Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 354 Tough Guys

Everyone who came out to hang out in the underworld is not without the awareness that they may be beaten at any time. Although the Ning Gang is powerful in other places, Jiang Hai is still the territory of the Shazhu Gang anyway. If the other party is capable of attacking, I am afraid they will not be able to escape with hundreds of people. He was prepared for something to happen, but after the provocation in the mourning hall, as far as Xue Cheng was concerned, he was temporarily relieved.

The members of the Shazhu Gang were timid, and the rest of the bosses were arrogant and respectful. In the afternoon in the side hall, more and more people tried to bring up the future cooperation with him, and even a dignitary of the Shazhu Gang The Lord also vaguely revealed the meaning of taking refuge, obviously seeing that the future chaos of the Shazhu Gang is inevitable, and the weaker ones intend to take shelter of the powerful organization in exchange for future peace.

Until this time, Xue Cheng finally confirmed that after Liu Zheng's death, the Shazhu gang, which used to be the only one in Jianghai, finally lost its original influence and deterrent power. Even the vicious Xiao Meng can still deter some people. , Yang Zhenxing, who still hasn't appeared at the funeral, has part of the Shazhu Gang under his command, and most of the other elder brothers are not fuel-efficient lamps, but compared to the Ning Gang, they have become nothing worth mentioning No matter whether it is Xiaomeng, who always does things regardless of the consequences, or the fierce and fierce cousin, they no longer dare to risk angering the Ning Gang. From now on, relying on the strength of the Ning Gang, The whole Jianghai will be his Xue Cheng's world.

It is not only Xue Cheng who has such a feeling in his heart, but as the bosses who are more familiar with the situation in Jianghai, he may have such a premonition. The Ning Gang is a big gang that spans several medium-sized cities outside Jianghai. Since last year, There were faint signs of competing with the Shazhu Gang. The Shazhu Gang's territory was busy expanding outwards, and the Ning Gang also wanted to infiltrate Jianghai to gain a share of the benefits in this blessed big city. They fought openly and secretly for more than half a year. The two sides have not yet formally started a confrontation, but generally speaking, the Sand Bamboo Gang has temporarily gained the upper hand in the competition in other places, and the boss Xue Cheng, who was sent by the Ning Gang to Jianghai to open the situation, has been bumping into walls everywhere. Under the deterrence of the bamboo gang, his path was indeed filled with countless soft nails.

The reason why the Sand Bamboo Gang has achieved this level is because everyone is secretly guessing that Liu Zheng has a close relationship with the upper echelons of the government. These things can be seen from many aspects, and they naturally don't know. The fact that the government has vaguely given the Sand Bamboo Gang some room in many ways, even Liu Zheng himself is often puzzled. And it happened that at this time, Liu Zheng died, and this relationship was broken. The appearance of turmoil immediately appeared in the Sand Bamboo Gang. Everyone was in panic, Xiaomeng and others' questioning of Yang Zhenxing and Yang Zhenxing's preparations for the battle, even in other places, just last night, the people of the Ning Gang flattened all the territory of the Shazhu Gang in one fell swoop, which can be regarded as a contribution to this side. Xue Cheng made a campaign.

Although some people are still choosing to wait and see, as the bosses who have experience in this field, they all understand that under such circumstances, if they can take the lead in expressing their views. Make a good gamble, and the benefits you will get after that will be greater. As for those who are waiting for the wind, although they can be safe for the time being, they probably won't have a good development in the future. Such a situation. Many people immediately chose the Ning Gang. After all, it can be so big, and it also has certain political connections. With the tacit consent of the above, not to mention that the current Sand Bamboo Gang seems to have almost the same strength, even if there is someone like Liu Zheng who integrates the Sand Bamboo Gang, I am afraid that the Sand Bamboo Gang after this change will The gang has also been unable to prevent the Ning gang from intervening in Jiang Haidi.

Therefore, when it was time for the dinner party, when everyone was chatting happily and satiated with food and drink, Xue Cheng blatantly provoked him like that. He had already gained the support of so many people, so he had to immediately make these people make certain actions. Make a statement, and in addition, he has to show it to many people. There are already so many people who are ready to stand on his side. Jiang Hai, the sky is about to change, don't you rush to make a choice? lei

As for whether the Sand Bamboo Gang will take drastic actions at this time - it is certain to be unhappy, and it is also inevitable to take a stronger attitude on the surface, but when it comes to action... so many bosses are sitting around Xue Cheng now However, even impulsive people like Xiaomeng would never dare to do anything excessive. Not only Xue Cheng has such confidence, but everyone sitting around also thinks the same way. The head of the Sand Bamboo Gang only told Jia Ming not to drink when he came over, and when he went back, he showed it from another side. His heart has already turned to the Ning Gang. The reason why he helped Jiaming out of the siege was just to care about old feelings and not wanting the child to have an accident. .

For the upper echelons of the Sand Bamboo Gang, everyone already has a certain understanding of Jia Ming, a young man with a good temper, just like Liu Zheng's previous evaluation "... What a good kid, who doesn't fight. , do not swear, have a gentle personality, are polite to everyone, and have never bullied anyone with our relationship with the Sand Bamboo Gang. That kind of blood and spirit, but as a person who has been in the underworld for so many years, I might like this kind of character, or even more. Seeing that Jia Ming was standing in front of Xue Cheng's table first, several elder brothers who had a good impression of Jia Ming hurried over, trying to dissuade him from being too insulted.

No one thought that such a peaceful young man would do such a violent thing.

There was no sign at all. In the eyes of everyone, the boy took the wine bottle and looked at it, then threw it lightly, and simply grasped the long neck of the wine bottle, and then knocked it down. It was really a simple tap. Putting it on other people, hitting the person's head with a wine bottle like this, most of them will use all their strength to round the whole arm, and the whole body will suddenly emit evil spirits. It can be regarded as "violent blow", at least the expression There are some changes, but the five fingers of his left hand are still lightly pointing on the table, his body standing up straight at will without even the slightest movement, and there is still a faint smile on his face that is harmless to humans and animals, and the wine bottle is directly on top of Xue Cheng's head When it exploded, the bottle of this kind of wine was made extremely thick, and I don't know how much force it takes to smash it on the head, but what appeared in front of everyone was the waving hand without any violent temperament, Xue Cheng said The entire upper body slammed on the table with a loud bang. Dishes were smashed and soup splashed everywhere.

This scene froze everyone's smiles.

"Why are you so annoying." A faint voice came out of the boy's mouth, "I've heard you chattering here all afternoon, buzzing like a fly! Your mother never taught you to be a guest Are you being polite?"

When this voice came to everyone's ears, the blood on the top of Xue Cheng's head flowed like a Baotu Spring in the vegetable soup on the table, and the attendant who was close to Jiaming immediately reacted: "You** *!" With a punch, he greeted Jiaming on the head.

"Stop! Who dares to do it!" The one who yelled loudly was the leader of the Shazhu Gang who rushed over seeing that Jia Ming might be insulted, but only at the moment he yelled. The one who made a sudden move was Jia Ming who wanted to help out. Stretching out his left hand, he firmly caught the heavy punch a few centimeters away from his head, and directly stabbed the neck of the remaining glass wine bottle on his right hand.

"Ah----" a scream resounded in the entire courtyard of the villa, spreading far away. Everyone is still wearing single clothes in this weather. The sharp bottleneck pierced directly into the muscles of the opponent's arm, deep into the bones. In the pain of tearing the flesh, Jiaming pulled his right hand at will, and the strong and strong arm muscles of this person were directly drawn along the bones. Torn apart.

Blood splattered and shot. The body of this person who was struggling desperately almost flew backwards, and the other four people suddenly moved, but at the same time, Jia Ming took a step forward along the table. He stretched out his hand seemingly casually, grabbed one of them by the collar and pulled him over, grabbed the thick glass neck and stabbed the other person's lower abdomen three or four times in a row, until the person's body was thrown away, Another person has already rushed up.

These people can be regarded as experienced underworld figures. Although they had already taken away their weapons when they entered the door. But suddenly shouting and rushing forward, it can indeed be called astonishing evil spirit. The bosses sitting around the dining table hurriedly backed away. After all, it was only a temporary decision for them to support the Ning Gang, but they were not ready to break with the Shazhu Gang immediately. Most of them looked a little at a loss, but The young man holding the neck of the wine bottle with one hand had a calm expression on his face. Even though he had casually killed two people, his expression was still terribly calm. He took another step lightly, and the man's fist swung past his ear. Putting that arm directly on his shoulder, his right hand went around and pressed down on his shoulder like a python, and inserted the bottleneck back into the opponent's waist.

Jia Ming's height is only 1.7 meters, while the opponent is about 1.9 meters. When he hugged his arm and pressed down to stab back, everyone around could hear a crisp "click" sound mixed with the opponent's loud voice. During the screams, the man's entire arm was almost folded back into an unspeakably terrible obtuse angle, and his body knelt down to the ground with this pressure, almost at the same time when the neck of the wine bottle was inserted into his waist. , the boy's knee hit his eye socket. .

After knocking down or flying three people in two steps, one person at the side of the dining table has already pulled out the belt around his waist, whizzing and swiping it, while the person on the opposite side of the dining table pulled out the butterfly knife on the keychain, swiping After a few strokes, it seemed that he was about to jump over the round table and rush directly. Jia Ming grabbed the belt and pulled it to this side. The huge force pulled the person on the side into the air and hit the dining table hard. Cracked open, the man's chest was kicked directly, and Xue Cheng, who hadn't woken up from the table, flew out together. The man on the opposite side who was wielding a butterfly knife just jumped up, and was kicked to death on the table suddenly , Jiaming kicked the two of them away, kicked him hard on the chest, and kept jumping in a kneeling position. His body flew backwards, his knees landed first, and he rolled over once amidst the screams. Fang stopped, seeing that his legs might not be able to stand up.

In just a few seconds, with a few actions that seemed to be understated, a group of ferocious underworld figures were left with desolate shouts. The round table was kicked to pieces and splashed out, and there were many people around who had no time to avoid it. They were all affected by the flying bowls, and some soup and water were splashed on their bodies. Unfortunately, the leader of the Shazhu Gang who had shown goodwill to Xue Cheng was even directly placed on top of his head by a vegetable bowl, and the soup dripped from his head. The answer was sloppy, he sat there blankly, licked his lips, and didn't even react for a while. A few bosses who were familiar with Jia Ming from far and near stopped there, obviously a little unbelievable how the harmless boy he was familiar with could turn into such a violent machine.

"Uh... ah..."

That Xue Cheng was knocked on the top of the head by the wine bottle earlier, and now he was affected again. The body and the chair fell to the ground behind, but after all, there was no fatal injury, and he couldn't react for a while, he just groaned, stood up staggeringly, clutching the top of his head. Behind him, holding the stolen belt, the teenager looked at him indifferently, then walked over, the belt swung down, and the metal belt buckle hit his back. Beat him directly to his knees.

"Ah what! I just asked you, why are you so annoying. Why on earth!" said the boy, and kicked him flying, "Answer me!"

Xue Cheng struggled a few times on the ground with his head covered in blood, but he still had no ability to speak. Jia Ming rushed over. Another kick kicked him in the lower abdomen, and suddenly he curled up into a shrimp, and vomited out the food and wine he had eaten: "Answer!"

In the silent courtyard, hundreds of people watched Xue Cheng being beaten and kicked on the ground, and sometimes violently whipped with a belt. The boy's tone was a little hysterical and scary:

"Answer! You fucking talk! Why are you so annoying! Why why why...you don't know I'm in a bad mood right now! Ah! Talk! Talk! Say--talk--you always How did Mom teach you! I'm asking you! No manners at all! You! Give! Me! Say! Talk! Ah----"

A person who has been beaten like this doesn't have the slightest ability to speak, not to mention that he keeps kicking and beating, the other party may even want to speak. They were all beaten back, and at the end of the beating, the boy directly strangled his neck with a belt, pulled him from the ground and stood up, shouting. That miserable face faced everyone in the courtyard. Still on top of the bleeding head, the whole face was beaten so terribly that it didn't look like a human being. The vomited filth, together with the whole face flushed red from being strangled to breathe at this time, the eyes swelled greatly, and the tongue gradually stuck out...

"Speak----you answer me..."

That Xue Cheng was being strangled gradually, his legs were struggling, trembling and straightening, and he was afraid that he might die at any moment. The panting young man finally let go of his hand and let his body fall to the ground. He put his waist down in a panic, walked back and forth a few steps, and then went to the next table to wipe his hands with a tissue. Even though he was surrounded by Jiang Hai's well-known mafia brothers, he couldn't help being frightened by his crazy expression at this time.

"Fuck, if you don't say it, you just don't! Answer! Answer!" Pointing at Xue Cheng who was on the ground with his last breath, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth and his whole body trembled. The voice echoed in the courtyard, "You don't even say that it's like this, you are such a fucking tough guy! Fuck you! I lost to you..."

Holding his thumb in the air with one hand, it seemed that he was not going to hit anyone anymore, looking around at the still stupefied crowd, Jia Ming pointed to the ground and spread his hands: "Watch me do it!" Well! Didn’t you see anyone injured here? It’s bleeding! Call an ambulance! Who will be responsible if someone dies!”

After shouting these righteous words, he wiped the sweat on his forehead with a tissue: "I really can't stand you people..." Turning around, he kicked Xue Cheng again, "I said seeing blood in the mourning hall is not good, I didn't say Not even outside the mourning hall! Greetings to your family!" After saying this, he finally turned around and left angrily, and Ling Jing, who had been standing by the side watching the whole process, followed behind him with a smile.

In the crowd, some people finally moved. Xiao Meng sighed helplessly, and pointed to the little brothers around him: "Call for an ambulance, why are you still standing there... I really can't stand you ruthless people." guy..."

Passing through several dining tables along the way, Jia Ming and Ling Jing sat down on their original seats. The fat cousin of Shasha followed Jia Ming blankly, with a stiff expression on his face. Seeing Jia Ming sitting down, he didn't know Whether he wanted to leave or stay, but sweat dripped down his forehead, Jiaming raised his chopsticks to eat a mouthful of food, and murmured to Lingjing: "Hulu... it's a bit cold." They looked at each other for two seconds.

He is a polite and good boy, he swallowed his food hard, and smiled again on his face: "Well, by the way, uncle, what did you want to say to me just now? Can you please say it again..."


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