Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era Section 272 Little Troubles

Hey, hey, Lingjing, don't get excited, there is a car ahead..."

The red light in front of the sidewalk was still on, the car passed by, Lingjing grabbed Jiaming's hand, and walked quickly towards the opposite side, leaving Cui Guohua standing there holding the dozen Jianlibao, laughing helplessly .

Lingjing usually has a well-behaved and easy-going temperament, but when encountering certain things, she is also very stubborn. Regarding the world of the dark world, Jiaming did not tell her and Shashaduo, but he mentioned it occasionally, and once mentioned the name Cui Guohua in Yanhuang Awakening as a story. Jiaming once said that he did not want to get too involved with these people, and she also I kept it in my heart, and at this time, when I heard the name, I immediately turned around and left, and when I crossed the road, I even felt a little resentful towards Jia Ming's attitude just now.

"You knew who he was from the beginning, why didn't you tell me! I also said so many things to him..."

"Uh, this...hehe, there's actually no need to be so nervous." Jia Ming smiled, "He's a good guy at heart, and you also like that wedding dress..."

"I haven't liked it that much yet!" Glaring at him slightly annoyed, Lingjing glanced across the street, then pulled Jiaming around and walked quickly, keeping up with Lingjing's pace, Jiaming turned towards the back With a wave of his hand, he showed a middle finger.

"Hey, Lingjing, do you mean that you don't like the wedding dress enough to like me?"

"Go away, I'm still angry."

"Answer first before you get angry."

"Heh... I'm really angry if you are so glib..." Didn't she like the wedding dress because she likes you? With a slight anger on her face, she murmured softly in her heart in the drizzle.

***************************************************** *

When meeting with Sha Sha at the bus stop agreed upon. The light rain has stopped. According to Shasha, an uncle came to the family, although he and his father are only cousins. But they are closer than brothers. Recently, this person came back from a foreign country, and his father seemed to want to arrange for him to work in a gang.

"I don't like him very much, but I have to call him uncle." Patting the water stains on the back of his ponytail, Rusha commented on his new family, and talked about seeing Huang Haobing when he came out of the house.

"Are you going to play at your classmate's house?"

"I don't remember that he has any friends over there." Shasha shook his head, "And at this moment, he is not in the mood to play. He looks decadent to death, and we are not very familiar with each other. I didn't say hello to him either."

They probably said a few words about Huang Haobing, but they didn't take it seriously. They drove all the way to the school, and the three of them went to the nearby supermarket to buy some things, and they were in front of the vegetable display case. Shasha picked out a piece of old pumpkin: "Go home and make pumpkin pie."

"Can you do it?" Jia Ming laughed at the side.

"I'm learning from Lingjing."

"What?" Ling Jing, who was picking fresh fish not far away, pushed the cart over when she heard her name said, and smiled slightly: "Jia Ming said to eat pumpkin pancakes today." Jia Ming smiled and shrugged beside him. Lingjing looked at the two of them, but also smiled: "Let it go, I won't pick a better one."

The trick was seen through, Shasha stuck out her tongue, watched Lingjing pick out pumpkins, and asked, "Shall we call sister Yahan and Xun over to eat together later?"

"No, we'll send it to school later."

Life itself is actually plain and trivial. When we have reached the familiar intimacy, love and passion will gradually calm down. Occasionally, we will go to the cinema to catch a new movie, or find a good restaurant and the three of us will sit together. Have a meal. There were times when Lingjing or Shasha came up on a whim, and thought about having a candlelight dinner at home, but before it was done, I felt that it was really inconvenient to use candles. Smiling and turning on the light to eat, for the three people who are already intimate. There is no need for such deliberately created romance, and what remains is the feeling of family.

Go shopping together, go home together, go out for a walk after dinner, tell people’s family stories, anecdotes from school, passing colorful neon lights and warm street lights, and car lights passing by on the road at night. Occasionally go for a walk on the beach, watch the sunset, and sit on the long embankment with a refreshing sea breeze. Shasha always likes to tease the pugs in the hands of tourists with apple cores. When the aroma of the dishes wafted out, Jiaming and Lingjing were busy in the kitchen, running back and forth, clearing the table, setting the dishes, and the music of the noon news came from the TV. At night, the room is lit with orange lights, Lingjing is sitting on the bed in her pajamas and reading a book, the sound of the TV in the living room has been minimized, Jiaming is changing the fire of the coal stove in the kitchen, and rustling out of the bathroom after taking a bath , sometimes wearing pajamas, sometimes just rubbing his body naked and trotting into the bedroom, smiling into Lingjing's bed.

Occasionally when I go out at night, I look back and see the lights and figures projected from the window above the game room. this is life.

So, after buying things and going home, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon, Lingjing moved the boiled pumpkin and made the ingredients for pumpkin pie, while Jiaming and Shasha cleaned and cleaned the room that had been vacant for more than a day, and ate early After dinner and a shower, the three of them went out to the school and went to their respective destinations.

Recently, it was said that some leaders from the city came to inspect, Lingjing was dragged to do blackboard newspapers, and Shasha was very popular among girls, and was often called to train for the volleyball team. Only Jiaming had nothing to do, so he went to the classroom with a pumpkin pie. At this time, there were not many people, Xun sat in the back seat of the classroom and read a book quietly, wearing a new casual clothes with white background and black border , when Wen Wen sat there quietly, he looked like a simple and elegant crane in an ink painting.

Just as he was about to walk in, a man ran over from the side and pulled his clothes: "Hi, classmate Jia Ming, I'm Fang Erjie from the next class, hello."

"Uh... hello. What's up?"

"Uh, hehe..." The good-looking boy smiled shyly, "That's right, I have a letter that I want to give to Xun, but she never accepts other people's letters, hehe, you know Well, actually I..."

"Oh. I'll give it to her for you."

"Thank you then." Fang Erjie handed over the letter gratefully. Although Tuo Jiaming usually didn't respond to the letter handed over, at least the beauty would accept it. It's good to try your luck, but when Jiaming was about to go in, he said mysteriously: "Hey, classmate Jiaming, you have recently... um, be careful..."


"It's like this. I heard that Lu Fang seems to be planning to trouble you. Anyway...you should be careful."

As a thank you gift for helping hand over the love letter, what Fang Erjie said was very sincere, and Jia Ming nodded. Lu Fang? Of course he still knows this person. When Lu Jianchuan just entered school two years ago, he hit Lingjing in the head with a football, and he broke his fingers and shattered his breastbone. Later, when Han Gangcheng said that he wanted to fight him one-on-one, it was Lu Fang who led the way. At that time, Lu Jianchuan and Han Gang were already seniors in high school. Now that he has entered university, Lu Fang is now

three. In the past two years, I didn't bother Jiaming again, probably because of Shangwan's factors. And Jia Ming himself has the background of the Huang family. Now that the Huang family has collapsed, there have been more than one incidents in which some people who used to be domineering under the name of the Huang family have been retaliated against. Now Lu Fang will find him , it is also possible.

Shaking his head and smiling, he walked into the classroom: "Hey, pumpkin pie, made by Lingjing, let me bring it to you. There is also a letter from an admirer who asked me to give you."

"Thank you." Throwing the letter into the desk casually, Xun stood up from his seat, and waited until Jia Ming entered inside. Just sat back.

Although the two can be regarded as mentors and apprentices, they generally have nothing to say in the classroom. It's just that during class, Jiaming's pencil case and schoolbag often become the objects of this Japanese girl's rummaging - only stationery, books and other things, she has deep amnesia, and she always loses things in a daze. At this time, there is still some time before evening self-study, the sky outside is approaching dusk, the classroom lights are turned on, Jia Ming leans against the window to watch the playground scenery outside as usual, Kaoru reads quietly, after a while, the Japanese girl opened the The plastic bag containing the pumpkin pie was sent to Jiaming first: "Gu Jun, do you want it?"

"I've already eaten it at home..." Saying so, Jia Ming still picked up a piece and put it to his mouth to chew. There was a slight and indifferent smile on the girl's face, then she nodded and picked up one herself: "I'm starting." She took a small bite and continued to read the book.

The sky gradually darkened, lights lit up on the playground, and the classroom gradually became noisy. At some point, the girl next to her suddenly asked, "Gu Jun, do you understand love?" Jia Ming looked at her strangely. After a few seconds, Kaoru nodded without getting an answer: "I'm sorry..."

"Love is such a thing... I don't know very well..." After a while, Jia Ming still opened his mouth, "I probably know a little bit, but I can't sum it up for you, um... you can ask about the theory. Shasha and Lingjing, they like to read romance novels, I only know that if you have feelings for someone, you will be willing to do things for him that you are too lazy to do. This should also include family affection, friendship and so on stuff, but if you don't want to, you definitely don't have feelings for this person."

"Is Gu Jun in love with... Lingjing and Shasha?"

"Half, maybe a little less, hehe, when we were together, they were a little younger..."

"Then..." She hesitated for a moment, "What about Teacher Zhang?"

"Half, love should be more than with Lingjing and Shasha." Jia Ming smiled, "But it doesn't mean that I'm closer to her than Lingjing and the others...Why do you want to ask this all of a sudden?"

"I..." Kaoru thought for a while, there was no extra expression on her porcelain-white cheeks, but she obviously didn't know how to answer this question.

"I heard from Shasha that there seems to be rumors outside that you have an affair with a male classmate named Nie Wenchao in the third grade, because of this?"

"Gossip?" Xun turned his head, doubts flashing in his eyes.

"Uh, Shasha told me two days ago that every morning you run down the mountain from school after morning exercise, you would sit on a stool by the playground for half an hour, and Nie Wenchao would sit there and talk to you for half an hour, Many people have seen it, so everyone thinks that you are in a relationship with him. Hehe, Shasha said that Nie Wenchao is very handsome, he likes to wear white clothes, he looks very much like Jet Li."


"We, hehe..." Jia Ming laughed, "Probably because our images don't match up too well. Well, speaking of yourself, is Nie Wenchao the first target you decided on?"

"Because you said, Gu Jun, you should look at others more, so every morning after practicing, I sat by the playground for a while... When I got off that day, there was a book on the bench I was sitting on, and I picked it up and flipped through it. , Later, the owner of the book came to find him, it should be that person, is he called Nie Wenchao?" Xun's Chinese is not usually used, it was a bit awkward at first, but Jiaming has strengthened it for her recently, and there is no Japanese language anymore. But in front of Jia Ming, she still spoke slowly, word by word, probably because Jia Ming scolded her for something wrong some time ago. After thinking for a while, she continued.

"He's not strong. I should be able to knock him down with one punch. It's not like Jet Li... After that day, he would talk next to him every morning. Gu Jun, you said you should watch and listen more, so I just listened to him, but ...Nothing interesting. This classmate is a child of a rich family. He likes reading books, music, and quiet things. He likes to go to classical video stores to buy expensive things. He especially likes expensive things related to art. People say that he has good taste, but in other aspects he will try his best to tend to moderate consumption, because he also likes others to say that he is frugal. A sense of superiority ... that's something I've observed."

"Oh..." Jiaming finished eating the pumpkin pie in his hand, and shrugged regretfully, "Another poor unrequited love, but well, unrequited love for you is indeed a relatively normal thing, um, in the future Your temperament, it is true that you can misunderstand that you are in love just by listening without talking. If you want to strengthen it, you can show a little action appropriately, for example... lightly fiddle with your messy hair, and look at it inadvertently. For three seconds, it's best to...smile lightly, but be sure to point it at him, and be sure to give him a sideways casually..."

"I..." Kaoru hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "I'm not very good at laughing..."

"Practice slowly, you may not have noticed that you have smiled in front of acquaintances, Lingjing, Rusha, me, but this kind of more real smile, but you have to restrain it, usually you can maintain this cold attitude It doesn't matter, this is already your external image, but when facing the enemy, you must be able to turn everything into an illusion at any time. Don't worry, you are not yet an adult, we still have a few years... ..."


This kind of conversation, in the end, went back to the training of killing and deceiving people. Xun nodded in agreement, then opened the plastic bag and sent it over. Jia Ming lay down on the table and began to eat the second piece of pumpkin pie, continuing to look at the crowd on the playground. After a while, Xun seemed to have remembered something, stared at the book, and stood there in a daze.

"Actually, I have no feelings for my father..."


"But for the family, I don't know why..." She spoke softly, as if this thought troubled her a bit. At this time, several figures appeared outside the classroom door: "Is Gu Jiaming here?"

The leader saw Jiaming, and seemed a little scared when he saw Xun next to him, but a large group of people finally walked in: "Gu Jiaming, let's come out and have a chat." That was Lu Fang. .

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