Hidden Assassin

Volume 7: August Fire--Volume 9: The Final Round Chapter 402: Not Going Home

In the afternoon, white clouds like cotton wool floated over Jianghai, and the weather became cooler. When two tourist buses drove into the main road of Jianghai, the male and female students in the bus were pointing and laughing, and they were full of interest.

"Lingjing, have you really decided to go to Vienna?"

In the middle seat, Dongfang Wan frowned and asked Lingjing who was sitting by the window. In the past few days in Guilin, her interest has not been very high. Dongfang Wan is quite sensitive in this regard. Naturally, she can find that when she heard the news when she talked about the school in Beijing on the way back, she probably had the answer. She probably struggled for a long time to come up with this answer. She probably spent the entire trip thinking about it.

"The environment in Vienna... should be better..." Turning her head, a clear smile appeared on Lingjing's face.

"Well, now that you've decided... when will you leave? How about we all have a party before we leave?"

"About...tomorrow..." Lingjing shrugged slightly, "It's a bit urgent..."

"Ah? How come it's so fast!"

"That's why I went on a trip with everyone before this happened."

Treating Lingjing as a friend worth making, Dongfang Wan, who had always been innocent, was naturally a little sad when she suddenly said she wanted to leave, and pulled her to chatter. As for her, she was naturally aware of the feelings between Lingjing, Jiaming, and Shasha that had been accumulated since childhood, and she also had some doubts in her heart, but it was naturally impossible to ask such questions at this time. After giving her some instructions on how to do well when going abroad, he wrote down his phone number and gave it to her. On the way to the station, he asked about Jiaming's situation.

"...He will come to pick you up later?"

"Jia Ming...probably not. Maybe it's Shasha. I called her and said she would arrive at this time today. But her phone couldn't be reached this morning..."

"I think Jiaming will definitely come over. You guys are so kind... But it doesn't matter. If he doesn't come over, my brother will come to pick me up today. We can take you back first. Don't worry too much. My brother had He really likes you, but he has changed his ways, haha..."

While talking, the speed of the bus had slowed down, the students on the bus were greeting each other, and the boys were taking their luggage off the racks. The girls put on their sun hats or held parasols in their hands, and prepared to get off the bus with a roar. Soon. The bus stopped, and a group of people crowded under the bus. After a while, the outside became a sea of ​​parasols.

Lingjing didn't have many things, but she also had some messy things she was forced to buy with Dongfang Wan in Guilin. She also packed a big travel bag. A boy wanted to help her get it, but she shook her head and refused. Returning to Jianghai again, her heart was as complicated as having tied more than 10,000 bows. She didn't want to get off the car, but in the end she was pulled by Dongfang Wan and blended into the crowd. As soon as she stepped onto the ground below, she almost felt all over her body. All the power was drained away in an instant. Even though I seemed calm in the car, my mood was completely gone. I was surrounded by excited crowds and colorful parasols. My heart was grabbed by something. I couldn't breathe at all and I didn't know where to go. .

The next moment, Dongfang Wan patted her shoulder: "Hey, hello..." He pointed forward, not knowing what he was talking about. Lingjing looked over blankly. They are all people, with backs, profiles, and smiles. Can't tell who is who.

Holding a travel bag in one hand, she was pulled by Dongfang Wan. She staggered a few steps among the crowd. As the scenery moved, her eyes finally passed through the crowd and she was walking here from the opposite side of the parking lot. Come here, who is it if it’s not Jiaming?

"It seems that my brother has no chance..." Dongfang Wan sighed regretfully next to him, with a happy smile on his face.

Not knowing what kind of expression she had on her face at this time, Lingjing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and felt a loud "gurgling" sound in her throat. Her steps were stiff and she looked at the approaching figure. How? There was no way to move away. After a moment, he passed through the crowd, walked closer, picked up her big travel bag, and chatted a few words with Dongfang Wan, but she couldn't hear her clearly.

His eyes moved to his arm. The bandage where he had cut it that day was gone, or maybe it was on his wrist. Why? She was thinking about this and wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the words to speak. It wasn't until Jia Ming said: "Let's go." She frowned and followed him through the crowd.

"I went to Shasha's place in the morning. She said you would arrive at this time and asked me to pick you up..."

"I didn't get through Shasha's call..." She felt her voice was a little hoarse.

"The affairs of their gang have been in a mess recently. It's okay..."

Taxis are very convenient. They are right at the door after leaving the parking lot. Jiaming opened the door and Lingjing sat in. She took the travel bag without any intention of letting it in: "Thank you for coming to pick me up." Okay. After saying this with difficulty, she slammed the car door and closed it.

The car started and gradually moved away. On the side of the road not far away, the door of a Santana opened. Dongfang Lu came out and looked at Jiaming standing here, slightly confused. At the same time, Dongfang Wan ran over from behind. : "Hey, Jiaming, did you have a fight because Lingjing was going to Vienna?"

"Uh, no..."

"Okay, okay, now is the time for everyone to work hard for themselves. Anyway... no matter how good friends are, they have to be separated for a while..." Dongfang Wan comforted her in her own way. He also walked over, said hello, and then asked his sister to go to the car by herself. After she walked away knowingly, she sighed.

"Fang Zhitian really didn't react to the Shazhu Gang matter. However, Ying Zifeng is Ying Haisheng's son anyway. This matter is very troublesome. To be honest, you also understand Ying Haisheng's power. Yes, and Ying Zilan really cares about this younger brother, even though the person involved doesn’t really appreciate it... Well, I don’t know what you are thinking..."

Having already learned the whole story from his own channels, what Dongfang Lu said was no different from Fang Zhitiandi, who got it at this time. It was the same bland answer.


"Uh... Now the senior officials within Yanhuang Awakening have known your identity, and now quite a few people think that you and Jian Suyan are the same person. To be honest, you did it so beautifully that you killed Yu Shoucang. I am worried that there will be big problems after this. Combinations such as Gao Tianyuan, Yanhuang Awakening, and Dark Tianqin are themselves based on external troubles. Now that the external troubles are gone, the next step may be internal troubles..."

"Yeah." Jiaming nodded noncommittally, turned and left, seemingly not caring about these things at all. Dongfang Lu looked at his back and narrowed his eyes in confusion. When he walked back to Santana's car door, Dongfang Wan's words stunned him for a long time: "Brother, did you know? Lingjing is going to Vienna."

"What did you say!"

After returning to the martial arts hall and seeing her parents' smiling faces, Lingjing managed to cheer up.

"...This is a souvenir from our trip to Qixingyan in Guilin. This is the skirt I bought for you, Mom, and Dad, this is a paperweight for you, this is for Shasha, this...this is for Jiaming..."

After packing up the things in the backpack one by one, although she tried hard to pretend to be very excited, Lingjing was not very interested, and the Ye couple could also see that, and their expressions were slightly worried.

Ever since I received the notice from Vienna, I have been trying to persuade my daughter to study abroad. But their daughter suddenly called back and said she was leaving, and then she had to leave tomorrow, which really made the parents feel uneasy. On the one hand, they used the past two days to prepare things for their daughter - each The procedures and documents for going abroad have been completed long ago - on the other hand, after discussion, they also roughly guessed the reason for their daughter's sudden change of mind, and at this time they came to a certain conclusion in their minds. It was hard to ask for a while. He knows that his daughter seems to be weak but is actually stubborn, and she also knows that she has many things to consider. Anyway, going abroad is a good thing. Who doesn’t have such worries at any age? Or after returning from going abroad, it will gradually fade away.

After probably dividing the gifts, Ling sat quietly for a while, then took a shower, put on a clean and cool summer dress, and not long after returning to his bedroom, he saw his mother walking in.

She suppressed her voice and cried loudly in the bathtub. At this time, her eyes were still a little red, and she had to try hard to put on a smile: "I was so tired. I almost fell asleep while taking a bath just now..."

"Yes." Duan Jingxian nodded, sat down next to Lingjing, stretched out her arms to hug her daughter, and Lingjing snuggled into her mother's arms: "Mom..." her voice was slightly choked.

After holding Lingjing for a while, Duan Jingxian rubbed her daughter's hair affectionately with her chin: "Your father and I have been thinking about it for a long time because Jiaming..."

Everyone has experienced the troubles of adolescence. They think they understand the relationship between their three children, their daughter, Jiaming, and Shasha. Now Jiaming and Shasha are boyfriend and girlfriend, and their daughter has been together for so long. Pure friendship, of course, has its place. It is not surprising that this kind of pure love that has been in childhood can last a lifetime. It is also because of this that they did not object to the exchanges between the three of them, but they have been getting along for a long time. Now that everyone is young and budding, it would be no surprise if my daughter has some affection for Jiaming.

Originally, the three of them had grown up together, and the Ye couple were also optimistic about the pairing of their daughter and Jiaming. Even before the relationship between Jiaming and Shasha was announced, they thought about letting Lingjing marry Jiaming in the future, but later let Shasha Being the first to get there, there was nothing they could do. Thinking about it now, Jiaming and Shasha have been coming to the martial arts gym less recently. Their daughter suddenly said that she was going to Vienna, and she decided to leave immediately. It was probably because she found that she could no longer bear her feelings for Jiaming. On the one hand, she liked Jiaming. On the other hand, Shasha is her best friend. Under such circumstances, she naturally has no choice but to stay away.

There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing. Jiaming and Shasha are right, and their daughter is naturally right. And in the current situation, they naturally support their daughter to go to Vienna. Youth, love... time will always go slowly. To dilute everything, in fact, now is just the purest age. Maybe one day in the future, Jiaming and Shasha will break up. If Lingjing comes back, it's not impossible for the two of them to be together naturally.

Not knowing that the truth of the matter was far more complicated than they imagined, Lingjing held her mother in her arms after implicitly comforting her for a while. But he said nothing. It was close to five o'clock in the afternoon. Duan Jingxian got up and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Seeing Lingjing's tired look, she asked her to sleep for a while. However, a moment later, Lingjing's slightly thin figure appeared at the door of the kitchen: "Mom , stop cooking for me. I want to... go out for a while..."

"Uh..." Mother Ye held the spatula and seemed to want to say something. I was stunned for a moment and finally couldn't say anything.

"Um... go to Jiaming... and Shasha's place. I'm leaving tomorrow. Let's celebrate... We also need to bring the gifts that Guilin bought to them... um..."

"I know, go quickly." A smile appeared on Ye's mother's face. "I'll be late and won't be able to make it in time for dinner."

Standing at the door struggling to smile, looking at her mother's smiling face, Lingjing suddenly rushed over and hugged her: "Mom, thank you...I'm sorry..." No matter what, when children have to go away, they are always worried about their parents. , looking at that smile at this time, she realized that what she was thinking about and sad about was her love affair. But the feelings of the family were ignored. However, youth is what it is. After patting her daughter on the shoulder, Duan Jingxian said softly: "Don't be stupid, go quickly..."

"Well..." Lingjing ran out of the kitchen and saw her father helping her check the things to take away in the living room, and hugged him from behind. Kiss him on the cheek and run away. Ye Han turned around in confusion: "What's wrong?"

In the blink of an eye, Lingjing ran out of the room.

I feel so warm from my parents. In fact, there is no way to dilute the grievance in my heart. Things like feelings are not arithmetic problems. They cannot be eliminated by adding one plus one equals two one minus one. I took the bus to the gate of Sacred Heart College. Under the setting sun, Sacred Heart College had not yet started school. The square in front of her also seemed empty. When she walked through it, she remembered that we used to go to school together here and take a walk together after dinner in the evening. The pairs of figures seemed to be walking beside her. From then on, she felt even more sad in her heart. It was extremely uncomfortable.

Everything remained the same along the way, but her mood changed... All the way to the bustling game room, and up the stairs, she stood in front of the familiar door for a long time, and finally took out the key and opened the door. The room was as quiet as death. A familiar sound of typing on the keyboard seemed to come from outside, and it suddenly stopped suddenly, only to start again a moment later. At this time in the past, there would be busy sounds in the kitchen, the aroma of rice wafting out, the sound of kitchen knives on the chopping board, and the clatter of spatulas. Usually it was Jiaming and her doing these things, and Shasha was watching TV outside. Or help set the dishes and chopsticks...

She closed the door, took off her shoes, and sat quietly on the sofa for a while. Then she walked from the bedroom to the balcony, and walked to the door of the small room next to her. Jia Ming, who was playing on the computer, looked out from inside, and the two looked at each other silently. For a moment, she retreated quietly, like a ghost.

All the way to the kitchen, she opened the rice vat and started washing rice and cooking as usual. After the rice cooker was powered on, she washed a few green onions, then went to the living room to open the refrigerator and look for something to eat, including eggs, lean meat that had been stored for several days, sausages... The sausages were served on a plate, ready to be put into the rice. Steam it, mince the lean meat, and open the eggs. Everything is done with ease, and you can do it even if you close your eyes.

The oil was poured into the pot, making a sizzling sound. She silently made all this according to the previous steps, egg cakes, lean meat egg drop soup, and sausages cut into thin slices. At some point, Jiaming turned on the TV in the living room. She had probably finished the work on the computer, and then went into the kitchen to get the dishes and chopsticks to see what she was doing: "The meat has been there for many days, can it still be eaten?"

"It's okay, it's not broken."

They answered calmly, making them look like a young couple whose love began to fade after a long time of marriage. The kitchen is not spacious, and they have to turn sideways when walking around. For the two of them, it can be a perfect fit. When the food was served, it was getting dark. The two of them sat at the table and ate the not-so-rich dinner in silence. Jia Ming's appetite seemed to be very good, and he had already eaten two bowls in the blink of an eye. Ling Jing After only taking a few bites, I simply put down my chopsticks and watched him eat. After a long time, I said, "I'm going to Vienna tomorrow."

Jiaming paused for a moment, then continued eating and nodded: "Yes."

Lingjing took a deep breath: "I can't contact Shasha, but as long as you are here, she will be fine..."

"It's nothing serious, Shasha is here now..."

"What should I tell her?"

With a light tone, Lingjing stared at him and interrupted him directly, "You haven't told her about you and Sister Yahan yet. I...what can I say to her? Tell Shasha about me. Reasons to go to Vienna…”

She was silent for a moment: "I will call her back when I get there. By then...if you have confessed to her..."

After that, there was silence between the two of them. After eating and washing the dishes, Jia Ming watched TV in the living room outside. Lingjing sat on the bed in the bedroom and sorted some small things in the desk, occasionally looking at Jia Ming in the living room. The profile of Jia Ming just stood there for a long time. If Jia Ming turned her head to look at her, she would turn her head back to the table to sort out the small objects.

These things all have special meaning that is irreplaceable for her. The souvenirs she bought while traveling with Jiaming, the pay stub from her first job to make money, the "Star Dream" ferry tickets, Jiaming gives them to her occasionally when she is lucky. Her gifts, the family's income and expenditure record book, the wedding photo album of her, Jiaming, and Shasha... When it was about nine o'clock, she took out a small suitcase and took away what she wanted. After packing up his things, Jiaming also took out a pile of things from his room.

"...Some of the things I wrote may be helpful to you if you really play the piano in the future. Here is a business card. If anything happens in Vienna that cannot be solved, you can call her no matter what. , basically it can be solved, there is also a bank card here, the password is your birthday..."

As he spoke, he put the things next to Lingjing. Lingjing didn't look like she was refusing. She just looked at Jiaming's bandaged wrist for a while and asked, "How did you do it there?" ?”


"You've never been careful..."

Lingjing said this, Jiaming didn't answer, and she didn't ask any more questions. At about ten o'clock, after packing up the things she wanted to take away, Lingjing buttoned up her suitcase. The two of them stood by the bed for a long time. Jiaming said, "I'll send you down to call a taxi..." Picking up the suitcase Just as he was about to walk out, Ling Jing suddenly rushed over from behind and hugged him around the waist.

"What's the reason? Tell me!" She cried out in a choked voice.

Feeling the trembling of the girl's body behind him, Jiaming closed his eyes, and after a long while, he turned around and hugged Lingjing, as if he wanted to press her body into his own.

On a summer night, her body was burning hot, Lingjing hugged his neck, her lips tremblingly searched for Jiaming's mouth, as unfamiliar as if it was the first time between the two of them.

"Tonight...I won't go back..."


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