Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 340 The Strongest Suppression

Amidst the loud noise, the flames bloomed recklessly in the night rain, and following the scolding sound, the two figures flew out of the car body long before that, entangled in the air a few times, fiercely Fell into the grass slope on the side of the road.

Forcibly jumping out of a car while driving at high speed is not an exaggerated thing like the Arabian Nights for many people who have undergone training. Quickly adjust the coordination of the whole body, but it is impossible to completely save the damage anyway. The earl's physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary people, and he has a lot of abilities available. However, at such a speed, once he is disturbed by some inexplicable things, there is still a possibility of injury. This crazy act of rushing towards me couldn't help being startled, and I wanted to jump out of the car, but one foot was suddenly grabbed, and the next moment, a chaotic picture of spinning and turning flashed in my eyes, and my body hit the ground heavily .

The painful feeling of being torn apart from the whole body surged up, and the flame just lit up on the side of the line of sight...

It's like visiting the shopping mall countless times, and finally met an opportunity for a merchant to really vomit blood for a big sale... Powers are fragile, even if his powers are much stronger than ordinary power users, they are also fragile in nature of. Just now, there was a problem with the ability to stay in the air that I wanted to use in a hurry. It had been many years since I had this kind of oolong in battle, and the result in exchange was extremely painful, but the problem was not that big.

The damage is basically two-way. When he is also hurt by the fall, ordinary people will at least be dizzy and vomit blood, and the next step is to kill people. He turned his eyes fiercely. The first thing I saw was...

Aimed at the muzzle of his chest.

The strong depression and doubts hadn't had time to rise up, and the body subconsciously wanted to jump out, but his left foot was still firmly grasped by the opponent, so he took off slightly, and the gunfire sprayed out in the most unscrupulous way in the night rain. The bullet shot out, the bullet tore through the flesh, and the light flashed across the sky. The body in the cloak looked like a child. It's like a broken sack raised in the rain with the fire.

"Get rid of your mother---you can only curse one word in your life---"

The bullets of the submachine gun slanted wildly under the pulled trigger, and at such a distance, the possibility of missing was basically zero. The continuous gunfire slashed from the earl's chest like a steel knife, shattering his chest and abdominal cavity. Everything that can be crushed. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that just the first shot is enough to kill. However, with such a severe injury, Jia Ming could almost feel the violent struggle of the monster in his hand, that's right, that's right... that's how it feels. undead...

"Huh... ah ah ah ah----"

The upper body was shattered by bullets, and the struggle of that body became more and more severe, like a live fish just fished out of the water. Unlike fish, he howled wildly and shrillly like a wild beast in the air.

Finally, in the fierce struggle, the broken body finally flew out like a cannonball, drawing blood and minced flesh all over the sky, smashing hard on the rock several meters away, and then rolled into the back of the rock. at the same time. Jia Ming struggled and rolled over, hugging his head hard, with eyes in his eyes. Red as blood.

Kneeling on the ground like this was only for a moment, and he had already gritted his teeth and stood up. The empty clip of the submachine gun in his right hand fell from the air, and his left hand pulled out the pistol stuck in his waist, and took out the bullets in his pocket with two fingers. folder. It crashed into the magazine. at the same time. The figure behind the rock is standing up with a gun raised.

His body was still terribly mutilated, but he was able to choose to fight back at the first moment. This kind of response speed is undoubtedly quite outstanding even under Pei Luojia's strict requirements. However, as soon as he stood up and saw the situation opposite him, he subconsciously cursed again:

The bullet from the opposite side mercilessly sent his gun flying, further damaging his right hand.

"Unload the car...unload the car...you will unload the car...how can you not reverse...can't brake...can't turn----"

Even Jia Ming, who was calm in many situations, was undoubtedly full of elated pleasure in his tone at this time. The bullets scratched the flames on the rocks, and the flames of the car explosion were on the opposite side. A large truck came from the opposite mountain road. Seeing the car accident, it seemed that it wanted to stop, but the next moment it flew past at a faster speed. The lights of the truck swept across the area, his eyes were bloodshot, and he walked forward without hesitation holding a gun.

Of course, such blood-red eyes do not mean that he lost his mind because of the accident and surprise at this time. The supernatural power of the monster in front of him is terrifyingly powerful. If the knife cuts the steel strands, if it increases to a certain extent, it is estimated that he will really be driven crazy by this headache. To kill him... At the same time as he was having a headache, his whole body seemed to be torn into two, one half was feeling the pain, while the other half remained unprecedentedly clear and sharp, coping with everything in front of him in an orderly manner, with only one thing in his mind. Only one thought remained: kill him! There is no other way.

"This...impossible----" The development of everything was completely different from what was expected, and the earl who was hiding behind the rock also yelled out an unbelievable voice, "You are not that natural evolution..."

"Of course I'm not..."

"You are not a natural evolutionary person, so it is impossible to be stronger than Jian Suyan..."

Su Yan and Jia Ming, two existences that appear in front of people, always have one attached to the other. It is generally recognized that Shang Jia Ming is Jian Suyan's disciple, but in Kelly's prediction, she once imagined that if All of this is an illusion, so that innocent young man in his teens should be a natural evolutionary existence, otherwise the age problem cannot be explained at all. The idea after the inspiration is not very likely, and Kelly doesn't want her investigation to be noticed too much by the dark Tianqin, so she didn't record it. The earl read Kelly's notes when he fled from the base, and all his thoughts are naturally based on this. Jian Suyan is better than Jia Ming, so Jia Ming is an ordinary young man. Otherwise, Jia Ming is a natural evolution. Under his thinking, when he found that Jia Ming was not a natural evolutionary person, he immediately lowered his vigilance, which caused the tragedy in front of him. .

In the midst of his amazed thoughts, he finally discovered another fact: "Impossible, you can...you can be immune to abilities!"

"Bingo, you guessed it all..." In the wind and rain, Jiaming stood on the top of the boulder and raised his gun at the flesh and blood tangled body below, "How about it, when the power is no longer available, you are helpless ?"


Gunshots rang out again, drawing out bright blood lines. At the same time, the earl's body rushed to a height of six or seven meters while screaming. exploding head.

Standing in the air, watching this scene, the earl suddenly showed joy. Before he could pull out the only gun left in his clothes, the demon-like figure below raised the gun again, and the bullets tore through the air. Dodging the body, he rolled and fell towards the distance, a bullet even passed through his forehead, although this bullet was not enough to kill him, but the pain was unbearable. --Hahahahahaha----" Rolling into the grass, he tried his best to control the heavy rain vapor in the air to interfere with the other party's sight. While moving his body with all his strength, he also laughed loudly, "I know , not absolute, not absolute, as long as my ability is higher than yours, you will not be able to bear it, hahahahaha----"

"Then why not try it! Let's see who has the ability to overwhelm whom! Fly for me and try again!"

Night rain, wormwood, hills, chaotic rocks, deep forest... Jiaming chased after him from behind, but before he entered the forest, a huge boulder flew out from the ground and slammed towards him with the acceleration Come.

"It's too slow, too slow, too slow---" The body in the sprint slid down, and the huge boulder flew over his head before he could change direction, shortening the distance, without touching Jiaming's body through a medium Although the disturbance to his ability was not very much, the Earl still felt quite strenuous in manipulating such a stone. As soon as his speed dropped, a bullet passed through his head again, and with a scream, he ran wildly again. When he got up, the boulder slammed onto the road below, blocking half of the coastal road.

"Use your ability again, use your ability again... Let me see how many guns you can eat on your head..."

While chasing quickly, Jia Ming muttered in his mouth, suddenly his feet were empty, and his body disappeared on the grass——the place was originally a deep pit, and the count used countless grasses to make a disguise while running. As soon as Jia Ming stepped on the turf, the power lost its effect, and the whole person and the turf immediately fell off. The earl was overjoyed, he turned around and took out the last gun. Before he aimed it in that direction, Jia Ming's body rushed out from the other end almost as he fell into it. .

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