Hidden Assassin

Volume 2, Section 27 Let's go home

"Let's go home."

At that time, I knew that as long as I followed that figure, I would never get lost or get hurt.

— Years later, Heidi. Don.

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The gunfire continued, and every sound was enough to kill a fragile person. Now, it was boiling like firecrackers in the half-collapsed factory building.

Heidi, who later grew up to be a beautiful woman, was still just a little girl who could be called a yellow-haired girl. She was worried all day and frightened all night. She was tired and hungry in a dangerous environment, and the gunshots were almost deafening. On the wall not far from him, pieces of cement and wall dust were peeled off from time to time due to the shooting of bullets. Being hugged nervously by her mother and hiding from the blind spot of the shooting, the little girl was trembling all over and crying softly.

And in that not spacious viewing angle, Jiaming was standing on the edge of the corridor, aiming two submachine guns at the downstairs and the corner of the stairs, shooting precisely and ruthlessly. Several high-wattage halogen lights in the factory building It was broken, and most places were plunged into darkness at this time. However, his shooting was as precise as a machine. As long as there was a slight sound anywhere, the next moment, bullets would be shot accurately.

On the other hand, the remaining Tang Jingyao's subordinates felt as if they were going crazy. One person, just one person, suppressed them all, and the factory was basically plunged into darkness. The owl is even sharper, as long as you dare to take the risk to leave the cover of those sundries and mounds, you will basically be accounted for in the next moment. Even if there is a miss, if you shoot at that side, the other side will immediately fight back. The other side is a sharpshooter, but your side is not.

Knowing that the boss is dead, many people are trying to avoid it, and some people want to throw a grenade, but the other party is in the corridor more than ten meters high, taking risks alone, and the grenade has not yet been opened. He threw it out, and his arm was broken because he exposed his hiding place. As a result, he was killed together with two companions around him. up.

Forget it, forget it, let's go, let this monster go...

In the end, such a deep sense of powerlessness made most people come up with this idea. Although their boss wanted to establish a Chinese mafia, but to be honest, how could the quality of these people be compared? Most of them are gangsters in the world. They were absorbed after passing a relatively strict test. They thought they were outlaws when they took a gun. In fact, they were still bullying gangsters in their hearts. Even some retired special forces like Chen Junbin , Most of them were also sapped by money, taking a few steps back, even if they still have their original kung fu, a few people in the mere area are not enough to look at in front of Pei Luojia's top killer.

"Be safe, take four steps against the wall, there is a blind spot..."

"Safe, follow me and turn left, hide in the corner..."

"Safe, come downstairs with me, hold a three-step distance..."

"Heidi don't cry, it's okay..."

In the dim light, in the tearful eyes of the little girl, the back is always firm and calm, turning, shifting, shooting, new magazines fly from the side, and old magazines fall, almost before the old magazines are still there. Before landing, the new clip had already been inserted into the handle of the gun, and everything was extremely fast and smooth, as if he was not fighting, but just dancing. Occasionally looking back, he could still comfort himself softly.

Walking to the corridor on the second floor, the wall on this side has been blown down, Jiaming said flatly: "I want you to jump from here with Heidi in your arms, can you do it?"

Marilyn nodded, kicked off the high heels under her feet, and jumped out with Heidi in her arms without saying a word. The place was three meters high, and there were blown-down gravel below, and it was difficult to grasp the landing point. When it landed, Heidi clearly heard her mother snort, and then Jia Ming also jumped off.

"Go and find a car in the shed over there, we'll be safe, and go fast."

After holding the double guns, the people inside did not dare to come out for a while. When he got to the carport, Jia Ming saw an Audi 100 with the license plate 000035, and immediately recognized it as the car of the dead Tang Jingyao. In 1995, the official cars basically used this model, and the traffic police didn't dare to take care of the car number within the first 100 digits. When they walked in, Marilyn originally wanted to sit in the driver's seat, but Jia Ming Just pull out two wires and connect them, the car has already started, and he carried Heidi to the back seat. However, Jiaming is short in stature, and he looks a little funny when he starts the car.

The car whizzed up and rushed onto the road at an astonishing speed. Thinking of this night, the three of them didn't speak. Jia Ming had nothing to talk about, and Marilyn looked a little dull. As for Heidi, she just sat in her mother's arms. Li looked at Jiaming's side face in front of him. While driving, he removed the disguise on his face, took off his suit, and basically returned to the state of a primary school student. After a while, after passing the section where the sports car fell into the mountain stream, the police had already blocked half of the road. Several cars were parked on the side of the road for inspection, and a traffic policeman waved in front.

"Did you twist your foot?"

Seeing Marilyn stroking her ankle sideways from the rearview mirror, this was Jia Ming's only question in the car, Marilyn nodded: "Yes."

When the car returned to Jianghai City, it was about ten o'clock in the evening. The crowds on the main street were still bustling, but the rest of the place had basically fallen into silence. I stopped the car in a deserted section and wiped off the fingerprints in some places. All three got out of the car.

"Heidi, I'll carry it."

Holding the suit with disguise props in one hand, seeing Marilyn limping, Jia Ming picked up the sleepy little girl, and after a while, the little girl fell asleep on Jia Ming's back in peace , Marilyn only had stockings under her feet at this time, and she walked slowly beside her.

The street lights are dim, the night wind is wrinkled, and the quiet street is like a family of three...

***************************************************** ************

Back in the room on the second floor of the community, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and Heidi was put down to sleep in the small bedroom on the side, and then Marilyn was asked to take off the frayed stockings and wash her feet, Jia Ming Help her heal her ankle, which is swollen like a steamed bun.

In the bedroom, both of them were sitting on the edge of the bed. Marilyn propped her hands back, her silver teeth clenched her lower lip tightly, her eyes were full of tears, letting Jiaming grab his injured foot and roughly fiddle with it with the medicine bottle with. .

On purpose, he must have done it on purpose...

After a long time, Marilyn just said, "You... still want to scold me?"

"I've scolded you already." Jia Ming said flatly, rubbing the swollen place desperately, "Do you still think about him?"

Marilyn raised her head, and it took a long time before she said quietly: "There is a kind of flower called Cuscuta, which can survive only by relying on trees. I used to think that I was that kind of person. If I left that man, I would definitely live. I can't go on... I just realized now that what I want is not that man, but the feeling of being in love. I don't think I hate him for having another wife, nor do I hate him for cheating on me, I do... …It’s just that I gave so much and got nothing in return, and left nothing behind…”

"Heidi stayed." Jia Ming glanced at her, "Then you mean to forget about him."

"Yes." Marilyn raised her face and smiled, and then her expression was distorted by the pain on her feet, and she gave the little boy who was obviously looking for revenge: "I used to think that I loved him so much. For him, I read Chinese novels. Eat Chinese food, be passionate about everything in China, and even follow what is written in the book, stay at home all day, rarely go out, and be a well-behaved woman, but now I find that after seeing him clearly, he will be like this Let it go quickly, let it go for ten years like this..."

After saying this, tears were streaming down her face, and she didn't know whether it was because of sadness or the pain caused by Jia Ming: "From now on, I think the only thing I care about is Heidi, and I will take her with you. Watch her grow up, until she gets married, until she doesn't need me anymore..."

"No, find a good man and get married again. How old were you when Heidi was born?"

"Heidi... I remember it very clearly, it happened to be the day after my eighteenth birthday..."

Jia Ming rolled his eyes, no wonder her father objected to the two of them, she became pregnant at the age of seventeen, and gave birth at the age of eighteen, if any of her children dared to do that in the future, she would definitely be beaten to death by herself, but she said : "Twenty-eight years old? You are still very young. There are many men. You are a widow for Tang Jingyao. You have big breasts and no brains..."

"But, doesn't China value chastity very much? No one wants a woman who has given birth to a child... Ah——"

For a moment, Jia Ming almost wanted to crush this woman with a devil figure but a pure Jiangnan girl's heart. She wanted to commit suicide because of Tang Jingyao, but now she can still say such words. It is already very comforting for others. How could such a rare thing be comforted to her head: "Please! You are an American! Americans who took drugs at the age of twelve and went to bed at the age of fourteen and gave birth to children at the age of seventeen and gave birth to children at the age of eighteen! You Shouldn't it be a common thing to have sex with someone? Don't hurt the good image of the United States in my heart, okay?"

"But... I think the concept of China is very beautiful..."

"Face the reality, what is driving on the streets of China is neither a horse-drawn carriage, nor what we live in a thatched hut!" Jia Ming dropped his shoulders, and then sighed: "You woman with big breasts and no brains, women are just for use , It’s enough to touch it and plug it in, who would want to break it with a layer of film blocking it.”

He used to think wildly in his mind, but because of his identity as a killer, he had to keep everything in his heart, he couldn't have feelings, he couldn't have expectations, and he had to maintain his identity as a child after rebirth. At this moment, he said these words in a strange voice, I feel very refreshed, after all, the woman in front of me is probably used to him thinking like an adult, and basically has no ability or motivation to threaten his current situation.

Marilyn blushed, and the two were silent for a long time, Jia Ming said: "Well, I have already called your father, and within a week or so, someone will come to pick you up.

"Hmm." Marilyn seemed to be thinking about something, and nodded absent-mindedly. After a while, the swelling in the ankle finally gradually subsided. Jia Ming was about to let go, but Marilyn said: "Gu... Jiaming..."


"I mean..." She looked up and smiled. "Are you actually a grown-up? I mean, your mind seems to be."

"My situation is very complicated, but you are right to treat me as an adult like you."

"But you look like a child..."

"I understand what adults should understand, and I understand what adults should not understand. That's fine."

"Then, if... If I take off my clothes in front of you now, will you look down on me? Think I'm lewd?"


Jia Ming opened his mouth wide and stood there, unable to speak for a long time.


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