Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven August Fire Chapter 422 Memories are like knives

During the time when she just went from Jianghai to Vienna, she had thought about many things.

The scene of the breakup reappeared in her mind over and over again, and she guessed the reason for it, various reasons, Jiaming might have encountered some kind of difficulty and needed both herself and Shasha to leave temporarily, maybe it was What happened to him that he didn't need to participate in, or maybe because he didn't want to delay her future, what did his parents say to him.

Some things may feel stupid when you think about them, just like when we watch some messy romantic dramas, we feel that the hero and heroine are too indecisive, but what is family, Yi Jiaming respects his parents, if his parents really treat him If he said something, maybe he would really let himself go to Vienna.

This is the reason she is most willing to accept. Of course, there are also those who are unwilling to accept and think about it, but gradually, these thoughts become less, and she no longer thinks about the original reason, because the more she feels about certain things The more you look forward to thinking, the more serious the sadness that piles up. She thought: I am not wrong, since you want me to do such a thing, then I will finish it first, and then I can pursue all this with peace of mind. Before that, she didn't want to go back to Jianghai, and she didn't want to know anything about Jiaming. Like an ostrich, she stubbornly waited for the day when the spring blossoms.

Four years was like a prison, she tried not to think too much, waiting for the day by day to pass, and now she finally came back. Spring is here, and she feels that it is time for her to investigate, who knows what she will face. In the voice of mother's words, she slid towards the direction she was least willing to think about...

"After Shasha's accident, your dad and I tried to contact her, and then we also found some of the remaining connections in the Huang family, but we couldn't contact Jiaming at all in those few days. We thought he must be with Shasha Son, who knew that a few days later, a policeman came over and told us that Jiaming helped Shasha escape and was arrested..."

The affection for Jia Ming is no less than that of her own children. Thinking of these things, Duan Jingxian wiped the red corners of her eyes, looked at her daughter who was engrossed in waiting for the next article, and recalled the events of that summer.

"... Shasha was not caught. We went to the police station to see him. Jiaming looked fine. We heard that the police station often beat people to interrogate cases, but he was not beaten. There was no injury on his body. He seemed to be in good spirits, and he just kept smiling at us, saying that nothing happened, but soon after, he was sentenced to five years..."

"Then he..." Ling Jing's voice trembled, "Is he in prison now?"

"No." With tears in her eyes, Duan Jingxian shook her head, "At that time, I had a lot of relationships with your father. But the above said that this case is more complicated, but how complicated it is, but I can't tell you anyway. Jiaming has not revealed the whereabouts of Shasha. The sentence will be very fast... When we went to see him during this period, he kept saying, don’t tell you, he understands your character, Vienna hasn’t started school yet, if he told you, You must come back, and coming back will not help... He has always understood your..."

Mother was silent for a while, with a smile on her face. = Continued: "I discussed this with your dad. There are some things you should know, because you are such good friends. Growing up together, you know, your dad and I have always regarded you as real siblings , you, Jiaming and Shasha... But even if you came back at that time, you really couldn't do anything. We decided to wait until after you really started school before calling to tell you about Jiaming's sentence and Shasha's departure. By then, you Even if you rush back from Vienna once, at least you can go back again. The prison sentence can be commuted. When he comes out, you can just graduate and go home. In September and a half, we went to see Jiaming. I remember that the sun was very bright that day. Daddy, your dad and I waited outside for a while, and after we entered, we waited for a while, and they said that something happened to Jiaming..."

"...It took him more than ten minutes to come out. He seemed to have just washed his face with water. His hair and face were covered with water, but he was still very happy to see us smiling. We asked him how he was doing. The people inside Did you bully him? We know that newcomers will always be bullied there, especially Jia Ming, who looks very kind. But he said no, we can’t manage these things after all, you Dad could only ask someone to send some money to someone to take care of him, and then we talked about telling you the matter, you should come back once, and we were ready. But at that time he became very silent, silent for a long time ,Then……"

Duan Jingxian raised her head and looked at her daughter: "Then...he talked about the relationship between you."

For a moment, Lingjing's body seemed to go numb, and she heard her mother's voice resounding in the room: "You... the fact that Jiaming and Shasha live together..."

There was silence in the room, just like the silence in the prison back then. It was hard to imagine what the parents' mood would be like at that time, but there was not much reprimand or dissatisfaction on the mother's face at this time, and what was there was just a touch of desolation . Ling Jing looked at her, what she cared most at this moment was not the fact that her parents found out about the cohabitation that started four or seven years ago, but she still had some troubles in her heart: "And then..."

"Then... Then he gave us this thing, told us the reason why you went to Vienna, the reason why you broke up..."

A smile of unknown meaning appeared on Duan Jingxian's face, desolate and reluctant, she handed out the document bag in her hand, and patted her daughter's hand.

"Your father and I... didn't mean to blame you, although we were really helpless when we first found out, but there was nothing we could do... We have seen the relationship between the three of you, and we have been together since we were young , do everything together, just like one person, what about that child Jiaming, he was bullied when he was young, and then his personality was a bit extreme, you always said to protect him at that time, and then he really became a very good person Boy. $$’s concern for the people around you can be seen. Your dad and I both like him, and have always thought of letting you marry him when you grow up. Sometimes the three of you live together at night and don’t come back. Living together, your dad and I were also worried about whether you were too young and would not be able to control what you did, but later decided to let you go. If it’s just the two of you who want to live together, then we will definitely not agree up."

"Because I thought about these things at that time, and later I heard that the three of you are actually together. Your father and I can't help it, you are both children, but the most important thing is because at that time, seeing this All of a sudden...there is no feeling at all..."

She watched her daughter pull the documents out of the paper bag, and picked up one.

"He should have started to get sick a few years before that. I remember you told about Jiaming's headache at that time, and then asked about some medicine. At that time, everyone didn't pay attention to it. But the thing is like this... "The medical certificate was placed in front of Ling Jing, "He has a tumor in his brain, it is very big, such a big tumor, it must be painful all the time, we don't know when he knew about it, the only thing that is clear Yes... At least for more than a year from 1999 to 2, he endured such a headache, maybe even knew the news that he was going to die, and always acted like a normal person in front of us..." I don't know Know how he broke up with you. I don't know exactly where he sent Shasha, but he has indeed been thinking about you all the time..." Her voice was choked with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Jiaming is dead, Lingjing..."

It's like turning back time. She went back to the time when she lived together. At that time, they seemed to share the same body and soul. In the countless gaps that she could see, she could see the picture of the boy gritting his teeth and enduring the pain. She obviously felt it. of……


The stiff body hugged those things, bent down slightly, the tears lost control, and could only feel the feeling of continuous sliding down the face. She opened her mouth. The air was spat out forcefully, but there was no sound. The body trembled in the stiffness, as if the soul was about to rush out to fight violently. Mother leaned over and hugged her.

For a moment, the people who were chatting in the living room suddenly heard a heart-piercing cry...

Hotel Lobby.

"Who is that..."

"It looks so arrogant..."

"It won't be Fang Yusi's former lover..."

"Maybe it's my brother..."

Amid all the discussions, Fang Yusi squatted in front of the sofa, looking up into the eyes of the man in front of him.

"Gu... Jiaming? What's the matter with you...do you still know me?" There was no answer to this kind of inquiry. From the beginning to the end, the other party only gave her a slight glance, and then turned away again. She turned her head to look at Zheng Zepei, but Zheng Zepei just spread his hands to show that he didn't know anything, and when he wanted to get up and ask the rest of the people, the flash light suddenly turned on.

As if stimulated by something, the man in front of her also raised his hand to cover his face.

Fang Yusi looked at the reporter outside for two seconds, then stood up abruptly, took the man's hand, and walked towards the crowd. "This is not a place to talk, let's go in first." Then he ordered the bodyguard next to him, "No matter what, take down that reporter's film."

Everyone stared at her intimacy in a daze, Xiaopang, Mu Qingqing and others stared straight at her, and Momo was a little excited: "Can we participate too?"

Fang Yusi paused for a moment and smiled: "His friend is my friend... Chairman Sun, can you let them attend the party together?"

The second half of the sentence was addressed to the host of the party next to her. Since she said this, she naturally got an affirmative answer. Just before a few people started to walk inside, Jia Ming glanced at the woman holding his arm beside him, and then pulled his hand out calmly. His movement was not too big, but in such a situation While everyone was watching, he was seen by almost everyone. It's so arrogant. I have never seen a person who was held by Fang Yusi so affectionately and even took the initiative to break free. It is estimated that there will not be many in the future.

As for Tan Keqing, the rumored boyfriend who was holding hands with Fang Yusi, who was next to him, his entire face turned black in an instant.

Aware of the meaning of this action, Fang Yusi smiled wryly. After a short moment, he returned to a decent and charming smile, and stretched out his hand: "Then... let's go in together..."

Next to the party hall, quiet room. After entering, Fang Yusi immediately asked the host to find a lounge for them, and then a group of people walked in. At this time, Mu Qingqing asked her with a puzzled face if she knew Jiaming's background, but at this moment she His expression is a bit complicated. He and Zheng Zepei looked at each other.

As for Gu Jiaming, others may forget it over time, but people like her and Zheng Zepei will not. Some things actually happened more than two years ago. At that time, a few insiders talked about the original "concept" and Jiaming in a meeting. In the past, he would send a few songs to Huang Lao and Zheng Zepei as he pleased, sometimes more and sometimes less, but since more than a year, the songs have been completely cut off. Although they knew each other's character, after talking about it, they each conducted a simple investigation.

Originally thought that the other party had already entered the university in a stable manner. Perhaps with his kind of maverick personality, he might leave the society directly without entering university. He used to play music, but it is understandable to give up now. Who knew that after such a simple investigation, each of them would find out With some messy results, it is impossible to find out the current situation of the other party, but the information obtained seems a little weird.

It's as if this person suddenly encountered something and disappeared from the world.

People who have achieved this position in the music circle basically have a lot of contact with all kinds of teachings and nine streams, and they meet after that. Then they used their respective relationships to investigate at a deeper level, only to discover that this boy named Gu Jiaming was most likely involved in some political struggle or similar confidential incidents, no matter from which aspect All the news they got told them vaguely: stop being curious about this person. And some officials who have a good relationship with them also revealed something: this matter. There is resistance from above, and I can't continue to investigate, but the person you mentioned should be dead.

It's hard to express their respective feelings at that time. People like Huang Lao and Zheng Zepei are naturally lamenting the fall of a ghost, but they can't imagine it. From ancient times to the present, if the art field is involved in too complicated things. Most of them don't end well. And on Fang Yusi's side. But she felt a little sad, and she even turned down a concert plan because of this. She didn't announce too much to the outside world, and for her, it was regarded as a sacrifice. .

The acquaintance of the two was not very pleasant. In fact, Fang Yusi also understood that the other party probably didn't like her a little bit. You can say that this incident was an accident, of course you can say the same. At that time, because she was in a bad mood, she casually vented her anger on the little girl named Ye Lingjing. It's as if you lose your temper with people casually when you're depressed, but inadvertently cause harm to others. Who knew they were actually a real concept band.

The reason why he hates himself has its own reasons, and he is also clear about it. After that, there is not much room for correction, but because of Ye Lingjing's admiration for him, Gu Jiaming still gave enough to make him popular again. ground song, and even gave it a second time. After that, her reputation and status have skyrocketed. She knows what this person means to her. She once thought that she is not an ungrateful person. Therefore, when something happened to the Huang family, she took the initiative to ask to speak for the Huang family, hoping to be able to If you help me a little, the reason is this: you helped me, and now I am fine, and if you need anything, I will definitely do my best to help you.

And he died suddenly, until now, a few years later, when he suddenly appeared here, looking at this man who seemed to have become a little confused, all she thought was these.

He may have been involved in some trouble, or he may have encountered a very difficult problem, even if he looks like a fool now, so what...

Taking a deep breath, she smiled and looked at Mu Qingqing opposite.

"Sorry, about him, I don't think I can say..." After a pause, "However, where do you live now, can I go and see him tomorrow?".

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