Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Times - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 290 A Mao, A Dog

At this point in time, Ying Zifeng followed, obviously because Lei Qing insisted on "talking" with him. To some extent, being regarded as a kind person has always been one of Jiaming's goals. One, if it goes a step further, it doesn't matter if you see goodness as deceitful on weekdays, but at this time, it makes him have the urge to smile wryly.

"What's the matter?"

With Ying Haisheng's status in Yanhuang Awakening, his son must not have an accident here, otherwise China will basically be unable to survive. However, Yi Jiaming's decades of life-and-death experience in Fengyan, he just thought in his heart that the situation in front of him, how can it be considered a big deal, pressed the earphone, and continued to ask the ins and outs of the matter.

"A few days ago, Jiaming, you haven't heard about the situation at the dark Tianqin?"

"What's happening?"

"We checked it out. Last year, it seemed that Yanhuang Awakening got information about some kind of empty dust, sent people to Europe for a long-term investigation, and leaked the news again...I guess no one knows what this thing is. What's the use, but the bones left by a natural evolutionary after death, you know how tempting it is for supernatural researchers..."

Dust of Empty Seeing is said to be the relic left behind by an eminent monk in China who was suspected of being a natural evolutionary. For this matter, Jia Ming, who is the culprit, is of course very clear. At the beginning, if Dongfang Ruo's condition started to worsen after contacting him, Yanhuang Awakening thought that Jian Suyan might be a natural evolutionary person, so he went to find Jiaming through Dongfang Road. It was with great sincerity that I asked for help. In desperation, Jiaming had no choice but to fabricate news that Kongjianzhichen might cure mental disorders and other conditions. And vaguely directed Yanhuang's awakened eyes to Europe.

In Jiaming's original time and space, the dust of empty vision did appear in Europe, but it was unearthed more than ten years later. This time, due to Jiaming's random guidance, a large group of supernatural organizations continued to dig and verify in Europe. . Some ancient forests, castles, and cemeteries have been turned over during this year. Jiaming also pays attention to these things. At first, I thought that no one could achieve anything, but now I heard Tianyu Zhengzheng talking about it, and then I realized that Youyin Tianqin actually got some treasures by virtue of her familiarity with Europe.

"We don't know exactly what we found, but we have reasons to believe that these things may be something close to the legend of Nordic vampires. They may have successfully transformed a group of people and given them supernatural powers..."

Transformers, evolutionaries. Ever since there were supernatural beings who realized their own abilities, research has never stopped. Over the years, although various organizations have restricted each other, most of them have stopped research work and biological experiments on the surface, but secretly. Naturally it is impossible to give up. In recent decades, however, some flawed works have appeared, such as Dongfang Ruo, Wunian of the Gods, and even Kelly 'Fonim. All are the product of this experiment.

However, a large number of research results have proved that the reason why these people can inspire supernatural powers is only because they have a certain supernatural physique, and such transformation is extremely unstable, and the subject may collapse at any time, both physically and mentally For example, Dongfang Ruo's mental disorder, the gods Wu Nian became crazy for some reason, and they don't care about life and death. As for Kelly Fonim, even if she is a little more stable, I am afraid that what the supernatural power brings to her will not be enough. It's not necessarily just a bad hobby like homosexuality.

I have experienced too much life and death before, and I don't think there is anything strange about people with supernatural powers, but these years can be regarded as adapting to ordinary life, and the people around me are ordinary ordinary people. At this time, walking in the well-lit hotel corridor, passing by the waiters carrying things, the noise of banquets in the boxes and in the hall came to my ears, but here I am talking about supernatural powers, which is so out of reality Jia Ming shook his head involuntarily: "It has something to do with vampires? What kind of power is that, can biting someone's neck make a woman orgasm?"

"No." Tian Yuzheng pushed open the door of the bathroom in front of him, and the voice came out of Jiaming's earphones, "It's immortal."

"Uh..." Jia Ming was taken aback for a moment, but then he pinched his nose and laughed, "These three guys who are staring at you are also like this?"

"It is estimated that there was a chaos in the dark Tianqin's laboratory, and seven of them ran out. The queen did not dare to hide it, and deliberately revealed the news. It is said that one of them is very powerful, and I am almost there. Why did they come to Jianghai? I don’t know, but I’m obviously very lucky. I met them right away. They... seem to be very interested in people with the same abilities. I’m afraid they have been studied too much, and they want to study others too..."

"It turned out to be like this..."

In this way, it became clear why Kelly Fonim came to Jianghai. Firstly, it was for Dongfang Ruo, and secondly, it was also to catch these reformed guys back. After being targeted, it would be safe to ask people from Yanhuang Awakening for help, but this is the land of Yanhuang Awakening. I am afraid that after solving the problem, Gao Tianyuan, who is enough to be a good material for supernatural experiments, will not be able to share at all.

A fat man came out of the bathroom, and Jia Ming also opened the door and entered. The lights are bright, the glass in front of the sink is spotless, yellow and white flowers are inserted in the vase in the corner, and the smell of perfume is pervasive. In a four-star hotel, the toilets are also of very high standard. In such a big hotel, there is more than one toilet on each floor. But it came out with a smile: "I noticed that you

what? Can you feel disdain for the undead? "

After a little feeling, there are only the two of them in the bathroom at this time, and there is no need to talk on the phone. Jiaming said calmly: "There is no invincible ability in the world. I think it is powerful, but I don't know enough about it."

"It sounds like Pei Luojia's killer textbook."

"That's right."


At this time, there was a sound of twisting the doorknob outside the door, Ying Zifeng's figure walked in, Tian Yuzheng just smiled and stopped talking. Speaking up. That is indeed the content of Pei Luojia's killer tutorial. Ability will not be powerful because of its specialness. What is powerful is always the user's own strength. Definitely a power multiplier. For ordinary people, even supernatural powers are extremely miraculous. Jia Ming will not feel any trouble. Of course, if it is as strong as the legendary natural evolutionary, it will be overwhelming power in every move, even if it is shot by machine guns or bombs in the front, it will not kill it, then it is two things, it is not a level of comparison at all. . .

Standing in the compartment and pretending to be convenient is over. Walking to the sink, Ying Zifeng also walked over after finishing his urination. Still looking at Jia Ming with a smile: "Talk?"

"it's here?"

"I know this is not a place with atmosphere." Turning on the tap, Ying Zifeng said with a smile, "But there are only a few words."

"Oh, tell me." If you are not allowed to finish speaking, you probably won't rest in peace...

"I don't like you." With a superior air. Ying Zifeng still had a faint smile on his face, but he looked at Jiaming with a hint of contempt. "I didn't need to tell you these things at first, but I suddenly realized that a person like you... I really hate your slippery, ignorant and thick-skinned."

"I know you, you are from the Huang family, but no matter when the Huang family was in power in the past or when the Huang family is in a difficult situation, you have never had any status, you have not been valued or contributed. You can use the most annoying tricks. Although you took advantage of the loopholes, no one likes you. You just know a few girls. Liu Huaisha's father is the biggest gang leader here. You are not Dongfang Wan Everyone can see that you are just her shield, you have a good relationship with Teacher Zhang Yahan Zhang, it is only because you have taken the light of the Ye Family Martial Arts School and become her nominal junior brother..."

"Of course, you know computers, but any computer technician randomly selected from my company will be better than you. Gu Jiaming, you don't have any strength. You can enter the upper class by relying on the relationship between two girls, but you can still put on a show." Do you know the self-satisfied, ignorant and fearless attitude? If Lei Qing really wanted to do it, he could kill you directly with a little bit of strength, and even practicing Liu Zheng couldn't save you, but he didn't. You should know a little bit of propriety, and Don't you just talk nonsense at all times, you know? When you were talking nonsense about the Sid Group in front of a group of people, I was really disgusted with you..."

"You can think that this is intimidation, this is a threat, or anything else. You can even think of ways to retaliate against me, and even use the power of the Liu family. But really, you are nothing in my eyes. You are the last Think about it for yourself, things that don’t belong to you, the world that doesn’t belong to you, don’t wishful thinking about how tall you are, I really hate my friend being disgusted by a villain like you when interacting with others... This is advice."

With an overwhelming advantage, he condescended to say a big warning. In terms of momentum, Ying Zifeng at this time was indeed the same for a while, fully showing his sense of superiority as the second son of the Ying family, and he believed that even Many people would think that this sense of superiority does have its own reasons. Of course, the premise is that if Jiaming is really powerless, then Ying Zifeng's attitude is really refreshing. Under the absolute advantage, he candidly say to others: "I don't like you." Can't get angry, can only feel scared, and walk away obediently.

Ying Zifeng is undoubtedly in that kind of extremely inflated mentality at this time, and his inflatedness is supported by strength, so people can believe that this kind of behavior is undoubtedly not pretending to be b, but a real bullshit. After saying this, without waiting for Jiaming to answer, just wipe it clean. Looking at this back view, Jia Ming couldn't help drawing a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and shook his head slightly in his heart.

Full of confidence and high spirits, it is only natural for a child in Ying's family to have such a disposition, but after all, this is still an immature playboy. If it was his elder brother Ying Zilan, maybe he would talk to others because of some unpleasant feelings, but the lion fights the rabbit, he will do his best, even if he is facing a small person, doing something that will be resented by others However, Ying Zilan must have checked out all the social relations of the other party before making a decision.

Since the Shazhu Gang has become the largest gang in Jianghai, they will basically encounter great obstacles if they want to inquire about Jia Ming and others' information through private detectives. Ying Zifeng can't enter Yanhuang Awakening, but if he really wants to investigate. He can always get some deeper things. At that time, he will at least find that he has an intricate relationship with Yanhuang Awakening and many aspects. These relationships can only be thoroughly investigated through Yanhuang Awakening, but at least he will Re-examine your opponents through these confusing clues. Getting some superficial clues known to all Martians and talking to people excitedly like this can only prove that he is really immature.

Because of Ying Haisheng's relationship. Can't kill Ying after all

Jia Ming also intends to completely ignore this speech, withdraw his gaze, and continue to wash at this time. There was a sound outside the door, Ying Zifeng's tall image hadn't been maintained until he went out. The toilet door was violently pushed open with a bang, and the first to enter were three Thais with unfriendly faces, and another one who was putting up a sign that probably said "toilet maintenance" at the door, and then all four of them left came in. With a bang, the door closed again.

Second wave of trouble...

When he saw these Thais, Jiaming couldn't understand that they were members of Siriwang's team. He rolled his eyes in the mirror and shook his head regretfully. This shaking of the head was for Ying Zifeng, because he was also stopped by the four Thais at the door. The four talked in Thai, and one of them looked at Ying Zifeng and said, "They ate in the same room." Obviously the family After Ming frightened the group of people with a water gun, someone deliberately went to the banquet hall to stare at Jia Ming, so they also had some impressions of Zifeng.

So, regrettably, Ying Zifeng was left behind. First, a tall, gloomy Thai man pointed at Ying Zifeng, and said in half-baked Chinese: "You! Stay!" Pointing to Jiaming: "You! Fight me!" He said, slowly walking towards Jiaming, but his body was completely tense, and he entered a state of readiness for battle.

"What are you going to do! Let me out!" Just now he warned Gu Jiaming in a very stalwart manner, but at this moment he was blocked by a few hooligans, Ying Zifeng was obviously upset, although it was obvious that these Thais should be practicing martial arts, It may be those Muay Thai students, but he has also practiced some self-defense skills since he was a child, and he is better than ordinary people. At this time, the person who is pulling the door wants to push him away: "This is in China! I will tell Xiliwang Show your actions!"

What followed was a violent punch. .

With his hands blocked, Ying Zifeng staggered back two steps, and then there was a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, he was kicked directly to the wall, and he sat down on the ground in pain. The sullen Thai man turned his head: "You! Don't make trouble!" Then, he turned his head and walked towards Jiaming. At the same time, the small door of the next cubicle opened, and Tian Yuzheng in a white suit came out and glanced at Jiaming. These Thais take a look.

I have to say that Tianyu Zhengze is much more mature than Ying Zifeng in terms of temperament and momentum—although the family backgrounds of the two sides may be compared, the family company of Tianyu Zhengze may not be as good as the "land king" in China. Chaohai Group—Seeing such a person in the toilet at this moment, several Thais probably hesitated: Look at this guy, he looks like a dog, I don’t know if there will be any problems if he hits him. Moments later, though, the problem turns into a deadlock with only one solution.

Twisting his neck, tidying up the tie with silvery spots, Tian Yuzheng walked directly to the water pipe next to Jiaming, and happened to be in the middle of the Thai and Jiaming.

Probably because his attitude was too calm, several Thais hadn’t decided to pay attention. He washed his hands, then adjusted his hair a little in front of the mirror, patted it gently, and said, “Since when, you can Tolerate cats and dogs screaming in your ears?"

"Ever since my girlfriend forced me to join the Society for the Protection of Small Animals, I've become very talkative." Jia Ming replied casually with a faint smile.

"Oh, that's a good habit, I mean...fortunately, my girlfriend is cruel and asked me to protect small animals, I will die..." Pulling out a tissue, Tian Yuzheng wiped his hands and turned to look at The leading Thai said, "So, they are the ones who play Muay Thai? With the little Vietnamese prince?"

The two spoke at a slow speed, so the Thai who was not very proficient in Chinese could hear clearly. He had already shifted his focus to the calm Japanese man: "You? Want to fight?" There was a hint of coldness in his face. The feeling of blood is not a good one at first glance, but for Tianyu Zhengze, such aura is undoubtedly meaningless.

"I hate trouble, so for those annoying kittens and puppies, I usually..." He smiled lightly, and the fingers of his right hand twirled a few times in the air casually, as if looking for words. Then, he found it, "...this way!"

Under the faucet of the washbasin, the five fingers of the right hand swiped out. In the light, the water flowed out like a silver ice chain and shot towards the Thai man's face. Tian Yuzheng's right hand also swung out. The distance between the two was close to two meters, which was just right for muay thai. The Thai blocked his hands and kicked his right leg straight out. However, at that moment, everything that had been practiced so hard became meaningless. In the eyes of everyone, Tian Yuzheng grabbed the Thai man's head with just a wave of his right hand, and smashed it down like a ball.

There was a bang in the quiet bathroom.

The white ceramics that make up the washstand shattered and splashed in an instant. In Jiaming's eyes, although the Thai man hastily blocked it with his elbow, the big head smashed a corner of the washstand firmly. It hit the ground with a bang, and then there was no movement.

A corner of the sink was smashed and the water began to flow downwards. Tian Yuzheng turned off the faucet. At his feet, plasma spread shockingly...

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