Hidden Assassin

Volume 1, Section 2 Jiaming and Lingjing


When the sun was rising, the young girl’s crisp and energetic shouts could be heard on the grass. Among a large group of elderly people doing morning exercises, the handsome girl with two shofar braids was practicing a set of Wing Chun in a well-regulated manner. , a little boy named Gu Jiaming was lying on the top of the grassy slope, watching these people practicing martial arts boredly.

It has been two months since I recovered this body that belonged to the child.

During this period of time, for the first ten days or so, he pretended to be deaf and dumb pretending to lose his memory, and then he gradually figured out everything. The Jianghai city where I am now is the leading city in China. Since the reform and opening up, it has enjoyed great convenience and its economic strength has developed rapidly. Generally speaking, the upper echelons of Jianghai at this time are basically occupied by a few family businesses. Most of these families have deep roots and have many connections in the central and local governments. harm. The Huang family is one of them.

My own mother should be a direct bloodline of the Huang family, but there is a family rule in the Huang family, anyone who wants to marry a daughter of the Huang family must be a married woman. His father was arrogant and took his mother to elope. Not long after giving birth to him, both of them died due to a landslide. The Huang family didn't recognize these two people, but seeing that he was young, after all, he had some compassion , and took him over to raise him.

With my identity, although I was called "Young Master" by those servants of the housekeeper, I actually didn't have the status of "Young Master". The family was deeply ashamed of my mother's affairs, and many children of the same age in the family knew about it, so I could do whatever I needed. You have to laugh at yourself and bully yourself. This time you ran away from home probably because you couldn't stand this kind of treatment. Who knew that after you got out, you met two killers who were looking for new blood from Pei Luojia.

In the past half a year, the only person I've been familiar with is the little girl named Ye Lingjing. Her family can be regarded as a relative of the Huang family who can't beat eight poles. Ye Han is a very good friend. After his parents died, the Ye family originally wanted to adopt him, but the Huang family had a more legitimate support qualification.

Over the years, although I have lived in Huang's house, I have spent more time at Ye's house to play. Although Ling Jing is a girl, she always protects herself like a patron saint whenever she is bullied or wronged. Therefore, even now that he is reborn, Jia Ming tries his best to follow the arrangement of the little girl and live a life that belongs to a child.

The feeling of going to school for the first time in his life is very novel to him. There are no strict instructors, no bloody killings in every class, no life threats at any time, everything is unbelievably free, and the only thing that is restricted is, Whenever he wandered off in class, Ye Lingjing, who was at the same table, would slap him hard and ask him to put his hands on the desk and sit down. She is the captain of the Young Pioneers in the school, and she has the consciousness of supervising her classmates.

Trying to imitate his previous handwriting, try to keep the score floating on the passing line during the exam, this is not difficult for Jiaming, the world of children is very interesting, he likes to sit quietly and watch, but children The world they live in is very annoying, because they always like to do games and activities that are naive and depressing enough to make people mad. As a competent team leader, Ye Lingjing always pulls him in for any performances and extracurricular games. , every time these children had a good time, Jiaming almost collapsed.

In terms of family, he is not the most valued child of the Huang family. Except for other children who think of him when they want to bully others for fun, the rest of the adults basically treat him like air. When it comes to him, he can only eat in the side hall or go back to his room to eat slowly. Every month, the housekeeper Bai will give him pocket money, which is the same as the share of other children, but it will always be on the night when the money is distributed. snatched away by other kids.

For him now, not being valued by others is a state he dreams of. As for the money being taken away by others, he will also get it back that night, and take their homework books and burn them. If there is a big house, there will be wild cats and dogs, and there will be no peace. Of course, because these guys have always had poor grades, things like missing homework are often only used by adults as a reason to avoid homework, and then they are scolded, and Jia Ming smiles wickedly.

Every day at three o'clock in the morning, he would get up and go out to the outskirts of the city to exercise. This ten-year-old body was still too fragile, not to mention fighting, even with a gun, the recoil might dislocate his arm. After completing the previous killer training, he can go home and get into bed at about half past five, and at six o'clock, Xiao Lingjing in a sports suit will come in from the back door and knock on his window. Lingjing didn't like the children who lived with him, and Jiaming lived in the last room on the first floor of the mansion, so it would be more convenient to jump out of the window after getting dressed. After that, the two would jog to the suburbs again.

At this time, there were not many recreational parks in Jianghai City, so this grassy slope on the outskirts of the city was very popular with some morning exercisers. Jia Ming would often lie on the grass to rest, and Xiao Lingjing would look around Practice the boxing twice.

Lingjing practiced boxing with her father since she was a child, and she is most proficient in Wing Chun and Tai Chi. She also won regional championships in martial arts competitions with these two sets of boxing. Of course, it is the kind of competition that is only for viewing. On the way back after morning exercise, she would often meet an uncle pushing a bicycle selling steamed buns. Lingjing bought two for a dime, and then ate all the way back to Lingjing's martial arts gym.

Although Lingjing's father, Ye Han, has an elegant name, he is actually a burly man with a beard. Opening a martial arts gym these days, such a master is relatively calm. Ye's mother is called Duan Jingxian, and she is a therapeutic surgeon. He is a well-known doctor, but he is as beautiful and demure as his name suggests. One of the two specializes in fighting, and the other treats bruises, but the husband sings and the wife follows, complementing each other. Both of them are kind and enthusiastic people. In a sense, perhaps only this family is Jiaming's relatives in this world.

Time passed slowly, and the weather became colder and colder. As the year approached, Hongxing Elementary School had already had its winter vacation. New Year's Eve is February 3rd of this year. Jia Ming and Ling Jing finished their exams on January 23rd and went to school to get a notice on the 27th. I scored seventy-five, which is much better than the previous results. Xiao Lingjing was even happier than she had won the double hundred. She thought it was because she, the captain of the team, had taught her well, and the idiots who were backward were enlightened. Ye Han's family was also very happy. Ye Han thought that Jiaming was enlightened after being injured. The implication was that he should have been shot more times, but Duan Jingxian reprimanded him all night before saying that he wanted Jiaming to come over to learn martial arts during the winter vacation. .

Jiaming was naturally busy trying to make excuses to refuse, there was a lot of homework during the winter vacation, and those fat people in the Huang family were looking for him every day, and he thought that the students studying here were all children from wealthy families, maybe it was something Children of aristocratic families such as "Young Master" and "Young Master", in the past, I could only be bullied by others, but now I have to beware of the other party's too many flaws, in case I commit the kind of crimes in "East and West". Mistakes such as "Your position is too punctual, I couldn't help but kick you, I haven't played so well in a long time", that is another pile of troubles. Now I just want an ordinary life.

So, for Jia Ming, what is an ordinary life like?

That should be a life like that of ordinary people, he thought to himself. You should go through elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university like an ordinary person, and fall in love several times in high school or university, then leave the society, find a job that is not high or low, and find a job that suits you after a few years Wife, go all the way like that. There may be one or two dreams in your life, and you will work hard to fulfill them. Of course, as long as you work hard, it doesn’t matter if you fail to achieve them. When your children and grandchildren are full and your sixties are old, you will die quietly like that. Some people will cry, but soon He will be forgotten, someone will be happy, but he will be forgotten quickly. Although it is hard to imagine what it would be like to have a troublesome child who only cries all day long, isn't that the happy life described in many books?

With this kind of thought in mind, the time came to the end of the year, and the matter of learning martial arts still could not be avoided, because Ye Lingjing could debunk his excuses even without thinking. On February 2nd, it snowed like a goose feather in Jianghai City. The TV station said that this is a scene of auspicious snow heralding a good year.

The 3rd is New Year’s Eve. In the morning, I went out to exercise with Lingjing through the back door as usual. When I came back, cars came and went like a dragon at the gate of Huang’s mansion. Most of them were Audi 100s. sit it. The people in the hall came and went, and there was an endless stream of people paying New Year's greetings and making connections, which showed the status of the Huang family in Jianghai City. Children are chasing and playing in the nearby garden, throwing snowballs or setting off firecrackers. Jia Ming and Ling Jing watched for a while, Ling Jing looked at the children and said with disgust: "We are not here, let's go back to the martial arts hall, Dad secretly bought a lot of firecrackers."

Thinking of setting off firecrackers with a child all morning, Jiaming wanted to blow up the whole earth with firecrackers. He was thinking about how to get out, when several voices in the yard stopped him, and then , a bunch of little fat guys ran over here aggressively.


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