Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 324 Quarrel

The color is getting darker, the bonfires are burning in piles on the grass, the aroma and sound of food echo in the night sky, and with the sound of music, the simple projected lights also hit the stage set up in front, the organizer arranged The host said on the above, several well-known singers went up to perform interactive programs, most of which were improvisations about this camping, and many long tables were placed in the small open space under the stage. Someone brought up the dishes they had fried, shouting and keeping their group number, and after a few judges tasted them, the delicious dishes were all sold out with laughter. zuilu

It is not a strict food competition, and the prizes given out are not very attractive to these people present, but they are just for fun. The agents of Yanhuang's awakening were mixed in the crowd, and several judges actually conducted a quiet drug test before tasting it. Of course, as ordinary people, they naturally couldn't feel this rigorous atmosphere.

In the small camp on Jiaming’s side, the meal has already been cooked, and with the efforts of Jiaming, Lingjing, and Yahan, several dishes have already been served. Shasha and Dongfang Ruo happily sent two dishes over Participating in the competition, Tian Yuzheng lit another small fire next to him, and roasted the said to be a secret Tokyo grilled chicken alone, with the creaking sound of the oil droplets dripping into the fire, unexpectedly There was indeed a seductive aroma, and two women who were obviously interested in him squatted beside him, talking to him with admiration.

"Chopped green onion, chicken essence...By the way, bring two plates, remember to wash them..."

The wok was tumbling over the fire, and Jia Ming, who was wearing a white plastic bag on his head, was skillfully waving a shovel, and struck behind him. On the other hand, it was Xun who had a quiet face, and Dongfang Wan picked up vegetables on the small table with chopsticks, with a displeased expression on her face: "These sausages haven't been cut, how can I eat them!"

"I caught the whole root and bit it myself!"

"Gu Jiaming, I didn't talk to you!"

"Hey, hey, don't come here..." Jia Ming tapped the spatula a few times. "With the two chopsticks in your hand, I can smash you to death at any time!"

"Huh. Zuilu" Dongfang Wan picked up the kitchen knife on the small table, washed it in the bucket, and sliced ​​the sausage into thin slices. Put it into her own small bowl, and complained while cutting: "It's not hygienic at all to eat like this." But she could see that she was also very interested at this time, and she turned to Dongfang Ruo and asked: "Ruo Ruo, do you still want to eat?" What to eat? I think the tofu he cooks is not good at all, um. The scrambled eggs are more delicious, but they look weird..."

The rice and stir-fry here. For people like Jiaming, it is already a procedural thing, but Jiang Yuwei and others are in a mess. It took a long time to live, and half of the cooking was burnt. At this time, Lingjing He was being invited by Jiang Yuwei to rescue him. Not long after, Yahan and Shasha also ran over to help. Several men were busy washing vegetables and carrying water, except for Jiang Yuwei. The rest of the women were idle, watching Lingjing and the others' busyness, and chatting over there.

Dongfang Wan pushed the girl in the wheelchair and ran back and forth. After a while, Dongfang Lu with a patch on her head came over, looked at a table of dishes covered by a transparent cover, and sniffed the roast chicken in the rain next to her. He licked his lips and said, "Wow, it's okay to come here for a meal, we are all young masters over there, everyone has gone to find their own way out, and the remaining few girls are there to exercise their virtuousness Worth, I don’t even know the name of the things I made…”

"No!" Dongfang Wan, who pushed the wheelchair over, was the first to object. "Where should I go? We don't accept outsiders here."

"Brothers and sisters, why bother to kill each other, not to mention I was hit by you just now, little sister, you can't be so sympathetic."

"I want to fight Gu Jiaming, why do you want to join me, Dongfang Road, you deserve it."

"Please, can you stop pointing at me, I'm very sensitive..." Jia Ming rolled his eyes.

"You and Jiaming don't like each other, anyway, it's not a day or two, why bother..."

"It's different this time..."

Amidst the quarrels between the two sides, Dongfang Lu managed to stay here. Although Dongfang Wan was usually rather domineering, she was not a girl who didn't know the severity. The force she swung was not too strong, and because of this, she was beaten in the end. Dongfang Lu didn't have multiple injuries to speak of. zuilu

Not long after, Dongfang Wan seemed to have discovered something again, and walked over to Jiaming with a smile: "Hey, someone is enjoying Lingjing."

Following her instructions, Lingjing was still helping there, including Shasha and Yahan, it was understandable that several men were more attentive. However, it seems that Jiang Yuwei has probably introduced the man named Tan Junrong who has been around Lingjing all the time. He said that his family's assets are hundreds of millions, and the Jiang family's small company in the United States has relatively close contacts with the Tan family. and so on. Jia Ming glanced at it: "There are always people who like beautiful women, classmate Xiaowan, what do you want to say?"

"Hmph, I think, anyway, my brother is much better than him, and Ye Lingjing is not your girlfriend, I'm a little confused now

What's the matter...the three live together, Liu Huaisha is yours, every time someone wants to pursue Lingjing, why should you be the leader..."

"We are good friends from childhood. I have done things like being your shield. Wouldn't it be more logical for Lingjing?" Jia Ming washed the pot, put it on the fire and tapped it lightly.

"It's right to be a shield, anyway, you are not afraid of boiling water." Dongfang Wan glanced at him, "But what kind of person does Ye Lingjing like? I know she has her own opinions, but she doesn't care about anyone. This interest is too weird, I don’t even know why my brother gave up now..."

"Actually, that's because... Lingjing and Shasha are both my girlfriends, and Jian Suyan, whom you admire, is also my child bride..."

"Go to hell!"

Dongfang Wan stared at her eyes, but Dongfang Lu also came over: "Tell me bad things?"

"Go away too." Dongfang Wan smiled and pushed her brother away, "Here is helping you with a blind date, don't interrupt."

"I think it's the two of you on a blind date. You two are acting weird today. Hey, Jiaming, it's okay to fight and fight. Don't play with Xiao Wan's feelings..."

"Dongfang Lu, pull me to quarrel with you again.

Didn't you see that Ling Jing was being pestered by someone over there? Let's be friends, let's go and help out. ".

"Student Lingjing can handle it by herself, and I have a bag on my head."

While the two brothers and sisters were killing each other, Lingjing's side suddenly became chaotic like a frying pan. The first person to quarrel was Shasha who was helping Lingjing, and the object of the quarrel was that The three women in the side group looked on coldly.

Shasha's temper was still irritable when she was a child, and she beat people frequently with a bat, but since getting along with Jiaming and Lingjing, she has become more reasonable, and of course she still retains a straight-forward temperament in essence. After arguing for a few words, Lingjing and Yahan were pulled back directly, with a displeased expression on their faces. Roughly speaking, this matter is quite simple. Those girls are from good families and have never done much housework. They are even more unfamiliar with this kind of self-reliance in the wild. When Jiang Yuwei brought Ling Jing over to help, they originally It was a small group of several boys, and even their boyfriends gathered around to show their courtesy. When their appearance and temperament were not very comparable, they naturally became unhappy.

Can't help, the three girls chatted on their own, and Shasha's character has always been pure, when she lacked something, she asked casually if there was any, and asked them to throw it over, but she couldn't get it the first time Responding, she said it casually for the second time, and the other side replied in a strange way, so the two sides broke out like this.

"What? We went to help her. We didn't even know how to cook. We didn't even want to move our hands a little bit. We were still sarcastic. Why should we help her..."

In Rusha's angry tone, Yahan stood beside Jiaming, frowning, and said softly: "The attitude of those three women is indeed too much, but... I guess I think Lingjing stole their limelight, actually I think that Jiang Yuwei is a bit unreasonable..."

"Forget it, forget it." Lingjing comforted Shasha, "Don't be angry, I shouldn't have gone there in the first place. This kind of picnic itself is just for everyone to have fun, and it's interesting to do it yourself..."

"Guan Lingjing, what's the matter with you? Jiang Yuwei told you to go there, okay? It's a favor to help, and it's reasonable not to help. Didn't you hear what they said...that your family just runs a small martial arts gym, hum Hmph, I thought it was as if the family had a lot of money, it's amazing. A random phone call will make her family's company unable to continue..."

Jiang Hai’s upper class said they were big or small. Although Jiang Yuwei’s friends also had certain backgrounds, half of them had industries abroad, and the rest were basically far behind big companies like Zhang’s and Dongfang’s. In addition, Shasha is from the underworld background, and Yahan seldom participates in boring entertainment. All these ten people know is only Dongfangwan's family background. The martial arts school didn't take them seriously at all. While Rusha was upset, the three women over there were also stopped by their boyfriends, and they were still making sarcastic remarks.

"No one ever asked you to come and help..."

"I thought I was good at cooking, and I could cook for a lifetime..."

"Women without qualities..."

"Don't stop me...Break up...I will remember her, let's see who can play with whom..."

It was indeed the rustling that erupted first, and these women and men seemed to have grasped this point, speaking one by one, even though they were more than ten meters away, they could still vaguely hear them here. Before Shasha developed the mood to hit someone, Dongfang Wan walked over directly.

"Play? What are you playing? As long as you can afford the consequences, I will accompany you."

For a moment, there was silence, the three women closed their mouths almost subconsciously, and turned their eyes to the side with displeasure...

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