Hidden Assassin

Volume 8: The Door to the Past, Section 451: Long Drive the Red Fire

Along with those broken wall bricks, flames sprinkled spots on the road. Regarding the sudden appearance of Victoria, Ye Lian and others in the distance naturally did not dare to act rashly before Jia Ming did not move, and only reported the situation here to At this moment, Fang Zhitian and others from the headquarters, Huiqing slowly appeared in an alley on the side. He remained ready to fight, and on the roof of the third floor on the other side, a black figure rushed over without a sound. It was Natalie.

In just a short time, the wounds on Milia and the three undead people gradually recovered. Except for the tattered clothes, there were no traces of trauma. Give a discount, and now the lampshade is broken, and the sparks are flickering. A police car rushed over from the corner there, and when the brakes sounded, the police inside saw Natalie jumping off the roof of the building.

"Click", the heel made contact with the ground, making a crisp sound, which spread far on the street. A police officer rushed out of the car, pointing his pistol at this side: "You..." After saying two words, he realized that the atmosphere here was really wrong, and hid behind the police car and began to ask the headquarters in a low voice for help.

Looking at Jiaming here, Natalie's eyes were a bit complicated, she frowned slightly and walked towards him, then took a deep breath, and gently pressed her left hand on his chest: "Uh...wow... ..."

Her voice was soft and full of doubts, Jia Ming smiled and said, "Long time no see." At the same time, Victoria in a red dress walked past the two of them, her eyes fixed on still The corpse of Kratos lying in the water, far away, Ye Lian and others got out of the car, hid behind the car formation and watched the development here, and occasionally people flashed by the windows of the nearby floors. Edge is a newly developed area though. There are not many residents, but there are some after all.

The night wind blew the curtains of every household, and a bamboo pole used to dry clothes on a balcony on the third floor suddenly broke, and several colorful clothes floated down from the air. Out of the finger to touch. The falling water droplets wet her whole body. In an unknown room, the color ringtone of the mobile phone rang, and the sound of DJ-style songs spread far away with the night wind.

"...The first snow in 2002 came later than usual. The No. 2 bus parked on the eighth floor, Ouye, the No. 2 bus..."

The singing was indistinct, and stopped abruptly at this moment, probably because someone hurriedly pressed the button to stop, and then, in the fountain that sprinkled all over the sky. Victoria raised her head abruptly.


A sharp sound broke through the air, tearing apart the tranquility of the night in an instant, and the red figure suddenly stood up in the light of the water. The water droplets falling on her instantly turned into rising white mist. Behind the street, Ye Lian and the others were tense. Next to the car, Jia Ming frowned: "It's so noisy!" Gun, Natalie held out her hand.


With gunshots. Two invisible forces collided together. It seems that there are visible ripples even in the air. In a blink of an eye. Jiaming rushed towards Victoria.

For a split second. Jia Ming has already rushed seven or eight meters away. In the eyes of others, the astonishingly high speed stopped instantly as if hitting an invisible wall. In less than a second, it went from static to dynamic and then from high-speed movement to a sudden stop. It almost looks like it's teleporting. However, in the next moment. Only then can people see clearly that Jiaming's body seems to be floating in the air uncontrollably. An invisible force lifted him up. It's just that the phenomenon of the feet volleying in the air has just happened. Four points of light have already shot at the red shadow faintly shrouded in white mist.

bang bang bang ----

hands. Four shots. The power to hold him in the air dissipated as soon as it was formed. His body immediately disappeared in place. Between backhands. The gun had turned into a saber and was drawn out of the air. "Wow" broke into the water curtain.

After the fire hydrant burst, the water sprayed from the ground was huge. The scene of falling to the ground after forming a fountain is also quite amazing. Jia Ming rushed in at high speed. At first glance. Really, the entire water curtain was "bumped" to break the ground. In the light of water. The red figure turned several positions in an instant. Jia Ming's figure crossed her.

Wow! Wow! boom! I don't know how the ability works. That moment. It was like an explosion in the water curtain. Jia Ming contacts Victoria. The air blade formed by various abilities slashed to the ground. Cut in the water curtain. A force cut directly into the water column that rushed out of the ground. There was a bang. The entire water column exploded into silver light all over the sky. Under such an offensive. After Jia Ming rushed in, he also retreated abruptly. It took only two or three seconds for the figure to rush in and fly back out. In the sky and water. Suddenly it flew out from the other side. I don't know how it was attacked. The legs kicked on the wall of the shop on the side of the street. Fly three or four meters away. The legs just landed. It flew back again. Withdrew more than 20 meters in an instant. on both hands. Changed to a gun. This time, it aimed at the sky and kept pulling the trigger.

In the water not far away, a severed electric pole slowly began to fall sideways, pulling the surrounding electric wires to keep tilting. Jiaming fired a few shots into the air, and a thick electric wire was placed higher up. It broke with a bang, and then, like a black snake flicking its tail in the sky, it flung towards the holding fountain below with a faint blue light.

There was a loud explosion from the window on the second floor next to the fountain, and then that point of blue light collided with the top of the fountain, and in an instant, it seemed that the entire water curtain turned blue.

Puff, bang----

The water light turning blue is naturally an illusion, but at the moment when the electric light and the water splash came into contact, the whole street was shrouded in darkness, and the transformer on the corner not far away exploded up and down, and the electric sparks flew in all directions It was like the fireworks in full bloom in the show. At the moment when the power suddenly went out, this scene was really shocking. In the short time when the sparks sputtered, Jia Ming had already borrowed strength from the wall of the building next to him, reached out and grabbed the corner of the shop signboard above, turned over and rushed into the second floor of the building, and just as his hand left the place The next moment after the signboard, an explosion from the inside to the outside blew up the entire outer wall, and bricks and stones smashed into the street.

The two figures fighting in the building rushed through several rooms in a blink of an eye. In the darkness, only vibrations, collapses and occasional gunshots sounded. The flames and bullets caused by the ability occasionally lit up the window, showing where the two of them were at this time. .

At this moment, the electricity in the whole street was cut off, and people were watching in the dark. Natalie was standing next to the car, Huiqing was standing at the entrance of the alley, and three vampires were standing by the side of the street. There is no extra action. The fierce battle seemed to break through the second floor of the entire street and connect all the houses. In less than a minute, the two had chased for half a street.

Although it is impossible to see the scene inside clearly, everyone can vaguely know something from the external reaction. The power of supernatural powers is powerful after all. Although Jia Ming has been able to fight Victoria for so long, it seems that he was indeed defeated The endless supernatural power was suppressed. Victoria was the one attacking, and he was running and dodging.

It's like the water waterfall just now, although he can rush in. However, what he relies on is only flexible dodging, and he still has to withdraw in the end. Facing the suppression of supernatural powers, ordinary people can only choose to dodge and escape. The guns were the only ones that caused damage, but for an undead like Victoria, the piercing damage caused by guns would probably have close to zero impact as long as they didn't hit the spine or the head. It's not as powerful as getting close to a knife or a punch.

Victoria attacked, Jia Ming fled, but the upstairs room went in the direction of Ye Lian and the others. Thinking about whether Jia Ming had any deep intentions, Ye Lian made several gestures to the surroundings, only to hear a loud bang, A figure jumped out from the gap in the wall, followed by another fiery figure, which suddenly jumped out.

The figure in front landed on a big tree by the side of the road. With both hands on the branch, he fell directly to the ground. Above him, the flame swung by Victoria with one hand was like a long knife across the entire canopy. In a blink of an eye, the canopy roared like a torch, and then a From top to bottom, the air blade suddenly landed at the position where Jia Ming had just landed.

At the same time as the floor tiles exploded, Victoria had caught up with Jiaming and threw out a punch.

Her body looked noble and thin, but this punch came out. The flames in the surrounding air have already roared. Jia Ming could only fly back and was rushed by the expanding air. The body flew five or six meters away before stopping, stretched his legs and continued to jump out, and an invisible air blade landed on the place where he had just stood firmly.

Figures were flying, and the air blade exploded continuously on the ground. In a blink of an eye, ten marks, twenty marks... Jiaming retreated tens of meters away, and then quickly circled back in a blink of an eye, constantly changing positions, When he touched the wall on the side of the street again, the attack behind him opened a big gap in the brick walls and rolling gates of several facades. Twenty meters, ten meters, approached Victoria again, and he slashed. When he was about to swing out, a force made him stop again, and his feet left the ground.

The distance was too close, and it was too late to respond. What I saw in front of me was the fierce light in Victoria's eyes, and the sabers in both hands turned and crossed in front of her.

"Under this power..."

Ping ----

The huge impact knocked him into the air, and the two overlapping sabers turned into fragments and flew out, but the trouble was not the blow, but the time spent in the air after the blow. Unable to respond. On the street below, the wind blew up, and Victoria's cold voice could be heard in his ears: "...that's it."

Both feet landed on the ground, and in the field of vision ahead, a ray of light seemed to shine from the dark abyss. There is even an illusion that one loses all five senses, the mental impact of "infinite light fire" expands in an instant, and a giant fireball rushes towards him. Jia Ming raised his right hand subconsciously, as if to cover up the glare of the light. The roaring fireball engulfed him.

The scene at this moment was not as tense as before. Victoria was on one side of the road, and Jiaming was blown to the other side. Everyone could clearly see this scene, melting gold and eroding iron. The fireball swept across, and then submerged Jia Ming. However, under the influence of the previous mental shock, not only Jia Ming hesitated to dodge, but the rest of them couldn't even scream. In the small car, the eyes of Lingjing and Shasha were blank in an instant, as if their souls had been emptied out. No matter it was Natalie, Huiqing, Ye Lian and the others, they were all stunned there.

The fireball rushed past Jia Ming's body, roaring and whirling. Time ticked and ticked, one second after another, and the blankness in everyone's hearts finally turned into a little bit of astonishment. The fireball began to slow down after flying over Jiaming's body. At this time, the diameter was close to two The huge fireball of meters flew in the air and stopped. It looked like a constantly rotating globe. It was about 30 centimeters above the ground and swayed slightly during the rotation. Before this, I am afraid few people could see it. Flame in this form.

About two meters away from it, Jia Ming stood on the spot unscathed, with his right hand stretched out backward, as if pulling the entire fireball in his hand with invisible force. He frowned slightly at this time: "I didn't want to use this power..."

The voice spread in the night sky, and in the car in the distance, Lingjing let out a long sigh of relief, "Ha...", tears were about to come out at this moment, when she looked at the rustling, the rustling face was pale, Just as she was in shock, her lips trembled, but she couldn't say anything. A relaxed smile appeared on her face, and she rested her forehead on Rusha's shoulder.

"This kind of power...in fact, I still have a little bit now." On the street, following the exit of these words, the fireball roared and whirled, and with Jia Ming's wave, it flew straight towards Victoria, and the huge fireball blinked. Suddenly, Jia Ming collided with Victoria, and Jia Ming rushed in from behind the fireball.

With a bang, the fireball exploded in the air, and countless flames split and rushed in an instant, like a giant magma dragon, rushing out for a distance of more than 20 meters amidst the loud noise, the flames almost lit up the entire street on the ground, and hit the houses on the side of the road Just as the wall stopped, Victoria was sent flying by Jia Ming's ensuing blow, crashing into the house behind, and Jia Ming charged straight in.

There was another loud bang, and a huge flame burst out from the room, followed by another scream from Victoria. The next moment, Natalie's eyes suddenly locked on the three people not far away. The undead --- they have rushed to the side. Then there was a bang gunshot, about 30 meters away from them, Huiqing fired first, followed by Ye Lian on the other side of the road.

"Shoot, they will flee!"

Like a dynamite that has burnt out its fuse, the air was ignited in an instant, and in an instant, the night boiled up...


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