Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven, August Fire, Section 364, Scheduled Itinerary

"Mr. Qin, return the book."

In the quiet library, a clear female voice came from the direction of the borrowing office. Xu Yiting smiled and put the books of basic university business courses on the counter.

"Ah, Xiao Xu, have you finished reading such a deep book?"

The librarian is a white-haired woman who is said to be middle-aged. Her hair makes her look older, but if she is an old man, she has the cheerfulness and vitality of a middle-aged person. All in all, this woman surnamed Qin has a unique temperament that can infect others. In the past, the school had a few symbolic work-study programs, and Xu Yiting often came to the library to help, so the two of them were familiar with each other. Seeing her coming now, Teacher Qin put down the book in his hand and came out of the back room. Filing several books expertly while wearing glasses.

"It looks like Xiao Xu is going to be a strong woman in the future."

"Where, look ahead, it's good for college life."

I have to say that what a person will become is ultimately influenced by the external environment. In the past, Xu Yiting was autistic, wearing big and ugly wide-rim glasses, two braids at the back of her head, and did not interact with people on weekdays. There are really not many people who talk to her, but in recent years, she has been with Dongfang Wan, learned to be an assistant, and took charge of some things in the toy company. After letting go, she finally walked out of the shadow of her father. At that time, she replaced the wide-rimmed glasses with beautiful narrow-rimmed ones, paired with neat short hair, and a white and well-fitting down jacket, which made her look like many girls of the same age did not have an intellectual temperament. In school, she even began to have Many boys started to strike up a conversation or write love letters to her, however. Such a thing. It often becomes the subject of conversation or jokes between her and Dongfang Wan. After experiencing many things that her peers may not experience, she does not have much expectation for love for the time being.

"But the final exam is coming soon, and this semester is over. But it's the most stressful year for you students, and then you should pay more attention to your studies." Knowing Xu Yiting's situation, Teacher Qin is also She didn't make too much criticism for her behavior of "not doing business properly", sorted out the books, and returned the library card, "By the way, are you sure which school you want to go to?"

"Beijing." Xu Yiting replied with a smile.

"Tsinghua University? Peking University?"

"I'm not that good. Just go to any school in Beijing. Just pass the exam."

"This is an agreement with Dongfang Wan."

"Hehe." Xu Yiting smiled noncommittally. This is naturally the case, but there is no need to say more. Then Teacher Qin nodded, and Xu Yiting waved in. After walking a few steps, he heard the back saying: "Oh, yes, Your cousin seems to be inside too. It’s been more than two hours and he still hasn’t come out.”

"Cousin?" Xu Yiting blinked, then nodded with a smile.

There are still several children of the Huang family in the Sacred Heart Academy, but since Huang Haobing committed suicide, only Jia Ming will be called her cousin, and the relationship between the two is not too close. At most, it's just a meet and greet. In fact, Xu Yiting even had a dislike for Jiaming for a while before, but when there was no shortage around her. With goals in life, I laughed at many things. In fact, it was hard to explain where the disgust came from. At that time, I was too embarrassed, and I had a sense of inferiority towards anyone or anything. Jia Ming I am my relative, but I can't help myself. Thinking about it, this feeling will inevitably turn into anger. In fact, thinking about the other party is also a child without a father and mother, how can I help myself? Of course, that may also be jealousy Even though everyone is the same, he can have so many outstanding good friends, such as Ling Jing, such as Shasha, such as Xun, and such as the kind teacher Zhang.

The library of Sacred Heart College is actually the largest and most comprehensive one in the city. When doing things in China, the first thing to do is to pay attention to ostentation, regardless of whether it can be used to the maximum extent. There are not many students who come to the library every day, but many scholars and researchers in the city will apply for a pass through their connections and borrow books from time to time. At this time, the library, which is not well utilized, is quite quiet. Xu Yiting went to the second floor, It took me half an hour to select a few books on the business management department of the university as usual, and when I passed through several reading rooms, I glanced in them intentionally or unintentionally.

Originally, I didn't want to have any interaction with Jiaming on purpose, but in the past six months, Xiaowan's perception of Jiaming seems to have changed a lot. When the two girls often talked about it, although they still frowned, but seeing It can be seen that Xiaowan has already regarded the other party as a friend. There were not many people in the reading room. When she passed a doorway, she took a few glances. Jia Ming's figure was sitting at the innermost table, looking at something. There was nothing to say hello to, and she turned to leave, but at the same time, at a distance of more than twenty meters, the figure raised her head as if she had sensed it, and looked over.

With a smile on her face, Xu Yiting walked over.


"Oh, you're here to borrow books too." Jia Ming glanced at her and nodded.

"Well, what a coincidence." She sat down in front of Jiaming with a smile, and looked at the pages of the book and another notebook that she couldn't understand at all-of course, she couldn't understand the content of the book either. , with the veins, regions, and various professional terms and symbols of the human brain drawn on it, "Do you read medical books?"

"Yeah." Jia Ming nodded, then smiled, "I will probably become a doctor in the future... Heh, half voluntarily, half forced."

"It's Auntie Duan's influence, but don't you mean the surgeon?" The Lingjing family is also related to the Huang family, so she also knows Duan Jingxian.

"If you don't know the family, let's do some research." Jia Ming said, and took a pen to write down some symbols in the notebook, but the symbols didn't make sense no matter how you looked at them. She raised her eyebrows and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Xiaowan organized a trip again during the winter vacation. A few days ago, she told me that she wanted to invite you to stay with Lingjing and the others. Are you going?"

"Heh..." Jia Ming laughed, "It's not the first time for her, why does she have to say it every time..."

"Xiao Wan regards you as a friend, how is it?"

"I probably don't have time. I'll ask Lingjing Shasha and the others if they are interested...By the way, where are you going?"

"France." She pursed her lips and thought for a while, "Basically, Xiao Wan set the itinerary with reference to the travel guidebook. First, take a plane to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, then transfer to Lyon, and then take a car from Lyon to Vadisel in the Alps. How about skiing for two days, then taking the train to Paris, and coming back after four or five days?".

"Paris... oh, what a coincidence." Jia Ming thought for a while, "I might go to Paris during the winter vacation, but... it's different from your itinerary, I probably won't go skiing, and there's something else..."

"Let's go to work after skiing, let's go together."

"Oh, forget it, I won't."

Xu Yiting smiled and said: "Not many people will do it, and I don't know it at all, but Xiaowan said that it will be fine after falling a few times, and it is probably the first time for her as well."

"Not yet, it's business."

"I'll tell Xiaowan and let her convince you." Blinking her eyes, Xu Yiting stood up holding the book, "I'm leaving first."

"You don't need to tell her."

"Bye..." The girl waved away with a smile. When the figure disappeared outside the door, Jia Ming's gaze turned calm, and he turned a page of the oversized medical book. Then, he frowned slightly. . Li, are you still there? "

"Still, they are planning a big deal, um, let me confirm it for you..."

The conversation between the two was conveyed between the two computers separated by half the world. After a while, a message was sent from there: "Yes, they have been staying for more than a month. Wow, tens of millions of euros, it is really big!" What about business..."

"Oh, help keep an eye on him for the time being, the matter will end soon."

"Are you coming here, or shall I send you there?"

"In about a month or so, I will go to Paris."

"Great, I'm going to live in a villa in Paris tomorrow. Natalie will go too."

"The queen awakened for the second time is too scary, I don't want to see her."

"It's okay, I think you can beat her."

In front of the computer, Jia Ming smiled helplessly.

"I'll talk about it later. I have a person's medical condition information here. Please help me analyze the situation."

"Oh, send it here."

Tapping his fingers on the keyboard, Jia Ming sent the information to the other side of the earth. Then, he took a deep breath and waited for the answer from there. Time passed quietly in the silence of this late night, and at some point, Lingjing came in with a cup of coffee, lay sleepily on his feet, and Jiaming pulled up the quilt to cover her body. After about a few minutes, another line of English was finally displayed on the computer screen: "Where did you find this case..."

"How's it going?"

"I asked several experts to read it just now. If you need the most specific and accurate results, you must analyze them before I can tell you. But if you want a rough conclusion, I can say it now. There is a 99% possibility. This person, he..."

He quietly watched the analysis results over there. Ten minutes later, he turned off the computer, picked up Ling Jing's body and went back to the bedroom, then got between the two sleeping bodies, murmured something, and hugged Ling Jing. His arms leaned up, and in the warm quilt, Jiaming looked at the ceiling and quietly closed his eyes...

The next day was Saturday, a good time to sleep in. However, after eight o'clock, someone knocked on the door outside. Jia Ming hurriedly got dressed, opened the door, and Dongfang Wan, who was wearing a bright yellow down jacket, was standing there. He breathed air-conditioning on the steps, and then smiled brightly:


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