Hidden Assassin

Volume 2, Section 34, Pretending to be Crazy

"Go! Get out of the way—all out of the way—"

Taking Cao Dongfeng as a hostage, Jia Ming, whose mouth was full of blood, was obviously in a state of madness at this moment. The dagger cut the rope on Shasha's body, and then they retreated all the way to the rear of the logging camp. The perfect-looking Japanese girl, who was actually beaten all over her body, also took the opportunity just now to struggle desperately, and staggered to follow Jae Ming's side. They all hurt like needles, but that beautiful face like a porcelain doll still showed no expression at all. She knew that this was her last chance to escape.

On the other side, Shasha followed, while looking worriedly at Jiaming at this time. The bamboo knife didn't hit him in the face, but the blood stained the whole corner of his mouth red, his eyes were full of trembling red light, this boy who usually looks timid and fearful, but is sincere and honest when he smiles, now Shouting hysterically. He must be in great pain and fear. Where did he get the courage he has now?

On weekdays in the martial arts school, Uncle Ye forced him to learn martial arts. He always wanted to be lazy, and would rather do chores on the sidelines, handing people water and towels than learning. , his posture is very correct, very accurate, but once someone confronts him, he can't beat him no matter what. He has been running around the ring like a loach after a few tricks. According to Uncle Ye, his boxing skills are basically rote, a complete set is very beautiful, but when you take it apart, you don't know how to use it at all.

However, the few movements he made just now were obviously the fighting skills that Uncle Ye Xingzhi had taught him. He rushed over, caught people, and dodged. The perverted Japanese old man didn't keep up. But beside him, I could clearly see the slight trembling of his arms and body.

"Stand back all of them—cough, cough, cough..."

The boy's voice with a weeping voice, after roaring hysterically, brought a few coughs choked out by the blood in his mouth, but the dagger pierced a little deeper because of the vibration at this moment, and Cao Dongfeng also cried out in a crying voice immediately. Get up: "Back! Back! He's about to stab me! He's bayoneting me!"

Dozens of ferocious men with machetes in their hands stopped for a moment, and then followed in a semicircle. Cao Jinghao shouted among them: "Boy, don't act recklessly. If you dare to hurt him, I will kill your whole family!" !"

"I'll kill your whole family!" Before he finished speaking, Jia Ming shouted with red eyes: "If you have the guts to say it again, believe it or not, I will make your family extinct right now!"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I won't say, I won't say, good boy, relax, relax, don't be nervous..." Cao Jinghao gave orders a lot on weekdays, and only now did he realize that the other party had a hostage in his hands. It would be fine if he was a sensible adult, but judging by the current state of this kid, it is obvious that he was beaten hard just now, and now he is basically half-crazy. This kind of person can do anything when he is pushed .

Holding the hostages, the three retreated between the two houses to the back of the logging camp, where a small gate was opened in the fence, leading to the forest behind. Shasha thought it would be fine if he walked in the front, but Jia Ming certainly didn't think of this at the time. Now these dozens of people with machetes surrounded him in a half-moon shape, and asked them to let a few of them go in front. It is impossible. After thinking for a while, she looked at Jiaming who was in a half-crazy state beside her, feeling so painful in her heart, she and Lingjing had always been protecting him, but now because of her family's reasons, he was beaten and turned into a so. However, watching him protect himself hysterically and force back all the bad guys who are staring at him, there is a trace of inexplicable sweetness in his heart.

A few people went out of the small gate and looked at the woods to recede. When they got to the edge of the woods, Jia Ming suddenly shouted again: "You don't move! Don't follow!"

"Impossible, you have to help me think about it." Cao Jinghao tried his best to soften his tone, "What if you run away and kill my son, I have to watch you, I have to... "

"Your son deserves to die!" Jiaming yelled, "But I won't go, I'll let you see him, but Shasha has to go, I have to! I have to make sure that Shasha has gone far enough to let go people!"

"Okay, Shasha can go, but I have to see my son is safe, and that woman..."

"She's none of my business, but if any of you dare to come over, I'll kill him!"

"Okay, don't go, don't go, I will also make it clear to Mr. Yuechi..." He said, asking the translator to tell the Japanese old man not to arrest people casually, the old man snorted softly, did not speak, but there was nothing wrong action.

The four of them retreated slowly into the woods behind them, and the dozen or so people here could clearly see Jiaming and Cao Dongfeng standing behind a bush, where a girl named Shasha was crying.

"I won't go, let's go together, I can't leave you here..."

"I said, go away! I want to drag them here! You can only be a burden, get out of here!"

"No... I don't want to..." Shasha shook her head, her face covered with tears, "I can't go, you didn't dare to scold me before, but I know you want me to escape alone, I don't want... I was the one who caused you to be beaten, if my father wasn't from the underworld..."

"What are you talking about now, let me go!" Jia Ming said, kicking Rusha in the stomach. It didn't take much effort, but Sha Sha didn't expect Jia Ming to kick him, staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground full of fallen leaves behind her, stood up clutching her stomach, and cried aggrievedly: "Jia Ming, you kick me……"

"I..." Jiaming yelled, and then his tense shoulders finally collapsed. At this moment, he seemed to have suddenly returned to his previous timid image, and his wrists trembled even more: "Yes, I'm sorry... But, Shasha, I'm scared, but we can only go one of the two... Grab Cao Dongfeng, they will definitely follow us, I have to watch here..."

As the voice spoke, it gradually became a little choked up: "Shusha... I am afraid of pain, and I am also afraid of death. I like to be with you and Lingjing. If I die, I will never see you again... …I was in so much pain just now. When I was beaten, I almost couldn’t help screaming and crying, but I’m a man, and sometimes I can’t scream or cry...I’m a man, so now I have to stay, if you escape, call the police immediately to save me, it’s getting dark, Rusha, you must escape from here..."

Seeing Jiaming at this time, Shasha started to cry even more. After coming over for a while, she just said: "Okay... I will definitely call the police over, but Jiaming, if you promise me, you must run away too, you can't Got caught by them."

"Well, I definitely will."

"Also...can you...let me kiss..."

"Well, eh?" For a moment, Jia Ming was a little startled, and almost frightened away the look of pretending to cry. Fortunately, it was already evening, and there was not enough light in the forest, so Rusha could not be seen clearly.

In the moment of astonishment, I saw Rusha walking over, her soft lips pressed against Jiaming's mouth, but the blood at the corner of his mouth. The soft and slippery little tongue stretched out, and didn't stop until it licked the blood from the corner of Jiaming's mouth. Then, she wiped away tears, and ran into the depths of the woods, crying softly.

Uh... the feeling of saliva is much worse than the feeling of blood...

Feeling the blood on the corner of his mouth being licked off and replaced by saliva, Jia Ming felt a little helpless, then looked at the girl Yuechi Kaoru who was still standing beside him, and frowned.

At this time, Yuechi Xun was also looking at him. She didn't understand Chinese, so now she could only follow Jiaming. But after a while, she suddenly bowed, and said in a soft and sweet voice, "Arigado (thank you)." Turning around, she trotted hard towards the other direction of the woods.

yay...what's going on...

Jia Ming was slightly taken aback. In fact, it was because Yuechi Xun misunderstood what Jia Ming meant. Ever since she was captured, the old man beat her the most on her legs. Although she gritted her teeth and stood up, her actual ability to move Already worse than ordinary people. When Jia Ming looked at her, he was thinking about how to send this girl away, but in the eyes of Yuechi Xun, he thought that the boy was worried that he would become his burden. After all, Jia Ming pretended too much. It was too realistic, and in her eyes, she probably thought that this boy had not been trained like herself. However, when he was beaten, he could grit his teeth and hold back. He was trembling with fear, but he could persist in fighting in the face of so many enemies, and even brought the two girls here, which made Yuechi Kaoru very admired.

The opponent's tracking ability is very strong. With the current state, it is basically impossible to escape. However, this child's strength also has a limit. I can't implicate him. Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, I have to try...

Outside the woods, dozens of people were watching, and Cao Jinghao was looking at his watch nervously. Gradually, ten minutes had passed since Shasha escaped. He looked at the two behind the bushes and shouted: "Okay, let's run away!" It's been ten minutes! You can let him go!"

In the woods here, Cao Dongfeng felt the dagger loosen on his back, and said quickly, "Jia Ming, well, run quickly, I promise I won't chase you, if you run now, you can definitely run away."

He just heard what Jiaming said to Shasha, and he has already determined that Jiaming is in extreme panic at the moment, but if he dares to look back at Jiaming's expression at this moment, he will know that he is actually very wrong wrong……

The trembling shown in front of the two girls did not reappear, the expression on his face was relaxed and casual, and Jia Ming's mouth curled up with an evil smile, and he approached the boy in front of him.

"Just now... did you have a good time playing?"


"Don't worry, I won't beat you or kill you, I will let you...know what real pain and despair are—it's despair"

Cao Dongfeng probably couldn't understand this sentence well in his mind, Jia Ming raised his hand, and tapped the handle of the knife on the back of his head, then dragged Cao Dongfeng who fainted, and disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

Outside the woods, Cao Jinghao and others could only see his son's body suddenly collapsed, and then Jia Ming's turned around and disappeared...

"Hurry up!"

Armed with machetes and iron bars, dozens of people rushed into the forest in a swarm. The Japanese old man was the fastest.

The sun slanted down on the mountains in the west, and even the last ray of light gradually disappeared from the sky. At dusk, the woods swallowed everyone like a female savage monster...


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