Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven, August Fire, Section 385, The Girl Holding a Panda

The spring rains startle the spring and clear the valley, and the summer is full of summer and summer.

After the summer solstice, the hot summer in June seems to be rolling in like the huge pressure on the eve of the college entrance examination. At this time, the college entrance examination has not yet been reformed, and the time is still in early July every year, which is close to the first half month of the college entrance examination. In the third year of senior high school at Sacred Heart College, the pressure before the college entrance examination seemed to be shrouded like a curse. The students in every classroom were nervously reviewing and preparing for the competition. Affected by the atmosphere, there is not much interest in playing around.

Ling Jing, who has always been known for her mild temper, has been spending more time going crazy recently, and this is naturally not for herself, but for the useless rustle. As a good student who has always been good at both character and learning, she no longer needs to worry about herself since she planned her future. Her goal is the Central Academy of Arts in Beijing. There is no need to worry at all. Jiaming and Shasha randomly chose an ordinary university in Beijing, but even a second-rate university needs grades. Lingjing is now afraid that something will go wrong in the college entrance examination and disrupt the perfect plan.

On the other hand, the events in Vienna did cause her some troubles. Although the performance was just a random cutscene, and on the surface there was no sign of recruiting students, but perhaps because of Yahan's relationship, it turned out to be true soon after. A notice from the Vienna Academy of Music and Art was sent directly to Ye's Martial Arts, so the relationship is easy to use. After saying hello, you can directly complete the things that others can only complete through countless processes. Sometimes think about it, if Sister Yahan If you really make a request, maybe you don't need to play at all, as long as you make a simple guarantee, Vienna may accept itself.

Compared with the Central Academy of Arts, the world's number one prestigious school like the Vienna Academy of Music and Art undoubtedly has certain advantages. The Ye family has been struggling with the question of which school to choose recently. In fact, if they completely follow their choice. Naturally, I hope that my daughter can go abroad for gold plating. No matter in terms of learning quality, artistic atmosphere or various conditions, Vienna is naturally the first choice, but Lingjing firmly believes in the Central Academy of Arts, and does not consider Vienna at all, and they are hard to say. It's just that on this matter, Lingjing has a little resentment towards Jiaming, and wants to see him anxious. The refusal was not too firm, and the Ye family had two plans. Anyway, before school started, Lingjing still had the possibility of changing her mind. If she still refuses to go abroad in the end, she has no choice but to accept the Central Academy of Arts.

On the other hand, after several months of study, Shasha has fully participated in the operation of the Shazhu Gang, and only then did she really feel like a big sister. With the development of the Shazhu Gang, many grassroots figures in the Shazhu Gang really began to know her, in terms of the operation of the entire gang and the issue of drug trafficking. It is no longer the same as in the past when there is a disagreement, and the river and sea gangsters have been soaked in blood and rain for half a year. There are finally signs of silence. To some extent, perhaps many people who have awakened Yanhuang have also begun to breathe a sigh of relief.

The sky was clear and the clouds were like fluff. In a forest on the outskirts of Jianghai City, there was a muffled sound, and two figures quickly intersected in the forest. next moment. One of the white figures flew upside down suddenly and slammed into the tree trunk behind.

Cool white clothes and white trousers. As the figure languished on the ground, the satin-like long hair fell down. A few seconds later, the girl with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth raised her head. Her face was as white and cold as porcelain, with an indescribable beauty stubborn. While struggling to stand up, she took out a rubber band from her pocket to gather up the messy hair: "Come again."

"I'm not coming, that's it for today." The leisurely young man in front of him waved his hand, and the girl was slightly taken aback: "I can continue."

"I said I'll stop here, and if you continue, it's the process of me beating you up, and it doesn't mean anything to you." The boy put his hands in his pockets, and after a while, he smiled, "Well, unless If you like being beaten up, it makes sense."

There were no outsiders around, and the girl with a cold face stretched out her hands and brushed the hair around her ears, showing a smile, which was fleeting: "If Gu Jun likes it, Xun can do it too." In the past few years, that is, in front of the other party, the girl Only then will you show such a smile.

"Oh, although I really want to..."

Doing such a formulaic ridicule answer, the two walked in the woods, the sunlight came in through the leaves, speckled with golden light, the girl turned her face to see the other's expression. For more than two years, all kinds of training have been going on, and the teenager's time is not fixed, sometimes once every two days, sometimes once every three days, or during the day or night, she sometimes feels that the most peaceful and satisfying time in her life , maybe it was the time after training, they chatted as they walked, and gradually maybe she could joke a few words with him, seeing the helpless or funny expression on the other's face, she felt warm in her heart .

This was a feeling she had never had in her previous life in Japan.

Thinking like this, seeing that the other party was already several steps ahead of her, she trotted to catch up. She wanted to say something, and after a long time of deliberation, she said: "I think my progress is very small..."

"Heh, you've made great progress." Jia Ming shook his head and smiled, "Your state of mind is not tempered enough. If you fight with me, you can't show that kind of really desperate attitude. Otherwise, with your current strength , I will also find it a little troublesome... and the main reason is that you have indeed improved, but in the past few years, I have improved even more..." Speaking of this progress, there was a trace of helplessness on his face Self-deprecating, since the time when he learned about the brain tumor, the once pure killer heart has returned to him, coupled with the stimulation of pain, now he, even facing Yuan Lai Chaochuang in his heyday, can't There will be no more fear.

Xun didn't know about these things, so she nodded with that faint expression, said "Oh", and then said after a while: "There is still more than a week to go before the exam, I have already made an agreement with Tianyu Lord, I will go to Beijing with Gu Jun, Tianyu Jun said, I don’t need to go back after the exam, so it’s good to stagger..."

She didn't finish her sentence. Jia Ming shook his head beside him: "No. It's not necessary. After this semester, I won't teach you any more.".

For a moment, Kaoru's eyes widened, and he was stunned there. In the hot weather, it seemed that there was a cold feeling coming from somewhere. It instantly soaked her entire back, making her unable to feel the temperature around her anymore.

Jia Ming walked a few steps before turning around and waving his hand: "Let's go."

She followed a few steps like a zombie. His eyes are wide open, his eyes are dangling, he doesn't know whether he is looking at the road or what, his hands clenched into fists, nails sinking into his palms: "I...I...I don't study well..." I don't know Is it an interrogative sentence or a declarative sentence.

After a few steps like this, the two of them had come out of the grove, and outside was a green grassy slope. From here, the outline of Jiang Hai could be seen from a distance. Jia Ming sat down in the shade of a tree, and patted the ground around him. So the two sat side by side on the grass slope, and the cool breeze blew over. Like a couple outing in the countryside.

"Don't think too much about it. It's not your problem. It's because I can't teach you anymore. The things I've taught you now are still very dangerous when facing those really powerful people, but I've been thinking recently, in fact You don't have to be involved in these things. I know you have experienced a lot of things since you were a child. I wouldn't care about other people's lives, but we have been together for so long. I think if possible, ordinary life is still the best."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of the young girl beside him. However, the young girl was just sitting there with her legs stiffly hugged at the moment. It might be difficult for her to feel anything, and she just listened quietly. Jia Ming smiled, put his hands behind his head, and lay down on the grassy slope.

"Pei Luojia trains killers. There are two or three left out of a hundred people. Before they act for the first time, their hands are already stained with other people's blood. They are used to life and death. Such people's personalities will be distorted. But the benefits The reason is that they really have no taboos. This kind of mentality will greatly improve their strength. I used to be such a person. After doing so many things, the feeling when some people die is always floating in my mind, once, twice or three times... It seems to remind me that there are other things I can do..."

As he spoke, he picked up Kaoru's long hair and played with it in his hand: "Then I did it. The thing is very simple. I thought it was very difficult, but it is really too simple. Just take that step, after all I had nothing to lose at first, and then... I got some things, and I slowly got to know them and get used to them, and I was gradually infected. Although it didn't take long, I think this feeling is really good... Oh, I know you don't understand, it's best if you don't understand, I've never told anyone about these things."

"Using these nonsense words to persuade you now, I also think it is really unconvincing, but...just as I hope, you haven't really got into those things now, you are very simple, so I hope you can give up those things to be a killer What kind of stupid ideal, whether in China or Japan, live a good life, like playing with men, it is purely a joke, if you really do it, I think I will be very sad..."

There was silence under the shade of the tree for a while, Xun opened his eyes wide, and turned his head with a pale face: "Is it... Is it because I always think about home, Lord Tianyu... Lord Tianyu also wants to use me to influence You, so you refuse to teach me? If so..."

Jia Ming slapped himself on the forehead: "Well, I said it for nothing...I knew I would say it for nothing. But, don't worry about it."

He sat up and looked at the girl next to him: "What about you, after the college entrance examination, you will still go back to Japan. You won't be able to go to university in the future. You can study in China or in Japan as you like..."

"I...I don't like..." Kaoru said softly.

"I don't care if you die. Anyway, after this exam, I have to deal with some things first. I don't know if it will be July or August. I will go to Japan to see you. When the time comes, you will be the landlord and prepare for me to stay. Everything is alright?"

"Yes, it is."

"Anyway, you'll know when the time comes, but don't tell Tianyu Zhengze what I'm telling you now. Anyway, when I pass by, he will naturally know."


"Look, it's much more comfortable to give you orders directly, get up, we're going back."

Following Jiaming all the way back to Jianghai, until he reached the dormitory of Sacred Heart College, he was in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking. It's just that when she parted ways with Jiaming on the square at the school gate, she stared blankly at the figure going away until it disappeared, and even chased it a few steps, but finally she couldn't think of what she could say. She really didn't understand what Jia Ming said. In the past, when she didn't understand something, she could ask Tian Yu for advice, but she also knew in her heart that Tian Yu was indeed reliable in personal terms, but he was just I just want to influence the teacher through myself. Many things, especially those at the moment, cannot be said. There are many things she can't understand, but there is one thing she can understand: he is no longer willing to teach himself, she can watch his time, and that's it.

Although she thought that that person would not belong to her from the beginning, she never thought that it would be at this time. She thought that there would be another four years. Maybe after those four years, she would tell herself Said, enough is enough, what she wants is enough, then she can really let go of everything... That's all...

Time passed, and the sun was fading. She was sitting on the bed holding the giant panda doll. It was a cheap doll. It had been washed many times in the past two years, and the fluff in many places had fallen off, but it was always here to accompany it quietly. she. The time for eating passed, and then the night fell. In the far direction outside, the light of the city was speckled, and the cicadas of the summer night sounded in the woods. She just hugged the giant panda in a daze, opened her eyes, quietly, I don't know how long it took, and finally, a drop of water reflected light, like a pearl across the cheek.

In the darkness, tears fall quietly...

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