Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era——Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 351: The Blue of the Far Away

Being the boss of a mafia with power spread over half of the cities in Jianghai does not mean that Liu Zheng will be completely domineering in the future and will not have the slightest challenge. In fact, even if this kind of blatant challenge does not come from within the city, outside of Jianghai, there will be various conflicts of interests between cities. He is also constantly expanding outwards, hoping to develop his network to other nearby cities. In the first half of the year, he went to other places to negotiate with people in person for this purpose.

It is not uncommon among various gangs to forcefully intervene in the underworld in another area, break it, and then gain their own share. Of course, under the current situation in China, it is impossible for the underworld forces to be as blatant as in some turbulent areas abroad, and most of them are kept in a balanced state. In a big city like Jianghai with a population of tens of millions, it is almost a miracle that the Shazhu Gang can account for more than half of the city's share. The relationship between the Xingdream and the Xingmeng incident, and later saved the lives of Fang Zhitian and others, killed the chief governor, and repelled Yuan Lai Chaochuang, so that Yanhuang Awakening intervened and connived.

Of course, the Sand Bamboo Gang will have such good opportunities and care. Other places may not have such well-connected big gangs. The Bamboo Gang has some out-of-town gang leaders with conflicting interests. certainly. As soon as he entered the door, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, at most he said a few lukewarm sarcastic remarks, but they came uninvited, so it was naturally impossible for Liu Shijie and others to let them in until Liu Zheng passed by. , went to the side and said a few words with a strong attitude, and the few people left from the door with a sneer, and naturally dropped a few words that were neither salty nor bland. But Liu Zheng is not afraid of anyone.

After the lively birthday party, Jiaming found an opportunity to tell Shasha about the woman Liu Zhengyou likes. Sha Sha was stunned for a long time, then jumped up and beat Jia Ming. It's too weird that my father didn't tell me about his marriage in person, but let another man tell him. Seeing the two of them chasing each other in the living room, Ling Jing who was serving food from the kitchen smiled and said, "This is a good thing, Sister Yahan and her little mother get along very well, like two sisters."

"Cut..." Rusha waved her hand uncomfortably. "Anyway, I don't care about getting married, but I don't bother to have a good relationship with her. Anyway, I don't live at home, and I don't know how to call a stepmother. This kind of thing... After he hangs up the division of the family property, I always take it. If you get half, Jiaming, if you think half is too little, you can talk to my dad... My dad just wants to be happy, but he didn't dare to tell me in person..."

"Wow, such a large dowry, you just want to give it to Jiaming directly. It's too kind to him..."

"Anyway, he takes care of me."

"No, no, no, Sha Sha, you don't know, it's better for a girl to have two plans, and you can't give him all your money, otherwise, if a man changes his mind, he won't be able to cry."

Lingjing talked about what she saw on TV, but Shasha pinched her with a smile: "You speak beautifully, if Jiaming wants it. You gave her all your money, wrong words

"The money must be given to him because I don't earn as much as him. You see, if everyone puts a piece of money together, of course I will earn it. Besides, all the money is with me now. Hehe, if he dares to dump me, I will take advantage of it." .”

"Pretend, if Jiaming breaks up with you one day, you don't know what it's like to cry, and you don't care about money...I don't know you yet, I haven't seen that point on you by my sister!"

"Tch, I've seen you too, and it's not a disadvantage. And... care about him? He's not handsome. If he dares to break up with me, he will dump him without saying a word, and then go on a trip. I don't know how happy I am!"

The two girls teased each other, but Jia Ming just smiled and said: "Don't say unlucky things." Sha Sha said indifferently: "He has been around for so long, I have been mentally prepared, but now The Sand Bamboo Gang has developed so well, there will never be any serious danger..."

On the surface, she didn't have any objection to her father's remarriage, but in fact, after a few days, Sha Sha and Jia Ming went to the hospital to sneak a few glances at the head nurse Hu. In fact, because of Jiaming, we already know each other before this. This Head Nurse Hu is not bad, and she has a good relationship with Mama Ye. If she marries Liu Zheng, the relationship between the two families will probably become worse. It is more harmonious, although she doesn't say anything on the surface, but in her heart, Shasha has actually recognized this woman - at least she doesn't hate it.

With the rustling approval, Liu Zheng naturally felt relieved. During the phone call with Jia Ming, it seemed that he had already decided to get married at the end of this year, but this time he didn't need to communicate with Jia Ming. He would probably call his daughter after it was confirmed. Go out to have a meal alone, and then tell her these things. Speaking of which, the number of times the father and daughter eat alone is actually very, very few.

September is approaching, school starts.

At the beginning of this semester, Jia Ming and others officially entered the third year of senior high school. Dongfang Lu, who is a grade higher, has already officially enrolled in a university in Beijing. Before leaving, he called Jia Ming and probably asked him Helped take care of Dongfang Wan, and also talked about people like Ying Zifeng and Ying Zilan. The Dongfang family belonged to Fang Zhitian's faction. Although Lei Qing pestered his younger sister, the Lei family basically belonged to this faction. He never worried about anything, but the Ying family and Fang Zhitian had different positions. Tian once went to Huang's house to find Jiaming in person, and he was still a little worried about whether these two guys would do something.

The name was announced on August 29, and on August 30, Jiaming, Lingjing, Shasha, Xun, and Dongfang Wan, who came uninvited, went to the street together to buy school supplies.

Although the end of summer has passed, the heat of summer still hasn’t faded. The sun that gradually intensified in the morning scorched the earth. After buying a lot of things, a few people went to the cold drink shop on the street to eat ice. Dongfang Wan said that The experience of traveling in Huangshan, by the way, La Jiaming and others are going to come in.

"...Your messy association has long existed in name only, okay? In fact, I have persuaded Yiting a long time ago, but it is difficult for her to turn around without your consent. Hey, whoever expresses his opinion, okay? I am sincere Saying things like that..."

Lingjing smiled and put aside the relationship: "You tell Shasha, she is our boss.".

"Shusha?" Dongfang Wan's tone suddenly became extraordinarily gentle, and Shasha shook her head firmly: "Resolutely not to disband... Hey, Xiaowan, I said why do you spend so much money to invite a group of people to travel every year? Don't you think it's a waste?"

"Let's have more friends... But at the beginning, I really wanted to build a larger land, but after having a toy factory, it's really relaxing to travel, so I let you come in."

In all fairness, Dongfang Wan might be a bit more controlling in some aspects, but she is really sincere and enthusiastic towards her friends, and she doesn't have any messy thoughts when she asks Lingjing and others to travel together. After talking for a long time, see Sha Sha and the others were completely unwavering, so they reluctantly changed the topic and talked about the travel plan for the second half of the year, trying to increase the temptation from another aspect.

"It was planned before, to go to Europe during the winter vacation, but there are too many destinations, and I haven't decided yet. There are many places in Europe where skiing can be done, such as Switzerland, France, and the United Kingdom. Counting the countries with your fingers, Dongfang Wan looked at Lingjing and the others to see if they wanted to go, and at this moment, the cell phone on Shasha's body rang, and she opened it with a smile: "Hey... Shasha...she's not here..."

There seemed to be Liu Zheng's laughter on the phone. Jia Ming guessed whether he had already decided on his wedding date and was about to find his daughter for dinner. After a while, he said with a rustle, "Well, yes, I'm with Lingjing and the others, school starts Well, come out to buy stationery together, who else...Xun, Jiaming, and Xiaowan...Dongfang Wan, you don't know..."

Next, I could only see her nodding her head constantly: "Um...uh...uh...hey, dad, when did you become so nagging? It's only a third year in high school. Hurry up, I can handle it, I'm sure I'll be able to get into college...Okay, okay, um, I'll give Jiaming..."

Curling her lips, Shasha handed over the phone: "Dad has something to do with you."

"Oh." Taking it over with a smile, Jia Ming turned to the phone and said, "Hi, Uncle Liu, what's the matter?"

Some shortness of breath came from there, and after a while, Liu Zheng began to speak: "Jiaming, treat Shasha well from now on, I'll leave her to you..."

At that moment, an indescribable feeling came over him. His intuition, which had been through many battles, made him smell an ominous smell on the phone. The bright sunlight came in from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Dongfang Wan was talking about the characteristics of various European countries while eating ice cream, everything was full of fresh and carefree taste.

He picked up the phone and stood up. Ling Jing and the others looked over. Jia Ming smiled faintly, walked aside under the gaze, and said flatly, "Tell me where you are now."

There was no correct answer on the other end of the phone, and after a while, he heard Liu Zheng's somewhat relieved laughter...

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