Hidden Assassin

Volume VII August Fire Chapter 425 Night Talk

The incident of the hotel explosion at night was not widely publicized. When Fang Yusi found Jiaming through various channels, it was already afternoon. At this time, Mu Qingqing and Ding Xiong were discussing the case with people from Hong Kong in the police station in Yau Ma Tei. , the new accommodation address has not been arranged yet, Fang Yusi came to find him suddenly, which surprised a group of people.

With their identities, it’s not that they don’t have the opportunity to get in touch with celebrities. Xiaopang often gets some precious celebrity merchandise because of his uncle’s relationship. The relationship is really very rare. For a while, the whole team was in a hurry, and only the serious team leader, Mu Cha, was upset. Originally, he felt a little slanderous about Mu Qingqing bringing a patient to Hong Kong to handle the case. , At this time, a big star was actually involved to affect the work, but he was serious, and he didn't express his anger at this time to discourage everyone's enthusiasm.

"If you haven't arranged a place to live yet, I have a villa here, and you can move to my place temporarily. The conditions are not very good, but...it's okay..."

After the afternoon ended, Fang Yusi, who had been alone in the reception room with Jia Ming for more than two hours, suggested this. She said it simply, but everyone also understood that this kind of big star's villa is definitely quite suitable, Mu Qingqing He and Ding Xiong declined a few words, but Fang Yusi's attitude towards Jia Ming seemed very firm. Mu Qingqing also wanted to ask her more about Jia Ming's past affairs, and finally agreed. In addition, regarding the bombing case last night , Fang Yusi also seems to think that he has some channels.

"I'm here... I know a few friends in the ***, they may have some connections, I have already called, please ask them to check, if it is a community in Hong Kong or something like that. * *** can usually find out..."

She spoke hesitantly about this matter, and Mu Qingqing and Ding Xiong probably understood that the showbiz in Hong Kong actually has an indistinct relationship with the underworld, and most of them are directly controlled by a few gangsters. With his status in the entertainment industry, he can naturally get in touch with this aspect. Although the police's sources of information may not be worse than the gangsters at present, it is always much better to have this relationship.

Because of last night's explosion. It was impossible for the serious crime team to exclude the two of them from the case handling team, but in fact, the summary of clues throughout the afternoon did not have much effect. Because this incident is indeed a bit strange, although there have been cases of desperadoes sending bombers to bomb the police for revenge a long time ago, but since the return of Hong Kong, the local gangsters have never been arrogant enough to bomb the mainland to jointly investigate At the level of a criminal policeman, no matter what, throw this **** away. It's like slapping the police in the face. If the situation escalates immediately, it can only spread to a greater extent, and there is absolutely no possibility of nothing. This kind of thing is not good for any local gangsters, and the clues that the police are currently investigating are all within the scope of the gangsters. There are not many desperadoes who can run away with one vote, so. Who is it that played the ****?

With such questions in mind, in the evening of that day, several people checked into Fang Yusi's villa in Taiping Mountain. It looks a bit ugly on the outside, but the various facilities inside are really luxurious. In addition to Fang Yusi, there are five or six people living in the villa, including her agent, driver, chef, and bodyguard. Although it seems that singers and movie stars are recognized as rich people , but able to achieve her level. After all, not many.

That night, Fang Yusi had a party, so he settled several people and went out. Ding Xiong went out for a stroll. Mu Qingqing and Jia Ming were watching TV in the living room. Looking at Jia Ming who was thinking about something, Mu Qingqing was full of doubts. Can't ask. At about ten o'clock in the evening, Jia Ming looked at her for a while, frowning. Mu Qingqing looked at that thoughtful gaze. After being stunned for a while, he hesitated and asked, "It's back to normal again? Say something."

The question was left unanswered. Mu Qingqing was relieved again, anyway, he always looked thoughtful. After a while, she looked at the clock and was about to turn off the TV to sleep before she stood up, and finally heard a voice beside her speak slowly: "Probably... nine years ago..."

"What happened nine years ago?"

Jiaming seemed to be confused because of his thoughts, "In summer...in autumn, in the hospital...in 1995...no...in Pei Luojia, me and...they...five one seven three were killed by me. It's... no... I know you..."

In the past, when he suddenly returned to normal, he only spoke a few short sentences, which sounded completely normal, and at most made people feel a little withdrawn. Don't worry, just wanted to say something, then shook his head lightly, and slowly finished the sentence "I know you." He frowned and stopped talking, Mu Qingqing was trying to sum up the whole sentence, but couldn't figure it out. If there is any clue, at most, the sentence "5173 is what I killed" shocked her a little.

"We...Of course we know each other, but...5173? You used to...wouldn't be a secret agent, hehe..." Some sensitivity to this sentence is just a professional habit, and Mu Qingqing couldn't help it after asking. When I got the answer, I stopped thinking about it, just turned around and sat down again, "Nine years ago, that's right, at least you still know the current time. Nine years ago was indeed 1995. That year... I Not long after becoming a policeman, he is young, messy, doesn't understand anything, and spends all day in a hurry at the police station..."

She patted Jiaming on the shoulder, recalling what happened nine years ago, but most of them can't remember clearly, these memories have long been mixed up in her mind, entangled with what happened ten or eight years ago , no difference: "At that time... I remember that my sister always stole my police uniform, and I beat her several times for this... I have a sister, you know, just the picture in my wallet ...I don't know if you've seen it before, hey, I'll show you one more time..."

She took out her wallet and opened it to show Jiaming the photo: "I was like a boy since I was a child, and I had a sense of justice. At that time, I wanted to be a policeman all day long...but she is a little taller than me now..." She gestured, Just like this, I talked about some things before, and then smiled: "You have been thinking, and one day you will definitely think about everything. Don't worry, today is a great improvement. \\\\\\\\\\ But think clearly Just don't forget about me afterwards."

That's what I said, but that night, she couldn't sleep a little bit. First, it was a new environment, and she came to think about the murders that Jiaming said nine years ago. At that time, she didn't want to think too much. Unavoidably, it was related to Jiaming's strength, and the matter of knocking people out with a shovel. And that thing with Yinhu, he wouldn't really be a secret agent killer or something before. The moonlight came in from the window sill, and she lay tossing and turning on the bed. Around midnight, she heard the sound of the door opening, which meant that Fang Yusi had come home. ^^^^

After another hour or so, she was sure she couldn't fall asleep, so she went to the balcony to enjoy the air. Look down from here. The night view of Victoria Harbor is amazing. Instead, by the swimming pool under the balcony, Fang Yusi, wearing a beige dress, was sitting there with her bare feet in the water, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, listening to music with headphones on, shaking her head. I don't know what kind of premonition it is. She turned her head, smiled slightly, and then swung her wine glass towards the balcony: "Can't sleep? Come down and sit down."

Two minutes later, Mu Qingqing walked downstairs: "This is my first time in Hong Kong, and I'm not used to it these few days."

"Sometimes I don't feel used to it. You know, we run around all year round and live in no fixed place. There is no feeling of home anywhere." Fang Yusi raised his glass and smiled, "Drinking?"


"Drinking a glass of red wine at night will help you sleep. I'll get you a glass."

She went to the table in the room not far away and took a glass, and then poured it for Mu Qingqing: "Being a policeman is a lot of pressure? I always think that a girl who can be a criminal policeman is really handsome, but definitely It takes more effort than a man."

"It's the same everywhere."

"The showbiz is different, uh..." Fang Yu thought for a while, "No, the things we pay are different. We..."

She shut up here. Mu Qingqing didn't know how to continue, but Fang Yusi raised her head and laughed first: "But no matter what. The policewoman is really good, I respect you."

"Oh, thank you. \\\\\\\\\\\\"

Although Fang Yusi left Jiaming with a bad first impression, after so many years of acting career, when she really wants to give someone a good impression, it is still quite simple after all. The matter of the police also eliminated the initial estrangement in Mu Qingqing's heart, and the two chatted by the swimming pool one sentence at a time.

"...Since you have done so well and are so tired, why don't you find time to rest?" People know you. When I was filming the first few films, I felt pretty good about myself at the time. I felt that I was so famous, and I was praised for my acting and singing. It's going to keep cold, if it's not... Phew, anyway, I don't plan to rest until I really can't take it anymore, I can do whatever I can while I'm young..."

"When did you meet Jiaming?"

Fang Yusi froze for a moment, then laughed: "You've been thinking about this for a whole night, uh..." She folded her hands together, as if begging, "I have a reason, there are many things about him that I can't say, say It might be troublesome, but I know him... He was still in high school at the time, I remember he ran to the stage to imitate Westward Journey and sang only-you to scare the whole room, hehe... But that's also It’s not really acquaintance. When I really met, I was shocked. I guess he must not have a good impression of me. It’s so embarrassing. It would be great if I could do it again..."

Mu Qingqing frowned and couldn't understand, and it was really difficult to connect with the man who thinks about things all day long and doesn't talk about the content: "Captain Ding said that Jia Ming used to be a songwriting place..."

"That's right." Fang Yusi smiled brightly, "He used to be the most powerful songwriter, but he didn't want to be famous, so many things were kept secret. Mr. Huang and Zheng Zepei admired him very much. He really helped me a lot. , if it wasn't for him, I think I would have stepped down and bowed a long time ago, so now I really hope that I can help him with something... By the way, how about you? How did you meet?"

After finally confirming Jiaming's previous occupation, Mu Qingqing was somewhat relieved. Writing songs is a bit far away for her anyway, but at least she is an artist, far from a killer agent or something. , I am really a little nervous... As she was thinking, she talked about what happened after she met Jiaming, and when he talked about selling candied and fried chestnuts, Fang Yusi was already surprised, and when she talked about pushing a cart in the rainy night , and then stunned a criminal with a shovel, she patted her chest even more and laughed.

"It's so dangerous, it's more powerful than our filmmaking."

"Yes, he has great strength."

"I know that he should have learned some kung fu before, the kind of physical fitness. His current strength should have been exercised in the past few years. He pushes such a heavy car every day, and he still has headaches. It's really... so hard for him... ..."

The two women said this by the pool, feeling a bit maternity. Fang Yusi did not dare to tell Mu Qingqing about the situation of Jiaming's family and relatives. She is currently investigating these matters, but when it involved such a high-level relationship back then, who knows who Jiaming offended before, if he rashly reports He sent it back and affected those he cared about. I guess he was only doing a disservice in the end. Her current plan is to arrange for Jiaming to be treated first. After he is cured, he will decide everything by himself. There is no rush. Even if it can't be cured, it will be a big problem to raise him in the future. Anyway, it is to repay her kindness. The more she does, the more comfortable she will feel.

The next day, Mu Qingqing and Ding Xiong were going to the serious crime team. Fang Yusi was fine all day, so he suggested taking Jiaming out for a walk, maybe contacting some good brain experts to show him, Mu Qingqing naturally agreed. Come down: "If you want him to do something, drag him over and keep nagging in his ear, and he will agree. Although he doesn't speak, he has a very good personality."

"If only he was so easy to talk to when we first met..." Fang Yusi couldn't help sighing.

In this way, during the day, Fang Yusi drove a sports car and took Jiaming to roam the streets of Hong Kong. She would say a few words from time to time, what happened to her in the past few years, the former Ye Lingjing, Liu Huai, etc. Sha ah and the like tried to arouse Jia Ming's thoughts, but the whole morning seemed to have no effect. When it was almost noon, I received a call.

"Hey, Uncle Li, it's me... Is there any clue about what happened to the ****? Thank you, I took your troubles... Hehe, now... I have a friend, the one I said was almost bombed... He If so... ok ok, we'll come over right away..."

After hanging up the phone, the sports car overturned, and after dozens of minutes, they arrived at a villa near Kowloon. Several men wearing sunglasses who didn't look very kind were waiting at the door. After getting out of the car, Fang Yusi took Jia Ming's hand and walked over with a smile.

"Don't be afraid of them, I'll be with you."

Squeezing Jia Ming's palm, the big star said happily...

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