Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 307 Time is running out

You lied to me for two years! "

Kelly's emotional outburst was really surprising. When she yelled this sentence with tears, the scene in the whole examination room was really spectacular. Although the students of Sacred Heart were more open than the average children of the same age, many of them fell in love prematurely. , but I have never seen a woman of status and status come to the school and shout such words to a student. For a while, they all looked over in unison.

In the past ten minutes, from Yahan's attitude and the eight bodyguards following Kelly, one can already see that this woman's background is unusual, and people like Dongfang Wan who know the girl's background are even more so. She was dumbfounded, and didn't understand how Jia Ming had such energy. Looking at Kelly Furnim's attitude like a resentful woman, it seemed that Jia Ming had played with her and then abandoned her alive. The eight black-clothed bodyguards didn't move. Although Yahan felt a little overwhelmed, seeing her getting emotional, she hurried up: "Miss Kelly..."

"Then there's nothing to talk about? You're just guessing..." Jia Ming shrugged and said softly, but he couldn't believe that Kelly's judgment was entirely based on intuition. Many questions were left unanswered, but it was conceivable that Kelly could come to him. These questions must have been answered. He frowned, thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of him. Kelly had already gently pulled away from Yahan's hand, and leaned down. On her face full of tears, there was a smug smile: "But I have a chance to prove it..."

The sad expression returned to her face, she stood up and took two steps back. Reaching out to wipe the tears on her face, Yahan still wanted to help her, but she waved her hand to signal: "Thank you, I'm fine..." Turning around, she said to the eight black-clothed bodyguards, "Help me kill killed him!"

As soon as she finished speaking, it was Xun's cold figure like a knife who stood up suddenly from the desk, and then. Yahan also showed a stern look: "Miss Kelly! This is in China!"

"I know." Sniffing, Kelly raised her chin, "So you go and call the police!"

At this time, there was a chaotic sound in the classroom. The invigilator didn't know what to do, and students like Dongfang Wan who were full of sense of justice didn't know whether they should come over and speak up, and more students excitedly moved their seats forward. Table, ready to make room for the upcoming scene. The eight bodyguards only accepted Kelly's order and took a few steps forward, forming a semi-circular encirclement posture, and Kaoru fluttered his sleeves. A small Tai knife slipped out, and looked back at Jiaming, only to see Jiaming make a gesture of "It's okay. You don't need to worry about it".

"Miss Kelly, what do you want to do?" Seeing that several big men had already blocked the front. After all, Yahan still didn't quite believe that the other party would be so crazy, she knew Jia Ming's skills. But I also know that Jia Ming always wants to keep it a secret for himself. If the matter can be suppressed, it is naturally best to suppress it.

In front, Kelly reached out to wipe away her tears, raised her chin and said, "He treated me badly, so I'm going to kill him, don't worry about it."

Yahan still wanted to talk, but Kaoru walked over from the side, pulled her sleeves and walked outside. Although the Japanese girl was not ready to make a move, she still stared coldly at Kelly in front of her. Yahan glanced back, and after meeting Jiaming's calm eyes, she gritted her teeth and walked past the bodyguards: "Miss Kelly, I hope you know how to do things properly, we will not let this matter go ..."

She walked past Kelly in two steps, took out her mobile phone on the balcony and started making a call, her gaze was still fixed on Jiaming's situation in the classroom, no matter how powerful Kelly Furnim was, in She was really angry that such a thing was going to happen in front of her.

The voices in the classroom gradually quieted down. After the initial excitement calmed down, these students obviously realized that it is not a glorious thing for foreigners to beat their classmates face to face. However, looking at the appearance of the eight professional bodyguards, it is estimated that Even if the whole class rushes up, it won't take advantage of it. What's more, Jia Ming didn't deal with everyone on weekdays, and Kaili's attitude was because Jia Ming "treated her badly", so she didn't know what to do for a while, only Dongfang Wan had already taken When I call to find someone, most of them call my father or brother. Jia Ming stood helplessly in the sunlight by the window, watching the bodyguards stop in front of him.

The eight people selected by Kelly in front of him include the former boxing champion, the overlord of the black market boxing, the mercenaries under the dark lyra, and even the supernatural beings. The tall young man acted, obeying the order, and at the same time, there was obviously some doubts in his eyes, but since Kelly said that she would be killed, the extent of the attack must be completely unreserved. It was the heavyweight boxing champion that Dongfang Wan had mentioned before, shaking his body, and said in a deep voice: "Areuady?"

Behind, Kelly explained excitedly: "He asked if he was ready!" Jia Ming couldn't help but smiled wryly, if he still couldn't grasp Kelly's thoughts, he would be too slow, this madman Women simply have no scruples about anything, they only care about what they like. Now she simply wants these eight people to attack her without reservation. If she can handle it, of course it is equivalent to proving her identity. If she is not the real Jian Suyan, she may be directly beaten to death. .

The two have communicated on the Internet for two years. With Jiaming's grasp of the resources later, it is of course not difficult to find topics that interest each other. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are friends who talk about everything. Kelly's aesthetics has always been deeply obsessed with the fact that he must be a "beauty" and does not accept other answers. Because Jia Ming's appearance at the beginning really gave her a great sense of mystery, so in the two years of dating, it is estimated that this woman has always played it as the biggest puzzle game. It's inevitable, but even if you lose. It's always impossible to be frightened by her and not call yourself. Strength is a must for this level of communication.

With a wry smile that was harmless to humans and animals, he grabbed a coat and threw it directly at the boxing champion. Afterwards, Jia Ming yelled violently, which resounded in the classroom. .

"Pick me up and throw the monument!"

In the afternoon, the sun was very strong, so he sat by the window and took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair. It was swung out smoothly, like a flag, just blocking the boxing champion's sight.

Qu, the giant from Europe subconsciously reached out to block and push. With a sound sounded in the classroom. Jiaming yelled beautifully, but he picked up a chair and walked over. Although the quality of the wooden chairs used by these students is not very good. But the four legs were made of thin iron pipes after all. At this time, through the clothes, they hit the boxing champion's hand so hard that even the two stool legs were bent and flew backward. The glass was smashed and then fell downstairs.

Jia Ming's clothes also flew back under the swing of the boxing champion, and it might have fallen downstairs. Jia Ming pulled it back without any hassle. Seeing that the big man did nothing, he loosened his muscles and bones. There was a timid look in his eyes, and he took two steps back: "Hey, are you serious?"

"Hmm." Kelly stood behind and spread her hands gracefully.

"Don't come here!" The chair was also blown away, Jia Ming took a step back and reached the wall completely, turned around, he climbed onto the window sill, stared at the boxing champion who was approaching step by step, "Will you Come here and I'll jump off."

The big man kept walking, Jia Ming shrugged with a smile.

"The second floor... Do you think I dare not jump?"

"catch him!"

When Kelly's cry came out, Jia Ming had already turned around and jumped off the playground behind. A group of students squeezed to the window to look at him, but Kelly also ran to the window sill with a smile, watching the boy point his finger at the bottom Running to the back of the school, she put her hands around her mouth and shouted with a smile: "Run, let's see where you can go!" Looking at her, it seems that she didn't expect this fight to happen in the classroom from the very beginning. unfold.

As soon as she turned around, the smile just disappeared from her face, she snapped her fingers lightly, and the girl said calmly: "From now on, catch him and kill him!"

In the sunlight, eight bodyguards in black suits jumped off the window sill and chased after the boy who entered the mountain behind the school.



For some special reasons, Kelly's status in the Dark Lyra, at least for now, is not high. She is just more speculative with Natalie Annis, and occasionally messes around in the laboratory. Because of this reason, this time she came to China, it was the first time she formally arranged an operation in the name of the Dark Tianqin, and most people still felt a little confused about her.

For example, these eight bodyguards with top ratings in the Dark Lyra organization have no sense of trust in Kelly's command, especially in this operation, in a school, no guns and other lethal weapons are used. The order to kill a person is a bit absurd in itself. Even if the Chinese give face, it is impossible for you to kill in public. Of course, orders cannot be disobeyed, but you can figure it out. If you think about it before everyone else, most of the people they are going to deal with are also masters of the Yanhuang Awakening. It was a child, so they really felt that they didn't know what to do, and because of this, they gave Jia Ming such a calm opportunity to deal with it.

When Jiaming ran into the back mountain of Sacred Heart Academy, eight people chased after them. In fact, they still had some doubts in their hearts. As soon as they entered the woods, the heavyweight boxing champion named Andrew lowered his voice and said, "Are you kidding me? the child?"

"This is an order." Howard, who is good at muay thai, said next to him, and added after a while, "It's not like you haven't killed someone before."

"I've never killed someone so inexplicable. If I kill someone today, I guess we'll have to sneak out of China at night. Then why did we come here..."

"I don't know what to do, anyway... beat her half to death first, if that woman insists on killing her, we have to kill her and go back immediately..."

The target is too weak, and this kind of mission is too stupid, so everyone has some weird emotions in their hearts. The figure in front of them occasionally appears, and occasionally disappears, walking towards the depths of the woods. The eight people use the fastest speed, unexpectedly He also couldn't keep up, and when he got to the dense forest, he completely lost track of the target, but it could be concluded that the boy must be not far away. One of them made a gesture, and the eight people took advantage of the situation to separate, increasing the scope of the search.

On the other hand, Yahan is also actively using her relationship, preparing to protest to the Sid delegation who came this time, but when Xun made a phone call to contact Tian Yuzheng, it was she who came to stop Yahan. Such a pointless action.

A few minutes later, the people in the woods finally felt that this matter was a bit tricky. The figure they were chasing suddenly appeared, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. It is a great shame and shame that the familiarity of the terrain runs away inexplicably. Not long after, the eight people also roughly dispersed in the woods, separated by tens of meters from each other, occasionally they could see each other, and occasionally they could only hear voices. Not long after, it was the boxing champion Andrew who suddenly shouted: "I've caught you!"

Not far away, Howard turned his head abruptly. Looking from a distance, in the woods, a piece of clothing covered Andrew, who was astonishing in size, again, and the boy's shout came to mind in the air: "Break the monument!"

It seems to be the same situation, but Andrew has lost his patience, blocked the wave with his left hand, and swung his strong and strong right fist like thunder. Although he controlled the strength, the momentum following the swing was really amazing. In front of him, the rushing young man had already leaped high. This time, instead of holding a bench or any other weapon, he swung his right hand directly, facing the astonishing heavy punch, and slapped it down.

it's over……

Howard, who was more than 20 meters away, had this thought in his mind. His body, which had been tense to deal with the enemy, had already relaxed. He just looked at the other side lightly. We could see each other. The next moment, the boy would vomit blood and fly out, and then fell into a coma. . In this imagination, he only heard a bang.

The underground of the woods was full of leaves and branches from the early years, which became extremely soft. At that moment, the big man's body was like a piece of defenseless meat. With a bang, he fell straight down, sinking like a cannonball. down...

The next moment, the boy pulled up the jacket that fell on the ground, and walked towards Howard without stopping, swinging his right wrist quickly, bringing out a rapid and urgent rhythm.

"I reminded him, but... hurry up, I have a headache, and we don't have much time...".

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