Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 301 The Only Advantage

At about five o'clock, the phone rang, and she woke up from her sleep

He opened his eyes in a daze, and the light in the room with the curtains drawn was dim. For a while, it seemed that it was already night, and his body still felt tired. I reached out and groped on the bed for a while, feeling that something was wrong, but I finally got the handbag that was ringing, connected to the mobile phone, and only when there was a voice from the phone, did I regain consciousness. That's right, this is not at home. In the afternoon, she slept on Jiaming's bed.

"Well, what's your voice like... did you just wake up?"

The phone call was from her father, which surprised her slightly. In the past few months, although the relationship between father and daughter has improved, there has never been a case of calling when there is nothing to ask. In the final analysis, Zhang Jingan is a serious father, and the way of expressing love is also somewhat obscure and blunt. Thinking about it now, if her mother hadn't died, her life trajectory should have gone smoothly under the strong arrangement of her father. However, her mother died , she rebelliously rejected all her father's arrangements. Due to the guilt in her heart, Zhang Jing'an relaxed the restrictions on her daughter, which also led to the current way of getting along with each other even making phone calls and greetings become weird.

However, since it's not a greeting, and I don't have anything to bother me recently, of course my father has something to do with me. This feeling is quite weird...

"Well... just woke up, Dad, what's the matter?"

"Oh, so you're not at Huang's house? They said you went to Huang's house, so they called and asked, since you're not here..."

"I'm at Huang's house..."

Replied lazily, sitting up from the bed. The outline of the object in front of her eyes gradually became clear, she muttered: "I'm a little tired in the afternoon, let's take a rest in my friend's room... What's the matter?"

"I mainly want to ask, have you seen Fang Zhitian pass by?"

"Fang Zhitian?" She groped and turned on the lamp on the other side of the desk. She looked at the watch on her wrist and frowned slightly. When she opened the window, it was still daytime outside, and she looked out sideways. On the mountains and woods to the west, the setting sun is hanging red: "Didn't he say that his plane from Jianghai arrived at about 3:40? There is still a reception at the city hall at night, how could he come here?" ..."

"I don't know, but I heard that he really went to Huang's house... Forget it. Since you didn't see it, you should rest well and don't worry about it..."

"Anyway, I'm up, I'll go out and have a look later..."

hang up the phone. Smelling the smell of Jiaming in the bedding room on the bed, she sat up and put on the crooked white stockings on her feet, and put on her high heels under the bed, before the girl in a white dress staggered into the toilet next to her .

A few minutes later. The girl with her long hair down, her melon seed-like fair face still stained with water, came out and put on tortoiseshell glasses. Put on a black coat. Arrange the dress again. Just picked up the handbag and walked out the door.

On the other side of the mourning hall, the music continued. People walking in the corridor were chattering a lot. The whole scene seemed to be the same as before she fell asleep. It was only when she walked to one of the living rooms that she stopped slightly and raised her watch to look again.

Four fifty-three, didn't they leave...

Slightly puzzled in my mind, the two old men on the opposite side had already spotted her and raised their hands to say hello. With a beautiful smile on her face, she smoothed the wrinkles on the corners of her clothes again, and greeted her: "Uncle Geng, Mr. Cui, you haven't left yet."

"Of course it's okay to leave later." Geng Lao smiled and explained.

"Now? What's the matter..."

Slightly puzzled in his mind, his eyes swept around, but he was suddenly attracted by a certain figure. Taking two steps to the side, she stood on tiptoe and looked at the other living room: "Ah...that is...Fang Yusi?"

"Yes, she was indeed over there just now." Elder Geng and Elder Cui also glanced over there, "By the way, I heard that she will accept Huang's endorsement contract for the next two years, and I heard that she still asked for it." Yes, Elder Cui and I were chatting just now, could it be that she got the news from somewhere, maybe there is really a turning point in the matter of the Huang family this time..."

Elder Cui also nodded: "Well, after today, many people may think so, but Huang Bingxiang's case does seem to be a certainty, which makes people really puzzled."

"Things in the mainland of the system are sometimes unexpected, and it is possible."

The two seniors in the business world exchanged opinions with each other, and Yahan was a little puzzled. She understood the relationship between Fang Yusi and Jiaming, and of course she also understood that Jiaming didn't have much affection for Yusi, but with the two people's status Experience, how could it be possible to think that the Huang family's affairs will turn around just because a big star showed favor to the Huang family? What did Fang Yusi do... Ah, Fang Zhitian...

Thinking of her father's question, she realized that people in the room seemed to be talking about the same topics. Following the direction that everyone occasionally glanced at, she walked to the window, and then saw the center of the artificial lake behind the Huang's villa. In the octagonal pavilion, there were four people sitting in the small pavilion, and Fang Zhitian was one of them.

"Fang Zhitian will come here first, it is really unexpected..."

"The origin of Tian Yuzheng is scary enough."

The two old men were talking behind their backs, and they seemed to be asking for Yahan's opinion. After all, she had also undergone systematic training. Although she was still young, she was able to be in charge of negotiating with all parties in the Sacred Heart Academy, her vision and ability There are all of them. And Yahan's eyes are looking at the small

The young man frowned suspiciously.


"Yahan, do you know that child too?" Hearing Yahan's murmur, Cui Lao asked from behind.

"Uh... Ah, Jia Ming, I know him. He is my student. Actually, we have a very good relationship."

"Then is there anything unusual about him?"

"Being different?" Yahan shrugged, "His personality is indeed not very gregarious, but as long as we become friends, we can still have a good time. What's wrong, why..."

"That's strange. Mr. Fang rushed here as soon as he got off the plane, and he was just looking for him. As for the Japanese named Tianyu Zhengzheng next to him, he is not only very successful in academia, but also one of the heirs of the Kawasaki Foundation. One, he is also married to Chi Yingzhi. He said before that he met Gu Jiaming because of a comic club. After being recognized by Mr. Fang, his identity really shocked everyone. This Gu Jiaming... ...How on earth did he know so many important people... By the way, I heard that Fang Yusi also received his help, so this time he spoke for the Huang family. It was just to repay him... ".

There was a lot of discussion in the room, but what everyone said was mostly about this matter, obviously Fang Zhitian's arrival. It gave everyone room to doubt and guess, but everyone has a certain level of self-cultivation, so they didn't just look over there openly. Because of this, four people sat casually in the small pavilion. From a distance, it looks more and more mysterious.

At the same time, in another reception room next to it. Fang Yusi smiled wryly at her manager: "Auntie, I suddenly feel... am I being a bit overconfident... huh..."


Fang Zhitian, Tian Yuzheng, Dongfang Ruo, a blind girl in a wheelchair, and a bored Jiaming. The chat between the four of them finally ended at around 5:10. When I left the kiosk and entered the villa. Naturally, there was another voice of greeting, and the Huang family naturally wanted to keep Fang Zhitian here for dinner, but the city government had a reception in the evening, so the invitation was of course just a matter of words, and Tian Yuzheng, whose identity had been exposed, did not plan to come here again. The Huang family will stay here more often. As for Jia Ming, no one talked to him for a while, mainly because he didn't know how to speak.

Seeing Jiaming approaching, Yahan naturally leaned over, but he has become one of the focuses of the crowd, and it is not easy for her to go up to talk to him for a while, Jiaming who was walking behind obviously saw her, and walked towards this He smiled, and then greeted Yahan, but it was the sky that had never had any positive contact with the place: "Ah, by the way, this is Miss Yahan from the Zhang family?" Yahan's appearance.

Fang Zhitian's wealth is very powerful, although most people are interested in him, it is naturally impossible to gather around him, and basically only Huang Bing'an, the host, greets Yahan, but he is not affected by it. How many hindrances. After glancing at Jiaming, Yahan responded politely, Fang Zhitian talked about the land, but it was a business matter.

"It's like this. Zhang's company has always had a good reputation in domestic heavy industry and machine tool manufacturing. Recently, a branch company in the Northeast needs a batch of machine tools for gun barrel manufacturing. I know Zhang's business in this area. Maybe I don’t know her very well, and I originally planned to visit her again in a few days, but since I met Miss Zhang today, you can tell your father first, I will go there in a few days, and I will be mentally prepared...Of course, domestic The control of things related to military industry is relatively strict. If Mrs. Zhang intends to develop in this area, there will be a series of procedures, assessments, permits, etc., and there will be certain restrictions thereafter. Of course, if Ms. Zhang is not willing, there can be more Of course, this will definitely be a very time-consuming thing..."

It is not a simple matter for domestic private enterprises to get involved in the military industry, but in general, although there will be certain restrictions in the future, the benefits they can get are too many to be estimated. When a domestic military giant like Fang Zhitian said such a thing, even Yahan, who was not very involved in the family business, really had a feeling of seeing the world's pie, so naturally he hurriedly agreed.

The conversation between Fang Zhitian and Yahan ended here, he wandered around the villa for a few more minutes, seeing that it was getting late, he was just about to leave. By this time, Jiaming had already taken a break, and slipped out of Huang's house with Yahan, got into the new women's sports car Yahan bought, and was about to go directly to the Sacred Heart.

While driving the car, Yahan was still a little excited. What Fang Zhitian showed just now is an extremely obvious intention to cooperate with the Zhang family, and with the support of someone like Fang Zhitian, at least in the next few years, the development of the Zhang family can be guaranteed to be smooth sailing. And setting foot in the military industry means that Zhang can have more political connections from now on.

The situation at home in the past two years has not been good. I was originally trained as the successor of the Zhang family, but observations over the years have shown others. I have no interest in this area, and other relatives have started to think about Zhang's heir. Although the relationship between my father and myself is not good, I have been unwilling to give up the idea of ​​​​letting me take over the company. Since then, It has aroused the resentment of many relatives, and the intrigue on the board of directors is also wave after wave, and once the company has such a development opportunity. Father's prestige and status are bound to increase greatly, and most of the others will not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Foresee how happy my father will be when he hears the news.

And in her mind, all of this. Naturally, it came from Jiaming. If Fang Zhitian is an aircraft carrier in the economic and political circles, Zhang's is just a small fishing boat, if it is not because of Jiaming. How could Mrs. Zhang fall in love with him. However, before he could say anything, Jia Ming, who couldn't understand her thoughts very well, smiled helplessly and waved his hands.

"Don't think about it. Don't thank me. He was basically talking to Tianyu Zhengzheng when we sat together just now, and I didn't mention anything about the Zhang family. I didn't mention it at all. Obviously, he had it before he came here. The idea of ​​helping Mrs. Zhang."

The sports car drove out of the path next to Huang's villa. Steadily driving on the road, Yahan drove. He said with a smile: "But that must be because he thought of you, probably because he wanted to sell you a favor."

"Is the favor of this kind of person so easy to sell? The reason why he considered Mrs. Zhang is definitely because Mrs. Zhang has the strength to cooperate with him. You don't need to feel that you owe him anything, let alone I saved him. If it wasn't for me, he would have been beaten to death by Yuan Lai Chaochuang."

"Speaking of it this way, it's true... I don't thank you. It's right to take advantage of my husband's things." She raised her chin, smiled brightly, and then calmed down, "But what is he doing this time?" Is it too obvious what I want you to do? You have tried hard to hide yourself before, will there be any problems now?"

"It's something that can't be helped..." Jia Ming paused for a moment, his expression became a little depressed, "When I got off the plane, I deliberately ran over in a hurry, deliberately said that I was looking for me, deliberately said hello to me, and deliberately said hello to me at that place where everyone was waiting. Sitting in the pavilion in the center of the lake where you can see it for dozens of minutes, Fang Zhitian...in fact, he just wants to show it to others."

Yahan frowned: "Why?"

"Your matter caused Xu Mo, and Xu Mo is a good friend of Ying Zifeng. I acted as a shield for Dongfang Wan, which also aroused Lei Qing's jealousy. Originally, Yanhuang Awakening could also control these matters, but the problem is that the two At the banquet a few days ago, something happened to Ying Zifeng..." He looked at Yahan's side face and curled his lips, "It wasn't a big deal at first, although some people died, but Ying Zifeng was just knocked out However, the three people who died happened to be supernatural beings. This matter involved Yanhuang Awakening, and it also involved Ying Zifeng’s brother Ying Zilan. He was worried that something would happen to his younger brother, so he decided to come to Jianghai. One of the people in power within the Yanhuang Awakening organization, if he wants to do something, Yanhuang Awakening will have internal conflicts that cannot be resolved easily."

"So, that's his purpose, one of the skills of being a powerful person: check and balance." Jia Ming smiled, "Ying Zilan has always thought highly of himself and cared about his younger brother. Fang Zhitian was afraid of this. The guy is too sensitive, if something happens indiscriminately and affects me, it will directly lead to Jian Suyan's attack. Ying Haisheng's family is no different from the general gangsters and gangsters. Once something happens to them, it will cause turmoil in half of China. Knowing his behavior this time, not only Ying Zilan, but if Ying Zifeng and Lei Qing want to do anything to me, they will basically restrain themselves...Look, it's just a visit, and I sat for half an hour Hours, basically all possible hidden dangers were settled by him.”

Yahan thought for a while: "Then what should you do in Huang's house? They ask you what is your relationship with Fang Zhitian, what is your relationship with Tianyu Zhengze, how do you explain it?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter."

"Then... what about other things? For example, Pei Luojia..."

"Pei Luojia will probably notice me more clearly, and this is the biggest problem..." Jia Ming suppressed his smile, sighed slightly, and only when he noticed Yahan looking over worriedly did he pinch her cheek with a smile, Let her look at the road ahead, "Don't worry, it's okay, drive your car well, silly girl... I sigh, I just feel that my brain is not enough, if I am as smart as Kelly Furnim ...Look, his appearance this time first solved the hidden dangers that might erupt inside, and then increased my sense of existence. In fact, it didn't increase much, because before that, Pei Luojia had already realized that I had something to do with Jian Suyan Yes, but no matter what, there may still be more attention. If Pei Luojia does something to me, Jian Suyan will do something to Pei Luojia. Fang Zhitian didn't do anything, and in exchange for the one that is most beneficial to him In the end, a politician, this is a politician, and he can't lose his temper after being calculated by him... I guess the matter with your family is really the result of his guilt, so don't worry about it, and take advantage of it desperately."

Admiring in his mouth, he really admired these guys with easy-to-use brains. After he said a few more paragraphs to make Yahan no longer worried, he smiled and stretched: "However, I also have my own advantages. , no matter how smart they are..." He shrugged.

"... At least I can kill him.".

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