Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven August Fire The 417th Festival New Year's Eve (Part 1)

On January 21, 2004, Vienna, the capital of Austria.

I had a dream, and when I woke up, a cold feeling pierced my bones.

Probably in the summer of junior high school, she and Sha Sha participated in a certain martial arts competition, Jia Ming followed, Cao Dongfeng was still there, circling around like flies all day long, the three of them unanimously acted to show him how intimate they were , In fact, it was really close. During that time, I kissed Jiaming for the first time, pretending to be selfish, and my heart was beating wildly. That little me with a very cute braid...

Even though they are still small children, they sleep on the same bed at night. The three of them are squeezed together, covered with a thin blanket, and their bodies touch each other. It is a cool summer night, and each other feels refreshing , but none of the three of them would close their eyes and go to sleep. They lay on the bed and looked out the window. The moon was so beautiful on the treetops. Shasha got up and said that she was going out to play cards together with something to play with. The sound of footsteps came from the corridor. When she came back, she took a few bunches of marshmallows. The three of them sat on the bed and licked and licked. It started to melt soon, and it stuck to her hand, she lowered her head to eat it, and then it stuck to her face and hanging hair, Jiaming and Shasha were laughing at her, she tried hard to get rid of the sticky Sticky cotton candy, trying to open his eyes, and then... they did.

so sad...

Light came in from outside the white curtains. She was used to turning off the heating before going to bed at night. She just felt cold in a daze and wanted to find a warmer body beside her. She gradually woke up. She looked at the ceiling, her nose The bitterness that surged up was lingering. Over the past three years, this body still retains the original memory, and its sadness is like a tarsal maggot, stubbornly resisting time.

The hair that was as long as when I was a child has been cut off long ago, and now it barely reaches the shoulders. Few of the female students in the music department do this, unless they are taking the individual route. But she is not, her beauty is always soft traditional beauty, such hair seems to be a symbol of toughness and independence. Some people say that she is a maverick, but not many people understand. Every day here, she gritted her teeth and came here.

In the three and a half years since she came to Vienna, she has grown two centimeters and lost four kilograms, if only looking at the statistics. Not much has actually changed. But in fact, she has become more slender, thinner, more beautiful and mature. In the first two years, there were many suitors, and various methods emerged in an endless stream. As a means of trying to get hard. At the beginning of the year before last, a guy with a wild personality took advantage of saying a few words and wanted to touch her, but she forcibly twisted his hand in front of many people in the corridor outside the classroom. She looks strong, but she is also vulnerable to the joint skills specially selected by Jiaming. A group of people are stunned. No one knows that she, who looks soft, weak and gentle, has such a side. From then on. Similar troubles are much less.

Not just pursuit. Over the years, she has rejected many things. Refusing too rich university communication, rejecting too many memories, refusing to go home and even refusing to hear about Jiang Hai, she always kept herself in a certain hope, hoping that the breakup was due to some special reasons—she knew Jiaming, even now, she believes that this kind of understanding is not illusory, it is self-confidence, and it is also necessary, otherwise, all the good things built in the memories of the past will inevitably collapse, and there will be nothing left.

If Jia Ming had been in a relationship with another woman for more than a year, he would never say it out of the blue, no matter it was true or not, there must be other reasons for it.

She hoped that Jiaming was threatened, hoped that he suddenly encountered something that could not be solved and refused to talk about it, and even hoped—even if it was like a bloody romance TV series—his real reason was because of pressure In order not to delay her future, she deliberately let her study abroad for further study, so she chose to break up. No matter what the reason is, there is still half a year left, when she has completed all this and accomplished what he expects herself to do, she will go back to Jianghai, throw all these things in front of him, and say to him: "Look I was wrong, Ye Lingjing, you broke my heart..."

In any case, she can only look forward to this. After breaking up, memories and hopes are the only things she can grasp...

During this period, Dongfang Lu came to her once, and the two chatted for a while, but they didn't have much to talk about, as if they sensed her mood, the other party didn't say anything about Jiaming or Jiang Hai. The contact with the family every year is to make a few phone calls, and the parents seem to be avoiding the topic of Jiaming and Shasha. She avoided everything with such a dull mind. The only sad thing is that she can't contact Shasha. The previous phone calls have been disconnected. Is Jia Ming with her? He went to Beijing to go to university, or Jia Ming also separated from her. Otherwise, she will definitely call to find herself. But after getting through the phone call, what should the two of them talk about, until now she can't think of it...

"The man we liked dumped us..." or "He's an asshole..." Sha Sha likes Jiaming more than herself, she definitely can't bear it...

She turned on the air conditioner with the remote control, and sat up from the bed after a while, with disheveled hair, a photo album was placed on the quilt, she fell asleep after reading it last night, and put it on the bedside table, she read it Looking at the alarm clock, it was already twelve o'clock after noon, and she rarely slept in.

Today's New Year's Eve, because of the time difference, it should be past seven o'clock in the evening at home. She sat on the bed and dialed the phone number at home, and talked to her parents for more than ten minutes, and her eyes were red. Over the past few years, her parents seemed to regret the decision to let her come to Vienna, and they didn't dare to mention letting her go home on the phone, but in fact, she felt that she was sorry for them, and she didn't even see them because of Jiaming. Willful. Love is not the whole of life, everyone knows this kind of saying, but when we are young and frivolous, who can really restrain such feelings?

After the overseas phone congee was finished, she was getting off the bed when there was a knock on the door. She walked to the peephole and took a look outside. The man in the white suit outside the door was about thirty years old. With light blue eyes, thin silver-rimmed glasses, and a shawl with blond hair, he looks quite handsome, with his hands folded on his chest, holding a file bag, seeing no one talking. He pressed the doorbell again.

"Mr. Julian, give me five minutes."

Having said that, she came back to open the door in a few minutes. I have already put on my neat winter clothes and washed my face. I also tidied up my hair, just holding a toothbrush in my hand: "I still need to brush my teeth, please come in."

"Well, I was thinking... Actually, it's okay for me to see you just woke up once, isn't it? Then I don't have to stand outside for several minutes..."

"Feel sorry."

Respond lightly. Lingjing closed the bathroom door, and when she came out after a while, she was already in a state of cleanliness: "Mr. Julian, I think... I asked for leave yesterday..."

"It's not for this matter." Julian maintained a charming smile, "I know today is the most traditional and important Chinese New Year, in fact. A friend introduced me to a very good Chinese restaurant, which will be held tonight There's a party I think you can go to."

The room is not big, Julian sat on the sofa, Lingjing sat on the edge of the bed and thought for a while, then raised his head and smiled: "Actually, I don't really want to participate in such an event today..."

"o. If it's about me, I want to participate. To experience the customs of China, I hope you can accompany me...you know. I don't know China very well, and I also have obstacles in Chinese."

After a moment of silence, Lingjing nodded: "Teacher, if you want this, I will go there."

In the past few years since she came to Vienna, speaking of her tutor Julian, she is the most familiar and recent person. This teacher is young and talented. He did her a lot of favors and introduced her to the Opera House for a work-study program. Apart from her fame, at least the salary she earned was enough to meet her living and study needs. This room with good conditions and location outside the school was only rented by his introduction. down. She kept the bank card, contact person and so on that Jia Ming gave her when he broke up with her, and she kept them there. One day, she would throw them back intact and ask him to apologize to herself.

Julian glanced at her, then shook his head with a smile: "Just kidding, I just think you should have more normal social activities. Since I don't like it, I won't force it. In fact, I came here today to give you These documents." He shook the document bag in his hand, "I talked to you about your post-graduation affairs with you last year, and you said it casually at that time, and you also refused casually, but I hope you can think about it again. With a lot of fame, several companies have expressed their intentions. I hope you will continue to develop in Europe. I have also contacted some friends. This is a series of plans for you. I will act as your agent , until the day you set foot on the stage of the Golden Hall."

"Teacher, this..."

Julian waved his hand: "You are talented and spiritual. As long as you continue to develop, you will surely achieve great success. Because of many things, I have lost my spirituality, and I can no longer focus on the piano, so I hope I can let it go for a while." Time, maybe you can get this feeling back, these things are what you deserve.".

He took Lingjing's hand, put the file bag on it, and let it go quietly before the other party had a rejection reaction. Lingjing frowned: "Teacher, I won't stay in Europe..."

"Don't answer me so quickly, you can think about it for a few more days, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Julian looked at his watch, waved away, Lingjing escorted him to the door, watched the figure go downstairs, then closed the door, and put the file bag into the drawer.

The photo album on the bedside table was also stuffed in, and he hesitated for a moment after putting it in half, took it out and opened a page, looked at it a few times, and then closed it again, holding it to his knees for a long time and not letting go. The air conditioner at the back blew the gauze curtain, and white light poured into the whole room. The figure sat on the edge of the bed, looking so lonely that it was about to melt into the light...

Julian walked out of the apartment door, took out two tickets to a Chinese restaurant party from his pocket, took a look, then tore them off and threw them into the trash can.

Not far away, my friend's car was waiting there. The man leaned against the car door, saw him, and laughed: "He came out so quickly again, only in front of this girl, you can't always find a topic Can talk, should I say this is a good phenomenon or a bad phenomenon?"

"She's too sensitive, and I don't want to be hated by her just like that."

Entered the car door from both sides, and then the car started slowly: "So, do you really want to arrange a future for her? Create an oriental music goddess?"

Julian smiled: "I should go to China."


"She is very stubborn and won't stay in Europe, so I will arrange so much for her first, and then she will make concessions and let me arrange her future in China, and...the East should be able to give me more inspiration, I've wanted to go and see it for a long time..."

"It's really hard work, I think you really can't concentrate on the piano now..."

"I'm more focused on her now."

"As if every artist falls in love with their own work?"

"That's right." Julian nodded, "It's like... every artist will fall in love with his own work."

When the car turned the corner ahead, he remembered the photo album on the bedside table in his room, and he had seen the photos in it. It was a wedding photo, one man and two women, in those photos, Ling Jing smiled sweetly, or slyly, these emotions were enough to be called happiness, and he had never seen them since he had been her tutor for three years.

Will show up again one day...

The vehicle passed by many beautiful buildings, he thought so, and stretched his brows.

At the same moment, Ling sat quietly in that light, pressing the photo album on his lap, his eyes blurred. Thousands of miles away, in an empty and deserted city street, the man behind the cart raised his head and looked at the constantly exploding and scattered fireworks in the night sky. Face……


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