Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era——Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 332 Buying a Murder to Kill

to kill him. Zuilu Academy, he thought.

Living in the world for decades, there may not be many times when he really wants to kill someone. As a dude with a family fortune of over 100 million, if Tan Junrong wants to do this, the possibility of realizing it is obviously much greater than that of ordinary people. A family property of more than 100 million - This net worth may depreciate greatly in a few years, but only in 1999, in many places, only a million can be called a rich man, and the title of billionaire can still be scary Many people.

To kill him! Gritting his teeth and walking around in the small tent, he repeated this thought in his mind for the thousand and one times.

Recalling the dv clip he watched a few minutes ago, and the threat he received, his heart was churning over and over again, his blood was surging, and he was restless. In this way, the planting in the morning was also settled. He never thought that he would meet one such person. mean! Shameless! Dirty! Despicable! Gu Jiaming must die!

In the past 20 years of his life, he can be regarded as pampered. Occasionally, he was arrogant and domineering, and it was often for chasing his sister, finding gangsters and beating people, but no matter how you say it.: Fate, of course, the most important thing The reason was that it was too troublesome to deal with the aftermath of killing someone, but this time, he had already decided that no matter how big the trouble was, he had to kill this guy. The most important thing is that I don't feel any guilt in my heart, and I am simply doing justice for the sky.

Standing and sitting in the tent, it took about half an hour to do psychological construction. The matter of "killing someone" has been engraved in his mind as a life goal like a five-year plan. Must kill this guy. So, after taking a few deep breaths, he started calling.

"Hey, Uncle Gu, I have something to do with you... I know you have many contacts in Jianghai, so you can introduce someone to me... I want to kill people... I'm not joking, money is not a problem, I'm willing to spend any money... The important thing is Reliable...Don't worry. The guy I'm going to kill has no background...Okay, I'll tell him directly that this matter has nothing to do with you, Uncle Gu. Don't worry...It doesn't matter if it's a little late...Well, Brother Banana of Zuilu Academy ? ok...”

In the past, I had never been so nervous to ask someone to help me fight with money. It was the first time that such a thing as paying a murderer to kill someone was unprecedented, but I couldn't tell my dad about it, otherwise he must have many connections. Uncle Gu is trustworthy, but... Brother Banana? I know that people in the underworld have various nicknames, but it's really weird to have such a name. After waiting for about ten minutes, the phone rang.


"Hi. I'm Banana." A voice of indistinguishable age came from the phone. There was a bit of hoarseness in the slowness, and it sounded reliable, "Is that you paying?"

"Well, I'm..."

"Idiot! From now on, don't talk about personal information, and don't ask too much. One thing is very important. The price is 300,000 yuan. After we read the information and decide to accept it, we will pay 150,000 yuan in advance. After success, we will pay the remaining 150,000 yuan , to ensure safety and reliability, is there a problem?"

"No, no."

"Okay, let's talk about the background of the target first. After detailed information, I will ask you to put it in a place, and we will check it. Just talk about it on the phone."

"Okay. He... is a male, about seventeen or eighteen years old. He should have no background. He is a member of the Huang family, but you also know that the Huang family has collapsed, and he was not very popular with his family before. Like, basically has no status, of course it is even more so now..."

"Say the name."


Probably couldn't bear his slowness, the banana on the phone shouted: "Name, why is there no name in the background!"

"Oh, his name is Gu Jiaming."

"..." The microphone was silent for a long time, "I mean... your name."

"I...you said that you don't ask for personal information..."

"It's different now, your name." Banana said every word.

Tan Junrong is not a fool, things suddenly turned inexplicably, his heart sank, and he repeated with a guilty conscience: "You said that you don't ask for personal information..."



"If you don't say yes, you can find out if you don't say it!" Hearing Tan Junrong's silence, a member of the underworld named Banana roared angrily, "Kill Gu Jiaming! Let me tell you! Your whole family will die now!" No! You have the guts not to mess around in China, or the Sand Bamboo Gang will find you sooner or later! Fuck your grandma, you dare to touch anyone, you don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth, kill Gu Jiaming, you go eat bananas..."

The angry banana kept roaring on the microphone, Tan Junrong opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say, and finally he could only hang up the phone with a bang, unable to figure it out, does this Gu Jiaming have a gangster background... …After a few seconds, the phone rang again. He pressed the call button, and the angry scolding continued to be heard over there. Zuilu College

"***I haven't finished cursing yet, hang up...it's this number, try it, sooner or later you'll find out your details, and then kill, kill, kill, kill, dawg, don't hang up phone, old

The letter bureau is also related..."

"Damn, I actually met a lunatic..." Hanging up the phone again, Tan Junrong sat there for a long time and didn't come to his senses. For the first time in his life, the thought of killing someone was scolded into an extremely chaotic and anxious mind. Didn't the person I was looking for say he was very reliable? What happened? He was taken care of by his father, so he deliberately found a lunatic to perfuse me, or what...

On the other hand, in Jianghai, the headquarters of the Sand Bamboo Gang, it was nearly eleven o'clock, and a group of people sat in the living room playing mahjong. Liu Zheng seems to be lucky today. He has won several hands in a row, and he is in a very happy mood. He is also listening to this round. He fumbles the cards clumsily, with weird and ever-changing expressions on his face. The people at the same table are all sand bamboos. The leader of the gang, knowing that Liu Zheng usually has an easy-going disposition, and he doesn't pay much attention to winning or losing anyway, so he chatted with his parents, and common things about the gang and outsiders. Cut it off, I saw Jiaming and Shasha shopping last week. In such an atmosphere, a gang member took the phone and handed it to Liu Zheng: "Boss, brother Jiao's phone number."

"Yeah." As soon as he picked up the phone, he was still touching the mahjong with the other hand. He was not very skilled at all, and this piece was difficult to touch. Ajiao, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? Someone wants to buy a murder..."

"Buy murder to kill, every day, you have another business, good thing..." Ahhh, it seems that it is about to be found out, here is one....

"A good thing? Is it a good thing that someone wants to kill your son-in-law?"

"Great!" When he found it, he flipped his right hand and slammed it down on the table, but only halfway through, the joyful expression froze immediately, and a loud bang echoed in the living room, and the whole table was seen As if they were about to be smashed to pieces, the table was full of mahjong jumping around, and the three older brothers who were chatting were startled and stood there in a daze, no, this is the first time the boss has played so aggressively today, could it be that he finally Hu a grand slam?

"Great?" Banana yelled on the phone, "Boss Liu, do you have any humanity? I am worried about you. You are too wicked. Everyone should have a good conscience when they come out to mess around. You can't Daughter and son-in-law are so ruthless... Oh, are you dissatisfied with your son-in-law? I think that kid is pretty good. His character is a little softer, but we are out to mess around. You don’t want your daughter and son-in-law To be your successor, now it is almost the 21st century, and there is no future in the underworld... Take a step back and say, even if you are not satisfied, you don't want him to die, and he didn't do anything to offend Sasha... It's not that I said you, hey, don't hang up..."

Ignoring the endless nagging in the microphone, Liu Zheng's face was livid, and he slammed his eldest brother on the table with a slam. His eyes swept over the few people in front of him sternly, and a group of younger brothers who thought Hu Daguan came over to see , Someone said nah na: "Boss, this is... a scam..." He ignored it and took a deep breath: "Are you talking about Jia Ming?"

"Uh, yes." The elder brother next to him nodded, "I saw him shopping with Shasha last week, that...he looked like he bought a lot of things, hehe..."

"You all know Jia Ming?"

"Of course..." Something might have happened, and several people looked at each other with some doubts in their hearts.

Liu Zheng stretched out his hand: "Yes, my son-in-law, Shasha's boyfriend, everyone knows, what a good child, he doesn't fight or swear, has a gentle personality, is polite to everyone, and never takes us Shasha Has he ever bullied anyone because of his relationship with the gang, and he doesn't take advantage of everything in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Look at the bunch of bastards outside who only know how to look at young and Dangerous boys as hooligans. Who can compare to him.

Someone who can compare to him stands up! "

"That's right, that's right..."

He patted on the table twice: "Such a good child, you say that Sasha is my daughter, but I have to admit that she has a bad temper and rudeness, beats people with a bat every day and can't cook, you know they live Rusha outside the school is free, and sometimes I feel that she has treated him badly with Jiaming, who can offend anyone with his personality. Even when we were young, people just glanced at us and wanted to get mad at me. Getting angry with a child like Jia Ming..."

"Hmm..." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But now someone actually wants to pay him to kill him." Liu Zheng pouted, "A Jiao called just now, someone actually wanted to touch Jia Ming, can anyone tell me what this is?"

"No, no..."

"***, Boss, who do you want to kill..."

"Let his whole family die..."

"It actually moved on our heads..."

"Jia Ming's business is our own business..."

All of a sudden, the room was full of hooligans, villains, young and Dangerous, and gangsters who were excited. Liu Zheng overthrew the whole mahjong table that he was cheating on: "Damn it, there are no good people in this world... Today we are going to do justice for the heavens!".

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