Hidden Assassin

Volume VII August Fire Chapter 383 Selection

In this way, after more than a week, Shasha still moved out.

In fact, if you want to move out completely, of course that’s not the case. Shasha still has to go to school every day, eat with Lingjing Jiaming at noon or at school or go back to the rented room, and make an appointment to come back to live when there is nothing to do. At the headquarters, Liuzheng's previous room was tidied up, and Shasha stayed here every night to learn and manage some matters of the Shazhu Gang.

It is naturally from Jiaming's persuasion that Lingjing can accept this matter calmly. Jiaming is not good at such things as moving with emotion and reasoning, but in terms of the relationship between the two Well, many things do not need the support of reason, even if it is wrong reason, speaking from Jiaming's mouth is definitely infinitely more useful than other people's opinions.

On the other hand, Shasha's thoughts were satisfied, and her time at school became unusually serious, trying to do her best to learn from the gang in front of Lingjing. Of course, this kind of spirit is commendable, and the efforts made by the passionate girl at this time can also make Lingjing's eyes shine, but her previous grades were not very good after all, and she had to spare the evening to familiarize herself with it in the last half of high school. The operation of the Sand Bamboo Gang and whether they will be admitted to university in the future are still unpredictable.

Even though Jiaming persuaded Shasha to move to the Shazhu Gang in the next six months, Lingjing might not be happy about it. That day, the three of them went to the Shazhu Gang to tidy up the room and bought a lot of necessities. Items, even all kinds of fast food and fast food are stored as if they were quiet on the eve of a nuclear explosion. However, when I returned home to spend the two-person world with Jiaming at night. She still showed a faint look of loneliness.

"Speaking of which, living together is a normal couple's life, but now that Shasha is not here, I always feel that something is missing... This guy, will the Shazhu Gang have something to do today? Why do you have to go... I think she just wants to taste the novelty of living alone..."

There was noise from the streets downstairs, and the sound of the TV was also played loudly, and the meal had already been eaten. Lingjing complained not long after school and Shasha were separated. Speaking of which, the age of the two of them is not yet eighteen years old, just judging from their appearance. Ling Jing still has a clear temperament and looks like a young girl like crystal, but now she is complaining, as if she is worried about her child being too rebellious to become a mother.

"This is the feeling of an old couple and a family. Speaking of which, the three of us are used to being together. I used to think that this kind of thing was abnormal, but now it seems. I got used to it..." Jia Ming turned his head and smiled.

"You guys like this very much." Ling Jing narrowed her eyes, "The two girls follow you, they don't complain or get jealous, and they even feel uncomfortable when they are separated. I said why if I am complaining, why if I insisted on not letting her move out and let you be the peacemaker, shouldn't you be the one who is worried and unhappy!"

"Cough..." Jia Ming pinched the bridge of his nose embarrassingly.  "This...it seems like we need to spend a long time getting used to this life together..."

"It's not that Shasha won't come back to live, didn't she say she'll come back when she's free?"

"That's what I said, but she is very enthusiastic now. She wants to figure out the matter of the Sand Bamboo Gang in half a year, and then follow us to go to college. How much time do you think she can spare? Not to mention... It feels like.   Now It's just the feeling of a two-person world. It's not like Shasha hasn't lived in other places before, so why didn't she feel like she was missing someone at that time... After all, Shasha moved out..."

Ling Jing froze for a moment, and finally slumped her shoulders: "Anyway... I don't really like this feeling..." She took a deep breath, "I'm not ready yet..."

Jia Ming laughed: "Then when did you prepare?"

"After graduating from university." Ling Jing shrugged, "Even in university, the three of us will be together... I originally thought so, but after seeing so many schools now, the three of us have not majored yet. For sure, it would be nice to be in the same city. At least we can live together...Speaking of Jiaming, do you really want to study surgery? Mom kept telling you to study, but she never thought of forcing you. It's just a suggestion, and you, you have always been indifferent, I think it's better to choose a major that you like the most..."...

"It's still a surgeon, don't think so much. " Jia Ming nodded with a smile, "This profession is very suitable for me, and I like it too. "

"Then it's decided like this! Now it's Shasha's side... I want to grind my teeth now when I think of her..." Lingjing's face was filled with displeasure and cuteness, and she quickly poured the garbage into a plastic bag with her hands, and then Turning around, he handed the bag to Jia Ming, who was looking at her on the sofa and holding back his smile, "Hey, stop watching, go out and throw out the trash, sir. "

Jia Ming took her hand: "Let's go together. "

"I want to accompany you too!" Ling Jing smiled.

"Walking, just the two of us walking, don't you think it's very interesting?".

"In the past, two people were always good, okay? "

"It was a three-person world at that time, it was different, let's go. " Jia Ming couldn't help but say, he pulled up and was about to go out, Lingjing struggled quickly: "Wait, wait, I'll change clothes and shoes. "

After leaving the house, it was the time when twilight was completely falling outside. The street lamps on both sides of the road and the lights in the residents’ homes were turned on one after another. The man threw away the bag in the trash can at the intersection, then walked down the road until he reached the crowded Sacred Heart College Square, and then stepped into the road on the other side, holding Jiaming's hand quietly. Although there are also student couples who walk together, but there is no second pair like the two who are in such a tacit bond. If they are not flashy, they are too jumpy. A child is a child after all, and has not been baptized by life. , always lacks the sense of timelessness.

"It's true to say, the three of us have been together since we were young.  Now it feels like the two of us go out for a walk, and Shasha doesn't know anything in another residence. …I really haven’t been separated much, even if you go back to Huang’s house during the Chinese New Year, or when you go to the United States, Sasha or I go on a trip alone.  It always feels like we are together, I have known you since I was six years old... ..." Looking at the traffic on the side of the road. The beautiful girl reached out and caressed the hair on her forehead.

"I don't remember clearly the memories before I was shot at the age of ten..."

"That's true, but it's been almost seven years since I was ten years old, and we met Shasha not long after that, and a lot of things happened..." Lingjing said, leaning her forehead on Jiaming's shoulder .

"Speaking of it. If there was no Uncle Liu's bottle of red wine that time, I guess the three of us would have been friends until we were out of society? Well...then you will probably find someone you like, and we will be best friends forever..."

"That's weird. " Ling Jing smiled sweetly, "I think even if I didn't have that bottle of wine, I would probably still lie on your bed, and Rusha would probably do the same, but the later the time, the more troubles we will have. A lot. Maybe it will really break up because of this. It’s hard to say that Shasha and I can’t even be friends... I liked you at that time, and Sasha knew it too, but she actually liked you at that time, but she didn’t say it out , you know.  At that time, Shasha always regarded herself as a big sister, and she vowed to help me to make you like me. She later told me that she liked you at that time too, but the little girl didn’t like you. Knowing that, I don’t have too many worries, otherwise I don’t know what kind of troubles are in my heart..."

"Hey, I didn't know I was so attractive..." Jia Ming rubbed his nose embarrassingly.

"It's strange to say, you are not handsome, you have a weird temper and sometimes you are a little messy-hehe.  Of course, it is other people's opinions.  But we have been together for so long, and I fell in love with it.  I think that Sasha and I were the same Little beauty, people praise you everywhere you go, and you have received love letters and confessions from others, so you dare to say that if we grow up together, you will definitely have no idea about us?"

"I think most of them will be so inferior that they will keep this thought in their hearts and dare not say it. "

"That's right. " Ling Jing smiled brightly, "If the three of us like each other by then, it will be a tragedy. Thinking about it makes me feel distressed. No matter if you choose me or Shasha, the other will not be happy. , If everyone has scruples, they can’t get together... This feeling is just uncomfortable even thinking about it, so now it seems that the bottle of wine that graduated from junior high school is really the best ending. ”

"Well, I think if I knew what the two of you think, I'd probably force three people to live together.  "...

"Hehe, you can't do it.  Your ideas have been deviant since you were a child. Whether it's the Huang family, the teacher, or the people in society, you don't give face to anyone, but you have always been to me and Shasha. Be careful, and refuse to do anything forced. This is how Shasha moved out this time. If it was someone else, she would definitely try to persuade her. I don’t know yet. Shasha cares about you the most. If you say no, she will definitely not say anything , but you didn't even bother to persuade her, you agreed to her from the beginning, and then came to torment me... Since you were young, you have basically remained the same..."

Jia Ming shrugged: "Speaking of which, you are becoming less and less cute..."

"What are you talking about!" Pursing her lips, Ling Jing grabbed his hand fiercely, her words threatening.

"Mature. " Jiaming smiled, "Sometimes when I see you with other students at school, I feel, ah, Lingjing has matured a lot, beautiful, calm, and temperamental. When you talk , others are listening carefully, you are stronger than Sister Yahan... In fact, you were also nervous when you first came on stage. When you were young, every time you participated in a performance or we went to a martial arts competition, you would be nervous. I still remember that time When we first lived together, every day was very fresh, ah, by the way, I sang Dongfeng Po on Christmas Eve, and I still remember the scene when you learned to talk to Dongfang Road on the way out... Jiaming's child bride-in-law is now Jiaming's little wife, she has to go to bed every night, she has been used many times, she is a broken flower, Dongfang senior, you are a good person, I am not good enough for you...hehe..."

Lingjing lowered her head and hesitated for a while: "Because it's not fresh, it's not cute anymore. You don't like it anymore?"

"No, I like it even more, I like it beyond words, I like it beyond your imagination..." Jia Ming hugged her and paused, "No matter when, I will remember it clearly. Feeling, I think I prefer this familiarity now... ah..."

"Let you say I'm not cute." Ling Jing bumped him hard on the cheek. "I've let you sleep for more than two years. What else have you never seen? If you pretend to be cute in front of you, don't you call me disgusting. Cute is not for you to see. If you go out to do errands Make the best use of everything when you show cute expressions to those strange uncles and aunts... v..." The girl stretched out two fingers and made a pure and infinite smile.  Sure enough, it was a killer smile that could be put on a billboard. A couple passed by next to him. The man turned his head to look at Lingjing for a few seconds and couldn't turn his head away. Then his girlfriend pinched him and screamed.

Jia Ming pinched her cheeks, Ling Jing hugged Jia Ming's waist and laughed for a while, and walked a while, Ling Jing reached out and stopped a taxi: "I don't want to go back, let's go and see Shasha together. "

then.  On the first day of separation, the three of them slept in Shasha's room all night, and went to school together the next day. We just separated, and we are actually a little uncomfortable with each other. It took about half a month to get used to it before we stabilized, and Rusha occasionally went home to live. Half of the time they eat dinner in the rented room, and half of the time they eat outside by themselves. Lingjing and Jiaming spend a lot more time running to the Shazhu Gang. Zhang bed, anyway, everyone has squeezed here for two years, and they are skilled at playing threesomes. It feels good to be so small and newly married. With rustle.

During the time running around like this.  Shasha probably understood some things about the process of the Shazhu Gang. The next thing is the actual management experience, which involves many dark and unspeakable inside stories. Originally, Jia Ming told Xiao Meng to hide the truth from Sha Sha, but now he has all confessed. Although I don't know what kind of impact Sha Sha has received, but judging by her appearance, at least for the time being, she has no intention of retreating.

It is not efficient to prepare for the college entrance examination while learning about the underworld, but because of Sasha's hard work, her grades have at least improved a lot compared to when she was passive and sabotage. She became interested in cooking, and happily went to the supermarket to buy a bunch of things to learn to cook for Jiaming, probably because Lingjing and Jiaming are now two people, and she is also interested in the two world, but for this In terms of things, our classmate Shasha is not very talented. In the end, when the painful play is over, Jia Ming always has to turn the tide in person to fill the two of them. …

In this way, time passed through April of 2000, and in the middle of May, a holiday, Lingjing, Shasha, and Jiaming were all resting in the Ye Family Martial Arts Hall, and when Yahan also came to visit, they accidentally followed Ye's father and Ye's mother mentioned one thing: "By the way, Lingjing has decided to take the piano major now? A lot of words"

"Yes, she hasn't officially told us yet, but it seems to mean that. "

Since Lingjing has always had her own opinions, and the Ye family's education policy is not too strict, these matters are all decided by Lingjing herself. It was not confirmed until the girl was called to ask, Yahan point nodded.

"It doesn't matter if you want to choose the piano. Speaking of which, I'm still Lingjing's first teacher. Then... learning the piano, Lingjing's talent is definitely the highest I have ever seen. When I was studying in Cambridge, I met a Senior, he is currently one of the directors of the Academy of Music and Art in Vienna, Austria, and recently came to Jianghai... To be honest, there are good education in this area in China, but the best in the world is of course Vienna. They also have education in China. Recruiting students, but there are not many places, and each place is allocated... Heh, there are a lot of inside stories. To be honest, if Lingjing is interested, I can ask him to arrange an interview directly as a friend. Don’t take it too seriously, just play casually.  Of course, go abroad It's a big deal, but even if you don't want to go, I think it's very helpful to let him guide Lingjing... I think it's definitely okay for Lingjing to be admitted. As for whether to go or not, it's up to Lingjing anyway ..."

As soon as she said this, the Ye family became excited, Lingjing frowned, looked at Jiaming and Shasha, not knowing what to do for a while, and said after a while: "I don't want to go abroad..."



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