Hidden Assassin

Volume 8 The Door to the Past Chapter 436 Huiqing

At about five o'clock, Mu Cha and others rushed to the scene of the accident, and all they saw were parts and car window fragments all over the place.

It was probably determined that it was a car accident before, and the traffic police and others had already protected the scene of the road. Due to the investigation of the serious crime team, the traffic police only reported it to the above. It is probably a clue related to the Fang Yusi case. At present, the two cars have collided. I fell into the sea with the guardrail open. Because the slope near the sea is too high and steep, the crane is basically useless. The tugboat has been contacted and is rushing over there, but the investigation of the traces on the road surface is really a bit strange.

"...This large area of ​​scratches is more than ten meters away from the place where the vehicle fell into the sea, but it is impossible for ordinary vehicles to cause such marks, unless the car has been collided and deformed before it fell into the sea, and the chassis and The ground has rubbed, the question is, what is blocking it...the two marks in front of it should be caused by the friction between the sole of the shoe and the road..."

The inspector looked a little strange when he was inspecting the road surface. Mu Cha squatted on the ground and saw that there was a mark more than one meter long, and frowned: "Assuming that there were people on the road before the collision, the moment the front of the car was pushed down, there would be no accident. It pinned down the opponent's foot, so it slipped more than a meter away, but the problem is that there is no blood left here, so it must be some kind of mess... The one that can hold down the front of the car is an engineering forklift?"

The surveyor shook his head: "No matter what kind of car it is, once it has such a collision, it will definitely leave marks, but there is no rut left by any car in front..."

"That's why I don't know what pushed the front of the car down..." Mu Cha stood up, he didn't need to worry too much about things like surveying the scene, since he couldn't find the answer for a while, let the professionals analyze it , he walked to the side of the road. Looking at the bloodstains that can still be seen on the mountain wall and the road, he smiled and asked the people on the side: "What do you think, Captain Mu?"

"I guess Ms. Fang must have found someone herself..." Mu Qingqing frowned, "From the scene, it seems that someone stopped the two cars. There may have been some conflicts at the scene, and someone jumped out of the car. came out and hit the side here. Then...the two cars were thrown into the sea with everyone..."

As soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone rang again. It was an unfamiliar number, and it was only after I got through that I realized that it was actually Fang Yusi calling.

"... Jiaming and I are fine. Out of danger... Uh, anyway, it's hard to say. I thought about your number for a long time, and now I can't tell you... It's really okay. We are now at Repulse Bay. By the beach It's a small square... Jia Ming brought it here, who knows if he wants to see a swimsuit or something... I'll call later, a public phone, I don't have any change, and the ice cream is almost melted ...so hot...drip----"

Her mobile phone was smashed when it was hijacked. At this time, talking on the public phone was in a hurry, and she was still in the mood to eat ice cream. Mu Qingqing held the mobile phone for a long time, and then talked about it with Mu Cha, who frowned and asked Xiaopang to wait. People immediately rushed to Repulse Bay to have a look.

"It seems that Ms. Fang really found a helper by herself, but this matter is getting bigger now. Although the marine police haven't figured out the situation below, I guess the people sent by Minkun are probably dead. This time... this time..."

anyway. Once a person died, it really became a big case in front of him. For those who handle the case, there will undoubtedly be a lot of pressure, but Mu Cha showed a smile at this time, as if there was indescribable comfort and satisfaction in it. Mu Qingqing frowned, vaguely feeling that this matter Something unusual.

Obviously it was just a joint investigation of a homicide case, who knew that after coming here, things changed a little fast, with a few Hong Kong gangsters Gua Kar, He Yisheng, Minkun, until Minkun's son died, it started this afternoon The fight between the gangsters, at this point, seems to be out of control. It is of course a great achievement if this matter can be handled well, but if it is a mess, I am afraid it will definitely not be something they can afford.

On the other hand, the waves, the sand, the beauty.

Hanging up the phone, Fang Yusi took the ice cream through the crowd and ran to the teahouse by the sea. Even though it was almost evening, the sun was still hot. She handed an ice cream to Jiaming who was opposite. Then he sat down too.

After coming here, both of them had already changed their clothes in the supermarket. At this time, they looked like a couple who came to travel. Although Jia Ming was a bit taciturn, Fang Yusi looked lively enough, and she was gone now. The worry in the morning and the fear of being hijacked later, more than half an hour was enough time for her to accept the astonishing scene she saw before as reality, and experience a great sense of security.

It is impossible to describe the surprise and shock in her heart when she saw that scene happened more than half an hour ago. The moment the four doors burst, she didn't even have time to open her eyes before she heard gunshots, and the bullets passed through the car and across her body. Beside her, when Jia Ming pulled her out of the dead world in the car, she didn't even understand what happened until he picked up the dead body on the side of the road and stuffed it into the car, and then drove the car into After the sea, she had a slight reaction, and then followed him all the way silently. When he reached the lower seaside, he threw him directly into the sea, and asked her to scrub the blood on her body, and then Wearing wet clothes like that on the road, I found an excuse to hitch a ride here.

From the beginning to the end, Jia Ming didn't speak, but carried out everything in an orderly manner, as if he was not killing people, but just doing an inconspicuous little thing. At the beginning of meeting him, she thought he was just a talented little boy who could write songs. After meeting this time, she was always worried about Jia Ming's safety, so she decided to take him to find Min Kun. Now Thinking about it, I'm afraid everything I did was superfluous.

She has also seen some people who are said to be very powerful, such as special forces and mercenaries, who have demonstrated the ability to fight ten or even dozens of people with one enemy. If it is only this level, she may not be too surprised. . But the scene of Jiaming walking directly with his back to the sea just now really made her feel the meaning of shock. Until now, more than half an hour later, she can continue to feel the slight trembling in her body.

"I called Sister Qing just now and told her that we are here, and they will probably be here soon."

After saying this softly, Ben was just confessing. But Jia Ming, who had been silently looking at the west, finally nodded slowly: "Give me... tell me about Ye Lingjing and Liu Huaisha."

"Oh." Fang Yusi hastily moved the chair closer and sat next to Jiaming. "When I first met you, you were still students. You were in high school at Jianghai Sacred Heart Academy. At that time, you formed a band called Concept Land..."

While summarizing her thoughts, she told all the things she knew one by one, Jia Ming just listened like that, on the other side of the bay. The red sun began to set gradually, sprinkling a piece of brilliant orange red on the sea and beach here...

Half an hour later, Xiao Pang finally found them in the crowd. He looked at the two people sitting and talking together for a while, and vaguely felt that the situation today seemed a little different.

A few days ago, I also saw Fang Yusi taking care of Jiaming. Most of them are like a doting sister, but looking at it from a distance, I don't know why, I always feel that this big star wearing a sun hat and sunglasses is a bit... nympho.

Probably an illusion... He shook his head and walked towards the two of them...

Night, Shenzhen.

In summer, the days are long, and the time is about eight o'clock in the evening. Not long after the sun sets, the neon lights like fire have enveloped this noisy and bustling city. At this point in time. People have just had dinner, and some places that need to be lively in the middle of the night are still deserted. In a pub called "Winter in Paris", Dongfang Lu was sitting at the long table drinking Coke, watching the waiters in the bar busily preparing to open the door.

He was looking at these people, and these young waiters, men and women, were also looking at him more or less. Most of the people working here were young boys and girls who had just graduated from society, and there were also college students who came here to do work-study jobs during the summer. From the girl's point of view, this twenty-four-year-old young entrepreneur has an unspeakable attraction. He is young, easy-going, and rich. He has a good relationship with the bar owner, so they can more or less find out about his There are some rumors about him. It is said that he is the heir of a big family business. The current split of the company is just a temporary interest, but after a few years, his assets have casually reached 100 million. If someone else sat on the stage and drank coke, he would definitely be bs, but when he did this, it was indeed quite individual in the eyes of others.

"Handsome guy, it's too embarrassing to come to my wine to drink Coke, why don't you try the wine I made yesterday?"

A tall and beautiful bartender with a ponytail came over with a smile. Her name is Li Ya, and she is actually the owner of this bar. The two are high school classmates in Sacred Heart. They met after they came to Shenzhen on Dongfang Road. He often came here to drink and have fun, but now he smiled: "No, Sister Ya, are you looking for someone to test the poison?"

She was used to making jokes, but Na Li Ya didn't mind, took out the goblet, but poured herself a glass of Coke: "Everything is arranged?"

"Well, I've been really tired for two days, so I can leave the rest of the matter to them. I'll leave tomorrow."

"Will you still have feelings for Ye Lingjing?" Li Ya smiled, "Are you still here? What about Nana?"

Shi Nana is Dongfang Lu's girlfriend here, and she is still Li Ya's junior, and it is because of Li Ya that they met, but Dongfang Lu obviously didn't think about it so much, and shook his head, probably because of Ling Jing's topic: "How is it possible..." After a while, he added: "Of course I will come back, the career is here."

While the two were talking, a girl in a white shirt came in from the door, and then waved her hand with a smile: "Ah Lu, senior sister." Dongfang Lu frowned helplessly: "I always thought that I was called Alu Why not call it Xiaolu, she has been refusing to change it..."

"Maybe I think you're underrated." Li Ya smiled and lowered her voice, "Be prepared, Nana knows about Ye Lingjing, and knows that you let her dove off yesterday to deal with things. You will throw her away again tomorrow." You ran home from work just to see the girl you once liked, maybe she will torment you."

"You...you are just afraid that the world will not be chaotic..."

Dongfang Lu rolled his eyes helplessly, then turned around, just in time to embrace his girlfriend who rushed over: "Nana, do you want a Coke?"

"Okay." Shi Nana poured Coke for herself, took a big sip and said, "I went to your company just now, and your gang of cronies said that you will return to Jianghai tomorrow. You didn't tell me."

"Oh, a temporary decision. I didn't expect to be able to arrange things today..."

"I also need to go."

"Uh... I haven't been there for a long time..."

"I want to see where you grew up!"

The two entangled for a few words, and the easy-going Dongfang Lu smiled and nodded. Most of the relationship in the past year has been like this. Nana is a girl full of vitality, and her personality is also active-of course, this is a more literary way of saying. In layman's terms, she is the type of sassy girlfriend. Dongfanglu generally allows her play. Don't ask for more.

After saying a few words, Nana asked him cautiously if he had ever pursued a girl named Ye Lingjing back then, and he naturally made some nonsense to divert the topic away for a while. Several partners from the company have already come over, and they opened a big box next to it, let’s say it’s for Dongfang Road to practice, a group of people laughed and made noise, Dongfang Lu sat aside and watched all this, and uttered a sigh of embarrassment. Sigh aware.

In fact, few people know that Dongfang, who has always been regarded as full of guests and friends, really believes in the adage that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, in a sense, when it comes to making friends. Jia Ming vaguely understood this point in his previous life because of decades of data summarization. By now. Dongfang Road's thoughts on Lingjing have long since faded away. A truly proud person will not get entangled in such a matter. He had let go of his thoughts since he knew the fact that Jiaming and Lingjing were living together, but what really cared about him now was actually his promise to Jiaming.

From then on when he asked Jiaming: "How can I trust others?" Jiaming's answer was: "At least I can trust you." At that time, he had already decided that at least the following things should be perfect for him. For him, it is a kind of trust, especially after Jiaming's death, this promise becomes even more important. Therefore, ever since Lingjing came back to Jianghai, he always had a heavy heart, not knowing what to say or how to explain, so as to minimize the damage. .

In his heart, it is conceivable that Ling Jing is in such a sad state of mind at this time.

Of course, in some respects, he still has feelings for Lingjing. She is a very beautiful girl, not only in appearance, but in his opinion, she is more beautiful in heart. If he insisted on pursuing a woman for marriage, if Lingjing would let go of Jiaming's shackles that day, she might be the best candidate, but it's definitely not now, he understands that a girl will put herself abroad for four years How decisive is the state of mind of forcibly isolating everything that used to be, he is not the blind self-confident person like Julian, he really understands it all too well.

Because I understand, I sigh.

Near midnight, Jiang Hai.

The evening international news was broadcast on the TV, but there was no one in the living room. Qiao Guorui was preparing a supper in the kitchen. After a while, his wife Chen Yali came downstairs with a bath towel and came to help.

"Well, there's too much salt..."

"Is there?" Qiao Guorui picked up a vegetable leaf and put it in his mouth, "I think it tastes good."

"Anyway, you cook well."

The wife smiled and gave him a blank look. After four or five years of married life, they have already understood each other's habits and gradually got along with each other. The only difference is the saltiness of the dishes. Of course, bickering once in a while and getting used to each other is also the fun of life.

After he got married, he left the Yanhuang Awakening Action Group. Chen Yali worked in the municipal committee, so he took a part-time job in the government. Speaking of which, Yali's position was much higher than his, but the two of them didn't care much. These. Today is due to working overtime, so it is only at this time that I treat supper as dinner. After being busy in the kitchen for a while, when the dishes were about to be served, there was a knock on the door, and both of them were stunned.

They live in a villa now. Even if someone came to visit, it should be the doorbell that rang, but now that the door was knocked, it proved that the visitor had entered the courtyard outside. Qiao Guorui and his wife looked at each other, then walked to the door, and after opening the door, there was a tall foreigner outside.

"Hello. Is this Mr. Qiao Guorui's home?"

The Chinese sounds obviously a bit jerky, Qiao Guorui looked at him for a while. Then a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he spoke in English: "If I guessed correctly... are you here to kill me?"


The moment the words came out. Qiao Guorui raised his right hand suddenly, pointed the black muzzle of the gun, and at the same moment, the big man punched the door on the ground from the side of his body. Like a thunderclap, it was in front of him in an instant, and at the same time, a ball of white light swirled out of Qiao Guorui like a whirlpool, brushing the ground. wrapped around each other's arms.

Bang! Qiao Guorui's body jumped out towards the rear, the big man took a step forward, the wall within half a meter around the door frame turned into stone chips and flew, and then he retreated quickly, but the black figure that flashed out suddenly followed him, pale The whisk turned into a phantom under the light, and then it was blown on his face suddenly with a violent sound of breaking wind.

Blood spattered out, and half of his face became bloody in an instant.


The completely unexpected defeat caused him to let out an extremely angry roar, and punched through the barrier woven by the whisk. Blast towards the thin figure in black black clothes behind. At the same moment, the hem of the robe swayed slightly. There was a sudden pain in his lower abdomen, a soundless kick, seemingly powerless, but it blasted around his stomach like an explosion, causing severe colic pain and shaking his whole body. They were all kicked out.

At such a speed, he couldn't even see clearly!

The moment his body landed on the ground, the black figure roared towards him in the night. With a bang, the long sleeve slammed in the air like a long whip, and a thin arm rushed out of the cuff, grabbing at his head violently. Down. In the lower part of the ground, the marble flower bed railing has been directly smashed by this blow, and the stone chips are flying like bullets.

The body has not yet stood still, the black figure has followed the shape like a shadow, and the shot is like lightning, let go of his fist, and the fragmented force explodes continuously on his arms and body. Thin and small, every shot seems weak, but when it hits a person, every shot seems to hurt the bone marrow, especially the speed like a ghost, it is enough to make the enemy extremely depressed.

In the room, Chen Yali had already helped Qiao Guorui up, holding a gun in one hand, looking at the two people who were fighting outside, he opened his mouth: "God... Teacher Huiqing, she..."

Tonight, the one waiting at Qiao Guorui's house was Huiqing who brought Ruoruo. At that time, her strength would actually be so strong. Now in that courtyard, two figures danced like the wind, and they couldn't even see clearly. Although the big man seemed to be at a disadvantage, in the eyes of these people, his speed and strength were astonishing. Shaped like a chariot, wherever the two of them went, the flower beds exploded into powder, and the steel fences beside the courtyard were all folded like noodles and twisted weirdly.

Under the attack of the big man, he kept retreating, his hand was like lightning while dodging, and he slapped him again while the fly was flying, but this time it was firmly slapped on his chest, and the cloth flew In the process, thousands of silk whisks pulled up a large piece of flesh and blood like a steel knife, and bones could be seen vaguely. Amidst the roar of the big man, the figure flickered immediately, and his whole body flew up with a series of kicks.

Calves, knees, thighs, waist, ribs, shoulders, head, all of a sudden, there was a series of seven sounds of "Papapapapapapapa----", Huiqing in black fluttered from his side like a piece of paper Flying, as if climbing a ladder out of thin air, until the last kick on his head, she flew out with her whole body, and while her robe sleeves were flying, four gunshots were fired in a row, and blood bloomed on the enemy's body. At the same time, a white light flashed across the position where she was just now, and then someone pulled the big man back.

Huiqing jumped five meters away and stood firmly. She held the fly whisk in one hand, and the other hand hung down naturally. Just now, she fired four shots in a row, but in the blink of an eye, there was no trace between her hands. Did not see. Opposite her, a foreign man in a white gentleman's suit drew out a rapier stuck in the ground, showing an elegant smile. .

"This must be the most powerful lady in the Awakening of Yanhuang. It is really not easy to achieve such brilliant results at such an age... Kratos, you are too careless. If you are alone today Come, I’m afraid I won’t be able to go back.”

After his words fell, the man named Kratos behind him suddenly yelled "Ah----", under the light, the first scar that Huiqing slapped on his face just now had completely disappeared , only his blood-stained side face remained, and the muscles on his chest were wriggling strangely, healing the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a puff, four bullets flew out of his body, He reached out to catch one, and under the light, the blood-stained bullet made a "sizzling" sound, and was melting continuously with the rising white smoke.

"Silver bullet, it looks like they did their homework..."

Fangcai Huiqing's hand was like lightning, and the strength of every blow penetrated into the bone marrow. At this time, Kratos's clothes had already become tattered, and he pulled off his shirt suddenly: "I want to see, because you At my age, how long can you fight with me!" Just as he was about to rush forward, the man with the rapier reached out and stopped him: "I think... you can't stop us anyway, if you continue to fight, it will only cause harm to your body. Since we have been discovered How about letting us go like this?"

When thieves or killers are found and asked to let them go, they will live in peace. If they are placed in other places, they will definitely be laughed to death, but the current situation is indeed the case. When facing an enemy, Huiqing seems to have taken possession She has the upper hand, but if she faces two undead with super self-healing ability, let alone whether she can fight, at her age, she simply can't afford it. Wearing a black robe and standing in the night, Huiqing didn't speak. Kratos was probably used to taking the decision of the sword-bearer as a decision, so he didn't plan to make another move. He shook his head and turned around to leave. He just turned around. His whole body flew sideways, like a baseball being hit at full speed.


Under the darkness of night, he knocked down a wall, and then rushed directly into the flower bed of the opposite villa. This area was mostly new houses, and no one had lived in them yet, so few people came out to watch the excitement.

In the darkness, following the sound of pattering footsteps, a figure slowly came out from the opposite side of the road. It looked like a figure gradually changing on the developing paper. She was wearing a black sexy leather jacket and had a beautiful and elegant face. , with wavy long hair, she walked slowly to a place a few meters away from the man holding the sword.

"What if... plus me?" Smiling gracefully, she looked at the man in front of her, "You can call me Natalie when we meet for the first time."

"Victor." Surrounded by two sides, the man didn't feel much panic, he just bowed and performed a noble salute, and then looked helplessly at the ruins where Kratos was blown past, "Kratos , You disappoint me so much, you haven’t exercised for so many years, have you even forgotten how to avoid attacks?”

With a rumbling sound, the figure stood up from the ruins and twisted its neck.

"It's just... a little rusty..."

Maybe the fight just touched the wires or something, the street lights in the villa flickered, and under the night sky, the four figures sized each other up and fell into a quiet confrontation.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.


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