Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 328 Leng Yan

Are you the best? Then...please compare with me..."

When the cool and polite words resounded in the venue, the first thing they brought was a burst of surprise and astonishment. Andy stood there dumbfounded, not understanding what was going on. But after a while, applause and booing sounded from the crowd.


"Be merciful to beauties."

"Okay, beauty, teach him a lesson!"

It's part of human nature to join in the fun, watch people get embarrassed, and make noises. No matter what, if a beautiful woman ends up playing, no matter how well she plays, she will definitely be more popular than a few men. The most excited: "Come here, teach him a lesson! I'll win by buying a beautiful woman, who wants to bet!"

The atmosphere started to become warm, but Andy, who was standing on the edge of the venue, looked embarrassed, looking at the beautiful girl who was a few meters away: "Uh, Miss Yuechi, if you are interested in this, I think you should stay Will be...uh..."

"Please take action." In the tone of his refusal, Kaoru replied lightly, with a soft but firm tone.

In the light, the night breeze caressed the crowd, and the hair fluttered in the light. Looking at the almost perfect face, Andy shook his head: "No, I won't be with women..."

Before he finished his words, the black shadow suddenly crossed the light. At that moment, the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake suddenly rose in Andy's heart. He only heard a slap, and was about to subconsciously want to make a move. Defense, the figure of the girl has come to him, the five fingers of her right hand are close together, and the slender fingertips are pressed against his throat: "You are already dead."

After all, he is also a fighter who has received a lot of training, but in his previous life, Andy has never experienced such an absurd but real feeling like this moment, as if at this moment, he was really killed by the opponent , listening to the girlish voice that calmly stated. Even though Zuilu Academy was already fascinated by it, his body still reacted subconsciously. He made a move with his left hand, and grabbed it with his right hand, clasping the outstretched wrist tightly.

that moment. The girl's arm came out like a spirit snake, even causing a scorching sensation in his palm like being hit by a long whip, and his left hand followed closely, but the arm swung like electricity, and it clasped his wrist instead. He broke free suddenly, and was immediately caught again.

Break free with a backhand! Buckle up again! until now. The fear and tension in my heart finally fully surfaced from the subconscious level and became a real consciousness. With a swipe, he tried his best to fly backwards, and the girl took a lunge with a blank face, and briefly stayed on the left waist with her right hand. Turn into a sharp blade and slash.

Japanese Kendo, Iai!

All around became one piece of silence.

It was originally a high-speed sword drawing technique in kendo, but now the girl uses her hands instead of the sword. Turned into a simple blow that is shocking enough. Andy, who retreated to the center of the field, opened his mouth wide and looked at his clothes. Just then, as if he was hit by a sharp weapon, there was a tear more than ten centimeters long. It was this clean and graceful stroke that made everyone's eyes widen.

Originally thought it was just a performance, who would have known that she was really so powerful, thanks to these men, they wanted to attract her attention by means of a martial arts competition...

Among the onlookers, there were not many students from the Sacred Heart Academy, and naturally they didn't know that Xun had a record of killing the members of the Sacred Heart Martial Arts Club with one enemy and dozens of them. However, almost at the very first moment when she rushed out, looking at the right hand that reached Andy's throat, the eyes of Ye Lian and Xiaolou on the side of the field suddenly became frenzied. In the middle, Jian Suyan's amazing blow that blinded Xiliwang's eyes was almost in the same form, and the whole arm was like a long whip, making a brilliant sound in the air.

And the few simple actions just now, for these insiders, they almost saw a copy of Jian Suyan, beautiful, concise, cold and arrogant, beauty and destructive power have been perfectly combined together. Zuilu College

"Because you weren't ready, I've kept my hand, and I won't do it again." Looking at Andy who had been forced into the field, Xun said lightly, "Please make a move."

Patting the ripped skirt on his chest, Andy looked at the opposite face, not knowing what to say for a moment, and after a while, he just took a deep breath, his right fist behind him, his left fist Stretching forward, posing his best attack method: "Hey, I admit... I'm a bit underestimating the enemy, but... Come on."

Although the one just now really scared him, but after so many matches, he will never think that he is really much worse than the opponent. The one just now, he really committed the big taboo of underestimating the enemy, but now he absolutely It won't be like this anymore... Although she doesn't really want to fight with beautiful women, since she likes this, she obviously wants to fight.

, I always have to subdue her in skill before I can say anything else. Then, on the opposite side, the girl walked directly towards this side.

The lights at the four corners of the venue illuminated her figure exceptionally beautifully, her hair was gently stroked by the night wind passing through the crowd, and she didn't make any offensive or defensive postures, the girl just walked towards this side naturally. Five meters, four meters, three meters... When he entered within the range of two meters, he immediately threw his fist out.

With a swipe, Xun's figure moved, and the wind of the fist passed by, and the blue hair quickly opened. Stepping, leaning over, turning, and moving sideways, during Andy's rapid attack, her body also moved at his side at a faster speed, with mysterious footwork, seemingly slow but actually fast, within a few seconds , The two of them turned three or four big circles, and Andy's attack couldn't keep up with her moving pace. After each punch, he could only hit the girl's graceful afterimage, and her hair brushed against her lips. The side, cold and charming, accidentally hit her arms, shoulders, and back, causing pain to the marrow. A faint voice sounded.

"This is the Chinese Kung Fu you look down upon, Baguazhang."

"Not proficient enough..." Among the crowd, Xiaolou murmured, and on the other side, Jia Ming shrugged helplessly: "I love playing tricks..."

"What are you talking about! Xun played so beautifully." Lingjing rolled his eyes at him, and chose to shout after Rusha, "Come on! Come on! Xun is so good, I love you!"

In the arena, Andy, who wanted to get rid of this predicament, quickly backed away, trying to distance himself, but basically had no effect. After a while, he and Xun fought a few punches in a row, trying to take advantage of his strength Repelling the opponent—when he was at a disadvantage, he couldn't care less about pity—but Kaoru, who was already on the dexterous route, was also extremely good at unloading the force, and the unavoidable punches and kicks were completely understated by her. After resolving the past, Andy greeted her directly in one step. .

Closing the distance, using the advantages of body and strength to the extreme, a punch swept across, and a knee bump was also suddenly used. The girl's figure was almost squeezed into his arms, and the palm was pressed down softly. The next moment, Andy's figure seemed to be thrown out directly. He was hit hard in the chest. After landing, he staggered back six or seven steps before barely stopping. On the opposite side, the girl rushed over without any hesitation.

"You look down on Taijiquan, holding the bird's tail, throwing the hammer..."

The technique that u. is best at is still from Chi Sakura Chigen, who has learned since childhood. The scattered light and shadow, and the movement of the body to cause visual difference are the fundamental methods of this kind of ninjutsu. At this time, the four corners of the field are illuminated by four big light bulbs, and everyone's figure is stretched long. It can almost be said that it is the best environment for Chi Yingqianhuan to perform. Even if Andy has a certain strength, how can he It may be possible to achieve good results in other people's home courts. A figure vaguely stepping on the gossip steps suddenly approached, and when the blow was struck, the figure had already passed by his hand, and the force of the second attack was released by soft force again, with an "ah", the most vulnerable There was also a sudden continuous pain between the waist and ribs, as if the ribs had been smashed.

"This is Wing Chun's... inch strength!"

When he was beaten back far away again, and then, without attacking, Andy stopped in front of him while panting, and gave him a faint look.

"You are weak and haven't learned anything well."

Whoever wins and who loses, even a layman, may have seen clearly at this time, basically there is no need to continue fighting. After saying this, he turned and walked to the outside of the arena. Before he could step out of the line drawn by everyone, a girl in a light yellow jacket and blue jeans rushed up and hugged her with a smile. Rusha, Lingjing, holding a dv player, enthusiastically filmed the scene of the winner's return.



With such a competition, when Xun walked with Jia Ming and the others with the Dalmatians in his arms, there were basically fewer people to strike up a conversation with. Lingjing basically ignored Tan Junrong, and after a while, he also leave uninterested. Regardless of how the relationship between Andy and Jiang Yuwei will change in the future, the carnival on the grass went on without any hindrance. From time to time, people would come to the temporary competition venue to compete, which is naturally only the level of communication between friends.

At about eleven o'clock, Fang Yusi came on stage to give the finale performance, and it was approaching midnight, and the carnival came to an end. The figure of a woman walked to the grassy slope by the stream.

There were no people here, and the field of vision was relatively wide. This woman named He Yun sat on the grass slope for a while, and then began to talk...

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