Hidden Assassin

Volume Seven, August Fire--Volume Nine, The Last Roundabout, Section 377, First Acquaintance

Blood was flowing, and screams rang out on the street late at night. Some people may have died, lying on the road without any movement. People who were running stepped on them, and some were struggling in the pool of blood while screaming. Or the limbs are broken and distorted, or the chest is sunken, or the head is bloody, or the limbs or the head are cut off directly. In such cases, the women in the purple dress are the most around, and the invisible front that can even cut off the telephone pole With a swipe of the knife, you can often see blood pillars soaring into the sky and stumps flying around. On the bloody street, you can often see her gracefully lifting the skirt saw and carefully jumping over the bright red scene. She looks comfortable and leisurely, which is really incompatible with this chaotic scene.

Relatively speaking, there are very few cases of mass destruction on Kelly's side. She runs around like an elf, and many people rushing forward are flashed behind by her in the blink of an eye. Under the influence, he couldn't see any movement at all, and then he stabbed with the dagger, killing him cleanly. The situation on Jai Ming's side was much more complicated. Some had their hands and feet cut off, some were directly discounted, some had their heads chopped off, and some were directly blown away by an iron rod with all their strength. If he was punched or kicked with all his might, he would vomit blood after he swung it to the ground, wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

From the first few minutes of the whole battle, the main theme has been decided.

Some people shouted, some resisted, and some ran away. However, when two groups of men with guns appeared at both ends of the street, it seemed that fleeing was not the best way out. Realizing that something was wrong, Liu Shijie ran back into the building from the very beginning, but when Zaret also wanted to escape upstairs, he found out in despair that if he wanted to enter the small door in the stairwell, he had to kill him first. The woman in the long skirt on the way had no choice but to be surrounded by a few cronies and buddies, desperately looking for a chance to escape.

Perhaps it should be fortunate that if it was an ordinary gang fight or seeking revenge, the other party might pay close attention to him as the boss immediately. However, the three women were enjoying the slaughter right now, as if they had forgotten him at all. Then a group of them ran around in the crowd, but when Zaret got the gun from his companion again, he was still attacked by the men with guns who got out of the car.


In the chaos, while yelling and raising their guns to fight back, they were desperately looking for cover. At this time, they were a little desperate to find out that the abilities they had trained in the past when they were mercenaries could not have much effect on the other side. Threatening, while retreating desperately, a companion beside him flew out with the gunshot, and then another bullet pierced a person's shoulder, and he staggered and tripped over a corpse on the ground. Suddenly rolled into a pool of blood, before a brother beside him could help him up, with a pop, a military machete turned into a dazzling white light and shuttled past. Then they saw the scene where human heads flew high and blood rained down. Struggling to climb back a few steps, looking through the chaotic gap, the woman in the white windbreaker has already cast a scrutinizing gaze over the crowd.

"Damn it... finally got caught..."

Such a thought flashed through his mind, he got up hastily, staggered and ran a few steps, the battle was almost coming to an end, about one-third of the people fell on the ground, if the rest were not desperately looking for a place to escape , most likely did not dare to go forward and desperately, and those who could still muster up a little courage were probably brothers from when they were mercenaries. The fate of falling directly, without exception. Looking at the rows of gunmen on the street from a distance, a trace of despair flashed in his heart, and then he heard a voice not far away: "Boss, this way..." Turning around, several people were standing next to each other not far away. Waving at the mouth of the small alley.

"***...there is a dead end..." He cursed like this, but there was nowhere to hide for a while, so he turned around and ran in.

The alley is very long, but it is still a dead-end alley where you can’t get out. The walls on both sides are smooth, and the places where you can climb are basically two or three storeys high. It looked like an endless courtyard, ran not far into it, looked back, and saw that white shadow had already appeared at the entrance of the alley, looking at him coldly like a ghost.

"Fuck you... climb up!"

There were not many people behind him, he shouted as he ran, the younger brother behind looked up, he had to grab the anti-theft windows above the third floor in one jump, they were not acrobats, even if they stacked ladders, they couldn't stack them so high , looking at the white figure coming over there, before he could speak, Zaret jumped up suddenly, kicked his feet on the side wall, and kicked to the other side with that inertia, thanks to his daily exercise Well done, at this time I borrowed strength from the walls on both sides four or five times in a row, pulled out the belt quickly, and wrapped it around the lower edge of a window, and with more force on my hands, I finally grasped the window firmly.

"Huh..." He breathed a long sigh of relief, and before he had time to look back at the group of younger brothers, the sound of breaking wind suddenly rang in his ears, and an iron rod whizzed towards him, smashing hard on the window he was holding on to. On his arm, a scream of "ah" resounded in the alley, and his body rumbled and fell into a pile of garbage bags below. Struggling to crawl out of the trash bag, before he could stand up, the white figure had already arrived in front of him, bending down to look at him.

In the rear, a group of younger brothers had already collapsed in the alley in disorder.

Exhale...breath... For Zaret, time seemed to stop at this moment. The beautiful oriental face was in front of him, and deep despair filled his heart. Then, the woman's voice sounded: "I told you, give Liu Shijie to me, or he will die." The man named Jian Suyan stood up straight and looked at him coldly, "I'll give you another day."

The chaotic voice rang in his ears again, and he didn't know what kind of mood he should be in, but... It seemed that he had saved his life, and there were staggered figures on the street outside the alley. He just stared blankly at the woman in the darkness in front of him. The cold wind poured into the alley, and there was a whining sound. Then, another figure attracted his eyes to the direction of the alley entrance.


Tap... Tap... Tap...

The clear and crisp sound of footsteps seemed to be heard in front of my eyes even though it was so far away. A bloody man suddenly fell from one side of the alley to the other side. Then, a woman in an evening dress who looked like a princess appeared in the field of vision, smiling slightly. With smiling eyes, he looked over here.

Beside him, a woman named Jian Suyan turned her head, and amidst the whimpering wind, an unspeakable killing intent gradually gathered.

The purple figure expanded in his eyes.

At that moment, the howling wind was like a roar of thunder, rushing in from the entrance of the alley. I don't know what kind of thing passed by. When he opened his eyes the next moment, countless pieces of broken porcelain on the wall rushed towards the end of the alley, and countless garbage bags exploded flying all over the sky behind him. In front of him, the white figure had disappeared, and the woman in the purple dress stood one meter in front of him, looking up at the sky.

In the air seven or eight meters above, Jian Suyan grabbed the anti-theft window with one hand, his body swayed slightly in the wind, and looked coldly at the darkness below.

"Hehe..." The noble long skirt swayed in the wind, and the woman below reached out to touch her lips, and smiled like a flower, "That's great, it's so interesting..." The next moment, Zaret finally A scene of human flying was clearly seen.

Without the slightest movement of leverage, the purple figure rushed into the sky!

An anti-theft window shattered into pieces all over the sky, and the glass of the house was shattered. There were exclamations from people in the house, and Zaret covered his head from below. At this moment, he really was stunned.

Two figures, one white and one purple, are standing in the upper window, constantly borrowing force from the walls of the house, rushing up like an acrobatic show, as the figures change, the sound of destruction can be heard far and wide during the fierce fight Far.

Outside the alley, the fighting had stopped. Kelly stood at the entrance of the alley and watched the dangerous confrontation between the two. Then she shrugged, turned and walked into the building next to her, and took the elevator to the top floor. On the street, more than half of the more than two hundred people were killed or injured at this time, and the remaining nearly one hundred people saw that the opponent withdrew their hands, and at this time they were too frightened to make any more moves.

Above the alley, two figures intersected once, and the anti-theft window next to it was kicked down suddenly. Natalie stepped on the opposite window and swung her backhand. The glass was cut open with a bang, and even a trace was sunk on the cement wall. When he raised his head suddenly, he saw a white figure pull out an iron water pipe from the window above, and swung it down.

"Damn it!" With a sudden force on her hand, Natalie's figure flew upwards, passing by the deadly club, and there was a loud "boom——" and was slammed by the middle Amazing dents directly into the windows. Seeing Natalie dodging in the past, Jian Suyan kicked her foot on the wall, and took advantage of the momentum to borrow strength from the other wall. Natalie, who hadn't caught the window lattice, saw the opportunity, and swung her hands like knives: "I see how you borrow it!" force!"

The invisible edge slashed at the opponent's landing point continuously. Jian Suyan was in the air. At this moment, she used both hands to change the direction suddenly with the iron rod in her hand. With a tearing sound, a large piece of the windbreaker was cut off in the dance. She turned over in the air, but before she found the next landing point, the iron rod she drew was already attacking Natalie like a whirling windmill. Porcelain pieces and cement flew across the sky, and at a height of tens of meters above the ground, a deep dent was smashed into the wall.

Natalie hastily moved another distance, approaching Jian Suyan, slashing horizontally with a knife, and with the huge impact of the swing, the woman in white on the opposite side actually stepped on this vertical high-altitude wall He ran a few steps sideways, retracted his hands, and pointed towards Natalie's head like a poisonous snake.

brush - ping -

The tip of the iron rod caught the last afterimage of the long purple dress. After a gap was drawn in the hem of the skirt, it was inserted into the gap of a flat anti-theft window. Then, the white figure flew up, above After borrowing strength from a security window, she pounced on Natalie, who was flying like a butterfly.

The iron rod whizzed in the air, and smashed down with a mighty force.

"You think you are Sun Wukong——"

With a loud bang, Natalie pulled out a window beside her like an iron net, her body soared far away, and while the iron rod smashed the window in the air, Natalie continuously He swung three giant wind knives, and the invisible sharp knives flew upwards obliquely.

The walls on both sides were torn apart, and countless tiles popped out in an instant, and the two windows were blown to pieces. After Jian Suyan was able to use the force to turn, the iron rod that was affected was also cut into three pieces, falling into pieces. In the darkness below.

In the next second, she chased after Natalie on the upper side and kicked the anti-theft window where Natalie was.

"my Lord……"

The battle was still going on, looking up at the two people who were constantly flying high in the sky and wreaking amazing damage, Zaret, who had never believed in God, knelt in the garbage bag and drew crosses on his chest. All kinds of sundries fell around him from time to time. In the elevator in the building on the other side, Kelly looked at the beating numbers boredly, and her heels tapped to the beat of the music. She frowned as the elevator slowed because it hadn't reached the top floor yet.

The elevator door opened, and a man in a panic desperately pressed the button of the electric button outside. When he saw the door opened, he waved a submachine gun in his hand and rushed in. When he saw the figure inside, he wanted to stop desperately. , fell to the ground with a snap.

"you you you you you……"

Liu Shijie's body was covered with guns and ammunition, and it looked like a mobile arsenal at this moment, but this did not change his embarrassing situation at all. He waved his submachine gun and sat on the ground, not knowing what to say. Kelly put her hands in her pockets and looked wearily at the person who was pointing a submachine gun at her. After a few seconds, she curled her lips helplessly: "Aren't you coming in? Don't block the door if you don't come in, okay? Come here Time, brother."

"I, I, I, I..." Before Kelly finished speaking, he scrambled out of the way.

"I'm sick..." She stretched out her hand and pressed the door close button. After a while, the elevator continued to go up. She continued to roll her eyes boredly in the small space. After a while, the elevator finally reached the top floor. On the roof, at almost the same time, two figures spread out on the edge of the roof.

The night wind howled, and the three stood on three sides. After a moment of stalemate, Kelly spread her hands.

"How is it? The exchange is over? Look at me after the exchange. There is a beautiful woman here."

"She is strong when she meets strong..." After staring at Jian Suyan who was facing her for a long time, Natalie opened her mouth uncertainly, and then looked at the torn skirt, "This is the first time I met a person who is immune to abilities. you're good."

"Sure enough..." Kelly nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the woman in white standing on the edge of the roof with complicated eyes.

"You tore my clothes..." Looking at the torn hem of the windbreaker, the woman in white shrugged.

"Then you also tore my skirt..." Natalie laughed, "This is my first battle after awakening, but I feel that you are familiar with me, why?"

"Fate." Su Yan smiled.

Natalie looked at her for a while, and then laughed again: "I actually think you're not lying, it's so strange, it seems like we've known each other for a long time..." I don't know what kind of emotion was infected, She took a deep breath, then spread her hands, standing on the wall less than ten centimeters wide, the queen in high heels twirled gracefully, smiling like a flower: "So... what should we do now, southeast, northwest... ...one, two, three, four, five, six, seven...more than twenty of the best snipers are staring at you, waiting for my order to shoot at any time, you know, you broke my favorite skirt, and now I want to kill Drop you..."

"I have a button." Su Yan smiled and took out a small remote control from his pocket, "As long as I press it, the surrounding area... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... a total of 18 buildings will be on What should I do with a bang, the most powerful terrorist attack with the highest death toll in French history... I feel excited when I think of this name, and I really want to press it now... What's more... ..." She smiled, "Don't be funny, you don't like wearing skirts at all."

"Wow." Natalie was stunned, and Kelly spread her hands aside: "I told you earlier, this pervert likes big money."

"I really hate this feeling of being familiar... But your eyes make me feel comfortable... like perverted little boys who dress up as women..." Seeing Su Yan's face froze for a moment, her smile changed She became brilliant, turned around and jumped downstairs, leaving a string of silver bell-like laughter echoing in the night sky, "I'm going first, I'll go play with you tomorrow, please..."

"Do you still like to sell flowers in the Place de la Concorde?"

Jiaming yelled loudly from behind, and in the space below, the purple shadow fluttered lightly, and for a moment, it landed on the side of the street like a butterfly. The girl turned around and waved her hand, and walked into the car parked beside her. On it, there was blood like cherry blossoms. Jia Ming stood there and touched his nostrils. The viscous liquid sticking to his fingers was the same color as the street. In the cold wind, he had a splitting headache.

Sure enough, the overpowering ability still caused him harm. If Natalie really did her best, the final result might not be a tie like the present one.

"I never knew you knew so many things about her..."

Kelly's voice sounded from behind, Jia Ming reached out to wipe away the blood and jumped down. When she turned her head, she saw Kelly with her hands folded in front of her chest, her body leaning against the wall of the stairwell, looking at him with melancholy and deep eyes.

"Why this look, you suddenly want to be a philosopher?"

"The philosopher is not bad, but for half a month, I have been thinking about a question, and you are really immune to supernatural powers, which further confirms my worry..." She stared at the powerful monster in front of her. A white figure without the slightest smile.

"Now I want you to tell me that the brain scan is not yours."


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