Hidden Assassin

Volume VII August Fire Chapter 427 Gambling

In the afternoon, Hong Kong and Yisheng.

"Uncle Li wants to talk to me..."

There were four or five people standing in the room. Min Kun put down the phone and stood up, and these people followed up: "It's about the bombing case the night before yesterday, it's not about looking for an excuse to start a war. What does this have to do with them? We The relationship between Nian and He Shenghe is pretty good... By the way, Ah Sheng, have you found Ah Qiang?"

"Not yet." The man in the striped T-shirt beside him shook his head, "Although Ah Qiang is reckless, there are a few careful people around him. He just hid, and we don't have any clues yet..."

"Clue, I'm not a policeman... This anti-bonkers, who eats me and uses mine and bites me back, planted bombs on the two policemen from the mainland, this time he really got tricked..." Min Kun thought for a while, then turned his head, "You guys had a good relationship with him before."

"Boss..." Asheng and the rest of the people smiled helplessly to show their innocence, and Min Kun let out a sigh of relief: "Then why don't you hurry up and investigate, I have younger brothers under my command, and I can even send you out. Someone found it for me. In addition, all the brothers in the gang, once they see this rebellious boy, immediately attack, try to survive, it doesn't matter if he can't survive, if he can't be dealt with this time, how can we come out and mess around..."

A few days ago, Sha Qiang was instructed to hide well. Who knew that he turned his head and was cut by Da Fei. After being injured, he probably thought that this side wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, and deliberately let him confront Da Fei. Just let someone plant a bomb on the police from the mainland, and the situation got out of hand, and Min Kun was almost congested with anger. I didn't look good for two days. That Asheng nodded and left from the side, Min Kun still shook his eyes gloomyly, and repeated: "Damn it, eat mine, use mine and bite me, rebellious boy..."

He tilted his head, and the two people beside him quietly followed Ah Sheng.

The heat of the sun had gradually decreased. He walked out of the villa and turned across a road. A Sheng took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey... I can't help you if this continues, the elder brother has already issued a murder order... Hah. Rape and murder order... No one is joking with you! There are only a few people around you, think you can turn the world upside down... If you say you are stupid, you are really stupid, make Min Kun and Da Fei look good... Do you know He Yi The government with thousands of Sheng brothers dare not move Minkun easily, if you just go and plant a few bombs, the police will arrest him?"

"In short, leave Hong Kong immediately, there is still time to go now..." Walking to the next intersection of the street, his pace slowed down, and he was in front of the electric pole not far ahead. \\\\\\\\\\\\The two took the newspaper and read it, then put down the newspaper and smiled at him. With his mobile phone attached to his ear, he also nodded. Seeing them walking towards him, he said to the other side of his hand: "That's it, I..."

Just when he was about to hang up, one of them put his hand on his shoulder, and the other stopped him from hanging up the phone and took the phone down. "you……"

"Bug." The man holding his shoulder pointed to a headset in his left ear. "I can't help you now, Brother Sheng."

Another person put the phone to his mouth: "Hey, Brother Qiang. Brother Kun wants to talk to you. Wait..."

A black car drove over from the other side of the road and stopped beside the three of them. As the door opened, Min Kun walked out, glanced at A Sheng, and then patted him on the shoulder: "You never I said that there is a horse, how could I say that you sent your horse out, I really think there is only one. Of course I am looking for you, brother..."

After saying this, he took the phone: "Hey, Aqiang, I'm Minkun... talk, talk... You have an opinion on me, so you can just say it... Now that things are getting so big, what do you say?" What should I do... I'm fucking with you? Hehe... Brother. I never knew you were so imaginative... If you are so fucking imaginative, you might as well write novels. What kind of gangsters are you... Your bomb is well placed, Now things have gotten to this point. Someone has to take care of it. What can I do... Would you like to discuss it with Ah Sheng first and then tell me, we are brothers, he treats you better, thinks of you so much, I'm wondering if you guys are glass... Heh, I've heard people say this to me countless times in the past few decades. I heard it a little more before, but those people are dead now, and it sounds quite fresh now... ...Come here anytime, I'll wait for you..."

After the call, he handed the mobile phone to the person beside him, then pointed at Ah Sheng with his right hand, the finger waved in the air for a while, and sighed.

"Take it back, family law..."

After nightfall, the vitality of Hong Kong, an international metropolis, becomes more apparent. The bustling night scene is like a rainbow. This is a hotel near Tsim Sha Tsui. Min Kun is wearing a suit and leather shoes, waiting for someone.

"Uncle Li has a good face. You met him when you were young. He likes to brag about his friendship with a certain celebrity. He used to say that he had dinner with Li Ka-shing. I guess the hotel is a hotel, but Li Ka-shing is in that box. , he is in this box, and he just said hello to everyone when they went to the toilet, so, be smart later, you can say what he wants to brag about, he is old, but there are still many relationships... cut, actually everyone They are all people with status, why use other people's names to make yourself look taller..."

The words were addressed to the long-haired young man next to him. This is his son Min Zhan. He came back from studying abroad last year, but he still looks like a quack. He was influenced by his father since he was a child. The goal of the young man's life He wanted to be the boss. Even though he had been educated abroad for several years, he still hadn’t changed his mind. After he came back, he quickly got along with the younger brothers in the gang. Minkun didn’t have any idea of ​​making his son a cultural person. In the last year For a long time, he has been trained as a successor.

After a while, the cars they were waiting for arrived. The man at the head was wearing a Tang suit with a dragon pattern and a walking stick. He looked about sixty years old. This is Tang Li, one of the elders of Heshenghe. Not only his reputation, but he still holds real power in the gang, and all kinds of forces are related. Even Xin Yi'an, the leader of the Hong Kong underworld, respects him a lot. Several bodyguards in suits protect him from time to time. When getting off the car, Minkun and his son immediately greeted him with a group of younger brothers.

"Haha, Uncle Li, if you want to see me, in fact, just let me rush over there. Why come here in person...Come on, Ah Zhan, let me introduce you, this is..."

While recounting Tang Li's glorious deeds many years ago, he introduced his son to the other party. Before he could finish speaking, he saw the person coming out from the other side of the car. He was stunned for a moment, and then Tang Li also laughed.

"...Don't bother, this time, it's mainly because one of my nieces wants to meet you. Let me introduce you, Yu Si, this is Min Kun, the eldest brother of Heyi Shengdi, and this is his son, Min Zhan ...This one. I believe I don't need to introduce more, the next one is her friend, to be honest. We are here today because of him..."

"Fang Yusi, hello, Uncle Kun..." Wearing a professional OL outfit and a pair of plain glasses, Fang Yusi at this time does not look as gorgeous as on the TV screen, but has a little more plain temperament. Jia Ming greeted Min Kun and his son with one hand, and then introduced Jia Ming's name. ***** When the group walked into the hotel, everyone probably understood that the man beside her was not pretending to be cool. But because of the illness, it is impossible to communicate with others.

"Actually, when we came here today, the matter should have something to do with you, Akun. To put it simply, Jiaming and two friends came to Hong Kong. Originally, he came to see a doctor, but someone put a pill in the hotel the day before yesterday. The bomb almost hit him. My niece heard about this incident and was extremely anxious. She called everywhere and asked. You don’t have to say that you don’t know about this incident. Not long after it happened. In the alley of a few streets nearby The person who was killed in the explosion was called Liu Huijie, and the people in your gang called him Ajie. He has always been a bomb maker... I don’t care how things happened, the main thing is to ask and make sure there will be no such thing in the future Take care of yourself..."

Before eating, Tang Li talked about this matter straight to the point. Since Fang Yusi was there, Min Kun had no choice but to explain the relationship between this matter and him tactfully, and made a promise that the matter would be resolved as soon as possible and would not let it happen again .

With this explanation, afterward it was just pure eating and communication, talking about Tang Li's previous glorious deeds, talking about Fang Yusi's acting career, and talking about which hospital they knew had the best brain doctor. Apart from not talking, Jiaming acted like a normal person. Fang Yusi almost sat next to him, joking with everyone while picking up food for him, occasionally leaning over his body and whispering a few words. In this ambiguous scene, she was probably extremely curious about the relationship between the two. Fang Yusi only joked that Jia Ming had helped her a lot in the past, and now he was repaying her kindness.

This hotel is the property of He Yisheng, and there is a large-scale underground gambling stall below. The reason why Tang Li is entertained here is because his hobby is not only relying on the old to sell the old, but also likes to gamble twice when he has nothing to do. Now that Xia Yusi is here, everyone talked about it, so it's not easy for her to leave first. After dinner, a few people came to the casino below, and first accompanied Tang Li for a stroll. Although he was old, he loved to be lively, walked around in the crowd, bet when he saw someone interested, and from time to time Tell people about your gambling experience. ***

"Actually, it's psychological warfare. Don't look happy when you get a good card, and don't be depressed when you get a bad card. Sometimes you have to put pressure on your opponent. I think Jia Ming next to you is the best gambler. Haha, no one can see him. What are you thinking about..."

Because of Tang Li's words, when Fang Yusi found a gaming table to play baccarat, he chose to let Jiaming take the cards. However, baccarat obviously has little to do with psychological warfare. Fang Yusi exchanged 100,000 chips. In half an hour, she lost about 30,000 yuan, but she didn't care much about it. She just talked and laughed beside Jiaming, and whenever the cards were dealt, she clenched her fists and yelled, looking extremely nervous. There were a lot of people in the casino, and some people recognized her, but since there were people from the gang following her all the time, it didn't make much trouble. Once someone got a license plate, they were immediately surrounded and asked to wash it off.

Min Zhan has been following the two of them.

Fang Yusi was very approachable today, apart from the silent Jia Ming, only the two of them were of the same age, so Min Zhan was also very enthusiastic, chatting frequently at the dinner table. There was also chatter at the gaming table. He is a bit handsome, and because of dealing with people in the world today, Fang Yusi also showed a little unscrupulous temperament in his words and deeds. He seemed to regard the other party as the kind of woman who yearned for the underworld. Big stars and daughters are all yearning for the life of the underworld - it is said on TV and in novels. He had dated similar women before, although their status was not as high as Fang Yusi's.

After a while, Fang Yu Sifu whispered a few words next to Jia Ming, got up to go to the bathroom, and then left the seat, only to hear a thud, Jia Ming pushed all the more than 60,000 yuan of chips beside him onto it. He took a thousand-dollar chip in his hand and was spinning it around. Fang Yusi was stunned for a while, then shrugged: "Forget it, I'll exchange 200,000 for you when I come back..."

Min Zhan shook his head and smiled helplessly towards the more than 60,000 yuan of chips. The money was not too much, but this scene was a bit messy. He didn't have much affection for the fool next to Fang Yusi, so he only glanced at it for a while. . Leaving his seat, he followed Fang Yusi.

Half a minute later, Jia Ming lost the round, left his seat with the last one-thousand-dollar chip, and walked towards the long table where he played dice.

Walking out of the bathroom, Fang Yusi met Min Zhan, a man in a neat suit and with long hair standing with his back against the wall in the corridor and smiling at her, and she had no choice but to smile and nod in response: "Hi. ^^

"Looking at the entertainment news yesterday, there happened to be gossip about you."

"Oh. Gossip...it's definitely not a good thing to say about me."

"No, it said that you broke up with that man named Tan Keqing. I think it's a good thing... Those of us will have new opportunities..."

"Tan Keqing, there is no such thing as a good thing." Fang Yusi shook his head and shook the water stains on his hands, "The news is like this, it's just going in together, and say that there is something messy between you, we I’m talking here now. If I get secretly photographed, I’ll definitely say I’ve found a new boyfriend.”

Min Zhan thought for a while: "This kind of thing... I don't really mind."

"Please...that's annoying."

"Haha, by the way, I don't know what you think of people like us..."

"Who? What kind of person?"

"It's just...the kind of people who come out to hang out, and most people think it's more unprofessional...".

"I don't think so. The entertainers in Hong Kong know a lot. They all have friends like this. They should be friends. The important thing is not status."

The two chatted with each other in the corridor. Min Zhan intentionally stayed still and slowed down his pace. Ask a few questions now and then and stop for a while. Fang Yusi had no choice but to agree as much as possible, about five minutes had passed by the time he entered the casino. Min Zhan smiled and said, "Do you want some red wine?"

"Thank you, no need, there are so many people outside."

"You can go to the VIP room to play, it's much cleaner there, I have a good way, I promise to teach you how to win money..."

"It's not necessary. Uncle Li likes to play outside. There are more people and there is more atmosphere." Fang Yusi turned her head with a smile, looking for Tang Li in the casino, and said, "I have to exchange some money for him." Chips... um? Where did Jiaming go?"

There was no trace of Jia Ming at the baccarat gaming table before, Min Zhan recruited a younger brother to ask, and then the two were led to a nearby table.

"No, he's in there?"

It was a table for playing dice, and it was crowded with people at this time, and it looked quite intense. Although dice is indeed the most frightening game in the casino, it was not as popular as five minutes ago. Thinking this way, Min Zhan and the other younger brothers separated from the crowd so that Fang Yusi could go through, and squeezed all the way inside, both of them were stunned.

Jiaming was standing in front of the gambling table. In front of him was a pile of various chips, which seemed to have reached several million. When Fang Yusi and Min Zhan squeezed in, he was pushing out the chips, not for gambling. Size, but bet points. At this time, the chips were placed at eight o'clock, and the dealer seemed a little hesitant.

"Wow, what's going on here?"

Min Zhan asked the subordinates around him in a low voice.

"He...he had already lost at baccarat, and he had the last thousand dollars left to gamble. Every game was a point bet, and he won three games in a row. Now his stack of chips has one More than one million, if you win this game again, then...then..." The rules of the casino here, the points at 8 points are 8 for 1, and if you win another game, it will be tens of millions, Min Zhan's face twitched slightly "How is that possible?" Fang Yusi stood by the gambling table and opened her mouth wide, looking at Jia Ming, the chips, and Min Zhan.

After a little hesitation, the banker reached out and opened the dice clock, and then said dryly, "Two two four...eight o'clock..."

It was good that there were not many chips before, but now it has reached tens of millions, and it is a bit troublesome to calculate and sort out. Min Zhan signaled, and the croupier over there had to exchange a lot of chips with super large denominations. After a while, Min Kun and Tang Li had heard the news and rushed over. Hearing that four games won 10 million yuan, Tang Li, who was very interested in gambling skills, was very interested. As a big brother of the underworld, although he knows that such a thing is not good, but as a gambler, he doesn't mind such a thing very much. The person he brought won you 10 million with his ability, and he would have face if he said it, let alone you Since he had to have the stamina to open a casino, his face was always worth the price.

Min Kun's face only showed a slight displeasure at a certain moment, but then he showed generosity, wrote a check of more than 10 million yuan on the spot, and handed it to Jiaming: "Little brother, there is a future, haha, it can't be Has a special function."

By doing this, he has tacitly agreed not to let Jia Ming continue to gamble. Several people chatted for a while, talking about the gambling skills just now, and the points Jia Ming chose. The betting game started, and Jia Ming conveniently placed the check of more than 10 million at eleven o'clock.

At this moment, Minkun and his son's expressions changed, and Tang Li's expression also changed. The crowd around them were excited and followed Jiaming to place bets. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Fang Yusi took La Jiaming's hand: "Forget it, forget it, let's not gamble..."

After saying a few words like this, she smiled at Min Kun, and stretched out her hand to take back the check: "Forget it, we won't play this round." Who knew that Min Kun had already grabbed her hand with a smile before she put it down. The wrist, this grasp was more forceful, Fang Yusi frowned slightly.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. They say they're going to buy and leave, and pay 6 at 11:11. If you lose, it's only more than 60 million. I can still get it out. The important thing is that everyone has fun, and we just happen to meet Jia Ming. The little brother has amazing gambling skills, ready to open... ready to open..."

He smiled and waved to the croupier opposite. Here Fang Yusi's wrist has turned red, knowing that the boss of the underworld has already had an opinion on Jiaming, so he frowned. After all, he is also a person of status, and there is a little anger in his heart: 60 million is nothing, I don't have such a stomach What kind of casino is open, and you are so fussy with a fool. We don’t pay a thousand dollars here. If you win, you will win you. It may not be really afraid that you will fail!

After a while, everyone held their breath, and the croupier pulled the dice clock.

"Six--six--five, seventeen o'clock!"

The gamblers who lost money at the gambling table booed, the croupier heaved a sigh of relief, Tang Li shook his head, a little regretful, and a smile appeared on Min Kun's face: "To be honest, I was really a little bit embarrassed just now." Nervous." In a relaxed atmosphere, the croupier stretched out a long pole and was about to take back the chips and the check, but Jia Ming stretched out his hand and held the pole. He was still frowning, thinking about something , everyone looked over.

"You're out of luck."

At this moment, the expressions of Min Kun and the others, as well as the surrounding atmosphere, really changed!

It is really difficult to put away the clues that have been released one by one. Although I have thought about it a lot before, I still have to constantly modify the plot arrangement when writing. Recently, although some people say that excessive plots lie to the number of words and so on----fact It is not uncommon to say that the plot before Shangyin was killed. I can only guarantee that these plots are actually necessary. The moment Jia Ming picks up the gun again, it should be exciting. Uh, in fact, I mainly want to say, May 1st double monthly pass, if you have a monthly pass and plan to vote for Yinsha, just these few days, don't hesitate^^.

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