels" is not very innovative. An angel who escorts the dead in the hospital falls in love with a doctor, and then he decides to become a human. When the two finally have a romantic relationship Later that night, the doctor died in a car accident is an even more bloody turning point. And the song "angle" is undoubtedly\u003e: Cage's superb acting skills, for artistic expression, things with specific references are actually easy to express, but abstract things like angels and gods, alone It is impossible to have a specific guess, but Nicholas's performance really expressed the feeling of a dehumanized "angel". This is certainly a non-mainstream concept, but compared to countless movies that cannot be separated from human nature As for the blunt "God", Seth played by Nicholas Case is enough to give the audience a feeling of being closer to God.

However, no matter what the movie is, the temptation is not great for Jiaming. Sitting in the darkness and watching the romance movie with Yahan, he is bored thinking about other things in his heart, and occasionally perfunctory Yahan Talking, as usual, is naturally contradictory.

"Hey, Nicolas Cage's eyes are so handsome..."

"It's kind of scary when it's wide open."

"The angel in the black windbreaker... is so cool, and he has a good figure..."

"For an angel, don't you think he has too much chest hair?"

"It's manly in this way. What do you know, you little boy... Americans are really hard to understand. You said that since this woman likes Seth, why would she say anything to marry that doctor?"

"Are you sure it's a sensible choice to talk about something as profound as love with a little furry kid?"


After taking off her shoes, Yahan curled up her legs on the sofa, until the heroine died in a car accident, she watched the ending silently, in the darkness, she didn't know if she cried or not. When the subtitles appeared, she asked aloud in the dark: "Hey, since the heroine died and went to heaven, why didn't Seth die? Anyway, he used to be an angel, so there is no fear in death, and he can go to heaven again." Heaven sees the heroine... Hey, are you asleep?"

The voice fell for half a minute, and Jia Ming next to him seemed to be dozing off on the sofa. The subtitles on the TV were all black and there was no light. Jia Ming's expression could not be seen clearly from such a distance. She knelt on the sofa angrily, leaned half of her body over the small table, and waved her hand in front of Jia Ming's eyes: "Hey, I'm talking to you, such a good movie is actually sleeping..."

Looking at Jiaming's sleeping face from a close distance, Yahan felt a little frustrated, but it was not clear why this frustration came from, and at this moment, Jiaming lazily opened his eyes: " Because this is what the movie should advocate, be positive and optimistic, make progress every day, and study hard..."

The expression in his eyes probably just felt that the movie was boring, but he didn't feel much sleepiness. His eyes met, and Yahan laughed: "Oh, I thought you fell asleep..." She was about to sit back on the sofa, but the voice gradually disappeared in her throat Yes, the protruding body maintained that posture.

Gradually, the intentional smile finally disappeared. She pursed her lips lightly, took a deep breath, and then kissed Jiaming's mouth.

In the dark, quiet room, was the first kiss between the teacher and the student who were seven years apart...


There are many things I want to say, but I hesitated for a long time. Some things should be written as a summary of this volume after a few sections. I recommend "City of Angels". I watched this movie several years ago, but I couldn't understand it at the time. I watched it again recently and suddenly found it very interesting. I recommend the theme song "angle" more emphatically. 一\u003e+

Recently, I suddenly contacted some old classmates from the past, and then finished watching "Ocean of the Stars", plus running around because of my younger brother's transfer of school, my mood was very affected. This kind of mood may be suitable for writing a melancholy novella, but No time either. The first time I saw "Star Ocean" was in high school many years ago. It was stopped at that time, and then he continued to update the later ones. I didn't watch it. All the mms in my memory are still good. After watching this time, those Turning back and passing away, this kind of scouring of the years and the sense of powerlessness of human beings are more unforgettable than many tragedies... Hehe, I suddenly feel that it is somewhat similar to the writing style of Star Ocean. I always imitate others habitually...

I also talked a lot incoherently, well, this is still a yy article, don’t worry, I won’t write a tragedy just because of a tragedy^_^.

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