Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 334 Nothing to be afraid of

...What, buy to kill me? Heh, where did you go when you bought Uncle Liu... What's going on, it's actually more complicated, that guy may not really dare..." On the grass, Jia Ming frowned while answering the phone, looking into the distance Tan Junrong, who was at the office, didn't expect this guy to actually do it, "Don't worry, Uncle Liu, you also know that we are with Fang Zhitian, there are special forces, plainclothes armed police and so on everywhere, killing... who dares?" ..."

"But you have to search for a long time to make a phone call..." Liu Zheng yelled on the phone, "I will give each of you a mobile phone when you come back. Zuilu Academy"

"Cough, Uncle Liu...Okay, okay, I know, I can solve this matter myself...Uncle Liu, you don't want to kill that person, it's not a crime to die...I'll tell you when I get back, this matter I will solve it, trust me... umm, I will definitely be careful, you know I have practiced martial arts, and fighting is not for nothing... Over there Rusha asked me to go over for dinner, Uncle Liu Do you want to talk to Sasha... oh, bye..."

After hanging up the phone, Jia Ming shrugged helplessly, and Tian Yuzheng walked over from the side: "What's the matter? I looked on the phone and looked for you in a hurry."

"It's nothing." He exhaled, "I put myself in the same place..."

On the other side, Liu Zheng was holding the phone with a strange expression on his face, and several people around him also leaned over: "Boss, what do you say?"

"It's nothing, kid, you need confidence and understanding. Jia Ming said that he can handle this matter by himself. Since he is with Fang Zhitian and others, there should be no problem for the time being. Anyway, they are quite clever... ..." Liu Zheng's tone was a little helpless, "I read in the book that when the time is right, parents still have to give them room to play freely, that's..."

"Then we...don't intervene?"

"Are you kidding, we do what we do. Just keep the children from knowing!" Liu Zheng gave him a white look. He took out a pistol directly from his clothes and took a few steps forward. It directly touched the head of the man who was still rolling around on the ground, bent down, and paused every word.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? Didn't you see that the bosses are all nervous? Who is responsible if someone dies! Do you want the whole family to die! Huh?"



Meadow, lunch time.

While eating, Tan Junrong looked a little uneasy, next to him was Andy, and then the friend that Andy introduced to him. This man is called Wu Mingfei, and he is one of the special forces who followed Fang Zhitian. Of course, he is wearing casual clothes at this time, eating at the same time. While talking with Andy about the competition with Andy yesterday. If this kind of special forces is retired. A large part of them chose to be bodyguards for rich businessmen, and those who were truly capable were extremely popular. In the past, Tan Junrong would have been very keen on this kind of contact, but he was obviously not in the mood at this time.

"...According to what the boss of our small building said. The girl named Xun yesterday. When she was fighting you, her martial arts basically came from a Japanese ninjutsu called Chi Ying Qian Huan. But teach her Chinese The kung fu person is also very good, and has perfectly combined these things with her own conditions. In the situation where the lights are not clear, it is very difficult for you to catch her moving track. If it is in a real gymnasium I'm afraid it will be better if we play in the ring..."

According to what Wu Mingfei said, a man named Xiaolou seemed to be their captain. When he said it, his admiration was beyond words. Sure enough, Xiaolou, Banana... Weird people all use strange names. Tan Junrong couldn't help thinking in his heart, and Andy wondered: "Japanese ninjutsu? So she doesn't use Chinese kung fu?"

"Heh, Andy, I think you have been fighting for so many years, why do you still have so little understanding of this aspect... She uses both ninjutsu and Chinese martial arts, but in martial arts, she has successfully Adding your own understanding, you have to know that imitation is very simple, but making these things your own is the most difficult. The person who taught her must also be a master... Andy, you have a great understanding of China. The understanding of martial arts has always been misunderstood. Martial arts emphasizes strength, speed, and anti-strike ability. This is true, but the problem is that you think that pure mechanical movement, relying on levers to move away and accelerate, etc., can cause the strongest physical damage, but the fact is In fact, the internal system of the human body is more profound than ordinary scientific research. With your current power, even if our Xiaolou Boss stands there and lets you hit him, you may not be able to hurt him..."

"How can it be……"

"I tried it...he didn't come out at this time, and I will show you when I have a chance, Xiaolou...don't think this name looks like a woman, his skin really looks like a woman, white and soft Nen, it seems that he will be broken if you touch it casually, but the ordinary special forces really can't touch him, we call him the Terminator in the army..."

The two chatted next to each other for a while, during which Andy looked at Tan Junrong several times, and finally asked: "Young Master Rong, do you have something on your mind?"

"Oh, it's nothing..." Tan Junrong shook his head, but his expression was obviously not convincing. Zuilu College

Andy and Wu Mingfei looked at each other: "Young Master Rong, could it be because of that girl? I haven't seen you worry about this kind of thing before..."

Wu Mingfei asked with interest: "What girl?"

"No..." Tan Junrong smiled, thought for a while, and finally said, "something happened in the morning, and someone made a mistake."

Andy frowned: "No, who..." He originally wanted to say who would dare to touch you, but after thinking about it carefully, there are quite a few people with such qualifications in the camping team, so he changed his words: "If there is anything wrong here, I think you can find Ming Fei, Young Master Rong. No matter what, he is also responsible for security work here."

Wu Mingfei nodded: "At least here, I can still help with general things, otherwise I have a good relationship with our boss, Rong Shao, you are Andy's friend, that is my friend, if you have anything to do, don't worry." Speak."

"Oh, actually... I don't know how to explain the specifics? I was tricked by that bastard, and now he has a handle on me. It's a videotape, but the problem is... this matter, this matter... I


"Young Master Rong, I understand.

"Wu Mingfei smiled and waved his hands, "Our boss said that people who play tricks are mostly people with little strength, and the video tape is. Now since someone is blackmailing you. Rong Shao, this is our specialty. Although I may not be able to say what can be done to that person now, it should be fine to take back the things in a friendly manner. After all, we are responsible for the safety of this place, and blackmail, no matter who he is, is not allowed place of occurrence. I don’t know who that person is…”

What Wu Mingfei said was to his liking, Tan Junrong nodded: "Oh, you don't have to worry about this, A Ming, it is said that the person you know is indeed of no background. Now..." He turned his head. "It's the guy in the blue coat over there, the guy named Gu Jiaming."

As soon as he saw that, Wu Mingfei's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't close his opened mouth for a long time. On the other side, Tan Junrong was still talking: "He mainly has one friend. It is Dongfang Wan from the Dongfang family. But it doesn't seem to be a very close relationship. I heard that it was originally from the Huang family. His parents died when he was young, and he is not very good in the Huang family. You see, in the past at school, you could only be bullied by others, the girl next to him named Ye Lingjing only runs a small martial arts gym at home..."

When he said this, Andy suddenly remembered: "Hey? No, Amin, the master you said just now must be a master of martial arts. Could it be that he learned it at Ye Lingjing's house? In this way...how could it be Small martial arts hall..."

Turning his head to look, he saw Wu Mingfei smiled unnaturally. After a while, he said, "Young Master Rong, is it really that Gu Jiaming?"

"Uh, what's the matter?" Tan Junrong's heart sank slightly. Zuilu College

"Oh, some things are confidential, I don't know, even if I know, I can't reveal it, but that Gu Jiaming... only talks about the superficial things, Rong Shao, you are right, that Dongfang Wan is from the Dongfang family, Dongfang Lu’s younger sister, oh, I heard that Dongfang Lu was chased and beaten by his sister yesterday, I don’t know if you have seen it, but he is the heir of the Dongfang family and has a good relationship with Gu Jiaming.”

Andy opened his mouth wide: "No, no? That kid is Dongfang Road?"

Wu Mingfei took a deep breath: "Actually, Dongfang Wan doesn't have a lot of status in Jiaming. She built a toy factory by herself and basically didn't need much help from the family. What about Gu Jiaming... Yes, he used to be sure Being bullied all the time, that Ye Lingjing's house is really a small martial arts gym, but why didn't you think of other people, the teacher Yahan next to him is the only daughter of Zhang Jing'an, who has a lot of connections in Jianghai, and the two are old friends, The kind of best friend who can help each other with anything unconditionally, fortunately, Young Master Rong, you didn't do anything, otherwise it's just her who will suffer from you."

"And... Andy, I thought you knew that Kaoru Tsukichi who fought with you yesterday is the eldest daughter of the chairman of Ike Sakura Weaving in Japan. This is a multinational group with assets worth tens of billions. She didn't care about anyone in the house, and just kept in touch with Gu Jiaming. Last year, she heard someone say bad things about Gu Jiaming. She beat up more than 50 students from the martial arts club by herself. That Tian Yuzheng was her fiancé. Not to mention the double doctorate in the field of international biology, he is the second in line heir of the Kawasaki Foundation, which is one of the three major foundations in Japan, you have never heard of it..."

Andy and Tan Junrong were dumbfounded.

"...Did you see the girl in the wheelchair next to him? She is Chief Fang's most beloved niece. She has been weak and sick since she was a child, not only has her legs and feet inconvenient, but also can't see her eyes. Where does she go without a doctor from a strengthened company guarding her?" Ah, if Gu Jiaming can be brought out like this, you will know how much Chief Fang trusts Gu Jiaming... By the way, Chief Fang arrived in Jianghai a few days ago. He just got off the plane and hasn't gone to the place where he is staying. The first thing is to go to Huang's house to find this Gu Jiaming, don't you know?"

The two shook their heads mechanically.

"I don't know anything about the inside story, so it's hard to say... This kind of thing is accessible to people of our boss's level and some special identities. I only know that our boss also knows him. Every time we talk about it When we were together, we always called him little brother Jiaming. So...Young Master Rong, I don't know what misunderstanding you have with him, but this matter is really..."

Wu Mingfei showed a look of embarrassment on his face. At the same time, another girl came out of the tent in the opposite camp with canned fish. He pointed at it.

"Oh, and her, I forgot to mention just now, do you know her?"

Andy nodded anxiously: "I heard it's Gu Jiaming's girlfriend, named Liu Huaisha..."

"Well, that's right, her father is Liu Zheng, the boss of the Jianghai Sand Bamboo Gang. Although the gangsters have no future in China, there should be someone covering Liu Zheng. I usually follow the boss and the others in Beijing. This time I came to Jianghai I don't know much about the environment. But after a quick look, the Shaxiu Gang seems to be the largest gang in Jianghai. And there isn't one of them. Of course, according to the information, Liu Huaisha has a good temper, even if he occasionally disagrees with others. Unless it's really a big event, you don't use gangster power to suppress people. Rong Shao, don't worry... Rong Shao?"

Young Master Rong was completely dumbfounded, now he finally understood where the anger of bananas on the phone came from, indeed, they don't use the power of gangsters to oppress people very much. But the problem is... this time he delivered it to the door by himself...



In the afternoon. The sky is starting to get cloudy, and it seems that there are signs of rain.

When Dongfang Wan came in from the tent door with fruit juice, Jiaming was collecting the last toll that made Shasha go bankrupt, and laughed arrogantly: "Haha, give me money, give me money. If you don't give me money, you will sell yourself to pay off the debt!"

"They sold it to you a long time ago." Ling Jing smiled.

"What? He always charges me a toll." Shasha yelled unhappily, took an apple and smashed it at it.

A group of people crammed into this medium-sized tent. The voice was noisy, but she was obviously in a good mood. Dongfang Wan, who likes group activities, was also very satisfied with the atmosphere. She smiled and gave Shasha a bottle of juice: "Did Shasha lose? Haha, I will give you a bottle first. Fund rewards." Whoever loses will be fined as a miscellaneous, Dongfang Wan

One, so I have a feeling of sympathy for Shasha, of course, it can also be a sense of joy for the dead ghost.

Shasha took the drink: "By the way, the weather outside is not good, won't it rain today?"

"The weather forecast said that it won't fall in the next few days." Jiaming looked at the sky outside the tent and frowned. Dongfang Wan handed the drink to Ruoruo who was reading a Braille romance novel, and gave him a white look: "Idiot , when did you see that the weather forecast was accurate?"

"What if it rains?" Ruoruo held the juice, feeling a little worried, "Should we go back by car?" For her, more than ten years of her life was spent in pain, between the laboratory and the nunnery. In the meantime, there have been a lot of people coming out to play and listening to the laughter of the crowd, which has never happened before. What's more, in this year, there are not many chances to suppress the headache by a large margin. In my heart, I am afraid that I am the most satisfied and nostalgic for all these places. I heard that the journey of three days may be shortened to one day. .

"How is it possible?" Dongfang Wan comforted, "Have someone move out the large tent, sit inside, eat hot pot, and play games all night. Haha, in fact, in this kind of place, watching the rain is quite interesting."

Fighting back and forth on the chessboard, a few people were chatting about the rain in the tent, Rusha's face was covered with branches, and she sat on the ground, looking out from the curtain at the door, and saw Tan Junrong walking by, she couldn't help frowning Head: "That Tan Junrong, why does he seem to be out of his mind?"

"Trapped by love." Dongfang Wan ate, and leaned towards the curtain with interest. At this moment, she could only see his back as he walked past. Tan Junrong had already changed into a suit. At this time, she was wearing a neat suit. Go to the parking place on the side of the road, "I didn't see anything lost, but he still wears a suit when he comes out to play, is he sick?"

"Just now I saw something wrong with his face." Shasha shrugged, "Cut, don't care about him, the toad wants to eat swan meat, if he still dares to come here, I will call hundreds of people to beat him up after I go back. He was flat after healed."

"Oh." Dongfang Wan nodded, "Miss Underworld is different."

"have opinions?"

Dongfang Wan smiled and said, "How dare I."

Dongfang Wan didn't deal with Jia Ming very much before, and even Dao Shasha didn't have a good impression of her, but now that she has become a partner in action, it is natural that the previous suspicions have been resolved. The two chatted and laughed for a while, Dongfang Wan looked outside, Suddenly he pulled La Shasha's hand nervously: "Hey, hey, kill it, kill it!"

"What's coming?" Shasha also looked outside, and suddenly opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Are you kidding, you really came here!"

After being called out by her, Lingjing, Jiaming, Tianyu and the others all squeezed to the door with interest. Looking out from the gap beside the curtain, they saw Tan Junrong in a suit and leather shoes holding a large bouquet of roses towards the door. Although it was a camping trip, the organizer also brought bouquets from the urban area to sell, even though it was a camping trip. He was dressed in a serious formal attire for such a large bouquet of red roses, which attracted everyone around. look sideways.

"He looks so weird, he's going all out." Dongfang Wan praised.

"It's not a direct proposal..." Shasha was also frightened.

"How can there be such a person..." Ling Jing frowned on Rusha's body.

"Warrior, this is the so-called no turning back momentum.

"As a Chinese, Tianyu once again showed his profound knowledge.

"This guy is sick." Yahan said with disgust.

"Maybe it's not for Lingjing..."

Before Jiaming finished speaking, Dongfang Wan had already turned her head: "Do you have an IQ, who else is it but Lingjing!" Shasha said, "Jiaming, go out and kill him..."

"Don't be so violent, okay? I didn't say it must be Ling Jing. It is said that this kind of playboy is easy to change his mind..."

"Only an idiot like you can say such a thing!" Dongfang Wan stared at him. This time, Shasha stood in the united front with her and nodded desperately. After thinking about it for a while, Dongfang Wan felt that the matter might be weird. Gu Jiaming has been saying something wrong for a long time, and what is happening in front of her is completely obvious. She raised her chin: "Okay, there is a kind of bet!"

"Hey, you don't need to look like this anymore. Why bother fighting among the enemies..."

"If you say no, then come to bet, why? Don't you dare?"

Jia Ming shrugged his shoulders, a little embarrassed, his eyes flickered for a long time, and then he nodded as if he was going all out: "Okay, then what do you say...what are you betting on?"

"You can say whatever you want!" Dongfang Wan was not afraid of anything as she had the chance to win.

"Well, if Tan Junrong is not looking for Lingjing, when he gives flowers to others later, you have to go over and tell him: I want to dedicate my virginity to you. Then slap him in the face."

As soon as these words came out, Dongfang Wan's face immediately turned red, Ruoruo in the wheelchair laughed, Lingjing and Shasha jumped up and beat Jiaming, while Yahan spat lightly beside her. After a while, Dongfang Wan gritted her teeth: "Okay! But if he came for Lingjing, you have to say to Luo Yuanyuan in public tonight: I want your virginity. Then kiss her ass!"

The Luo Yuanyuan that Dongfang Wan spoke of was a single woman in her thirties with an odd temper who also participated in the camp. In such an atmosphere, Jia Ming nodded heavily: "OK,

"Everyone testify, the one who loses is a pig!" Dongfang Wan nodded. The bet is established.

After a while, Tan Junrong walked over from the tent...

Yahan asked doubtfully: "No, really not?" A group of people turned their eyes to Dongfang Wan, but she raised her chin at Jiaming with confidence: "He hasn't sent out the flowers yet, maybe it's not Knowing that Lingjing is here, maybe I want to find a romantic time."

She said: "Anyway, I will win!" She is not afraid of anything! .

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