Hidden Assassin

Volume 2, Section 29, Acting

After sending Marilyn and Heidi away, life returned to the previous track.

I live step by step every day, and I still enjoy the cohabitation life with the two on weekends, and I am constantly exercising my body secretly.

During the battle in the abandoned cement factory, Jia Ming had already discovered that in terms of sensitivity, this body was better than his heyday. This was because he had already accumulated training experience in his previous life and understood that Where are the strengths of his body and how to lure him, therefore, the training of this body basically did not take any detours, and maintained a good foundation. According to this state, in a few more years, he will have the confidence to face any dangerous situation Challenge, even facing the Japanese source Lai Chaochuang, known as the king of killers in Pei Luojiazhong, who was also his former partner.

I have to admit that when it comes to killers, the Japanese are much more outstanding. Zhushen Wunian, Tianyu Zhengzheng, Liming Daoxu, and Mishouki are just the names in memory, none of which I have. Seize to win. Of course, he is not going to participate in Pei Luojia's incident now. After Lan Lan died so uselessly, Pei Luojia should have sent a special killer to investigate, but most of them returned in vain, because of that incident, It was a pure car accident.

According to Pei Luojia's rules, the first miss is a mistake, and the second miss is unforgivable. In this way, they will not trouble Marilyn's mother and daughter again. Marilyn should also understand the importance of her own identity. As long as these killers can't figure it out for a while and are led to another direction, that's great fun.

The middle-aged dwarf killer he pretended to be is actually a real person, a pervert with supernatural powers. In the original life, my physical condition reached its peak many years later, and I found him after becoming a partner with Yuan Lai Chaochuang. After a battle, even though I killed the dwarf, I also escaped death. Wang's Yuan Lai Chaochuang died in order to cover himself. Pei Luojia can't find him now. If he is found, the consequences can be imagined.

There are two people in Pei Luojia who still have some ideas, one of them is Nayuan Lai Chaochuang, although that person is cold and a Japanese ghost, but during the time when I partnered with him, he was really kind to me, and later he His death, in fact, has to be attributed to a tragedy of accidents. The current self knows the ins and outs, and of course it can prevent it from happening, but... depending on the situation, the current self does not have the heart of a killer, and has no friendship with him , said that it is possible to help him, but I am afraid that he will be directly killed by him.

As for the other one, it is the perverted militarist named Zhu Shen Wu Nian, who hates all Chinese people. He used to be in Pei Luojia and received killer education since he was a child. In fact, he has very little concept of the nation, but because of that pervert, He has suffered a lot since he was a child, and later he became a leader. When he stole secrets and betrayed Pei Luojia, he had a small competition with this guy, and he suffered a little loss. Now thinking about it, he is very depressed. Of course, this is just a pure thought, the past life is the past life, if it is not necessary, I don't want to confront that pervert who will kill people.

At the end of June, school holidays begin. During the long summer vacation, the three children basically spent time in the Liu family's villa, playing games, videos, computers, and swimming all day, and had a very pleasant time. There is a very nice beach by the sea not far from the community. Many people visit it in summer. The three of Jiaming took a tent and lived there for three days. Rounded out last year's camping ideas.

As the special students of the school, Lingjing and Shasha participated in the national first-level juvenile martial arts competition in August. Jiaming was not a player, so he could not participate, but Lingjing and Shasha, who were the main force, said that Jiaming would not go to the two of them. Neither go. Most people who knew them knew that the three of them were good friends who had played since they were young. They didn't expect to be lovers. Zhong Jiaming was arranged to be a cheerleader and participated in the competition all the way.

However, this match caused some trouble for the three of them later.

At that time, in the participating team of Xinghui Middle School, there was a student named Cao Dongfeng who was in the second year of junior high school. Although this person had no contact with Shasha, he could be regarded as a family friend, because his father Cao Jinghao could be regarded as a member of Shasha's father. general. This man came from a gangster family, and he passed two grades. He is already 16 years old after graduating from the second year of junior high school. He is very tall. Since his age has just reached the upper limit of the juvenile martial arts competition, the school regards him as a member of the martial arts team. general. After seeing Lingjing, this man was shocked into heaven and sent two flowers every day. .

He is sixteen years old, he is one of the chief generals, and his family has a gangster background. The teacher dare not say anything about his behavior, but Ling Jing is naturally disgusted. One day during the game break, Lingjing even invited Lingjing to a secluded place in the gymnasium to present flowers to express her love. Luckily, Lingjing was well prepared and called out Jiaming and Shasha who followed behind, and then took Jiaming's hand, sweetly Midi kissed Jiaming on the face and announced: "He is my boyfriend!"

If Lingjing is still unaccompanied, Jiaming may have to consider the consequences of the rumor spreading, but at this moment, knowing that Lingjing and Shasha are Lily, out of friendship, he is naturally a good cover to cover up this deformed relationship, Immediately, the two acted like honey, and Shasha, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, also ran over, pulled Jiaming and said, "He is also my boyfriend!"

Cao Dongfeng had a face full of shit.

The two girls at this time, not only Lingjing is beautiful and gentle, but Shasha is not bad in appearance. Although she has a bad temper, she is slender and fit. The one with a high rate of turning heads, and this ordinary... no, this wretched man who is even half a head shorter than the girl actually occupies both of them!

If he was a rich man, Cao Dongfeng, who had a mistress and raised Xiaomi, would have seen a lot. He had two girlfriends himself, but right in front of him, he had the urge to kill!

It's unforgivable, these two girls know each other's existence, and they get along so friendly! It was rumored on campus that the three of them lived together during the holidays, but it turned out to be true...

He was born in the underworld, and he wanted to do it, but he put on a posture to hit someone, and the two girls were ready, and they protected Jiaming behind them.

"Run away when you see something bad." Ling Jing said.

"No need, the two of us can deal with him." Shasha comforted.

Liang made a knot like this. He never expected that this man was not only wretched, weak, incompetent and short, but also had soft food, which made the two girls look happy. Cao Dongfeng thought he couldn't beat the two of them, so he was defeated in despair. From then on, the cynicism and sarcasm all day long, together with the lethal stares, Jiaming had to endure.

Naturally, Jia Ming doesn't take him seriously, but concentrates on playing the image of this cowardly and incompetent boyfriend, because he knows that the more obscene he plays, the more angry the other party will be.

On the other hand, Shasha knew that Lingjing liked Jiaming, and immediately the two girls arranged a lot of tricks. For example, as long as there were few people, once Cao Dongfeng saw Jiaming and Lingjing together, Lingjing would kiss Jiaming on the face. However, Jia Ming never thought that she would use Ling Jing's waist for private use, and the two of them were extremely happy.

During games on weekdays, Jia Ming, who is a cheerleader and handyman, is always very attentive, passing towels, tea, and even helping people massage their backs. He is kind to others, but most of these people will be looked down upon. Cao Dongfeng ridiculed him for not being a man. He sneered and sarcasm could not be named.

And whenever Lingjing had a game, Shasha would throw two big hydrangea balls to him as a prank to ask him to fulfill his duty as a cheerleader. Li verbally despises him, but whenever Lingjing finishes the competition, he always ignores himself and wipes Jiaming with a towel first, asking him if he is tired. The behavior of these two women and one man, in Cao Dongfeng's eyes, became one of flirting and one of being considerate and considerate. He looked at the side and his eyes were bloodshot with jealousy, and he gritted his teeth. The three of Jiaming ran to the dark Everyone laughed.

It's a pity that the martial arts competition ended too early. The team from Xinghui Middle School won the second place. Cao Dongfeng went home full of anger. Back to the original point, I feel very regretful. As for Jiaming, he experienced the evil feeling of playing with children, and he was quite happy.

After school started in September, the three of them entered the second year of junior high school. Cao Dongfeng wanted to trouble Jia Ming several times at school, but Jia Ming either avoided him or picked them up when the three of them were together. Lingjing might dare to move, rustle Dad, but he can't afford it. In October, there was a small confrontation, but it was not a real physical contact.

At that time, King of Fighters Ninety-Five was launched, and arcade games were very popular. The three and a half older children would go to play once in a while. That day after school, they ran to an arcade halfway to play. Lingjing liked to play airplane games, but she died very much. A person was screaming at the side, Shasha and Jia Ming were dueling against the 95th, such an operation-oriented game was not difficult for Jia Ming at all, but the opponent was Sha Sha, in order to prevent her from going crazy, he let her win time and time again, After winning a few games, Shasha was in a good mood, and decided to give up the game console to poor Jiaming, and ran to the side to help Lingjing escort her.

After Shasha left, Jiaming was also bored with the game, but on the surface he had to put on a funny face, pressing the buttons with clumsy fingers, ready to manipulate the characters in the game to complete the three rounds. Four or five punks lifted the curtain and walked in.


Well, the names of those Japanese people are written in random words. There should be no such names among Japanese people, and I didn’t think about checking any information in the past. Everyone just read it like this. The last one, Mimori, was actually watching Japanese h animations before. When I was young, there was always the word "Mitarai" on the toilet, and I thought it was very easy to pronounce, hehe, the creativity of such a day is finally being used, and the wish is fulfilled, which is very cool.


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