Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 338 Design

"***, just forget about the gun...you play with me with a knife!"

On the blood-stained street where the neon lights were flashing, Liu Zheng was holding the kitchen knife in his hand tightly, watching the body of the disemboweled killer in front of him shake a few times, and fell to the ground under the spurt of blood. As soon as the movement was over, a killer who was shooting at the back of the car on the other side also happened to turn his head to look over, and Liu Zheng swung the kitchen knife over.

With a bang, the windshield at the back of the car turned into a snowflake shape under the blade, and the blade was directly embedded in the glass. The killer was in a panic, and when he wanted to shoot again, Liu Zheng had already stepped off the ground. He picked up the pistol and fired two shots.

In the middle of the road, two small cars crashed into each other.

At this time, it had only been more than ten seconds since the incident happened, and there were still many pedestrians running away on the street. Some of the unresponsive ones even waited until the car accident happened to realize that what was in front of them was not filming or hallucination, and ran away screaming. Seeing the killer rolling on the ground, Liu Zheng was about to fire a third shot when he accidentally caught a glimpse of a man walking towards him with a newspaper in his hands not far away.

"My day..."

Liu Zheng reacted quickly, and rushed towards the back of a round table next to him. The flames of the shotgun spewed out, and the newspaper flew out. A foreigner, and the one shot was actually a killer on the other side. What's the matter? There are people who don't know who want to kill him, but there are people who don't know who want to save him...

"Let's go!" The shotgun burst into flames, and while the crowd was shouting, Liu Zheng took the lead and ran towards the supermarket on the side. On the streets before and after, the gun battle had expanded to a scale of more than ten or twenty people. These people seemed to have appeared suddenly. In general, rush into the gate of the mall. When I finally looked back. Liu Zheng was also taken aback by what he saw. Even if he leads a large-scale gang like the Shazhu Gang, he can't afford firearms, but in China, in order not to touch the bottom line of the police, he usually keeps Follow the fine tradition of using steel pipe machetes. It was the first time he had seen so many people shoot at each other on the street professionally and unscrupulously.

At about half past eight, the rain finally fell.

Large tents like disaster relief rooms were set up on the campsite, one after another, forming interconnected spaces among the grass. Walking inside is like the interior space of a train. In the center is a large round tent like a circus. Considering that some people haven’t eaten yet, there is a sumptuous buffet going on inside. Listening to the sound of music and the sound of raindrops hitting the tent, the atmosphere is also Very comfortable. The original small tents were removed, and large tents were set up one by one. It only took more than half an hour to make everything like a palace. It can be seen that the organizers have already prepared for the rain, and it turns out. As long as you have money, wanting to have fun is never a problem.

"Wow, it feels like a big playground, they move so fast."

Walking in the tunnel made of tents, Ling Jing looked around curiously. In each single room on both sides of this passage. There are also various activities going on, not only those of yesterday. There are even gambling tables and movie rooms, which look really dazzling. Most games can get coupons, and then go to a certain room to receive rich prizes. Although these activities are not very novel independently, but at such a time and place, the impact of novelty can still capture the hearts of many people. Looking at the happy and satisfied faces of the people around him, Jia Ming smiled.

"Ruo Ruo's uncle is here. I think they can come up with anything you can think of within half an hour. It's quite a trivial matter."

After entering the tent, everyone dispersed according to their own wishes. After all, seven or eight people always stay together is a bit silly. Xun will follow on Shasha's side, and other agents belonging to the awakening of Yanhuang will follow on Yahan's side. Tianyu Most of the regulars will take care of them from a distance, and there is basically no problem. However, regarding Ruoruo's "discomfort" more than half an hour ago, Jiaming still feels that something is wrong.

There was not much research on the predictive ability of this sick and weak girl. Later, Fang Zhitian and several doctors who treated Dongfang Ruo for a long time came, and they also said that there were not many precedents for reference. Tian originally expected Kelly to come up with a conclusion, but who knew that the girl in black put her hands on her chest and just glanced at it, said: "I don't know." Ruo Ruo originally didn't want this event to end too early, but it was about to rain, probably because she foresaw it, so her head became uncomfortable.

After that, the rain really started to fall, which seemed to prove that Dongfang Road's deduction was correct in some way. But Zai Jiaming still felt a little strange. If it was really the perception of the future, she should of course feel the activities of this large playground. I'm afraid she can only feel happy, and she won't feel uncomfortable. However, her prediction last time was very clear, but this time her feeling was vague and she couldn't figure out whether she felt that the future was still in between.

In summer, when the rain falls, it is pouring down. When Jia Ming and Ling Jing walked to the tent in the center to eat, they met Jiang Yuwei who looked a little heavy again.

Because of introducing Lingjing to Tan Junrong, she was hated by everyone, and because of Xun's matter, she had a quarrel with Andy, and the inexplicable confession in the afternoon made her feel that Tan Junrong was really philandering. Seeing Lingjing at this time , looked a little embarrassed, and seemed to want to avoid it, but in the end he greeted Ling Jing and said softly: "Sorry, this morning..."

"It's nothing, you haven't eaten yet?"


In all honesty, Lingjing acted like she didn't have a boyfriend when she was outside, so Jiang Yuwei introduced Tan Junrong to her. Jiaming had already dismissed it lightly, and Ling Jing, who didn't hold much grudges, naturally didn't hold grudges. It was normal for former old classmates to chat a few words. However, in the morning, Jiaming, a "weak and useless" little boy in her impression, robbed her of her whites once, which made her very embarrassed. At this time, Jiang Yuwei was talking to Lingjing. He deliberately ignored Jiaming next to him. But Jia Ming was too busy eating and thinking about things, so he had no interest in talking to her at this time. .

"Lingjing, did you see that over there? There are so many big stars, and Fang Yusi is here too. I really want to rush up to ask for autographs."

"This...is not very polite..." Knowing that Jiaming and Shasha had always had objections to Fang Yusi, they ate quietly. While talking, he looked back at Jiaming, but at this moment, he was frowning and fiddled with the electronic watch on his wrist, and he didn't bother to express his opinion on these things.

On the other side, Jiang Yuwei nodded: "Yeah. There is no way to ask for an autograph on this occasion... You don't know, even in New York, her songs are very popular recently, of course, in our Chinese community, The gold limited edition she released at the beginning of the year is said to have only issued more than a thousand copies, and someone from the school bought one. She always shows it off..."

"I saw that one too." Ling Jing smiled, "Someone in our class has it."

"So. It would be great if I knew a celebrity over there. If someone could help me, it would be fine... Hey, do you think Fang Yusi is looking at us..."

"Uh...no..." Ling Jing frowned slightly.

"She came over..."

"Not toward us."

Looking at Jiaming beside him, he was still looking at the electronic watch. but. Sensing Ling Jing's gaze, Jia Ming also turned his head and smiled at the same time. Fang Yusi's pace seemed to be a little hesitant at first, but when she walked across the long table where the food was placed, she finally smiled and said, "Hi, Lingjing, Jiaming." She was wearing a white dress similar to a dress today, carrying a Wearing a beautiful handbag, she looked elegant and noble. Ling Jing cared about Jia Ming's opinion, smiled carefully, and waved her hand to answer. Jia Ming responded casually: "Hi, have you eaten?"

In such a dinner party, how could anyone say hello with such words... Jiang Yuwei's expression on the side was a little stiff for a moment, why did these two old classmates look very familiar with big stars...

"I've eaten." Fang Yusi showed a beautiful smile, "A few days ago at Jiaming's house, I seemed a little abrupt..."

"It's okay, there are people who are more abrupt than you." Of course, it was Fang Zhitian whom no one dared to criticize.

"Oh, by the way, this is..." I don't know whether Jia Ming is angry or indifferent, and there is no need to entangle in this kind of topic. Fang Yusi noticed Jiang Yuwei next to him and asked, seeing Jia Ming playing around again. Lingjing helped to introduce the watch, and Jiang Yuwei was flattered and greeted the big star. Jiaming on the side raised his head and smiled: "By the way, sister Yusi, is there still room for the gold limited edition you released earlier this year?"

"The gold limited edition... I don't know about that either, I have to ask the manager to find out, but I kept two copies of the platinum version that was said to be limited to 180 sets. They are all given away, why are you interested in Jiaming..." Jiang Yuwei's eyes widened, and Fang Yusi showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, "But Jiaming, you also know that these things are nothing more than gimmicks. It’s a picture, better packaged, and the songs are all written by you, Jia Ming..."

"You also know that Lingjing likes your songs. If you can give her a signed copy, she will be very happy."

"Really?" Fang Yusi's eyes lit up, but Ling Jing frowned and tugged at Jiaming's sleeve: "Jiaming, it's unnecessary."

"No need, we are good friends. Since you like it, there is no need to be polite. Sister Yusi is not a stingy person. Although the song is the same, I think it must be very face-saving to show off..."

"Heh... I'll call and ask someone to send it to Lingjing later."

"Uh..." Lingjing nodded, "Thank you, Sister Yusi."

Jiang Yuwei next to her opened her mouth wide and turned her head around, looking at Fang Yusi, then at Jiaming, and at Lingjing, as if observing an incomprehensible supernatural phenomenon for a moment. Jiaming raised his watch to Lingjing, and said softly: "There are still some things, Lingjing, you can play here, or go find Shasha and the others, I have to leave first." Lingjing nodded "Yes".

"Then I will flash it first. By the way, sister Yusi, I have two newly written songs over there, which should be suitable for you to sing. I will send them to you in a few days. I still have something to do now. I will go first..." Wave After waving his hand, Jiaming turned around and left from the door of the big tent. Fang Yusi froze there with surprise on his face. It took a moment for him to realize that he didn't have time to say anything...

Looking at the leaving figure, Ling Jing frowned slightly, with a trace of worry in her eyes, because generally speaking, the information sent by Jia Ming's watch is the kind of thing that they are not easy to touch. She didn't want to know, and there was nothing she could do if she knew, not to mention that most of this kind of information had nothing to do with their lives.

However, she didn't know that there was such a thing.

In less than a few minutes before and after, the same message has been spread to many people in this area through various channels.

"At 8:25, a fierce gun battle broke out on Xinlan Street. The situation has been brought under control. It is confirmed that Liu Zheng of the Shazhu Gang was shot and has been sent to the Second People's Hospital of Jianghai City..."

"How did things change so quickly? You said before that they should endure it until the results of their observations are made." In the small tent, Jia Ming frowned.

Kelly, who just came in, was shaking the water on her raincoat: "Maybe it was the things you planned this afternoon that scared people. Although it was very interesting, it was too messy. As you said, they are very sensitive. "

"It's not that sensitive yet..."

"Then the matter is even simpler. Go back to the least technical point. We have caused the cause. We didn't have a problem, but they had a problem." Kelly licked her lips, "...they have internal strife ... Pei Luojia and the count began to suspect each other." Under the light, the white girl's action was cute and sly, as if she had also inserted an invisible black hand in the whole thing.

Jia Ming raised his eyebrows: "What did you do to them?"

"It's nothing." The girl spread her hands, "It's just that No. 1758 has always been condescending, so he probably isn't very popular with others, and with his selfish character, he might be attracted to people who betray Pei Luojia at some point." Our gaze made it easier for him to make a move. When I got the address you gave me last night, I just made a fake news... Anyway, he will do the same sooner or later. Little Kelly is not a liar, nor is she I know who stole this news like a treasure, but if anything happens, it's all his fault... ".

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