Hidden Assassin

Volume 2, Section 37, Fangs (Part 2)

"Who are you?" The old man said in a deep voice to the boy who was slowly approaching with a machete, holding his samurai sword tightly and posing in a high-profile posture.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The boy smiled. "The important thing is that you saw what I did. According to the rules of our industry, it is to kill people."

The boy said, waving the machete in his hand: "Hehe, speaking of it, I have been playing a lot with a group of children recently, and I have become a bit brain-dead. I could kill you directly in secret, but in the end I actually confronted you directly. , This is really... Well, I mainly want to tell you something, just now, I was beaten very painful by you. "

"Thank you for the compliment."

"You're welcome."

As soon as the words fell, the old man jumped up suddenly, and the samurai sword slashed straight down. Facing this thunderous blow, Jia Ming turned the machete in his hand, and then swung it up with his right hand. With a sound of "Ping--", the pair of knives pulled amazing sparks in the air, but the feeling in the old man's heart, his strong knife was completely pushed aside by the child, and the steel knife held backwards went along Pushing him to the side with his momentum, his body tended to lean to the side!

It is generally believed that Japanese swordsmanship emphasizes fatal blows with one strike, only attacking but not defending. In fact, this is a kind of misleading of Japanese swordsmanship in the movie. All martial arts have similarities, and Japanese swordsmanship also pays great attention to the use of waist strength and footwork. The old man's first blow failed, and the samurai sword immediately cut across. In order to avoid the opponent's attack, his body fell to the ground, supported the ground with one hand, and kicked out with both legs. Only then did he realize that the boy was standing where he was just now, his legs were jumping and jumping like a boxing match, and he was smiling brightly.

"It's so gorgeous, it's so gorgeous, you can actually do such a difficult move, grandpa, doesn't your back hurt?"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to fight, come up!"

The old man frowned, pointed the samurai sword at Jiaming with a solemn expression, the tip of the knife drooped slightly, and leaned slightly to the right. Afterwards, Jia Ming squinted his eyes: "Ping Jingyan...do you think you are Director Okita (Note 1)?" As soon as the words fell, he rushed up.

"I'll show you the Chi Ying Qian Huan you want!"

Sparks flashed out again, and the old man's samurai sword was pressed downwards, receiving Jia Ming's attack, and then swung the sword upwards with lightning speed and cut down. This style of flat eyes is quite difficult. If it is used superbly, it will make people feel that the enemy is almost attracted to his sword to be chopped. However, Jia Ming seems to have disappeared suddenly before he cut it. At his side, a knife swung.

It was also Chi Ying Qian Huan, but what Jia Ming used was obviously many times more proficient than Yue Chi Kaoru. The old man retracted his samurai sword in a hurry, and rolled to the side in embarrassment. After that, Jia Ming's figure unexpectedly appeared again. He rushed to his side at a high speed, and swung his knife to cut out.

All of a sudden, the sound of "Dangdangdangdang——" sounded in succession in that corner of the square, like the crisp music flying in the night sky. Purely in terms of strength, even though Jia Ming has been trained, the body of a child is no match for this old man, but in terms of sensitivity, even if he flatters him, the old man cannot catch up with Jia Ming at this moment.

He used Chi Sakura Chigen almost ostentatiously, his body danced wildly in the place where light and darkness intersected. In fact, ninjutsu is not illusion, and it is just using environmental factors to create some illusions. The lights in this place are Blocked by the house, forming a clear division of light and dark, combined with the continuous interlacing of light and dark, coupled with some complex body skills, it forms a phantom-like shifting shape. Of course, even if there is no interlacing of light and dark, only in bright places, such an illusion can be created by complex movements, but it is simpler at this time.

Sometimes appearing beside the old man, sometimes appearing behind the old man, all of a sudden, the overwhelmed attacks made the old man clumsy, and Kaoru Yuechi, who fell on the ground and was still naked, was even more frightened. Chi Yingqianhuan made it to this level, among the family...who can do it?

After exhausting all his strength, finally, the old man opened the distance between the two of them, held the handle of the knife with both hands and shrank, and then aimed at Jia Ming who was rushing forward, stabbing out like lightning.

It is still Okita Souji's swordsmanship mystery: Wuming sword three-stage stab. He saw that Jia Ming was eager to get closer at this time, and his speed was too fast. It was too late to use Chi Ying Qian Huan to dodge, and sure enough, he was stabbed.

However, it's not that Jia Ming really can't hide, but that he doesn't want to hide at all.

The first stab was blocked by Jia Ming, and the second and third stabs were about to be thrown like a storm. However, when the knife retracted slightly, he was shocked to find that the opponent's speed was faster than his own. Quickly, almost the entire strength of the opponent's body was pressed on his knife, and the next attack was completely useless.

The figures intertwined, and the blood flashed!

A long slit was pulled out from the old man's lower abdomen, as if it was a place specially chosen to deal with Japanese seppuku. The old man staggered a few steps: "Chi Ying Qian Huan, how could you..."

Of course it is a cheat book that was stolen, stupid... Jiaming thought in his heart, but said in his mouth: "The old house of the Yuechi family is quiet and peaceful, and it is full of beautiful cherry blossom trees. When the cherry blossoms fall, the petals fall into the pool, which is amazing. The ripples caused the ancestors of the Yuechi family to create Chiyingqianhuan. Today, the old house still retains the appearance of that time, simple, clean and spotless. The mystery of Chiyingqianhuan lies in it. What is needed is a complete A calm and comfortable heart reflects even the slightest ripples from the outside world. You only have struggle in your heart, and you can't even practice the natural flow of mind (Note 2) swordsmanship well, so how can you become Chi Yingqianhuan?"

After speaking this passage, he felt like an eminent monk, but although the first half was nonsense, the latter part really expressed Chi Yingqianhuan's particular state of mind.

The old man really seemed to have realized it. He was bleeding continuously from his lower abdomen, but he stood there motionless. Immediately, a figure rushed up from the side and cut a more fatal wound on the old man's neck. He was still completely naked. Kaoru Tsukichi.

"Cough...I...I'm...that's right...the Yuechi family...cough cough..."

After the old man said this, he knelt down with a samurai sword, and finally died. .

The training this time was not bad... Jiaming thought for a while, when he looked at Yuechi Xun, the other party was looking straight at him, and he didn't care about his naked body. Of course, looking at her like this With a body full of trauma, Jia Ming really couldn't think of anything.

Afterwards, Jia Ming put the blade directly on the opponent's neck.

"Hey, you make me feel very embarrassed. I can't let people know what happened today, so I can only kill people... Hey, hey... You listen to me before you talk..."

Holding the girl who finally fainted and fell into his arms, Jia Ming really felt that the other party was cheating. I really didn't think about killing her, but at least I had to listen to my own difficulties, and everyone discussed a way to keep it secret so that I wouldn't faint again...

"Really...you are so badly injured, whether there is any medicine upstairs depends on your character..."

***************************************************** ***********

More than an hour later, a large number of police officers came to the wood processing factory, and what they saw was a particularly shocking fact.

The two beheaded corpses in the reception room at the entrance have already set fire to a small half of the factory. On the square, the decapitated corpses appeared shockingly. At the first glance, many policemen already felt that this would be This is the biggest underworld criminal case since the underworld Rush case that occurred at the abandoned site of the No. 2 Cement Plant half a year ago.

Leading the police to arrive, Liu Huaisha, a girl who looked dirty all over, was stunned when she saw the scene here, crying and shouting to look for Jia Ming's trace. However, Jia Ming didn't find it. Instead, he found the Japanese girl who had been abused to the point of half-life on a bed on the second floor. Her injuries seemed to have been treated briefly, but she was still in a coma.

According to Shasha's information, the underworld members in this wood processing factory can't be the same one. A group of people rushed into the woods behind with their wolf dogs. Not long after, they met Cao Dongfeng who was wandering inside holding a small torch. Dang even cried and rushed forward, slapped him fiercely, crying: "What did you do to Jiaming? What did you do to Jiaming..." However, Cao Dongfeng was almost scared out of his wits at this time, and he just cried out in fear. Said: "Dead... dead... help..." Shasha thought that Jia Ming was dead, and while the police were not watching, she ran up and beat him, then knelt down on the spot and began to cry .

After a while, the police found clues in front, and Sha Sha went there crying. Almost everyone was frightened by the decapitated corpses and their faces turned blue. Many policemen even vomited on the spot. , the wolfdog found the shivering little boy hiding in a hidden bush. Seeing that Jiaming was not dead, Shasha rushed over excitedly, but then made Jiaming cry in pain.

"Ah...doctor, doctor come quickly, Jiaming was also injured, he was beaten by that Cao Dongfeng for a long time..." Shasha yelled, and burst into tears again. Jiaming's clothes, I saw that the body was also full of shocking scars, almost comparable to that of the abused Japanese girl. Everyone hurriedly carried the stretcher, and Rusha ran excitedly with the stretcher. A policewoman also asked Looking at Jiaming's situation, however, Jiaming naturally ran into the woods and hid hastily, and then he didn't dare to go out when he heard the screams, Yunyun failed to provide any information. Seeing that the child was still so young and had been beaten so badly, everyone naturally wouldn't think he was lying.

"By the way, Shasha, they said they were going to catch Lingjing, but they didn't catch them?"

"Well, don't worry." Sha Sha held his hand, "As soon as we disappeared, they reported the crime, but Lingjing was almost arrested once, when Papa Ye went to pick her up and beat all those guys away. Later, there were police guards... Papa Ye is very powerful, and of course, Jia Ming, you are also very powerful."

"Uh, ha ha... ha ha..." Jia Ming replied with a smirk.

The team doctor saw two shockingly abused children in one day, and complained all the way, when everyone returned to the processing factory, when they saw Cao Dongfeng, they complained angrily: "It was him, it was him! " Then he wanted to rush up and beat him up, but he was held back by someone. In the confusion, Cao Dongfeng saw Jia Ming making a scary face at him on the stretcher, then foaming at the mouth, and fell down convulsively. On the ground, epilepsy was initiated. After thinking about it, he completely understood the meaning of despair.

A group of people got into the ambulance, and Shasha stood by Jiaming's stretcher, holding his hand. Seeing this nervous boy fell asleep in the car, snoring softly, feeling depressed and still There are a lot of things I didn't tell him. While thinking, she clumsily pulled the quilt for Jia Ming.

The vehicle rowed through the long night, heading for the shining city in the distance.


Note 1 * Okita Souji: Those who have seen Kenshin will certainly understand. That is Soujiro Okita, who is said to be the number one master of the Shinsengumi in Japan. He learned the natural Rishin-ryu swordsmanship. Yes, it's scribbled here, and I'm not familiar with him.

The one who is more familiar is the little Shota Okita Soujiro in the Tale of Charm, and the rotten girls who read this book should like that little Shota.

Note 2*Natural Lixin Flow: Japanese swordsmanship genre, here does not do academic research, pays attention to the harmony of natural principles, adapts to the situation, and responds naturally to the enemy's actions, similar to Chi Yingqianhuan written in the article.

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