Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven, August Fire, Section 395, A Stunning Shot

"Masaki Arakawa, I'm here to kill you."

A calm but calm voice sounded in the slightly empty gymnasium. Except for Xun, Tianyu Zhengzheng and Longtang Wei who knew this would happen before, everyone else had already been attracted by this sudden change. The old man also opened his eyes suddenly, looking sharply at the young man who came over.

If the scene of the security guard being thrown into the air by a chair just made Han Gangcheng feel astonished and puzzled, now seeing the Japanese who flew several meters away, his mind was almost on the verge of crashing, such a calm feeling , speed and precision, he had never even imagined. Buntaro, Tsukichi Tetsuya and the others in the stands opened their mouths wide open for a long while, recalling their own provocation yesterday morning, their palms are now covered in cold sweat.

Chen Guxia almost stood up for a while. As an internal member of Yanhuang Awakening, he certainly knew that Jian Suyan was a big backer in Jiaming's background. By now, everyone has more or less agreed that Jiaming's martial arts should be very good , but even if it is good, there will always be a limit for an eighteen-year-old boy. At this time, he is facing seven or eight killers of Pei Luojia, and in terms of swordsmanship, he is not even inferior to top killers such as Yuan Lai Chaochuang. In the real world of Huangjuan, he actually walked over empty-handed alone like this! Talking while walking, no matter how brave and foolish he is, it shouldn't be like this.

However, perhaps Jian Suyan has already arrived here...

Among all kinds of thoughts, the killers in the stands did not shoot. On the one hand, since it is a martial arts gym, it is not that they did not come to kick the gym without saying harsh words. On the other hand, they paid more attention to the Gao Tianyuan and Yuechi on the other side of the stand, since Arajumaki Zhenshi is sitting below, within this distance, they have full confidence in this master of swordsmanship. And the other side. These people are watching the accident happen at the same time. They have also begun to be alert, beware of any possible rush situation at any time.

The atmosphere of the entire gymnasium, after Jia Ming's words. It was almost compressed into a powder keg that could explode at any time. It was unbearably suffocating.

The next moment, a voice broke the frozen feeling.


He directly said that he wanted to kill people, and looked down on the other party's attitude at all. As Jiaming's voice fell, a disciple of Huangjuan almost jumped out directly from the edge of the field. , that knife is as bright as electricity. It slashed directly towards the top of Jiaming's head.

With just this one knife, from the jumping up of drawing the knife to the swinging up and down of the samurai sword, the whole movement is swift and smooth in one go, which is enough to see that this person's cultivation base is really rigorous and solid, if he has the mentality of teaching students like Chen Guxia. Or maybe they will be greatly praised for this blow. However, before the light of his saber was cut down, Jia Ming kicked it directly, and the blade slashed from in front of him to the ground. The man's body flew a few meters away, and collided with his two companions into a pile. , The Japanese around the arena jumped up one after another. Also at this time. An exciting blade trembled, resounding throughout the gymnasium.

"Xin ----"

The sharp samurai sword rushed out of the black scabbard like a white dragon. The moment Aramaki Shinse put his left hand on the hilt of the sword, the body of the Japanese kendo master broke out from the state of kneeling quietly, and the large brown kendo suit turned into a welcome in the air, and the sound of "wow" broke the wind It sounded like an umbrella suddenly opened in a strong wind and heavy rain. In less than a blink of an eye, his body had already appeared in front of Jia Ming, and his whole body was like a bow with a taut string. His eyes full of murderous intent looked at Shang Jiaming's smile that seemed to be completely unresponsive.

The next moment, a half-moon-shaped sword light soared into the sky!

Originally, the backhanded katana was only dragged behind him with one hand, but at the moment when his body stopped, his right hand held the back of the handle, as if it were the fulcrum of the spool, and his left hand followed the inertia to move the blade from the Bottom up and pushed out directly. It seems to be slashing with the trend, but in fact it is like a long whip. The speed and strength increased to an unimaginable level at that moment. The spirit of life and death in Japanese swordsmanship is brought into full play here. vividly.

If the reaction was slower, let alone Jiaming's flesh and blood, even a wall would probably be cut in half from bottom to top.

But on Jiaming's side, he just turned his body slowly and looked silly, as if something exploded from Jiaming's side before the sword light arrived, and the air flow swept him away. Pushing his body aside, he passively turned sideways, the saber light almost flew up against his body, passing his chest, the tip of his nose, and his forehead with only a slight difference, at this moment, His hands were even in a defenseless state, his clothes fluttered, and the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"Desolate Scroll..."

As if in a murmur of whispers, the light of the knife was withdrawn suddenly, and then it slashed straight at Jiaming's neck.

From stillness to movement, from a state of extreme movement to suddenly retracting the knife, and then slashing out with all its strength, clean and neat, without any sloppiness. Jiaming was still on his side at this time, shrunk his shoulders, lowered his head, and swung the blade from the back of his head.


Before he raised his head, the brush swung his knife back from left to right. At this moment, Jiaming had already taken a step across, rushed to the back of Huangjuan Zhenshi, raised his left hand, and punched him.


It was just a simple wrong body, Huang Juan took a step forward following the slash of the knife, and while turning around, he slashed back with both hands holding the knife. Jia Ming's fist was still in the air, and the edge of the long knife had already struck his chest. His body was originally rushing this way. Although he stopped his pace, his body still had inertia. At this moment, it looked as if he had voluntarily slammed into the blade. Seeing that it was inevitable, his upper body seemed to be caught The willows blown by the wind generally fell backwards.

To Jiaming, it seems that Aramaki is not wielding a samurai sword, but a cattail leaf fan.

It is naturally impossible for this kind of kendo master to swing the sword with all his strength, but Zai Jiaming said that the meaning at this time seems to be like this. When the blade strikes, his body is automatically blown away by the blade, and his arms are raised. Starting in mid-air, it is naturally impossible to hit the opponent. The long knife swiped across his arm. The tip of the knife was almost close to his chest, and at that moment, Aramaki Shinse's pupils shrank suddenly.

Jia Ming raised his left hand in the air. Fingers spread. Hold tight. .

"It's time..."

Time froze for a moment.


The head of Aramaki Masashi exploded like a watermelon...

Gunshots sounded in the center of the gymnasium and spread far away.

No one could have expected such a result, everything that happened was like a dream.

"Aramaki, you are out of date..."

In just one sentence, Jiaming's speech speed is actually very fast, less than two seconds before and after, when Arakawa Zhenshi rushed out with a knife, Jiaming dodged sideways. He stepped forward and punched, and then Aramaki's corpse flew out together with the samurai sword. All people could see was the faint blue smoke from the muzzle of the pistol in Jiaming's left hand.

Almost no one can accept this result immediately. Although Kaoru has always admired Jiaming, he never thought that this teacher would solve Aramaki Masato cleanly and neatly within two seconds. Of course, what followed was a deeper worship psychology. And even Tian Yuzheng, who knew Jiaming's details earlier, looked demented at this moment. On the other side, Mimori's mouth was opened into an "O" shape, and his head was tilted, looking like a cartoon character in an anime. As for the others, including Chen Guxia. My mind is basically confused.

Having a gun in your sleeve for a long time is hardly a genius stratagem. With Huangjuan Zhenshi's cultivation base, within close range. There is not much difference between a knife and a gun. It can even be said that his knife can be faster than a gun. Just like Jia Ming, even if an ordinary killer shoots, he still has enough reaction ability to avoid the route of the bullet. And such a result is basically not caused by a miracle, but purely due to speed.

too fast.

The knife that Araki slashed has the confidence to kill the enemy directly with every blow at close range, but Jia Ming still dodges. If it is someone else, even if they have a gun in their sleeve, they are trying to do something that is too fast. Covering his ears, he was confident enough to dodge in time, but...he just couldn't dodge.

It wasn't that he was too slow, but that Jia Ming's speed was too fast, so he shot his head cleanly.

Of course, they are all professionally trained people. Even in chaos, these killers who were wary of other people reacted immediately and pointed their weapons at Jiaming below. However, in Jiaming's place, even this short reaction time may be too long for them.

At the same time that Masaki Aramaki flew out, another pistol appeared in Jiaming's right hand, and then, the lighting equipment in the entire gymnasium glowed in an instant.

It is daytime, even if these lights are fully turned on, it will not hinder too much, but the sudden change of the surrounding environment will still burden people's eyesight. With the sound of the gun in Jiaming's hand, his body also stepped Stepping backwards, his body suddenly turned into a blurry phantom when seen from the stands.

From Chen Guxia's point of view, Jia Ming held the gun in both hands, and when he pulled the trigger, he quickly changed positions, waving his arms as if he had rehearsed it a long time ago. Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang gunshots resounded throughout the gymnasium, blood and minced flesh continued to burst from the killers scattered in the stands, and all eight of them fell down in a blink of an eye. After the gunfire was over, the faint gunpowder smoke filled the air, only the figure of Yu Shouxi quickly disappeared from the stands, the alarm sounded, and the security guards rushed in from the gate and the side door, and Jia Ming stood alone in the middle of the field, without a trace. Looking around with an expression on his face, he raised his gun again

After Huangjuan's disciples, a person's head suddenly burst into blood, followed by a security guard at the door, and then two more kendo disciples. He fired a gun casually, and walked towards the side door of the gymnasium... The killing began...

When Chen Guxia and others came out of the front door, the traffic system in the vicinity of more than a dozen blocks was in chaos. It seems that the traffic lights have gone crazy since the beginning. When it should be a red light, the green light should be green. But the red light was turned on. Because of the accident, the roads, large and small, had already started to be blocked. There were no police cars, so reinforcements could come here at the first time...

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