Hidden Assassin

Volume 7: August Fire--Volume 9: The Final Round, Section 388: Undercurrent

"I don't want to joke about that."

Accompanied by the sound of the TV commercial, Lingjing's tone was slightly stiff, and her delicate brows showed an angry expression. After a long time, Jia Ming on the other side of the sofa breathed a sigh of relief.

"I mean it."

"I told you, I don't want to make this kind of joke!"

Lingjing's eyes widened and she raised her voice. She picked up the remote control in her hand and pressed it randomly. The sound of the TV rose at first, then dropped back after a while. Lingjing threw away the remote control and looked at the TV screen stubbornly.

Jiaming leaned down, held his head in his hands, and answered her with the same voice: "Break up..."

"What did my parents tell you? Or those relatives? I said I don't want to make such a joke, so don't make it like the TV series!" Suddenly looking at Jiaming saying this, Lingjing turned over On the sofa, he went to the coffee table and poured himself a glass of water. His voice trembled with his mood, "I said I don't want to go abroad. I don't want to go abroad. I don't want to go abroad. I never thought about becoming a great musician. Even if I give up now, It doesn’t matter, you already know this, why are you still thinking about it? If you continue to behave like this, I...even I will be angry!"

"It's not because of the piano..."

"What's the reason for that?" After pouring a glass of water, Lingjing turned around, "If it wasn't for this, what else could be the reason?"

Jiaming rubbed his forehead and looked at the ground silently. Lingjing just looked at him.

"Say it."

"many things……"

"What are so many things? Because those people at home always annoy you? Should I ask you to travel to Guilin? I..." Lingjing's eyes were red and she thought for a long time, "I... because I am always worried about Shasha's things. Losing your temper? Am I too nagging? I don’t like the underworld? Or do you like Shasha but not me...are you tired of me? "

"It's not these..."

"Tell me what it is."

Looking at him with a glance, Lingjing waited for the answer from the other side. The sound of the TV continued to ring in the room, as if between the sounds, their bodies did not move at all. Only the rhythm of breathing is left, and it seems to be clearly audible in this cross talk.

In fact, Jiaming had prepared several sets of rhetoric before this, and even thought clearly about his expressions when speaking. However, at this time, these prepared sentences were spinning in his mind, and he could not find them. Appropriate to the current situation, he opened his mouth, but finally couldn't say anything. Lingjing waited for a long time. Finally spoke.

"What did my father and mother tell you? That's right?"

"No, you know they wouldn't do such a thing..."

"Do you like other girls?" Lingjing took a deep breath and paused, "Xun?"


"That's... Dongfang Wan?"

"How can it be……"

"It's not Dongfang Wan. It's not Xu Yiting."

"I have never had any contact with her..."

"Who is that..."


"Sister Yahan?"

After several consecutive guesses, the sound suddenly stopped in the air. The last name, Lingjing, was basically spoken casually. Who would have thought that Jia Ming suddenly froze and her body froze. After a moment, she tremblingly asked again: "Is it Sister Yahan?"

"...How did you guess that?"

"I...of course I'm just guessing...ha..." Lingjing opened her mouth, and an extremely ridiculous emotion suddenly came to her mind. She put this choice at the end because she actually thought it was the least likely. However, the scenes from the time he met Yahan until now suddenly came to his mind, and he laughed absurdly, then stopped, and stretched his left hand to his mouth. I don’t know what kind of expression to put on: "But... you are talking nonsense, you... Sister Yahan is seven years older than you, how is it possible, how... Sister Yahan, she... she..."

Saying this, Lingjing slumped her shoulders, staggered and sat back on the sofa, holding her head in her hands. His fingers penetrated between the long hair: "Indeed... when did it happen..."

Jiaming was silent for a while: "Last year in New York."

"Sister Yahan is sick. Go and save her, and then..." She thought for a while. "Then you reconciled... Well, no wonder Sister Yahan talked to us again after she came back and played together. You..." "You... have you told Shasha?"


"Then why are you telling me?"

Lingjing shouted with red eyes. Seeing Jiaming bowing his head and remaining silent again, she grabbed an apple on the coffee table and threw it at him. She picked up the remote control with her other hand and threw it out. Time, the apple on the coffee table, the remote control, pillows, and clothes on the sofa all flew towards Jiaming. Lingjing was annoyed at Jiaming's silence and almost threw out everything she could get, including the remote control and the clothes. Several apples hit Jiaming on the head and bounced away. After throwing away the apples, she subconsciously touched the fruit plate...

The floor was brushed and blood spattered out.

Lingjing's hand holding the fruit knife froze in mid-air. Jia Ming took a breath and looked at the cut on his left arm, still saying nothing. After a while, Lingjing swallowed, put down the knife, leaned over, first picked up the pillow next to her, then took her coat, covered the wound on Jiaming's hand, and pressed it a few times, but The blood couldn't stop. Her eyes were filled with water, but she opened them stubbornly and never let the tears stay.

After pressing it for a few times, she quietly stood up, walked into the back bedroom, took out the medical kit, unbuttoned Jiaming's shirt, then took off his shirt, took out iodine and gauze and began to clean his wounds. .

The sound of the advertisement continued on the TV, and the two figures behind the coffee table were like quiet silhouettes. Jiaming sat there, watching Lingjing kneeling by his legs silently cleaning, applying medicine, and bandaging. The girl was graceful but thin. The body was trembling slightly. After the wound was bandaged, she quietly packed her things and then took the medicine box back to the room. When he came out of the room, he already had a Jiamingdi jacket in his hand.

Place the clothes next to him. The girl crossed him and sat back in her original position, looking at the TV screen.

"It's been more than a year, why do you say it at this time?"

"Why sister Yahan?"

"I... Shasha and I can follow you together, but..."

"Isn't it enough to have Shasha and me?"

Perhaps she was frightened by the blood, so Lingjing didn't hand it over loudly. She looked at the TV, her voice was always light, but there was no answer, Jiaming put on her clothes. I closed my eyes in pain, not knowing what I was thinking. Afterwards, the two people sat on the same sofa in silence. Let time go by with the ticking sound of the clock. .

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, the commercials on the TV ended and a violent movie appeared. The sun gradually slanted toward the west outside the window. Lingjing sat there, not knowing what she should do, not knowing what she was expecting, and not knowing whether she could forgive Jiaming for this matter. Her mind was in chaos. If Shasha was there, Just fine...no. Maybe it would be better if Shasha wasn't here. She couldn't stand such a thing, but she couldn't stand it either. Sister Yahan... was in such a mood. Suddenly I remembered something from my childhood.

I remember that when I was still in elementary school, I was too strong and was called a man's mother-in-law in class. Later, I sat on the grass slope crying. Jiaming came and said, "Even if you are a man's mother-in-law, I will marry you." At that time, I just feel embarrassed. He slapped him conveniently. Then he had a cold war for three days, sitting next to him. She refused to take the initiative to talk to him, but in her heart she was expecting Jiaming to come over and apologize, or take the initiative to stir up a conversation. However, Jiaming never apologized. When he went to the martial arts gym, he deliberately closed the door and refused to allow him to come in. He hoped that he would knock on the door outside and maybe say "open the door", so that he would have a reason to speak. However, when he opened the door When he opened the door, he just left.

This has been his character since he was a child. He was so wronged that he cried for a long time at home. In the end, he was the first to find him and reconcile with him as if nothing had happened. The situation at that time was so similar to now. What was I looking forward to? Maybe an explanation, an apology, a confession. It didn't matter no matter how shameless a man's sophistry was. Maybe... maybe I would be moved by the rhetoric and deceived. Forgive him and even give him reasons. It doesn't matter even if you are cheated...

However, everything was always like this, he used silence instead of apologizing. She knew that there was an apology. She would chop him with a knife, or maybe directly want to kill him, but he would face it without moving. But what's the use of this? When I was young, no matter what happened, I could speak first, smile first, and reconcile first. But this time... it's different...

She just waited and waited quietly like this. The sun faded away the remaining red on the horizon. A children's cartoon was playing on the TV. No one spoke. At some point, the phone rang. Lingjing subconsciously He reached out and picked up the microphone next to him: "Hello..."

An energetic voice came from the other side of the phone: "Hello, who is answering the phone? I'm Dongfang Wan."

"I'm Ye Lingjing."

"Lingjing, have you convinced Jiaming? You're leaving tomorrow morning. In such a hot weather, we can take an air-conditioned bus to Guilin, a place with pleasant mountains and rivers. We can play in caves where it's warm in winter and cool in summer, and we can also go swimming in the Li River. How could you not go for such a good thing?"

"Jia Ming said he won't go."

"Ah? Forget it, I knew he wouldn't go, but what about you and Shasha? We went together. It was crowded and lively. I don't know if there will be such an opportunity when we get to Beijing."

"Shasha won't go either..." Lingjing replied softly like a ghost. After a moment, "Can I go play?"

"Of course---- of course---- welcome, welcome, welcome. Just meet at the school gate at six o'clock tomorrow morning. It will be cooler if we leave early. Do you want Yiting and I to pick you up?"

"No, I'll come over by myself, thank you."

"Great, remember to bring a swimming suit and a life preserver. Well, you can actually buy a life preserver over there..."

Dongfang Wan chattered a lot on the phone. After hanging up the phone, Lingjing sat with her head down for half a minute. She finally took a deep breath, raised her head, and stood up, with tears filling her red eyes. But it never fell off.

After walking to the door and putting on her shoes and socks, Lingjing opened the door and walked out: "I'll go home and sleep." The door closed gently, and for a moment, the voice of the game room owner greeting Lingjing came from downstairs.

About ten minutes later, Jia Ming took a deep breath, stood up, turned off the TV, touched the gauze on his arm, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey...Xun, tomorrow afternoon. I'll take a plane to Tokyo."

When night falls, let us turn our attention to a villa on the outskirts of Xinning City.

Although it occupies a large area, it is not a large and distinctive house. At this time, as the lights came on one after another, the atmosphere in the entire villa seemed a bit solemn. A dozen expensive cars were parked on the street outside the villa, and some people in different clothes were in the living room, waiting to be received by the owner.

"Hey, Lao Huang, are you really that powerful?"

The one who was talking to the person next to him was a slightly fat man. A middle-aged man with a black mole next to his eye. If we could go back in time, we could see him at several gathering places where Jianghai gang bosses gathered. He is the boss of a medium-sized gang in Jianghai City. Nicknamed Mountain King Cui, his gang is currently having some problems with the Shazhu Gang. The reason why he came to Xinning at this time is because the owner of this villa, Zhao Zhenhai, the boss of the Xinning Gang, of course, met him at this time. Their. But it's not this person.

After listening to his doubts. Old Huang next to him lowered his voice: "Not great? Now that I'm here, I'm not afraid to explain it clearly to you. Anyway, you will know it later... Chaohai Group, have you heard of it?"

"I'm just kidding. Who among you in business has never heard of Chaohai Group? What's wrong, that person in it...is related to Chaohai?"

"It's not just a relationship. He is the second son of Ying Haisheng, the chairman of Chaohai Group. His name is Ying Zifeng. Think about it, if a person with this background takes action to bring down the Shazhu Gang, isn't that just a matter of words? ?”

The boss named Cui Di was stunned for a long time: "Wow, really? His Xinning Gang can actually have a relationship with the second son of Chaohai Group?"

"There is a relationship, but the most important thing is that the little girl from the Shazhu Gang offended the second young master. It was also Boss Zhao who had the means. Didn't the Shazhu Gang recently say that they were rectified and started to be good? Boss Zhao bought the relationship. Recently, a boss took the second young master and the others to a wine shop under Shazhu Gang. A friend of the second young master fell in love with a young lady there and was willing to spend money... You know this kind of thing anyway... …”

The man surnamed Cui nodded. He was also used to seeing trouble. When he heard this, he naturally understood something: "Didn't that woman come out to do it?"

"It's said that they are doing part-time jobs while studying in college, and they are doing part-time work-study. But what are the identities of the second young master? If something like this happened in the past, he would be willing to spend money. Let's help smooth things over. Of course, the matter can be easily solved. The second young master's friend drank After all, she was drunk after all the wine, not to mention the woman in the wine, she was just doing whatever she wanted, who knew that little girl happened to be nearby, and instead of doing anything, she just asked someone to beat up the second young master’s friend.”

Mr. Cui laughed loudly: "Then the bridge is now closed."

"No." Lao Huang also laughed, "But at that time, everyone was not sure. When the second young master came out, he actually met that little girl. The second young master didn't say anything at the time, but he could bribe Boss Zhao. The boss was frightened. Who knew that after coming out, the second young master asked about the Shazhu Gang's recent domineering behavior and just sneered, and then you know, this happened now. Anyway, the second young master took action to deal with that little girl. The film is not a simple matter. The reason why I contacted you is because once there is a problem with the Shazhu Gang, Jianghai cannot have a problem. We can divide the territory of the Shazhu Gang, but we have to do it slowly. If it causes social problems, As you know, no one can protect everyone from turmoil, so the Second Young Master will act as a notary in the middle, so that everyone can do their best in the future in a peaceful manner. As for the current people of the Shazhu Gang..."

He waved and smiled sinisterly.

"Haha, let's wait and see." Since people have been asking me recently whether Hidden Kill is coming to an end... let me tell you, Hidden Kill is scheduled to be ten volumes. Even if it is different from the schedule, there are still nine volumes, and now the fourth volume is Volume 7 has just passed the first half, so it won’t end like this. To be honest, I am the person who hates unfinished products the most. Our slogan is: Ning Eunuch, never unfinished products! ^^


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