Hidden Assassin

Volume 3: The Age of Cohabitation——Volume 6: Under the Blue Sky, Section 321: The Old Man

When the large convoy drove north out of Jianghai City, it was around four o’clock in the afternoon. The golden sun dyed a large cloud in the western sky, and the eastern sea stretched as far as the eye could see. In this landscape, the road meanders from the mountains and the sea, penetrating into the distance of sight.

There are 16 luxury buses with a limit of 45 people, and there are some cars and jeeps with government leadership license plates or military license plates, and the camping team is mighty all the way. Originally, this was a simple camping trip, but when the news spread that Fang Zhitian and members of the Sid Group would also participate in it, it almost became a situation where tickets were hard to find, just like the last trip on the Star Dream , the people who can get the quota this time are basically rich people or family members of officials who have a lot of connections in Jianghai. Some people who have vacations even want to drive along to play by themselves. That's all.

"Come, come, come, everyone, look this way, this way, and smile... get ready to take a picture..."

Outside the window is a stretch of coastline on one side, and a large number of abandoned factory areas on the other. Standing in front of the bus, Tian Yuzheng, who is dressed as a tourist, is dangling around with a camera, speaking fluent Chinese, and many people turn their heads away. The seat stretched out with a smile, Shasha and Lingjing were sitting adjacent to each other, the one in the front was Yahan who was drinking water by the aisle, the one on the back was looking at the scenery with her chin propped up, and Dongfang Wan was sitting in the back by the aisle. At the window, Dongfang Ruo sat next to her, and a foldable wheelchair was placed in the aisle. Jiaming's position was separated from Lingjing's by an aisle, and the seat next to the window was vacant. It belongs to the regular rainy weather when I ran to the front to take pictures.

Amidst the noise of laughing and laughing, many people stood up from their seats, and a few people in the aisle stretched out their heads. Even Dongfang Ruo, who had troubled eyes, showed a smiling face, which was obviously very difficult for taking pictures. Interested, Kaoru just glanced at it lightly, turned his head to continue to look at the scenery, and then the clothes behind Sasha grabbed his shoulders: "Xun, get up, get up and take pictures."


Flashes flashed. With a little stunned and reluctance, Kaoru's expression like a wombat being pulled up was left in the photo.

"One more, one more..."

"Remember to give us a copy after washing it out."

"Mr. Tianyu speaks Chinese fluently..."

After taking a photo and walking back to the seat, the women in the front row turned around and talked. One of them is the niece of the director of the Jianghai Investment Promotion Office, and the others are relatives of some businessmen. Tian Yuzheng is not the kind of handsome guy who can provoke people at first sight, but he is absolutely healthy and sunny in temperament, coupled with his family background. There is no doubt that it is a handsome white horse. Although they are Japanese, girls from the tidal region are always interested in such cross-border affairs. However, there is also a small group sitting at the back of the bus, probably some boys in their twenties, and of course there are also a few women, who are chattering and looking unfriendly to this side. Picking up Chinese girls is disgusting.

If they were more straightforward, of course it was Tian Yuzheng who stole their limelight.

However, these people are only discussing in private behind. Let's not talk about Tian Yu's identity, among the group of them. Yahan is enough to suppress most of the upstarts in Jianghai, not to mention there is Shasha here. With Liu Zheng's current strength of unifying more than half of Jianghai's underworld, no matter who it is, he has to give him some face, not to mention Dongfang Wan and If Dongfang was in charge, even if they had any opinions, they would not dare to reveal them in front of these women.

Tian Yu was politely dealing with the women in front, Ling Jing and Sha Sha were chatting chirpingly, talking to Dong Fang Wan about the answers to the exams in the past few days, and occasionally Ya Han also added a few words. Lingjing's academic performance is good, followed by Xun, but she just looks at the scenery on the seat with her face sideways, and she doesn't have much interest in chatting with people about test papers. In fact, she is very happy to be able to play together, but she doesn't know what to play , and is not very expressive. If Jiaming is not counted, Shasha's grades are poor, and occasionally she will be frustrated when faced with different answers. Although Dongfang Wan's grades are not good, she is very confident and often has to compete with Lingjing's incorrect answers for a long time. He also took out a small notebook and calculated for a while, and then silently wrote down: Another few points were lost. …

When encountering topics such as history and geography, Dongfang Ruo, who is wearing a white dress, occasionally interjects. Of course, she has no chance to learn on weekdays. This knowledge is read in some novels or miscellaneous studies. Say five sentences There are probably four wrong sentences. In the afternoon, everyone visited the shopping mall for a few hours, and they are already familiar with it. For this poor girl who is suffering from illness, Lingjing Shasha and others have great affection and sympathy, so they laughed at this time. Then correct her. Usually, Dongfang Ruo talked for a while and became listless for a long time. This afternoon, she was still talking and laughing. Dongfang Wan couldn't help being surprised, and asked about her physical condition from time to time.

As a matter of course, Jia Ming had a headache all afternoon.

Sitting in the seat and talking to Lingjing, Yahan and others with a smile occasionally, what Jiaming thought of was the sentence that Kelly said: "So, you really need me." Short-term undercover or In disguise, I can indeed be perfect, but if I really want to integrate into my life and make a long-term disguise for several years, there are really many loopholes that are unimaginable. I have never thought about it. It turns out that my identity has long been guessed by Dongfang Ruo I realized that if it wasn't for this girl's kind heart and unwillingness to cause trouble to others, she might have become known to everyone during the Yanhuang Awakening.

At that time, if I still pretend to be a woman and dangle in front of these people, it will really become one of the biggest jokes in the dark world.

Of course, Jiaming's occupation is a killer, not a student. Although Dongfang Ruo said that she never mentioned it to anyone, given how close she is to Huiqing and Fang Zhitian, the whole thing cannot be completely believed. According to Dongfang Ruo, his headaches should come from the absorption of other people's supernatural powers and spiritual powers, but the general supernatural powers are not actually very powerful. However, I don't know why, maybe it's just the excessive growth of mental power. Chaotic to the extent of Dongfang Ruo, one can roughly feel the flow of spiritual power.

I don't understand how Phoenix transformed her head into a supernatural vacuum cleaner—or she was besieged by supernatural beings so she hated everyone with supernatural abilities? But roughly speaking, my body should be able to treat supernatural powers like gasoline, absorb supernatural powers, and enhance my abilities. These things are difficult to determine by imagination alone, but certainly not in medicine.

It's a good way to find out the results, or ask Kelly to help check it out, saying... It's impossible for him to give his big secret to others casually like this, after all. In this world, there are a few people he absolutely believes in, but Kelly is not included.

While thinking about such a thing. While chatting with Lingjing and others, the drive from the urban area to the destination took less than an hour. It was about forty or fifty kilometers away, and this distance was not enough for them to complete the test questions. Tian Yuzheng on the side answered the phone. Probably Long Tangwei called. He heard that he was going camping with a large group of people. During the flirting and flirting, there was a warning not to attract bees and butterflies. Tian Yu kept nodding with a smile, "Hey! Hey! After a while, he hung up the phone and looked at the appearance of the girls from Jiaming, and he couldn't help gossiping over: "How do you feel about the three girlfriends? Teach me some experience, so that I won't be so tightly controlled all the time." Yes, haha."

Based on Tianyu's regular conditions, if you really want to be bothered. I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of women can be found in such a happy atmosphere, Jia Ming shook his head and smiled, and replied casually: "I will support you to death."

Also at this time. A pretty and well-dressed girl came from behind and looked at Ling Jing who was solving the problem. With a strange expression: "Ye Lingjing?"

"Huh?" While writing and drawing on the notebook stretched out by Dongfang Wan, Ling Jing turned her head and frowned for a long time before revealing a look of surprise: "Jiang Yuwei!"...

"Haha, it really is you!" The girl smiled and applauded, but then she whispered to the person in the seat behind Jia Ming to change her seat. Pointing, frowned at Lingjing: "He is... Gu Jiaming?"

"Yeah." Ling Jing nodded with a smile, "Do you still remember her, Jia Ming, Jiang Yuwei?"

"Uh..." Jia Ming showed an embarrassing look on his face. After a lot of rigorous training, his memory can basically be called a photographic memory. , I can basically recall it immediately, but this girl can't remember it no matter what. She thinks she was a friend before she was ten years old, "It seems... I can't remember it."

"We are elementary school classmates with Yu Wei." Ling Jing smiled, "We are in the same class in preschool and elementary school, but Yu Wei went to the United States a month before finishing her third grade."

"My current English name is Lucy Jiang." Jiang Yuwei nodded, looked at Jiaming again, and then showed an ambiguous look at Lingjing, "You are still covering him now, he will not be like before Always being bullied."

"He, he is still the same as before. He never takes the initiative to bully others." Ling Jing nodded with a smile. From her point of view, this is a compliment, but it is obviously a bit awkward in the ears of others. Jiang Yuwei frowned: "The boy is still It's better to be stronger, I remember that when someone bullied him before, you were the one who took the lead, and it's still the same now... By the way, let me introduce my boyfriend to you. "

Probably realizing that it's not good to keep talking about these things, Jiang Yuwei changed the subject. Everyone is the same age, but for Lingjing and Shasha, it is obviously a bit shy to introduce her boyfriend in front of the public, but it is obviously different for Jiang Yuwei, who has received an American education, Lingjing smiled and looked back: "foreigner? "

"Where, Chinese. I don't have foreign boyfriends." She turned around and called, "Andy, come here and introduce you to beautiful women." The group of dudes who were originally whispering at the back to see Tian Yu's displeasure A young man stood up in the middle, with a crew cut, not handsome, but he was indeed fierce, with a strong body, as if he had a murderous look at first glance, walked over with a smile, and then discussed with the person next to Jiang Yuwei to change positions .

"My boyfriend, he grew up in the United States. His Chinese name is Li Song. You can call him Andy. Of course, he can speak Chinese. Andy, this is Ye Lingjing, my primary school classmate here. He is Gu Jiaming, and..."

The rest she couldn't name. Lingjing hurriedly introduced them one by one, from Rusha to Dongfang Wan, to Dongfang Ruo, to Yahan and then to Xun, all of them are outstanding beauties, especially when Xun turned back to say hello lightly, the man named Andy He was almost speechless with his eyes wide open, and he greeted with "Hello, beauty". However, when Tianyu was introduced to Zhengzheng, and Tianyu turned around and extended his hand in a friendly manner, Andy frowned. But he pretended he didn't see it, just said "Hello" and sat down.

Tian Yuzheng has been to China many times in the early years, and these days. There are still many Chinese who are hostile to Japan, and he is quite used to it. However, looking at Yuechi Kaoru, he was drooling, but he was unhappy with Tianyu Zhengze. This can be regarded as naked differential treatment. Tian Yuzheng was not annoyed, and sat down with a smile.

In Jiang Yuwei's chirping voice, she began to chat about the general situation of the two parties, and then she also introduced Andy's affairs: "He played free combat over there, but he was at a professional level, but last time he played in the National Sanda competition. Not good, I only made it to the top 16." On the surface, it was said that he did not play well, but Jiang Yuwei was full of complacency, and paused to wait for someone to praise him.

Lingjing and Shasha's eyes widened as expected, showing surprise expressions: "What's wrong. The top sixteen in the United States."....

"It's too powerful, it's too powerful."

Most of this kind of surprise also has elements of exaggeration and politeness, but in the ears of Jiang Yuwei and Andy, it is naturally very useful. Yahan in front of her smiled and said nothing, she has rich experience in seeing people. I just noticed the small details that the other party just didn't shake hands with Tianyu Zhengzheng, and looking at the eyes of these women, I knew that the man was not a good thing, not to mention that Jiang Yuwei seemed to look down on Jiaming who had been bullied The meaning, although not obvious, but since she was just a little girl who didn't need to be perfunctory, and there was no silence, she didn't bother to interrupt.

In fact, when it comes to the standard of not being a good thing, Jia Ming, who is on three boats, is obviously worse and shameless than that Andy Jia, but she doesn't have much slander in her heart. This is the multiple standards of a woman. Dongfang Wan in the back just listened to what they said, and occasionally smiled. They were not familiar with each other, and the other party had no economic value, so it didn't matter to find a topic deliberately.

Jiang Yuwei's vanity was satisfied, she smiled brightly at this time, and looked at Jia Ming a few times: "By the way, if Jia Ming is still being bullied, you can ask Andy to teach him a few tricks, seeing that his figure is still the same as before. Same, you definitely can’t fight with others, by the way, I remember that Lingjing opened a martial arts gym in your family before, didn’t you?”

Lingjing nodded

It's still on. "

"Yeah, yeah, I remember that you used to be good at fighting, but at that time, when Jiaming was being bullied, you hit people, and a group of us little girls regarded you as idols, by the way, you practiced every morning Is it Tai Chi?"

At that time, Lingjing was practicing martial arts with her father, so it was inevitable to perform among a group of boys and girls. Occasionally, Jiaming was bullied by others. With her extraordinary reflexes, often even a few boys would not be her opponent. Of course There is still a gap compared to Shasha's viciousness of beating someone with whatever he sees, but the friendship between Jiaming and Lingjing at that time was established in that kind of protection and being protected. At this time Lingjing nodded, and Andy also smiled and opened his mouth.

"Why has Lingjing also learned kung fu? What do you know?"

Here, he thinks he is good at kung fu, and he came back from abroad. When he speaks his weird Chinese voice, he feels like a teacher.

"It's just exercise." Ling Jing replied with a smile, "I am more familiar with Tai Chi and Wing Chun, and I have also learned some Baguazhang. Shasha's Jeet Kune Do is better. Of course, no one is as good as Jiaming."

"Is Jiaming very powerful?" Jiang Yuwei's eyes widened, and Andy also asked in surprise: "Is Jiaming very powerful?"

"Where is it, I only know how to fight, and I never fight with others." Jia Ming smiled modestly.

Dongfang Wan next to her also smiled and hummed at this time: "He, he knows how to escape when he fights with others, and he also uses insidious tricks. If he is not forced, he will not dare to make a move..."

Andy nodded: "It's a good thing not to fight." There was a look of disapproval on his face, "However, Chinese Kung Fu can only be used to exercise the body, and it's just good to fight. Jeet Kune Do has some uses, but in the world On the stage, Muay Thai is obviously strong, and of course, girls should not practice this."

Jia Ming turned around: "Then I don't know what kind of boxing Brother Andy is practicing?"

"I dabble in all kinds of things." Andy smiled confidently, "I practice mostly boxing, but I have practiced karate, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu... many of them. In fact, I have also studied Chinese martial arts before. These things will always be discovered after the experience. The effect of martial arts in actual combat is really bad. Maybe it is well-praised in China, but in fact it is meaningless. There are too many false moves. However, once you stand in the boxing ring, you rely on pure strength and reflexes. If you want to practice martial arts and self-defense, it is recommended to practice Jeet Kune Do."

"Oh..." Jia Ming and Tian Yuzheng looked at each other and nodded. …

Seeing that someone echoed what he said, Andy went on talking. Slightly weird words, occasionally mixed with some English words. Talking about boxing experience and understanding of martial arts, it seems like a master of a generation. Did he glance at Kaoru's position in front, probably hoping to see the beautiful woman again, but the back of the chair is high, and Kaoru has no interest in his understanding of martial arts at all, and he is always leaning against the window to watch the scenery, he Raising the voice made many people turn around to listen to the lectures given by professionals, and some people asked questions from time to time.

For a while, the atmosphere in the car became heated, and Andy was talking about his views on martial arts. He wished he could beat a few people on the spot to try his own skills, and the words revealed that a friend was in this team, and he was a special soldier brought by Fang Zhitian. It's also quite powerful - that's a special soldier, and immediately everyone admired him a lot. Occasionally someone asks about Chinese martial arts. When he talked about the view that martial arts is useless, it was not intentional belittling, but he had seen many cases where it was not good in actual combat. After explaining it, everyone was educated. Even if you have feelings for the national quintessence, you basically don't have the strength to argue.

Tianyuzheng and Jiaming showed smiles in front of them, whether it was admiration or some kind of smile. Occasionally, Tianyuzheng said softly to Jiaming: "Chinese Kungfu is really bad. Did you hear me? Our Japanese karate is better." Jiaming replied: "Go down. One-on-one." Tian Yuzheng quickly backed down: "Just kidding." He watched the video of Jiaming destroying Xiliwang today, and he may not be able to beat Xiliwang himself, isn't he courting death?

The speech at the back was basically a joke to adjust the journey. The sunset was burning in the western sky, the road was far away from the sea, and abandoned factories could still be seen occasionally on the side of the road. This was a wrong planning in Jianghai City more than ten years ago. consequences left behind. Tian Yuzheng and Jia Ming communicated about the battle between Jian Suyan and Xiliwang in the form of lips almost in front of them. Generally speaking, it takes a lot of time for supernatural beings to maintain and exercise their abilities. Pure martial arts require Much worse. Tianyu Zhengzheng's physical skills are actually not far behind Xiliwang's, but he is asking for advice on Jiaming's land use, so Jiaming naturally communicated with him casually.

At 5:10, a huge lawn surrounded by trees and water appeared in front of everyone. The forest on one side was dense and covered the continuous ridge. The water flowing down from the mountain was clear. , the scenery is pleasant, no matter what, for people who have been in the city for a long time, it is always refreshing to see such a natural scenery suddenly.

As the leading vehicle slowly approached the side of the road, the destination of this holiday camping activity has arrived.


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