Hidden Assassin

Volume Eight Doors of the Past Chapter 430 Restless Night

night, Hong Kong.

"In 2000, I was in Jianghai Wuheling Prison..."

The tense situation became slightly weird at that moment. In fact, the time was not long, but under the gaze of everyone, the feeling of stalemate was naturally prolonged. Sha Qiang, who had originally planned to take the hostages and leave, was also a little anxious at this time. Seeing A Yuan's face, He gritted his teeth sharply.

"What the hell are you doing!"

With a low growl, he suddenly turned his gun and pointed at the man standing by the gaming table. Fang Yusi, who was squatting on the ground, cried out. At the same time, Na A Yuan suddenly came to his senses, waved his hand, and slammed the opponent's muzzle down.

"You want to die...uh..."

His hand was originally used to strangle the hostage's neck. The moment he let go, Na Minzhan also seized the opportunity, and rushed forward, getting out of the muzzle of the gun. Almost using this action as a signal, the surrounding Dozens of people moved one after another in a few seconds.

Min Zhan only took a step forward, turned back abruptly, grabbed the gun with his backhand, and then dozens of people interacted. In an instant, the sound of gunfire was loud and deafening. Dozens of rays of light wove into a brilliant net in the hall, and countless sparks burst on the ceiling. Come out, sway all over the sky, the light flickers fiercely like a disco, the sound of gunfire mixed with screams, suddenly filled the entire casino like a symphony.

This huge chaos lasted about 20 seconds. Some gaming tables were overturned, sawdust burst into the air, poker, dice, and various gambling tools. Some people fell into a pool of blood, some cried, some rush out. When the situation calmed down a bit, most of the surrounding lights had gone out, and it was a mess. Min Kun was yelling: "Catch them and kill them!" Then he yelled: "Call an ambulance, hurry up!"

Min Zhan fell on the ground not far from Fang Yusi. The moment he snatched the gun, he was shot away by a bullet and was shot in the chest. At this moment, he seemed to be dying. Tang Li was also shot and injured his arm. At this time, he was supported by several bodyguards and sat down on the side. Two of the people brought over by Wei Zhiqiang died, and even if he and the other two companions escaped, they were more or less injured, and it was unclear whether they could escape or not.

Jia Ming stood on the spot and turned around a few times. Looking at the scene full of people, his brows were frowned, and he seemed a little disapproving. (Jun'zi'tang's first post) In a short period of time, the sound of the police car outside became louder and louder, and then the police arrived.

Under such circumstances, no one can control others. The first batch of police officers are only responsible for evacuation. Fang Yusi was shocked, and took Jiaming to the hotel lobby, ordered a can of Coke to drink there, and passed a can to Jiaming. not for a while. A second batch of police officers came in from the door. Fang Yusi recognized the men in plain clothes from a distance. The serious-looking man at the head was Mu Cha, the leader of the serious crime team whom he had just met yesterday. Not long after he entered, the ambulance also arrived.

Although the scene at that time was extremely chaotic, there was no tragedy of dozens of people being killed or injured. Tang Li, who was injured in his hand, was almost carried out with Min Zhan, and a large group of people followed. These people were divided into two groups. One group is Na Minkun and a group of younger brothers, and the other group is members of the serious crime team led by Mu Cha. Both sides seem to have quarreled.

"My son was shot now!" Min Kun was already angry, and shouted loudly: "What are you doing here if you don't catch the murderer now? Is anyone of you going to catch the murderer?"

"The police are amazing! Let me tell you, if something happens to my son, I don't care about it... This matter will never end, it will never end!"

"I'll dig three feet to find those people! Either catch me now! Or catch the murderer now! I'll go to the police station and tell you everything after I catch them!"

Minkun has been around for decades, and he probably understands the consequences of his son being shot. At this moment, he yelled as if losing his mind, and the younger brother who followed him confronted the police angrily. He was always serious, and of course he couldn't hear what he said, but he didn't say a word, and Min Kun exploded as if he had been ignited, and it was conceivable that most of them were not words of comfort.

A group of people came out with the stretcher and walked through the hall. Min Kun was about to go out the gate. He glanced here inadvertently, and then stopped with blood red eyes. After a while, he waved his hand and strode towards this side. In Fang Yusi's eyes, his heart turned cold, and he didn't know how this matter had anything to do with him.

However, when she got closer, she realized that Min Kun was not looking at her, but Jia Ming, who was leisurely drinking Coke beside him. A few seconds later, the out-of-control gangster stood in front of Jia Ming, condescending: "He What did I tell you then?"

He Yisheng is very powerful in Hong Kong, with thousands of brothers under his command. The huge influence makes the government dare not move him easily. It is also because of this that he dared to challenge Mu Cha at this time. Such a gang boss is now clearly going to investigate After all, that kind of momentum is enough to make most ordinary people tremble with fear, but here, Jia Ming seems to regard him as a mass of air. He takes a sip of Coke, smacks his lips, and nods slightly as if he understood something, or as if Appreciate the taste of cola. ^^ Jun. Son. Tang. First. Send ^^

Min Kun leaned down and looked into his eyes: "Speak----"

"Mr. Min, this matter is related to him..." Fang Yusi stood up, and before he could finish speaking, Min Kun had already waved his fingers vigorously.

"Shut up! Sit down!"

In Min Kun's blood-red eyes, Fang Yusi gritted her teeth and stood stubbornly. At this time, he was not interested in caring too much. He nodded, looked at Jiaming again, and said in a deep voice, "I will investigate this matter to the end. If you don't tell me, you will die!"

"Mr. Min." It was Mu Cha next to him who spoke at this time. Although he was a little doubtful that Fang Yusi and Jia Ming were here, it was not easy to get to the bottom of it at this time. "You talk like this, and the consequences will be very serious!"

"There is a kind of threat to sue me." Min Kun turned to stare at him, and then looked at Fang Yusi, "I won't give anyone's face in this matter! He can't speak? Heh, if there is no trouble inside, there will be troubles later. That kind of situation? If it has nothing to do with you, what did that person say to him... Humph!"

I had a falling out with Shaqiang on the phone earlier, and Minkun more or less strengthened the guards around him. This is the reason why most people were armed with guns. Get confused. Attracting the attention of most of his subordinates, it is certainly impossible for Silly Qiang to just take hostages like this. Coupled with A Yuan's reaction in front of Jia Ming later, Min Kun has already connected the two at this time. Fang Yusi's heart began to sink. She has also seen a lot of things in the world, and she can't explain it at this time, and she is a little unclear about the situation. What can she explain, and Min Kun will definitely not listen to it.

Also at this time, Jia Ming stood up in front of Min Kun, and threw the Coke bottle in his hand into the trash can as if nothing had happened. Min Kun watched his movements and sneered twice. Turning around to leave, he rushed back suddenly: "Fuck you!" He pushed his hands towards Jia Ming's chest. He is not very tall, but he is big enough to explain. Pushing it like this, the average person would have to fly several meters away. At the same time, someone shouted: "What are you doing!" and rushed over, but it was Mu Qingqing and Ding Xiong who arrived.

Jia Ming didn't move, Min Kun seemed to be pushed against a wall, his body swayed, he staggered back two steps, and fell to the ground under the eyes of everyone, Mu Qingqing who just ran to Jia Ming's side and tried to block it Also a little surprised.

such a scenario. Most people - including Min Kun - were not too surprised after being stunned. After all, he is not a young man anymore. It is very common for his son to be agitated after being shot, and to use the wrong force. No one could notice that Jia Ming lightly clenched his right fist at that moment but didn't swing it because of Mu Qingqing's arrival, and then slowly released it, and not many people would know that if he had just Mu Qingqing came for half a second late, and the scene in front of them might become a scene they will never forget.

Although it feels very face-saving to fall this time. But Min Kun came to his senses instead. Getting up from the ground, he took another hard look at Jiaming. Turn around and leave: "Let's go, go to the hospital."

The next moment, Mucha stood in front of him, and said in a completely formulaic way: "Sorry, I said, you are going to the police station."

Min Kun tilted his head, his eyes widened, and the silence between the two groups of people became more rigid. After a while, the underworld boss said word by word: "You can't afford this responsibility, Inspector Mu!"

"So many guns have been fired, and things have turned out like this. Now you can't bear the responsibility, Brother Kun." Mucha still has a formulaic face, and he stated formulaically, "Now you have three choices. First, you and your The gang of brothers behind us go to the police station, explain everything or wait for your lawyer to come and decide what to do. I know you are used to finding someone to take the blame, but to be clear, this time there will definitely be a group of them. Second, now fuck the guy with Let's have a fight. If you run away without being caught, I want you. Third, you know my boss very well, to the extent that he can help you in this kind of thing. Now let him call me, put You. How do you feel?"

With the siren of the police car, another batch of police cars entered the hotel. Min Kun took a deep breath and tapped his chest with his finger: "Now my son has been shot, it's hard to say whether he can survive tonight... I'm going to the hospital now, save a way so we can meet each other in the future."

After a while, Mu Cha opened his hands, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I'm sorry." That smile seemed to be gleeful.

Afterwards, under Min Kun's venomous eyes, the police arrested people and began to go into the police cars in batches. Mu Cha smiled at Fang Yusi and the others: "According to their statement, you seem to have been involved too. No matter what, the confession still needs to be recorded, and I will let Xiaopang accompany you back, Captain Mu, Captain Ding, you are going back too, so I will leave it to you."

On the way back to Fang Yusi's villa, Mu Qingqing and Ding Xiong clarified the situation, and they were a little confused: "Does your team leader usually handle cases like this?"

"No." Xiaopang frowned and shook his head, "Although he is generally called Shiren Mucha, he is often more humane. You see, everyone is familiar with Miss Fang, so it doesn't matter if you go home and record the confession. But tonight, in other respects... it seems that the implementation is a bit too thorough..." He thought for a while: "Could it be that he wants to transform?" At twelve o'clock that night, Min Zhan died.

When they got the news, Fang Yusi, Mu Qingqing, and Ding Xiong were still discussing today's affairs while eating supper in the living room, and Jia Ming had already gone back to his room to sleep.

In the office of the Yau Ma Tei Police Station, Mu Cha stood by the window smoking a cigarette, looking at the night outside. Behind him, the police officer who just reported the incident to him was a little worried: "Team leader, in this way, Min Kun will madly……"

"Heh..." Mucha laughed, "I'm afraid he's not crazy enough..."

Looking back to the second floor of Fang Yusi's villa in Taiping Mountain, the sound of typing on computer keyboards came from a somewhat dim room. This is the bedroom where we thought Jia Ming had already slept. The LCD computer screen glows white in the dark, like a window in this dark space, a figure sits in front of the computer, and keeps typing some names into the search bar of the computer, all kinds of In this quiet and restless night, pages were turned over...


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