Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven, August Fire, Section 399, After My Flowers Bloom

The moonless sky is like the deep background at the beginning of a drama, like the first set of piano sounds falling at the beginning of a Beethoven symphony. The whole atmosphere reaches its climax after a moment of tranquility.

The moment before the entire computer defense system lost control, Mimori was wiping his hands with a white handkerchief, and stepped across the courtyard gate.

"Why are you so nervous?" He said, "I should have said in the first lesson that you should maintain a relaxed attitude and be full of tension. The nervous person will always be diverted, disturbed, and taken advantage of. , was killed by...  "

He looked at the few people indifferently, as if he was staring at a point in the air while in a daze. At the same time, there was a short mechanical movement sound on the wall, and before he could turn his head, an automatic weapon in the corner suddenly Flames spewed out.

Accompanied by the sudden siren, the same gunshot suddenly tore through the night sky, noisy and chaotic, resounding throughout the base. While the virus occupied the entire system, it judged everyone in the base as intruders, and at the same time dragged everyone into the abyss of doom.

If it is normal, it is fine, but now that the alert level has been raised to the highest, the electronic system has obtained the maximum control authority, and while the people in the central control room are still in a daze, Mishouki is another killer His body was shattered by bullets. Fortunately, Pei Luojia had considered the situation of the electronic system being hacked. Although he did not expect it to be so thorough, these weapon systems were still in an auxiliary state in all configurations, which allowed everyone around him to deal with it in time.

The remaining four killers drew their pistols while rushing towards the dead corner as much as possible. Prepared to smash the weapon systems everywhere at the first time, Yu Shouxi also directly smashed open a door and rolled in. I have to say that although I haven't seen him attacking, but only because of his ability to escape. It is said that he really has a premonition and talent that ordinary people can't match.

"I've said it before.   Sooner or later, everyone will be killed by modern technology..."

The same attack situation appeared in the entire base in an instant, and the weapons were fully opened. Shooting wildly, several places in the north corner of the base exploded directly from the ground, pillars of fire rose into the sky, and the communication system was completely paralyzed. Take everyone's eyes, even the fire sprinklers are turned on at the same time.  In short. As long as it is something that can be controlled by a computer, it will move no matter how disgusting it is.

At the same time, in front of the elevator door where Yu Shoucang was about to go down, two hands crossed each other in an instant.



As mentioned earlier, Yu Shoucang is one of the strongest fire-type supernatural beings in the world.

Of course, as an ordinary ability user, even if he digs deeper, it is impossible to master a huge ability system like Natalie. However, just as ordinary killers are often more proficient in physical skills than supernatural beings, if you only have something, you can learn more about it and master more powerful skills, otherwise. Even if you have the ability to set fire, it is nothing more than carrying a flamethrower with you, and you have to concentrate for a long time to spit out flames. If Natalie's powers are like a huge sale in a supermarket, Yu Shoucang's fire power is more like the most exquisite work of art—the ultimate art of supernatural combat.

Even if he faced Natalie, he might not necessarily lose in a real fight.

The ability is instant, and the power is compressed to the greatest extent. The flaming sword used by him is comparable to the flames fired by the welding and cutting device. If you have seen him fight in real battles, you will understand that it is just this simple reaching out. The power that erupts in an instant is even comparable to that of a bomb. I don’t know how many people were directly reduced to charcoal under this simple gesture. …

The burden among killers. Perhaps it was just a matter of a simple moment.

Yu Shoucang has confidence in his own strength and knows that the opponent's strength is super strong. He never thought of underestimating the enemy.  With this shot, the supernatural power has been condensed to the peak in an instant, and it is bursting out. According to the prediction, in the next moment, the blazing flames will fill the narrow elevator space and explode towards the surroundings. It will rush towards the walls and doors on both sides of the corridor. The roof was overturned, and the flames were out of control.  No one can survive such a force - of course, this is the biggest problem.

His ability has lost its effect.

The flame did not appear, Jiaming's arm rushed out of the elevator, and instantly pressed the middle-aged man's face, which was too late to be shocked, and then his whole body rushed out of the elevator like a cannonball, pressing Yu Shoucang to the two sides. corridor wall meters away.

With such strength and speed, Yu Shoucang's legs left the ground, and his whole body seemed to be pulled by his head, and he slammed directly backward.

For these two, one mistake is enough.

Before he had time to think about why the ability would lose its effect, the moment his legs left the ground, Yu Shoucang's right hand shook, and the five fingers he stretched out were already inserted between Jiaming's waist and ribs like a steel knife, almost at the same moment , Jiaming held a sharp small Taidao in his free left hand, and pulled it upwards.


Blood splattered, Yu Shoucang's severed arm flew up to the ceiling, the blade pulled out a fatal wound from La's right waist to his left shoulder, the back of his head was directly pressed into the wall, the tiles cracked, and the wall bricks turned into powder, This is a double wall structure, and the reason it didn't get knocked down is that there is a thick steel plate between the two layers of wall bricks.

The little Taidao pulled up his left shoulder and flew out. Jiaming suddenly withdrew his right hand that was pressing on his head, held the rotating handle in the air and swung it down, cutting off the opponent's other arm, followed by three blows With a lightning thrust, the blade remained in Yu Shoucang's body, and he took two steps back.

Only now did Yu Shoucang's severed arm fall before his eyes, and fell to the ground with a slap.

In the blink of an eye, an assassination that gathered all his strength, that's it.

Like the most brilliant fireworks in the dark night. Only for a moment.

He just stood there, looking at Yu Shoucang. Both the head and the heart were fatally wounded, and the expression on that face was able to change. After a slight shock, the blood began to flow from his mouth. He looked at the boy in front of him and thought clearly in an instant. everything.  So he laughed ironically.

"Axi... this... really makes me sad..."

Then, the flames bloomed.



The moment the chaos begins. The people in charge of Pei Luojia who had gathered in the yard at this time also figured out the development of the situation in the shortest time. From raising the alert to the highest level to the sudden defection of the electronic system, no one knew what happened. Why, but they were able to climb to the immediate position in such an organization, and they were by no means nonsense bureaucrats without adaptability. A small number of weapon systems were directly destroyed by those who responded almost immediately after they were activated.  When they found that the communication system was paralyzed, they immediately made the most correct decision.

"The computer system has been invaded, the host must be stopped immediately..."

"Cut off power and backup power!"

"Gather your hands and find out the intruders!"

With a few simple exchanges, a group of people arrange division of labor and go in different directions.  It is also really fortunate that this is not a closed base completely dominated by computers. As a killer organization, the power of people is more trustworthy after all, otherwise it is in front of the computer technology that has been ahead for more than 20 years.  As long as there is one access port, I am afraid that Jiaming is enough to block the entire base, activate the self-destruct device and kill everyone in one go. …

At the same time, Inoue, the person in charge of the security of the base, hadn't been far from the small courtyard where Yu Shoucang was, and there was a hasty change. He simply gathered a few people. He hurried back to check the safety situation here, before he entered the courtyard, he heard a loud bang in front of his eyes, a huge flame rushed through the wooden door, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed that a shocking explosion exploded in that room. The incendiary bomb turned into a sea of ​​flames with the sound of the explosion.

No one can go inside, the heat hits, and they stand there. Looking anxiously.




It's hard to describe what this moment feels like.

The amber-like sea of ​​flames engulfed everything around. Jiaming stood there, feeling the almost crushing pain in his mind. He stretched out his hand and pressed the left chest. It was here that Yu Shoucang's hand knife was forcibly eaten. Now, a rib should be broken, but compared to the severe pain in his head, the feeling in his chest is basically nothing. , the clothes pulled a little tighter, he could almost act as if nothing had happened.

At this time, he was in the astonishing sea of ​​flames formed by Yu Shoucang's last vitality. Different from the last time when he was in the sea of ​​flames formed by the phoenix, it felt like he was in the water. Now he is standing here, the flames devour everything, but within half a meter around his body, it seems that a transparent Like a protective cover, the strength gained from the pain made the flame formed by the supernatural power unable to harm him at all.

Only then did he have time to take a deep breath.

it's over……

Just like all the assassinations he carried out in his previous life, a large amount of intelligence collection, long planning and calculation, and lurking, the real attack is only a short moment, it is as brilliant as a shooting star, and the boundary between life and death becomes separated at this moment. bright.

Even Yu Shoucang is the same.  Everyone is equal before death.

Even if he...

A huge sense of emptiness suddenly appeared in his heart. Standing in the sea of ​​fire, he closed his eyes, as if he was feeling the reality of this moment. Everything was simple and extraordinary, and what he had to do seemed to come to an end here. Lingjing, Shasha, Yahan...

Two seconds later, he turned around, separated the flames, and walked towards the door at the end of the sea of ​​flames. He was accompanied by the severe pain that seemed to tear the entire brain apart. Hundreds of killers survived after training!

The assassination itself is not the most difficult thing, but how to get out.

No matter what, I want to see them again...



The flames were burning and spreading in the courtyard, and the heat wave rushed towards us. The dozen or so killers who rushed over looked at them from far and near, a little at a loss. At some point, the flame shook, and something separated the flames.


Inoue's eyes suddenly widened. The next moment, gunshots rang out, blood sprayed from the bodies of the two killers beside him, and the impact carried the bodies to the rear. In the blink of an eye, a companion in the distance flew out again. , Someone rushed straight out of the sea of ​​flames.


Inoue raised the submachine gun in his hand and pulled the trigger. The figure rushed towards the opposite door like a cheetah. He opened his arms, and the arcs of bullets flew towards the walls on both sides. The chest was pierced by bullets, bullets, minced meat, blood...


A killer blocking the door was directly knocked into the air. The figure swiped and turned around abruptly, staring at him like a god of death. At the same time as the gunfire spewed out, Inoue threw himself into the bushes on one side. His body was still in the air, just in front of him A companion not far from him was shot in the head.

The bullet slashed across the forehead, it was burning and painful!


The hysterical roar resounded in the chaotic night.

That night, the entire base boiled up...



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