Hidden Assassin

Volume VII August Fire Section 360 Fireworks

"Gu Jiaming, you..."

Pointing to the man on the ground, Yang Zhenxing was a little speechless. This big man nicknamed Ah Ba had just followed him recently. He was born in black boxing in the south, and was hunted down later. He single-handedly picked more than 20 small gangsters, but he was too careless. Once an outbreak broke out, ordinary people would definitely be beaten to death by him, and it was difficult for familiar people hold him.

As for Yang Zhenxing himself, he has always considered himself a person who does great things and has excellent self-control. Although he was photographed by Jia Ming this time, he was not so angry that he would immediately kill someone to vent his anger. Knowing some martial arts and the like, I just wanted to ask someone to come in and try it. Anyway, there will be a large group of people pulling him around. If he has practiced himself, he will definitely not be beaten to death. Who knew it would develop into such a result.

It was still the same as before. The first thing that came to mind was what the hell was going on with Jia Ming to make things happen like this. Seeing him looking leisurely and holding a cup in his hand, naturally it shouldn’t be a direct confrontation to beat the opponent to death. Such. In sight, Jia Ming smiled and spread his hands.

"What about me? Just to communicate." In a calm tone, Jia Ming came in and grabbed the big man by the collar and pulled him up. The man whose face was covered in blood still had some ability to react With a cry of "ah", he stretched out his hand and wrapped it around Jiaming's wrist. The muscles on his arms are well developed, and they seem to be as thick as Jiaming's thighs. When he entangled, his muscles tangled and bulged, and his blood pulsed like a giant python. Seeing his resistance, Jiaming held the teacup in his left hand and bent down. His body froze slightly.

With a raised hand, the teacup hit the opponent's head: "Do you have a sense of public morality? Didn't you see that you disturbed the meeting! You have to go to work later!" The right arm that was tightly entangled was like a steel Casting generally has no effect. Jia Ming smashed the teacup, stretched out his left hand to the doorknob that was knocked down on the ground, while pulling the big man up, he stretched out his leg and kicked the opponent's lower abdomen, repeatedly...

With a bang, the fallen door stood up again from the ground and closed, and Jiaming's voice came from between the cracks of the door: "It's okay, you continue..." Afterwards, there was a chaotic sound of beatings.

I don't know how long it has been. It was finally quiet outside, and Yang Zhenxing turned his eyes back with a bluish complexion just now, and scanned the surroundings that were also quiet: "Uh, about that matter, actually..." Just as the words were out of his mouth, there was another bang in the whole room , startled him a lot, turned his head and looked, the broken door panel had fallen to the ground again, in the hall outside the room. A few of his subordinates were moving the big guy out, looking here as they walked, at the end of their line of sight, Jia Ming took a new teacup, stood by the water dispenser and waited to drink water, startled by the loud noise, with a puzzled expression on his face looked over. The four eyes met, forming an indescribable irony...

This morning, the matter of Liu Zheng's will was finally not settled.

In Liu Zheng's will, the purpose of distributing all the assets was to give Shasha a chance to get away, but after so many years of being around, it is probably possible to expect that she would die because of her own people, and in some respects she also left behind. There is a certain amount of room for modification, as Rusha, she would naturally not be willing to hand everything over to Yang Zhenxing, with Xiaomeng's cooperation. After the two sides quarreled, in the end, it was only natural that the matter would end up being unhappy.

The matter is not over. Of course, Shasha can prove through the law that certain things belong to him, but Yang Zhenxing also holds a part of the shares. Besides, the affairs of the gangsters really have to fight to the death. In the end, it depends on their strength, or through the government. The other party's criminal facts should be sent to prison, or the brothers should be called to kill each other. Otherwise, nothing will be counted. When Yang Zhenxing left, his attitude was very low. He has great ambitions, but he doesn't want to be subservient to the Xinning gang. At this moment, he probably still has hope in his heart, even though Sha Sha is stubborn, but she is a little girl after all. Wait until the Xinning gang overwhelms them. People like Xiao Meng naturally have to choose to reconcile with him, and everything will be resolved by then.

As for Gu Jiaming...he was a little confused. In fact, we have known each other for not a day or two. We have met Zai Jiaming and Shasha not long after they became friends. He was a leader of the Shazhu Gang at that time. Later, Cao Dongfeng planned to rebel, and after he failed, most of the forces were distributed to him. , He also took advantage of the situation to develop, and eventually became one of the most powerful hall masters in the Sand Bamboo Gang. After so many years of acquaintance, Uncle Yang also calls a lot on weekdays. At that time, I only thought that the other party was a kind-hearted, even cowardly, harmless boy. It was only today after Liu Zheng's death that I suddenly discovered that he was actually so scary.

After the door panel fell down, what he felt was an unspeakable heart palpitation from the indifferent glance of the other party standing by the water dispenser... However, it was hard to explain clearly, why did he suddenly show such a strong attitude? Is it because of rustle, or because of ambition to want to be in the top position, seventeen years old is also the age to start to have ambitions. Originally, I wanted to say a few words before leaving, but in the end I didn't think of anything.

On the one hand, he was trying to figure out Jia Ming's thoughts, on the other hand, when most of the people were arranged to have lunch, Xiao Meng found Jia Ming, hesitant.

"It's like this... Now that the boss has gone, no matter what the will is, in the end, the Sand Bamboo Gang has to have someone who will be in charge temporarily. Shang Jiaming, you should also understand that it is still very difficult for this person to take power. What everyone needs is balance... If I recommend Shasha as the person in charge, most of the others will have nothing to say. However, it is up to you whether you want to be the person in charge. It's up to you, after all, according to the boss's will, it can be seen that he doesn't want Miss Shasha to contact this woman again. If I said it, even Lao Yang's side, Miss Shasha would just let it go, and the rest Brother Xu and I will do things, Lao Yang will not end well..."

Xiao Meng is cruel to the outside world, but there is nothing to say about his loyalty to Liu Zheng. Of course, this loyalty will be maintained until now, perhaps because of Jia Ming's influence. In some empty villa halls, Jia Ming shook his head with a smile. She shook her head: "Shasha, if she wants to be, let her be. It doesn't matter when you get tired of quitting, but you should be prepared, after this incident, she will not let Shazhu Gang have any more drug trafficking activities, huh , no matter what she says, you are right to support her..."

"Ah..." Hearing such words, Xiao Meng was also taken aback. "I've been hearing from her this morning that she doesn't like drug trafficking, but... something will happen. The Shazhu Gang's annual income from drug trafficking accounts for more than one-third, nearly half of the share. This kind of thing is simply impossible..."

"It's up to man." Jiaming sighed, "If anyone refuses to accept it, he will be beaten. This is always a beautiful ideal... Oh, don't be embarrassed. I know what you think, and I also know that even if the emperor wants to reform You have to take your time, people who offend everyone's interests will eventually be killed, but anyway, I will try my best, ten days at the latest. The order will come down, and Jiang Hai will carry out a new round of anti-pornography and anti-illegal operations, although every time There are policies and there are countermeasures, but this time it should be a little different. Whatever she wants to play, I always have to accompany her. Now that she has said this..."

Jia Ming lowered his head and snapped his fingers, and said in a calm tone, "Whoever dares to do it, I will let his head fall..." "Go early and come back early."

When the lights came on outside, a quiet voice came from the room.

Having already eaten, Jiaming took Rusha, who was still a little emotional, to go out to relax. Lingjing has already attended class for a day today, and there are a lot of books to review at this time, so she doesn't plan to follow along - in fact, she also understands that the effect of letting Jiaming and Shasha alone is probably far better than A trio is better.

"What the hell are you taking me for?"

"Experience what the underworld life you want to be in is like."

They took a bus at the intersection, and changed another bus on the way. At about eight o'clock, the two arrived at the house left by Jiaming's parents. Of course, Shasha had visited this place before, and no one lived in it for a long time. Dust accumulated on many things, and Shasha picked up the feather duster and patted the dust on the old TV: "The life of the underworld? Is it just cleaning in a room that is not very bright?"

"Of course not." Opening a cabinet next to it, a pile of things poured out, all kinds of long and short knives, steel pipes, and sticks. Jia Ming picked up a few knives and pulled them out to have a look. The bright blade flickered for a moment in the light, then inserted again. Finally, he picked up a half-meter-long machete with newspaper and put it in his coat. He looked at the suspicious rustle, then looked at the pile of things, couldn't help but smile, and took out a bat from the corner of the wall and threw it over: " You still use this."

"What the hell are you doing, are you going to chop up the fight?" "Just follow along." Jia Ming smiled and led her downstairs, pushed out a brand new motorcycle from the utility room next to the first floor, and threw the helmet to Shasha , The motorcycle drove onto the streets of Jianghaidi like lightning.

For about half an hour, the motorcycle was driving at high speed on various streets, the wind whizzed by, Rusha was holding the bat and Jiaming, her heart was beating fast, and her whole body was hot, but , when the motorcycle stopped by the night market, she felt a little puzzled. After that, Jiaming took her to walk several streets in a row, visited two supermarkets, and even visited a bookstore that was still open. After staying there for a while, she began to feel that she was a little silly holding a baseball bat. During this period, Lingjing called and Jiaming smiled and went to the side to answer it. She didn't know what she said, but she must have given her a satisfactory answer. up.

"Hey, please, what are we doing out here? After shopping for two hours, I'm almost exhausted..."

While eating supper at a roadside stall, Shasha asked this sentence for the thousand and one time, Jiaming looked at his watch: "The show is almost over, don't eat too much." The noisy period has passed, and the next thing is the program that really belongs to the category of nightlife. Riding a motorcycle and passing a few intersections, the excitement on Rusha's body has faded, and she hugged Jiaming's back in boredom and wanted to go back to sleep. Countless neon lights flashed in front of her eyes, and she felt a bump in her body. Inner road.

"Are you here?" Generally speaking, when a vehicle comes here, it is mostly ready to stop. However, amidst Rusha's doubts, several screams suddenly came from the front, and then they were thrown behind him. Jiaming was turning the handrail , constantly increasing the speed of the car, even if there was someone in front of him, he would rush over directly, and then there was a chaotic noise. It seems that most of the people walking on the side of the road at this time are young men and women, and their responsiveness is not bad. After dodging, he cursed and wanted to catch up. Suddenly, Jiaming's car turned around, and a person who wanted to avoid it was knocked into the air. A few meters away, I stayed there for a while, and the few people behind who were cursing and trying to chase me were also a little stunned.

"Here we are, get off."

Jiaming got off the motorcycle without even looking at the person pretending to be there. This is the entrance of a wine shop called "Midnight Carnival". The person who was knocked into the air was the gatekeeper of the wine. Knowing why, the name of the wine gave her a familiar feeling. Jia Ming pushed open the door and turned to signal her to follow in. Then she suddenly remembered that this was the best wine managed by Yang Zhenxing.

It was close to half past ten, which was the busiest time in the wine. As soon as the door was opened, the ear-piercing music of the d-control came out, and after turning a small bend, the whole wine was full of people, and a small band was playing on the small stage opposite. Singing hysterically, the lights were confused, countless red men and women crowded the dance floor, and they were dancing with forgetfulness. Jia Ming pulled the rustle and squeezed through the crowd. One person seemed to be uncomfortable with being squeezed, and he cursed a few times as if he refused to let him go. Open, Sha Sha didn't hear what he was saying, Jia Ming slapped him down to the ground, stepped on his body and walked forward.

Walking to the bottom of the stage, Jia Ming took out the machete in his clothes and jumped on it. He unplugged a lot of wires on the stereo and knocked down a large piece of equipment. Suddenly, all the music in the entire dance hall The sound disappeared completely, as if a certain nerve thread was suddenly cut off, it was an indescribable feeling.

The colorful and confusing lights are still spinning, but the sound seems to have completely disappeared from the earth. Although someone speaks loudly, it really brings an indescribable illusion of silence, and the singer on the stage is still roaring hysterically, but no sound can be heard. Not going out, Jia Ming waved the machete in his hand, and several band members reacted immediately, and ran to the side in a hurry. After about two seconds, the people on the dance floor reacted and looked this way in astonishment. A few men who probably belonged to gangsters also separated from the crowd and squeezed towards this side. Jia Ming plugged in a wire, stood in front of the microphone, tapped the metal pole with a machete, and glanced coldly across the audience: "Smash the field."

Three faint words came out from the sound system, and the next moment, he directly activated a set of sound equipment in front of him, turned around and smashed towards the colored light wall at the back, there was a loud bang, and the entire wall was huge. The glass of his body burst open suddenly, countless colorful light tubes exploded at the same time, the circuit in the wine was short-circuited for a moment, and electric sparks burst out from behind him in the most gorgeous way, like brilliant fireworks...

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